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浙南山区瘠薄旱地春马铃薯高产栽培技术林昌庭刘赵康程义华潘慧萍刘朝英(浙江省景宁县农业局3235001前言景宁县地处浙南山区,是个九山半水半分田的贫困县。种植春马铃薯具有悠久的历史,面积常年稳定在2000hm2以上。其中种植在瘠薄旱地上的春马铃薯167...  相似文献   

浙西南山区旱地马铃薯不同覆盖方法的增产效果   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
许多研究结果表明,地膜覆盖对马铃薯具有明显的增产效果,而马铃薯又是浙西南山区旱地种植的主要作物之一。在山区旱地土层浅薄,地力差,跑水跑肥严重的条件下,如何提高旱地生产能力,实现马铃薯高产是本研究的主要目的。在原有技术的基础上,利用山区特有资源和生产条件,设计多种材料进行地面覆盖,如栏肥、青草、秸秆等,开展多年定点定位观察,研究和探讨覆盖物对马铃薯的增产效应和培肥效果,为制定山区旱地马铃薯高产栽培配套技术提供依据。1 材料和方法试验在缙云县胡源乡章村旱梯地进行,共设栏肥覆盖(3000kg/667m2)、青草覆盖(2500kg/6…  相似文献   

<正> 近几年来,各地先后开展了旱地吨粮工程建设,我省缙云等县市旱地采用马铃薯/玉米/甘薯三熟制面积逐年扩大,山区半山区马铃薯一单季稻种植制度不断发展.随着地膜在各种作物上的应用,我省各地已开始了马铃薯地膜覆盖的试验示范.特进行本试验,以便为马铃薯地膜覆盖早熟高产技术措施的制定提供依据.  相似文献   

<正> 浙江省的马铃薯栽培,处于地理上的亚热带地区以山区栽培为主。浙江省南部山区为该省的主产区。马铃薯在该山区为主要的春粮作物,在全省的春粮生产中也占较重要的位置。在山区旱地吨粮千元工程中更起着十分重要的作用。但由于南方马铃薯种薯退化严重,每年需从北方大量调入种薯。据不完全统计,浙江省1990年调种150万公斤  相似文献   

山旱地早熟豌豆套种马铃薯技术赵明,陈彩琴(宁夏西吉县农业局756200)早熟豌豆间套种马铃薯,技术简便易行,是适合半干旱区山旱地发展、增产增收的有效途径。1990~1992年我们通过研究开发豌豆套种马铃薯技术,总结出适合西吉山旱地豌豆套种马铃薯栽培技...  相似文献   

宁夏南部山区马铃薯施肥现状与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决宁夏南部山区旱地马铃薯养分资源管理存在的问题。2012年,采用农户抽样调查方法,分析评价了3个县区100户宁夏南部山区旱地马铃薯的施肥现状和产量情况。结果表明,宁夏南部山区马铃薯当季纯N,P2O5,K2O平均总用量分别为249,95,60 kg/hm2,其中,N、P2O5养分输入以化肥为主(分别占57%和69%),而K2O输入以有机肥为主(占98%以上)。氮肥基施和追施平均用量分别为196和53 kg/hm2,基追比约为8︰2。施氮量与产量分布不同步,施氮200300 kg/hm2的农户数最多(占36%),但其平均产量仅12.7 t/hm2。随着施磷量的增加,马铃薯平均产量提高。随着施钾量的增加,马铃薯的产量呈先增加后降低的趋势,施K2O 100300 kg/hm2的农户数最多(占36%),但其平均产量仅12.7 t/hm2。随着施磷量的增加,马铃薯平均产量提高。随着施钾量的增加,马铃薯的产量呈先增加后降低的趋势,施K2O 100150 kg/hm2的平均产量最高(达16.6 t/hm2)。58%的旱地马铃薯种植户氮肥总投入过量,50%以上的磷肥和钾肥用量不足。因此,宁夏南部山区马铃薯要遵循有机无机配施,控氮、增磷、补钾的原则,有机肥用量为22.5150 kg/hm2的平均产量最高(达16.6 t/hm2)。58%的旱地马铃薯种植户氮肥总投入过量,50%以上的磷肥和钾肥用量不足。因此,宁夏南部山区马铃薯要遵循有机无机配施,控氮、增磷、补钾的原则,有机肥用量为22.530.0 t/hm2,化肥N、P2O5、K2O用量分别不超过150,90,40 kg/hm2为宜。  相似文献   

