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随着养鸽业的发展,鸽的寄生虫病逐渐被人们所重视。鸽患了寄生虫病后一般会出现体重减轻,活力下降,孵化率降低,从而导致经济效益下降。1999年至2002年6月,笔者在吴川市8个养鸽场和一些个体养鸽户发现和治疗了鸽的几种体内外寄生虫病,现将治疗情况报道如下。一、体外寄生虫病鸽常见的体外寄生虫病主要有鸽长羽虱、鸽圆羽虱、鸡羽虱三种。患鸽常表现为羽毛蓬乱、易脱落,啄食羽毛,烦躁不安,消瘦,皮肤出现红疹等。 治疗方法:杀灭菊酯(20%乳油剂)喷雾。使用时,在65.5千克水中加入20%杀灭菊酯10…  相似文献   

鸡羽虱为鸡常患的外寄生虫,可通过啮食鸡体羽毛和皮屑,引起患鸡瘙痒和羽毛脱落,造成生长缓慢等不良影响,严重影响经济效益。针对一起湖南省野生动物救护繁殖中心红腹锦鸡感染羽虱疫情,采集病例体表的2种羽虱进行形态学鉴定,并对病例的临床症状、病理变化,以及虫种鉴定和干预控制措施进行分析总结,以期对鸡羽虱病的防控提供参考。  相似文献   

羽虱属于节肢动物门、昆虫纲、食毛目的一类禽外寄生虫,共有40余种之多。寄生在鸡体上常见的羽虱有:普通大鸡羽虱、鸡体虱和鸡翅虱等几种。它们共同的形态特征是体形小,长只有1—2毫米。由头、胸、腹三部分组成。头部一般较肩部宽,上有1对触角、3对足。  相似文献   

灭螨Ⅰ号防治鸽虱蝇和鸽长羽虱的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸽长羽虱和鸽虱蝇是鸽常见的体外寄生虫。鸽长羽虱以羽毛和皮屑为食,鸽严重感染时出现烦躁不安,羽毛无光泽,皮肤粗糙,食欲减退,生产性能下降,雏鸽生长发育受阻,影响亲鸽孵蛋情绪,  相似文献   

对榆林地区鸡的虱类进行了较为详细的调查。获得和已鉴定的虱类有6种,分别为:鸡短角羽虱(Menopon gallinae),草黄短角羽虱(M.stamineus)。异形长羽虱(Lipeurus heterographus)。草黄短角羽虱(M.stamineus)。异形长羽虱(Lipeurus heterographus)。阉鸡长羽虱(L.caponis),鸡圆羽虱(Goniocotes gallinae)。不同角羽虱(G.dissimilis)。并对以上各虱种的寄生部位,形态特征和地理分布进行了观察和描述。  相似文献   

<正>鸡羽虱病是由多种羽虱寄生于家禽体表而引起的一种体外寄生虫病。常见的有长角羽虱科的广幅长羽虱、鸡翅长羽虱、鸡圆羽虱、大角羽虱;短角羽虱科的鸡羽虱。蛋鸡和肉鸡均可感染本病,尤以蛋鸡感染较重,据调查辽宁省鸡感染率普遍较高。1临床症状2014年12月16日,普兰店市城子坦街道办事处碧流河村农户潘某致电,家养100只蛋鸡,整个鸡群出现消瘦、脱  相似文献   

为了摸清威宁县散养鸡寄生虫感染情况,为制订合理的驱虫方案提供依据,我县于2010年1月至12月开展了散养鸡寄生虫种类调查工作。本次调查在我县8个乡镇解剖鸡30只,镜检鸡粪便1080份。解剖所获虫体12种,其中吸虫2种,绦虫4种,线虫4种,节肢昆虫2种,隶属7科8属。粪便镜检查出寄生虫虫卵11种。鸡异刺线虫、鸡蛔虫、钩状华首线虫、棘沟赖利绦虫、鸡羽虱和鸡膝螨为我县危害家禽严重的优势虫种。  相似文献   

正家禽常见的是羽虱。禽虱多寄生于禽背部、臀部、腋下等羽干、绒毛基部,以羽毛和鳞屑为食。1流行特点羽虱在鸡、鸭、鹅、鸽中都有发生。秋冬季节较多,夏季较少。传播途径主要是健康禽与患禽接触感染,其次是通过用具、垫料等传播。雏禽、成禽均可感染。禽舍卫生条件差,则禽虱严重。2临床症状羽虱在吸血的同时,分泌有毒素的唾液,刺激家禽神经末梢,引起发痒不安,影响采食和休息。有时皮肤上出现小结节、小出血点及小坏死灶。严  相似文献   

废油涂墙治鸡虱羽虱是鸡常见的一种体表寄生虫。危害严重时,可使鸡贫血、产蛋率下降,甚至死亡。由于院落地方窄小、打扫不便,或鸡舍低矮简陋,羽虱容易生长危害,成为家庭养鸡户一桩苦恼的事。经过试验,发现用废机油、废柴油可根治鸡羽虱。方法是:用机车上用过的废机...  相似文献   

1989年4月,嘉峪关市安远沟鸡场1200只笼养鸡感染鸡羽虱,鸡群近1个月时间内采食量减少,经抽查体重减轻20%,产蛋量下降20%.患鸡胸、腹、翅膀等部羽毛和肌肤上有羽虱寄生,感染强度10只/cm~2以上.羽虱有两种,浅黄色羽虱体小,游动快,体长约2mm; 灰色羽虱长约3-4mm.在选用灭虱药物上,由于灭虱灵膏价格高,每鸡需花费1.3元.并且用药方法为喷洒,涂抹,不适于大群灭虱.所以我们选用0.25%嗅氰菊酯对20只鸡  相似文献   

