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In order to continue to produce livestock in a sustainable fashion, it is suggested that what was used in the past will continue to form the mainstay of future control. For the foreseeable future, we must conserve what we have, and use it in combination with all the principles of integrated pest management, namely strategic and focussed treatments of animals, environmental control of breeding sites, disease management (including the principles of enzootic stability), and resistant breeds. Whilst new technologies, such as the development of vaccines both against the insect pest in some cases or the disease they transmit in others, and genetic engineering hold out some hope for the future; these are not sufficiently well advanced to permit wholesale application.  相似文献   

Studies of interactions between face flies and Holstein cattle show that the frequency and duration of aggregation episodes can be associated with exposure to face flies and that the numbers of flies on cows during aggregation is inversely correlated with cow nearest-neighbor distance, a relationship that remains relatively consistent within herds. Furthermore, aggregation in herds exposed to face flies neither altered herd grazing time nor grazing patterns, which indicates that aggregation behavior is expressed during nongrazing, idling periods. Initial observations show that cow aggregation in small herds does not compromise animal thermoregulation.  相似文献   

定地养蜂 ,常需设置一定数量的交尾群 ,以供分批培育新王 ,更替老劣王。在我地 ,这种交尾群自4月份开始 ,一直要保持到9月 ,将近半年之久。但有些养蜂员常为交尾群中途飞逃所困扰。笔者从长期观察及多次失败的教训中体会到 ,交尾群的飞逃大体由以下诸多因素造成的。只要我们在实践中注意防范 ,就可减少或完全避免。交尾群放置的方向 ,过去不少人主张巢门朝西 ,理由是可以促使蜂群下午多出巢 ,增加处女王婚飞的机会。这种做法我认为养中蜂可以 ,因为中蜂多半是春季分群 ,一到夏秋季节 ,巢中就很少见到雄蜂 ,交尾育王时间已过。但饲养西蜂 ,…  相似文献   

王斌  黄其刚 《饲料广角》2002,(10):35-37
在企业发展一定程度后,企业成功的关键无疑将是多元化发展,但是多元化发展中如何处理主业与“副业”的关系,理论上大家能分得清楚,但是实际操作中需要慎重,很多企业在多元化扩展过程中,因“贪多嚼不烂”而垮掉。本文通过对通威集团取得的成功从其发展动力与发展的基石,主业、多元经营与海外扩展等几方面进行的剖析,为相似龙头企业的发展提供了可以借鉴的发展历程和做法。编者在此也恳请业界人士提出不同看法,对此话题予以讨论,以求更稳妥地适应加入WTO后我国龙头企业的发展。  相似文献   

周真龙 《科学养鸽》2009,(3):108-111
贵州是有名的多雨气候,不然怎会有“天无三日晴”之说呢。天亮了,竹林弯了腰,小路上流水还在哗哗淌,我去拜访了鸽友张二哥,他是我们这里的赢家。  相似文献   

涂俊明 《科学养鸽》2008,(2):134-135
黄锐相.一位快“奔七”的中等身材的庄稼老汉,是这里名闻遐迩的“鸽司令”。他曾经是江苏溧阳市信鸽协会会长.现在是江苏溧阳市信鸽协会名誉主席!他的鸽舍是常州市10大定点舍棚之一.现在还饲养着100多羽信鸽。他家里一楼到三楼.摆放着100多个全国、省、市级奖杯以及各个级别的获奖锦旗。  相似文献   

Field trials were carried out from 1980 to 1984 on the use of a controlled-release pesticidal fly control technique on farms in Sussex, England, with a recurrent infectious keratoconjunctivitis problem related to fly attack. Pesticide impregnated p.v.c. ear-tags provided control of biting and disease-carrying fly species throughout the season. Over 90% control of flies, compared with untreated herds, was attained using 2 tags impregnated with cypermethrin, fenvalerate or flucythrinate, although control using a single tag was unsatisfactory. In all cases infectious keratoconjunctivitis was almost completely eliminated.  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected from 1035 systematically selected zebu (White Fulani) cattle resident in two Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the Jos Plateau, and analysed for infections with trypanosomes. Their grazing grounds were also sampled for tsetse flies using unbaited blue Challier (biconical) traps. Mean prevalence of trypanosome infection was 6.4% (95% confidence interval (CI) ± 0.02) and 9.1% (CI ± 0.02) in Barkin-Ladi and Bassa LGAs, respectively. Higher infection rate was recorded during the rains (9.3%; CI ± 0.02) than in the dry season months (1.5%; CI ± 0.02). In both localities prevalence in cows (8.9%; CI ± 0.04) consistently doubled that in bulls (4.0%; CI ± 0.01). Also, infection rates increased with age until the 7th year. Trypanosoma vivax was both the predominant species and the only one diagnosed among yearlings. Only riverine tsetse species were encountered (apparently at low density) as infected vectors.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the toxicity of residues of ivermectin and moxidectin in cattle faeces collected at intervals after treatment.
Design: Replicated bioassays of faeces using larvae of the bush fly, Musca vetustissima and the house fly, Musca domestica .
Animals: Two groups of five Murray Grey x Aberdeen Angus steers were treated with injectable formulations of ivermectin and moxidectin respectively. A third group was used as an untreated control.
Procedure: Newly emerged fly larvae were reared in the dung of treated animals.
Results: Drug residues in faeces collected 3 to 35 days after treatment with an injectable formulation of moxidectin had no significant effect on the survival of larvae of M vetustissima . Similarly, faeces dropped up to seven days after treatment caused no significant reduction in larval survival in M domestica . In day 2 dung, residues of moxidectin delayed development of M vetustissima larvae, but had no effect on their survival. In contrast, ivermectin-treated steers, produced dung that inhibited larval development of both M vetustissima and M domestica for 7 to 14 days after treatment. Significant reductions in survival of M vetustissima larvae occurred in dung collected on days 21 and 28 after treatment, but by day 35 survival did not differ from that in control dung.
Conclusion: Excreted faecal residues of moxidectin are relatively innocuous to larvae of both M vetustissima and M domestica . Those of ivermectin inhibit survival for 7 to 14 days after treatment and are likely to have adverse effects on non-target organisms.  相似文献   

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