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The harbour seal population in the Dutch Wadden Sea decreased significantly during the last decades. Calculations based on bounty data revealed that the population decreased from about 2700 in 1950 to about 900 in 1959. Annual aerial surveys ‐ which were carried out since that time ‐ showed a slight increase due to the stop of hunting. However, after 1964 a new decline occurred and since 1974 the population stays at a level of about 450 specimens.

During 1974 to 1978 the population dynamics of the population have been studied. Frequent aerial surveys provided data on the size of the population. These data have been used in a simulation model and the birth rate and the initial juvenile mortality were calculated. During boat trips an indication of the age composition was obtained by measuring track widths. By comparing these results with similar results from a stable population in Schleswig Holstein it appeared: (1) that juvenile mortality in the first weeks in the Dutch population is higher than that in Schleswig Holstein but the overall mortality of pups in both areas in their first three months of life is of the same order; (2) that pup production in the Dutch population is low compared to the population in Schleswig Holstein; (3) that apparently immigration from elsewhere occurs.

To investigate the contribution of environmental pollution to the decline of the Dutch seal population tissues of dead, stranded animals originating from Schleswig Holstein, Denmark and the Netherlands were collected and analyzed for PCBs, o,p'‐DDT, p,p’,(DDT, DDE, TDE), dieldrin, aldrin, endrin, endosulfan, a, β, γ,‐HCH, HCB, QCB (pentachlorobenzene), HEPO, total mercury, methylmercury, selenium and bromium.

Considering epidemiological and experimental data on the effects of PCBs on mammalian reproduction, strong support is obtained for the hypothesis that PCBs are responsible for the decreased reproduction in seals from the Dutch Wadden Sea.

If PBCs are responsible for the decrease of the Dutch seal population, measures of all North Sea countries are urgently required because these PCBs may not only be a hazard to seals but also to other animals and even man. Production and use of PCBs should he limited and used PCBs should be collected and destroyed. However, even if an immediate ban on PCB's would be effected, the effects of PCBs ‐ because of their persistent character ‐ are likely to last many years. For that reason it may be assumed that the seal population in the western Wadden Sea still faces a difficult period in the years to come. In order to lead this population through this difficult period, all possible measures enhancing its continued existence should be taken. Since the seals in the Wadden Sea form one population maximum result may be expected from measures applying to all seals in the Wadden Sea. Thus international cooperation is necessary.

The following measures are proposed:

Continued interdiction of hunting in order to obtain a maximum number of animals taking part in reproduction.

Establishment of seal reserves and, additionally supporting seal nursery stations in order to guarantee a maximum reproductive output.

However, it has to be stressed that these measures are not effective if at the same time the main cause of the decrease is not found and brought under control.  相似文献   

From post-mortem material (liver and lung) and leucocytes of four (3.6%) out of 112 examined harbour seals during the seal epizootic in 1988 six cytopathogenic viral isolates were obtained which were provisionally classified as herpes-like viruses. Results of physico-chemical and electron microscopic investigations suggested their relationship to the herpesvirus family. Serological examinations were carried out with sera from wildlife as well as captive animals using herpesvirus isolates from four different seals. The neutralization tests revealed as only moderate distribution of seropositive reagents up to 53% of the wildlife seal population. Amongst the seals in the orphanage of Norddeich a very small number of seropositive animals was found. The results obtained indicated a minor role of herpesviruses as primary cause of seal mortality in the North Sea during the 1988 season.  相似文献   

During the seal epidemic in 1988 and the beginning of 1989, 115 common seals found dead on the shores of the Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony were investigated for the presence of nematodes. The lungworm Otostrongylus circumlitus Railliet 1899 was found in 26.1% of the seals, the lungworm Parafilaroides gymnurus Railliet 1899 in 26.9% and the heartworm Dipetalonema spirocauda Leidy 1858 in 32.2% of the seals. In the digestive tract, two anisakid species were found, Pseudoterranova decipiens Mozgovoi 1951 in 87.8% and Contracaecum osculatum Rudolphi 1802 in 10.4% of the seals. Statistical analysis revealed a negative correlation between age of the seals and prevalence and intensity of infestation with the two lungworm species and the heartworms. Adult seals were found not to be infected with Dipetalonema spirocauda and Parafilaroides gymnurus, whereas the prevalence of the two anisakid species increased with increasing age of the seals. Pseudoterranova decipiens was found more often in autumn and winter than in summer. This parasite was more prevalent and had higher worm counts in the eastern part of the Wadden Sea than in the western part. Parafilaroides gymnurus and Dipetalonema spirocauda were found more often in seals with smaller blubber thickness than in well fed seals.  相似文献   