应用效应函数研究旱地马铃薯氮磷配合效果及经济肥指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对旱地马铃薯配合施用氮磷化肥增产效果。规律及获取利润的研究,提出了科学合理的N、P2O5施用量及配合比例,确定了旱地马铃薯生产的经济施肥指标,对同类干旱地区的马铃薯产业发展具有较大的指导意义。  相似文献   

西吉县旱地马铃薯双垄全膜覆盖集雨栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西吉县连年干旱的自然状况成为当地马铃薯产业发展的主要限制因素。通过多年的试验摸索总结出旱地马铃薯双垄全膜覆盖集雨栽培技术,主要包括选择地块,规格划行;合理施肥,起垄覆膜;土壤处理,防虫除草;选择良种,适时收获等环节。为西吉县乃至宁南山区马铃薯抗旱高产栽培提供了先进的技术和经验。  相似文献   

旱地马铃薯栽培农艺措施数学模型的研究龚学臣,杨立廷(张家口农业高等专科学校075131)1前言河北坝上高原,气候恶劣,十年九旱,沙坡梁旱地占总耕地面积的70%以上。马铃薯是坝上高寒区主要抗旱作物之一,提高马铃薯的产量,对坝上农业生产的发展具有重要意义...  相似文献   

程义华 《中国马铃薯》2004,18(3):172-173
浙南山区景宁畲族自治县近年来为了加快发展效益农业,充分发挥当地自然资源优势,种植结构不断调整优化,由水田延伸到旱地,2000年以来,全县在海拔600米以下地区的澄照、鹤溪、外舍、渤海、陈村等地累计推广种植“春马铃薯-甘薯 玉米-蔬菜”三熟四收的高效栽培模式88.4hm^2,取得  相似文献   

Development of alternative serological techniques to ELISA for detection of potato viruses offers advantages for monitoring virus incidence and for seed potato certification systems. Several trials showed that multiplex tissue print immunoassay (TPIA) and dot blot immunoassay (DBIA) might represent fast, practical, and sensitive alternatives for the detection of: Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV), Potato virus S (PVS), Potato virus X (PVX) and Potato virus Y (PVY), from green and/or tuber tissues. In TPIA, the specific precipitation patterns in infected tissues of leaf petioles or stem cross sections, observed with each virus, allowed identification of the specific virus or mixed infections in a single multiplex assay. For detection of PVY in green tissues, DBIA was shown to be over 50 times more sensitive than ELISA. TPIA and ELISA from the tuber stem end or from eyes might be used for rapid detection of PVY and PVS in seed potato tubers without prior germination. PVS was evenly distributed in potato tuber tissue, while PVY was localized in the vascular tissue beneath the epidermis, with irregular distribution along the periphery of the potato tuber. For laboratories in developing countries lacking time and facilities for tests based on tuber germination, monitoring for PVS and PVY using TPIA in tuber tissue may be a suitable alternative to ELISA.  相似文献   

Summary The use of imazethapyr as a sprout suppressant in potatoes has been investigated. Novel radionuclide techniques were developed to establish the patterns of uptake and movement of imazethapyr in potatoes. Protocols for tissue analysis were established to homogenise potato tuber tissue samples, enabling radiolabel recovery by liquid scintillation counting to approach 100%. The movement of imazethapyr was also examined in the presence of an acidic formulation of thiabendazole which caused increased uptake. The movement of imazethapyr within the tuber was also influenced by pH and ion trapping.  相似文献   

Genetic variance components for tuber dormancy in an interpopulation hybrid betweenSolanum tuberosum (Group Phureja) and (Group Stenotomum) were estimated using a N.C. Design II mating plan. The genetic variance estimate was high and was composed entirely of additive variance. The estimate of narrow sense heritability was. 73. The results indicated that significant progress can be made in shifting the mean length of tuber dormancy by simple mass selection techniques.  相似文献   

对马铃薯9个亲本及其不完全双列杂交组配的18个杂种无性一代的8个性状进行了杂种优势和配合力分析。结果表明:①8个性状均具有一定程度的杂种优势,超中亲优势的大小顺序为:烂薯率>块茎产量>结薯数>淀粉含量>单个块茎重>薯形>块茎外观>结薯习性;超高亲优势的排列顺序则为:结薯数>单个块茎重>块茎产量>块茎外观>烂薯率>淀粉含量>薯形>结薯习性。②品种P(2L0031-17)、P(4陇薯3号)、P(7L0218-38)、P(995D-P-8)具有较好的一般配合力,是理想的亲本材料。③组合P1×P4、P2×P9在淀粉含量、块茎产量等性状上具有较高的特殊配合力,产生较强的杂种优势。在马铃薯高淀粉育种中应选择高淀粉材料作为亲本之一,选配组合时亲本最好采用高×高类型或高×低类型配置组合。  相似文献   

