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为落实国家能繁母猪保险政策.河北省滦县专门召开能繁母猪保险工作会议,并在全县各镇组织开展能繁母猪养殖情况调查统计工作。畜牧水产局积极参与能繁母猪的统计、审核及公示工作,制定了“能繁母猪死亡认定程序”。同时,明确能繁母猪必须配有能识别猪只身份的统一标识。  相似文献   

广州市饲料行业协会(以下简称协会)从2009年开始承担广州市饲料工业统计工作。六年来,在市饲料工作办公室的直接指导下,协会逐渐建立起规范的统计工作程序,围绕生产数据的收集、调研、分析、上报全面开展统计服务。  相似文献   

医院统计信息工作担负着管理医院信息资源的职能,统计信息全面反映了医院医疗、教学、科研、设备、财力、物资、行政等各方面管理的信息。随着医院信息化建设的不断深入,统计信息工作由封闭型转向开放型,从内涵上不断丰富拓展,由单一的统计职能转变为统计与管理相结合的综合职能。  相似文献   

引言在动植物育种工作中,有时已知来自同一总体的若干样本的某一统计量。由于抽样误差的存在,样本越小则其统计量误差越大。为更准确估计总体的相应参数,需合并样本。当然可以合并使用各样本的原始数据估算总体参数,但这样不仅费事费时,而且若缺乏原始数据时也是不可能的;若能直接合并各样本统计量求得合并样本统计量作为总体参数估值,则要简捷得多。王冠立(1988)曾提出了样本均值和标准差的合并计算公式。本文试进一步推证协方差、相关系数、回归系数、重复力、遗传力及遗传相关的多样本合并计算公式。  相似文献   

畜牧业统计监测工作是一项重要的基础性工作,是上级畜牧兽医部门制定和落实政策的基本支撑,是提高畜牧业监管能力的重要抓手。《中华人民共和国统计法》和《畜牧业统计调查制度》等法律法规制度对养殖场(户)、各级地方畜牧兽医主管部门统计监测工作都提出了明确的要求。近年来由于精准脱贫产业发展工作需要,群众饲养牲畜数量变化很大,加之受异常天气影响,部分地方出现畜牧业严重受灾情况,牲畜存栏和出栏量都有不同情况变化。因此,做好今年及今后一段时间畜牧业统计监测工作意义重大。现就如何做好乡村畜牧业统计及监测工作提出意见和建议,供广大同行参考。  相似文献   

Excel是Microsoft公司推出的一种电子表格程序,也是目前最流行的关于电子表格处理的软件之一。它具有强大的计算、分析和图表等功能,已经成为用户办公必不可少的一个常用办公软件。我在招商引资项目统计工作中一直使用OfficeExcel2003,在多年的实际工作中,总结了一些应用技巧……  相似文献   

基层动物防疫网络化管理信息数据系统,是充分利用终端设备和大数据的统计调取优势,在动物防疫工作中,对动物存养量、防疫量等数据通过客户端录入电子管理平台,兽医主管部门及动物防疫监督机构因工作需要随时随地调取相关数据资料,提高监督管理的工作效率和工作质量。  相似文献   

本文通过罕山绒山羊的绒厚与抓绒量的相关分析、回归分析为例,介绍SPSS统计软件进行相关分析、回归分析、回归方程的建立,说明SPSS统计软件在生物统计学辅助教学中的重要作用。  相似文献   

正畜牧统计监测工作是畜牧业管理的一项重要基础工作,准确、及时、全面的统计数据,是为政府提供科学决策和发展规划的重要依据,也是提高畜牧业监管能力的重要抓手。《中华人民共和国统计法》和《畜牧业统计调查制度》等法律法规和制度对养殖场(户)和地方各级畜牧兽医部门的统计监测工作提出了明确要求。近年来,随着五水共治和生态畜牧业的不断推进,畜禽养殖量变化很大,尤其是2019年以来,由于非洲猪瘟的肆虐,生猪稳产保供工作提上日程,这些都对搞好畜牧统计监测工  相似文献   