The relapse of the outbreak of the phocine distemper virus in the Danish island of Anholt this June, emphasizes the importance of the topic among experts. During the phocine distemper virus (PDV) epidemic in 1988, a total of 23,000 harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) died. In 2002 a second outbreak of PDV resulted in the death of more than 30,000 harbor seals. Both epidemics originated near the Danish island of Anholt and spread to adjacent colonies. Additional centres of infection were observed in the Dutch Wadden Sea far from the infected Danish seal populations. Arctic seals and grey seals were considered as vectors. Grey seal populations may serve as a reservoir for PDV or act as subclinically infected carriers of the virus between Arctic and North Sea seal populations. Mixed colonies of grey and harbour seals are widely distributed in the North and Baltic Seas. The role of environmental contaminants and their potential impact on immune function are discussed. The duration and geographical patterns of the two PDV epidemics are compared.  相似文献   

The seal death in Danish waters 1988. 2. Virological studies.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mass abortions and high mortality were observed in harbour seals in Danish waters during 1988. Severe pneumonia and emphysema were typical clinical and post-mortem findings. Virological studies were carried out to identify the cause of the epidemic. Although seal herpesvirus (SeHV) was isolated in 23 of 114 animals this virus was subsequently found not to be the primary cause of the disease. Following the observation of seroconversion against canine distemper virus (CDV) in diseased seals (Osterhaus & Vedder 1988) a CDV-like morbillivirus (phocine distemper virus, PDV) was identified in organs of diseased animals. It is concluded that the epidemic was caused by introduction of PDV into a highly susceptible population presumably free from morbillivirus infection. The origin of PDV remains unknown but evidence of prior morbillivirus infection has been found in arctic and antarctic seal populations.  相似文献   

Since 1988 morbilliviruses have been increasingly recognized and held responsible for mass mortality amongst harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and other seal species. Virus isolations and characterization proved that morbilliviruses from seals in Northwest Europe were genetically distinct from other known members of this group including canine distemper virus (CDV), rinderpest virus, peste des petits ruminants virus and measles virus. An epidemic in Baikal seals in 1987 was apparently caused by a morbillivirus closely related to CDV so that two morbilliviruses have now been identified in two geographically distant seal populations, with only the group of isolates from Northwest Europe forming a new member of the genus morbillivirus: phocid distemper virus (PDV). Because of distemper-like disease, the Baikal seal morbillivirus was tentatively named PDV-2 in spite of its possible identity with CDV. The appearance of morbilliviruses in the Mediterranean Sea causing high mortality amongst dolphins should further increase the research activities on protection strategies for endangered species of marine mammals.  相似文献   

Investigations for Brucella-infections were conducted in 29 hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) caught between Svalbard and Greenland (North Atlantic Ocean; Greenland Sea) autumn 2002, and from 20 ringed seals (Phoca hispida) caught in Billefjord, Svalbard, spring 2003. All animals were apparently healthy and were caught in their natural habitat. Bacteriology on tissue samples from ringed seals was negative, whereas Brucella sp. were recovered in tissues from 11 of the 29 hooded seals (38%), with the highest tissue prevalence in spleen (9/29) and lung lymph nodes (9/24). Anti-Brucella antibodies were detected in sera from 9 hooded seals (31%) (EDTA-modified Slow Agglutination test of Wright, Rose Bengal test, Complement Fixation Test, and Protein-A ELISA). The bacterial isolates all belonged to the genus Brucella according to classical biotyping and PCR analysis based on Insertion Sequence IS711, and were shown to be typical marine mammal strains, based on the occurrence of an IS711 element downstream of the bp26 gene. Their dependency on CO2 for growth, and the presence of one copy each of the omp2a and omp2b gene finally classified them as Brucella pinnipediae. Furthermore, all the hooded seal isolates showed an A+ M+ agglutination profile, which is different from the profile of reference seal strain 2/94 (harbour seal, Phoca vitulina). Thus, these results indicate that B. pinnipediae may contain different biovars. The present results suggest that infection with B. pinnipediae is enzootic in this population. Since the hooded seal is commercially hunted and consumed in Norway, the pathological impact of such infections and their zoonotic potential should be further addressed.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to identify and compare 32 beta-hemolytic streptococci isolated from 28 different harbor seals of the German North Sea during the phocine distemper outbreak in 2002. The bacteria were identified as Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus based on cultural, biochemical, serological and molecular studies. Epidemiological investigations by PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region and gene szp and by macrorestriction analysis of the chromosomal DNA of the strains by pulsed field gel electrophoresis revealed that all 32 strains appeared to be identical. These results indicate that a single bacterial clone seemed to be distributed among the harbor seal population of the German North Sea during this outbreak.  相似文献   