以3个马铃薯品种为供试材料,在块茎增长期进行分期取样,对不同品种的产量和品质形成状况进行比较,以摸清不同品种的块茎形成特性,为特定品种配套适宜栽培技术的实施提供参考。结果表明:供试3个品种的单株产量存在显著差异,延薯4号的产量最高,薯块膨大早,商品薯率高;东农309的产量其次,薯块膨大较早,商品薯率较高;克新13号的产量最低,薯块膨大偏晚,商品薯率中等;但3个品种的单株结薯数量和干物质含量相近,均为结薯数量适中、干物质含量中等的中晚熟鲜食型品种。在生产上应根据品种特性配套栽培技术,以保证各品种获得较好的产量和品质。  相似文献   

牡丹江山区半山区马铃薯品种‘尤金’高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尤金马铃薯是鲜食和加工兼用型品种,商品性好,大薯率高,适宜对俄出口。针对牡丹江山区半山区的气候特点和马铃薯品种尤金的生育特性,从品种习性、选地整地、种薯处理、播种、施肥、田间管理、收获方面总结了牡丹江山区半山区高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

Is dormancy breaking of potato tubers the reverse of tuber initiation?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary Tuber formation is a well orchestrated physiological event that involves many metabolic changes. Dormancy gradually develops in potato tubers from the moment cell division in the stolon tip has stopped and the tuber starts to develop. Dormancy breakage may be the reverse of dormancy initiation suggesting that there may be similarities between tuber induction and dormancy development. Based on a literature review it is concluded that, when comparing tuber induction and the breaking of dormancy, hormonal activities are only partly reversed, whereas carbohydrates and enzyme activities might be reversed. For more definite conclusions more research should be done to assess precisely the moment of dormancy breaking. Moreover, measurements on events associated with tuber induction and dormancy breaking should be carried out using the same techniques and the same material. Molecular genetic analyses may provide well-defined markers for the timing of breaking of dormancy.  相似文献   

马铃薯块茎的外形是重要的商品品质和加工品质。为使马铃薯块茎外形生长规则理想化,试验采用块茎开始膨大直径达2 cm左右时,在其外面加套简单模具,让块茎生长随模具而"定形"的方法,试验得到了较为理想的近圆柱形块茎。经测定"定形"块茎芽眼极浅,近乎平面,且稀少,比对照减少37.5%,菜用时切削量减少18.25%。"定形"块茎形状规则,清洗切削方便,利用率提高,具有一定的增值开发潜力。  相似文献   

Summary Expression of the pectate lyase (PL) isoenzyme 3 in transgenic potato lines of cv. Désirée mediates an enhanced resistance of tuber tissue toErwinia carotovora (Ec) soft rot due to a pre-activation of plant defence mechanisms. Therefore, theSolanum tuberosum cvs Agave and Adretta with a moderate level of soft rot resistance were crossed with such PL-expressing potato lines. The resulting progenies were assessed with respect to plant/tuber characteristics over a period of four years and then tested for PL3-expression as well as for soft rot resistance. 71% of the selected progeny lines exhibited a stable production of the PL3 enzyme. Statistical analysis revealed differences between the transgenic and the non-transgenic progeny concerning the soft rot resistance of tuber tissue. Compared with the PL-inactive progeny, extension of Ec-rotting on the wound surface of PL-transgenic potatoes was diminished on average by 51.8%. Similarly, the degree of cell lysis caused by bacterial maceration was significantly (P<0.05) reduced in tuber tissue of PL-expressing progeny lines. The latter also revealed an enhanced PPO and PAL activity in their tuber tissue indicating an active plant defence. It is concluded therefore that the PL-mediated soft rot resistance introduced into potatoes by means of molecular techniques is heritable.  相似文献   

马铃薯类病毒病是威胁世界马铃薯生产的主要病害之一,更影响着发展中国家马铃薯产业的发展。2008~2010年,黑龙江省农业科学院植物脱毒苗木研究所连续3年举办了马铃薯病害检测技术国际培训班,对部分发展中国家从事马铃薯工作的人员进行培训,在培训过程中进行了马铃薯类病毒方面的问卷调查,调查结果显示:这些发展中国家对马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒比较了解,发病较重的国家不多,但总体检测水平不高,甚至不进行马铃薯类病毒的检测,多数国家不重视马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒病的防治工作。因此,马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒病是发展中国家的隐患。  相似文献   

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