组织石蜡制片是教学、科研、病理检验工作中广泛应用的一种实验技术。传统的常规石蜡制片程序繁多,费时费力,工作效率不高。近年来笔者试用振荡法进行组织的固定、脱水、透明和浸蜡,不仅缩短了时间,简化了程序,减少了工作量,而且提高了蜡块和切片的质量,使蜡块及切片可以重切并  相似文献   

周莉娅 《野生动物》2014,(4):475-479
保护教育作为现代动物园的主要职能之一,常态化的保护教育项目的开展正是动物园这一职能的重要体现.近两年南京市红山森林动物园开发了6个动物场馆幕后之旅的常态化教育项目,以澳洲区幕后之旅为例,通过对2014年4~7月的活动参与者进行问卷调查,对教育项目进行评估.结果显示此类教育项目切合当下亲子游的市场需求,对于影响常态化教育项目初期的正常开展的主要因素有市场推广、项目内容和师资力量.其中市场推广效果较好的是朋友推荐和网络宣传;项目内容中受欢迎程度较高的是亲近动物或动物相关内容;关于项目形式幼儿(4~6岁)偏好游戏互动环节而小学低年级(7~9岁)偏好动物故事环节.  相似文献   

In 1970, the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota started an externship program as part of their large animal clinical education program. The basic idea was to work in cooperation with practitioners, using their practice world as a teaching resource. During the 1973-1974 school year, this program was evaluated by the University of Minnesota Measurement Services Center. In this externship program, senior year students spend 1 or 2 weeks in practice that closely matches each student's career interest, eg, cow-calf, dairy, swine, or zoo. The participating veterinarians are charged with the responsibility of performing as teachers during the field experience and of assisting the student in preparing a seminar topic. This seminar topic is presented in a discussion format during the spring quarter to other externship students, faculty, and attending practitioners. Since 1970, a total of 176 students have taken externships, and every year 15 to 20 group practices have participated. The principal evaluation results were based on questionnaire responses from 36 students and 20 practices during the 1973-1974 academic year. Students and practitioners indicated that the externship had been a beneficial experience for them. Many felt that the period of externship should have been longer. In general, practitioners agreed that students were able to manage most diagnostic situations and manipulative procedures that occurred during the externship. The seminar was judged by students and practitioners to be a valuable part of the program, and faculty who participated in the seminar believed that it made them more aware of field situations facing practicing veterinarians.  相似文献   

随着高等院校青年教师人数的增加,其教师个人素质表现出参差不齐的现象。职业素质的欠缺,使青年教师队伍出现教育专业精神缺乏,专业技能、学科知识不强等现象。因此,信阳农林学院实施了以青年教师导师制、听课制为基础,以资源共享课程、精品课程及学科建设为发展思路,确立了多元化的青年教师职业道德建设模式。实践证明,青年教师职业素质培养是农林类院校高等教育健康可持续发展的保证。  相似文献   

In previous issues of the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, wide-ranging insights on how to achieve excellence in the classroom have been framed by award-winning teachers. These recipes for educational success, however, invariably lack a key ingredient-the teacher's process of self-renewal. What skills and attitudes prime the teacher for continued high performance? To stay out of the ruts of expertise, where does the teacher turn? Teachers and administrators alike recognize its great importance, yet few opportunities for the renewal of teachers are built into the educational system. In this article, we challenge teachers to see their own self-renewal as an underutilized approach to innovate education. We propose a schema for sustained self-renewal: each educator developing her own personalized, hand-picked gallery of intellectual heroes who in turn serve as the educator's life-long teachers. To illustrate the value of this activity, we introduce our own collection of 10 gifted thinkers, providing a brief encounter with each sage as a way of stimulating new thinking on the skills and attitudes that promote personal growth and transformative teaching. We conclude that the veterinary profession should work to create better opportunities for the self-renewal of teachers. By envisioning even our best teachers as unfinished and under construction, we open up a new dialogue situating the self-renewal of teachers at the very core of educational excellence.  相似文献   