From 16 (14%) out of 112 dead or euthanized seals originating from wildlife and seal orphanages phocine morbillivirus was isolated. The majority of viral isolates in cell cultures was obtained from lung homogenates of 15 out of 71 free-ranging seals (21%). The virus was isolated by longterm cultivation in roller cultures of seal kidney cells. The phocine morbillivirus was detected by typical cytopathogenic alteration and by peroxidase-linked antibody (PLA) assay, respectively. A neutralization test based on PLA was used for antibody detection in seals using a canine distemper virus (CDV) strain and in parallel one of the phocine morbillivirus isolates. All sera tested were proven to contain neutralizing antibodies of higher titres against the latter virus than against the CDV strain. Several seals furnished morbillivirus isolates and at the same time exhibited neutralizing antibodies of low to medium titres. No viral isolates were obtained from the majority of sick animals with moderate to high neutralizing titres (greater than 1/1,000). The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the cause of the mass mortality amongst seals observed in 1988 in the Bay of Heligoland.  相似文献   

The influence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on phocine distemper virus (PDV) infections in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) was studied. Six out of ten seals had been conditioned with a defined mixture of PCB-congeners for several weeks. Following exposure to the cell culture-propagated PDV isolate 2558/Han 88 the complete clinical picture of "1988 seal plague" was provoked in all ten seals inoculated. Four out of six PCB-conditioned seals and two out of four seals not loaded with PCBs succumbed to the infection within three weeks post inoculation. With regard to the clinical course, duration of cell-associated viremia, PDV-antigen distribution in tissues of fatally infected seals and the humoral immune response to PDV no differences between PCB-loaded and unloaded seals were recognized. Evidence was obtained that the pathogenesis of experimental PDV-infection in harbour seals shares some features with those of canine distemper in terrestrial carnivores. In contrast, however, to experimental distemper infection of gnotobiotic dogs prompt development of high titres of PDV-specific IgG did not correlate with recovery from infection.  相似文献   

A high prevalence of uterine leiomyoma has been reported in Baltic gray seals aged 15 years and above. Studies on Baltic seals during the 1970s revealed high tissue concentrations of the organochlorines bis(chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane (DDT) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), lowered reproduction rate, and pathologic changes. In the second half of the 1970s, decreases of PCB and DDT in Baltic biota occurred, and the prevalence of pregnancies in Baltic seals increased. Between 1975 and 1997, 53 Baltic gray seal females of age 15-40 years were found dead and sent to the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Seals were autopsied and 34/53 (64%) had uterine leiomyomas. Samples from 15 were sufficiently well preserved for histologic examination. Uterine leiomyomas were found most commonly in the uterine corpus but also were observed in the uterine horns, cervix, and vagina. Cut surfaces of the leiomyomas appeared as whorled white fibrous tissue. Histologically, spindle cells were arranged in a whorl-like pattern. The nuclei were rod-like and strikingly uniform in shape and size. Mitotic figures were rare. Immunohistochemical staining of the tumors showed a positive reaction to antibodies recognizing smooth muscle actin. Reproductively active gray seals have an ovarian corpus luteum or albicans for most of the year. In 22/34 (65%) gray seals with uterine leiomyomas, ovaries did not contain corpora. In gray seals without macroscopically detected uterine leiomyoma, ovaries from 6/19 (32%) seals had no corpora. It is possible that the development of leiomyoma in the seals is associated with organochlorines and the previous low reproductive activity.  相似文献   

Between August 1988 and January 1989 110 common seals found dead along the coast of Lower Saxony were investigated for the occurrence of trematodes, cestodes and acanthocephala. Two fluke species, Cryptocotyle lingua Creplin, 1825 and Phagicola septentrionalis Van Den Broek, 1967, two tapeworm species Diphyllobothrium cordatum Leuckart, 1863 and Diphyllobothrium elegans Krabbe, 1865, and the acanthocephala species Corynosoma strumosum Rudolphi, 1802 were found. Phagicola septentrionalis and the cestodes were always found together with Cryptocotyle lingua. The prevalence of Phagicola septentrionalis, the diphyllobothriids and the acanthocephala increased with increasing age of the pinniped host. The worm counts of all species appeared to increase with increasing age of the host. The adult male seals were more often infested with Phagicola septentrionalis and cestodes than the female adults and the younger pinnipeds. There was no correlation between blubber thickness of the seals and parasitic infection. The prevalence of the diphyllobothriids and the intensity of the infection with acanthocephala were higher in seals found in the eastern part of the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to identify 15 beta-hemolytic streptococci isolated during a period between 1988 and 2005 from nine harbour seals and six grey seals from various origins of the North Sea. All isolates were identified as Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus. The bacteria were additionally investigated for relatedness by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of PCR amplified 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region and gene szp and by macrorestriction analysis of chromosomal DNA of the strains by pulsed field gel electrophoresis. The molecular analysis yielded identical or closely related patterns within the strains of the present study and with the S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus strains isolated from harbour seals of German North Sea which were investigated previously [Akineden, O., Hassan, A.A., Alber, J., El-Sayed, A., Estoepangestie, A.T.S., L?mmler, C., Weiss, R., Siebert, U., 2005. Phenotypic and genotypic properties of S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus isolated from harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the German North Sea during the phocine distemper outbreak in 2002. Vet. Microbiol. 110, 147-152]. This indicates that this single or closely related bacterial clone existed during both phocine distemper virus epidemics in 1988 and 2002 and that a direct transmission of the strains has occurred between two seal species and between seal populations of far distant regions possibly with grey seals as a vector.  相似文献   

Phocine distemper virus (PDV) caused thousands of deaths among harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the North Sea in 1988 and 2002. To examine the effects of different factors on the pathology of phocine distemper, we performed necropsies and laboratory analyses on 369 harbor seals that stranded along the Dutch coast during the 2002 PDV epidemic. Diagnostic tests for morbillivirus infection indicated a differential temporal presence of morbillivirus in lung and brain. Seals of 3 years or older were significantly more often IgG positive than younger seals. The most frequent lesions in PDV cases were bronchopneumonia, broncho-interstitial pneumonia, and interstitial emphysema. Extra-thoracic emphysema was rare in <1-year-olds compared with older seals, even though severe pneumonia was more common. PDV cases generally had empty stomachs and less blubber than by-caught seals from before the epidemic. In PDV cases involving older animals, lung, kidney, and adrenal weights were significantly increased. Bordetella bronchiseptica was isolated from lungs in two thirds of the PDV cases examined. Our results indicate that brain should be included among the tissues tested for PDV by RT-PCR; that either phocine distemper has a longer duration in older seals or that there are age-related differences in immunity and organ development; that dehydration could play a role in the course and outcome of phocine distemper; and that bacterial coinfections in lungs are more frequent in PDV cases than gross lesions suggest. These results illustrate how quantitative analysis of pathology data from such epidemics can improve understanding of the causative disease.  相似文献   

Background — The harp seal (Phoca groenlandica) is one of the most important predators in the Northeastern Atlantic ecosystem. Establishing biochemical reference intervals is important for evaluating the health status of harp seals kept in captivity and for evaluating the effects of environmental changes on the health of populations in the wild. Objective — The purpose of this study was to determine reference values for serum biochemical parameters in wild adult harp seals using readily available current methods. Methods — Blood samples were obtained from 14 adult female harp seals and 9 suckling pups on the pack ice of the Greenland Sea in early March 1998. Seven seals were humanely killed on the ice by permission of the Norwegian Directory for Fisheries and in conjunction with several other research projects. The seals were sampled within 15 minutes postmortem. Remaining seals were captured alive and sampled via the extradural intravertebral vein. Serum biochemical parameters were measured using a Technicon Axon analyzer and included electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and calcium), substrates (free fatty acids, triglycerides, fructosamine, and glucose), end products (urea and uric acid), and proteins (total protein, globulins, and albumin). Serum protein electrophoresis also was done. Data were tested for normality and reference limits were calculated as mean ±1.96 × SD. Results between groups were compared using 2‐tailed t‐tests. Results — Serum levels of glucose and triglycerides were lower, but serum levels of urea were higher in dead animals than in animals that were captured alive. Serum levels for 7 of 17 parameters were significantly different in pups compared with adults. Separate reference intervals were calculated for adult seals and seal pups. Conclusion — Both sampling method and age should be considered when evaluating the results of analysis of serum parameters in wild and captive harp seals.  相似文献   