高校青年教师良好师德的形成需要教育主管部门、高校和青年教师的共同努力。当前,高校青年教师师德建设在认识和管理上存在一定的误区,尽管高校和青年教师也做了种种努力,但是师德建设效果不够明显。因此,笔者结合高校实际情况,提出了一系列加强高校青年师德建设实效性的措施,力图通过这些措施来加强高校青年教师师德建设,从而提高青年教师队伍的整体师德水平。  相似文献   

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht has recently introduced two major curriculum changes in order to keep pace with developments in research (the vast increase in scientific knowledge), in society (the quality awareness of veterinary clients), and in the veterinary profession, where a species and sector differentiation can be observed. After about 15 years during which the curriculum remained more or less unchanged, a radical curriculum revision was introduced in 1995. A further revision, with the introduction of separate study tracks, began in 2001. The 2001 curriculum focuses on academic and scientific training, active learning and problem solving, training in communication and professional behavior, and lifelong learning. It is divided into a four-year core curriculum, in which a broad, cross-species pathobiological insight is central, and a two-year track curriculum, through which students achieve a starting competence in a specific species or sector. The main teaching methods are tutorials and group tasks; practical work is used mainly to achieve specific veterinary skills. Teaching hours represent 30-35% of all study hours. Self-teaching is encouraged by providing study materials, self-teaching questions, teachers assigned to assist with self-teaching, and adequate facilities. The five tracks offered are Companion Animals/Equine; Food Animals; Veterinary Public Health; Veterinary Research; and Veterinary Administration and Management. All students follow a uniform 30-week clinical rotation program, while the track program is 42 weeks. A summary of admission procedures is given, as well as the times and procedures for track selection.  相似文献   

教学成效的评价是教学过程的重要环节,教师通过反馈的信息可以跟踪学生的学习进度以便掌握情况,修订教学内容,改进教学方法,促进学生自觉学习,提高学习效果。文中结合高校计算机基础教育的课程特点和学生的实际情况,探讨了贯穿整个教学过程的教学评价。对学生的评价可以由教师、同伴及学生自己进行,但最终要靠学习者的自我评价;对教师的教学工作、教学内容和系统的评价则需要教师、学生以及系统或教务管理员共同参与,根据上述评价要素所提供的信息进行分析,将评价结果反馈给评价对象,并提出改进意见。  相似文献   

王晓娟  刘竞  金樑 《草业科学》2005,22(9):95-99
以兰州大学草业学院青年教师为代表,通过相关数据的统计分析,探讨现行教育体制下青年教师具备的长处和存在的不足.结果表明,当代青年教师需要在以下几方面顺应社会进步与发展所带来的挑战,并通过不断学习加强自身的素质和修养:1)社会变革和经济发展所带来的社会价值观的改变和对人才需求变化,青年教师要不断调整自身的心态和提高业务能力,从容面对;2)面对当代大学生旺盛的求知欲,青年教师要积极引导学生调整知识结构;3)作为未来科研和教学的主力军,青年教师要不断提高自身的科学素养,锻炼自身的科研能力;4)从个人发展角度而言,青年教师要树立正确的科研观,实现自我发展的超越.  相似文献   

细胞工程是一门实践性和综合性很强的学科,传统的教学方法和手段比较单一,对教师教学水平发展和学生创新能力培养均不利.通过对教学内容调整和更新,加强实践和实验环节,运用现代教学手段,优化教师素质,发挥学生的主人翁意识,充分调动教师和学生的积极性.探讨了上述教学改革措施在《细胞工程》课程教学中的重要性,从而为进一步完善《细胞工程》课程教学改革奠定基础,并可为其他高校该课程理论和实践教学提供参考.  相似文献   

根据高校人才培养目标,结合本科生学习的心理特点,对高校青年教师讲授动物解剖学课程的教学内容和教学方法进行了思考。从动物解剖学课程的特点出发,从改革讲授内容的重点、提高教师自身的教学能力和素质、改善实验教学条件、利用多媒体技术和网络平台以及考核方法改革等方面对课程教学建设提出了相应的建议,以期能够提高高校青年教师讲授动物解剖学课程的水平,激发学生对课程的学习兴趣,最终达到提高本科教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

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