The adrenal gland is a vitally important endocrine gland that occupies a central role in the regulatory mechanisms of the body metabolism. Environmental stress factors lead to permanent strain and overload of the body resulting in structural alterations of the adrenals that in turn are followed by hormonal imbalances. This leads to an increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral diseases. The recurrence of numerous fatalities in the different seal populations of the North Sea (during the years 1988, 1989 and 2002), of the Baikal Lake and Caspian Sea (during the years 2000 and 2001) were the motive for a morphological investigation of the species-specific structure of the adrenal gland of the common seal in order to differentiate environmental stress-induced pathological alterations from the physiological structure of this organ. The study was based on adrenals of 112 common seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) using light microscopic and transmission and scanning electron microscopic methods. The phocine adrenal gland displays several structural characteristics. Originating from the connective tissue organ capsule, narrow and broad septa intersperse the adrenal cortex. These septa contain blastemata as a reserve for the regeneration of hormone-producing cortical cells. Such blastemata are also occurring in the form of an intermediate zone in between the zona glomerulosa and zona fasciculata in the phocine adrenal cortex. Another species-specific characteristic is an inverse part of the adrenal cortex encircling the central vein of the organ. These structural features have to be considered in assessment and definition of pathological alterations of the adrenals as observed in the form of exhausted blastema cell pools in the adrenocortex of seals perished in the mentioned phocine mass mortalities.  相似文献   

Although the causes have not been specified yet, wild populations of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) have been decreasing, which is why conservation techniques such as captive breeding and health maintenance should be established. Hematological parameters can be used to maintain the health status of northern fur seals kept in captivity for artificial reproduction and public education. Year-round fluctuations of blood parameters have not been examined for northern fur seals due to the difficulties in obtaining serial blood samples from wild animals during the oceanic migration period from late autumn to spring. In this study, blood samples were collected from four captive northern fur seals and analyzed monthly for more than three years to clarify the seasonal fluctuation patterns in 14 hematological parameters. Many hematological parameters seemed to be seasonal patterns: summer–autumn and winter–spring; leukocyte-related parameters were higher in summer and autumn than in winter and spring; erythrocyte-related parameters were lower in summer and autumn than in winter and spring. Significant seasonal differences in nine of the 14 parameters were observed using a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) analysis. These results have improved our understanding of the seasonal patterns of hematological characteristics in the northern fur seal and can contribute to the health care of protected or captive northern fur seals.  相似文献   

Eight harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), two of them seronegative, six seropositive against PDV and a seronegative grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) were exposed to a low doses of a cell culture-propagated phocine distemper virus isolate (PDV 2558/Han 88). An intranasal route of inoculation was chosen. Clinical signs, resembling those of 1988's seal disease and seroconversion were observed in both seronegative harbour seals. One of them succumbed to the infection. The virus was not transmitted to another susceptible harbour seal which served as in-contact animal. Virus could be recovered from leucocytes of the diseased seals. Viremia was also present in a seropositive harbour seal that developed mild clinical signs; other seropositive seals were protected from clinical disease. The grey seal showed seroconversion upon inoculation, but did not develop any signs of disease. The humoral immune response of the seals plainly discriminated between homologous (PDV) and heterologous (canine distemper virus, CDV) virus as shown by virus neutralization tests and an antibody-binding assay (PLA).  相似文献   

Jean Dorst 《African Zoology》2013,48(1):147-148
This is a report of a marine predator (the white shark) being threatened by a member of the species on which it preys (a male Cape fur seal). Although these events may be rarely observed or occur infrequently, they may have important implications for the predator and its prey.We suggest that shark mobbing by adult male Cape fur seals is adaptive for the reduction of risk of predation by sharks. Mobbing of sharks is likely to alert conspecifics to the presence of a predator, and/or reduce the shark's hunting motivation near the mobbing site.  相似文献   

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