The adult male and female and first instar nymph of the sucking louse Linognathus weisseri n. sp. are described. This louse was collected from impalas, Aepyceros melampus, at three localities in Limpopo Province, and at three in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. Although it usually accounted for only a small proportion of the total louse burden, its overall prevalence exceeded 27%. Its prevalence on adult male impalas (9%) was significantly lower (P = 0.004) than that on adult females (39%), but did not differ among age classes. However, the intensity of L. weisseri infestation was higher on lambs than on yearlings and adults, and peaked on impalas in late winter to early summer. Five species of lice are now known to parasitize impalas and a key for distinguishing adults of these species is included.  相似文献   

Sets of four kudus were shot and examined for arthropod parasites at approximately monthly intervals from April 1981 to March 1983 in the southern part of the Kruger National Park, eastern Transvaal Lowveld. These animals harboured 10 ixodid tick species of which Boophilus decoloratus followed by Amblyomma hebraeum were the most abundant. The seasonal abundances of these ticks and of Amblyomma marmoreum, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi and Rhipicephalus zambeziensis were determined. The kudus were also infested with 3 lice and 1 louse fly species, as well as the nymphs of a pentastomid. Sixteen kudus were shot in the Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve, eastern Cape Province and 9 on an adjacent farm. These animals were infested with 12 tick species. A. hebraeum followed by Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum were the most abundant on kudus in the reserve and R. glabroscutatum followed by Haemaphysalis silacea on the animals on the farm. The seasonal abundances of A. hebraeum, A. marmoreum, H. silacea, R. appendiculatus, R. glabroscutatum and a Rhipicephalus sp. (near R. oculatus) were determined on the kudus in the reserve. The kudus were also infested with 3 lice and 1 louse fly species. Two kudus examined in the Addo Elephant National Park were infested with 6 tick, 1 louse and 1 louse fly species.  相似文献   

1. This paper describes the influence of some epidemiological determinants on the prevalence of louse infestation on layers in Faisalabad (Pakistan). 2. Seventy layer farms were screened to determine the prevalence of louse infestation and its determinants including age of the bird, availability of space per bird and frequency of litter change. Prevalence of Lipeurus caponis was highest (53.2%), followed by Menacanthus stramineus (22.16%), Goniodes dissimilis (12.37%) and Goniodes gallinae (12.37%). 3. Older birds (36 to 74 weeks of age) were found with a significantly higher prevalence of louse infestation than younger birds. 4. Month-wise prevalence of louse infestation was higher during the summer months (from April to August) and at older age. 5. Birds kept at floor area allowances ranging from 0.43 to 0.55 m(2) were highly infested with lice as compared to those provided with a space of 0.61 m(2) or higher per bird. 6. Litter change frequency after every 8 weeks resulted in a reduced chance of louse infestation as compared to less frequent litter changing practice. 7. It was concluded from the study that the louse infestation is a menace for the poultry production industry in Pakistan and age, space per bird and litter change frequency are the influencing determinants. 8. Further research on the chemotherapeutic trials and resistance in poultry should be continued for an effective lice control program.  相似文献   

Records of domestic animals brought to the Veterinary Entomology Laboratory for diagnosis of suspected lice and mite infestation over a 10 year period were analysed. From a total of 794 suspected cases, 137 (17.3%) and 247 (31.1%) were positive for lice and mange mites respectively. The most common lice species recorded were Linognathus vituli (66.7%) on cattle, L. ovillus (83.3%) on sheep, Haematopinus suis (100%) on pigs and Menacanthus stramineus (54.5%) on poultry. Other lice species recorded included Haematopinus bovis and Solenopotes capillatus on cattle, Damalinia ovis on sheep, Linognathus stenopsis and Menacanthus stramineus on goats, Goniocotes sp. on a horse, Linognathus setosus and Menacanthus stramineus on dogs, Goniodes gigas, Lipeurus caponis, Menopon gallinae and Chelopistes meleagrides on poultry. The most common mite species were Demodex folliculorum on cattle (96.9%) and on dogs (80.8%), Sarcoptes scabiei on pigs (100%) and Notoedres cati (80.3%) on rabbits. Other mite species included Psoroptes communis, Cheyletiella parasitivorax, Ornithonyssus gallinae and Dermanyssus gallinae.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty chickens (Gallus gallus) from 31 small, private backyard flocks in the eastern part of the Czech Republic were examined for chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera). At least one species of chewing lice was found on every bird examined. Seven species of chewing lice were identified in all; they had the following prevalences and mean intensities: Goniocotes gallinae (100%; 110 lice), Menopon gallinae (88%; 50), Menacanthus stramineus (48%; 17), Lipeurus caponis (35%; 12), Menacanthus cornutus (12%; 9), Cuclotogaster heterographus (1%; 4) and Goniocotes microthorax (1%; 3). Just two birds from a single flock were heavily infested with the ischnoceran species G. gallinae.  相似文献   

A repeated-exposure challenge model was used to evaluate the pour-on formulation of doramectin in preventing the establishment of louse infestations in cattle. Twenty calves cleared of preexisting biting and sucking louse infestations were randomly and equally allocated to either a doramectin-treated or untreated control group, with five replicates per group. Doramectin pour-on was administered topically at a dose rate of 500 microg/kg body weight. Every 14 days, from a pool of seeder calves with infestations of at least 50 biting and 50 sucking lice each, 10 calves were selected and 1 was placed in each replicate pen. Every week during the 112-day study, 9 predilection sites on the doramectin-treated and untreated calves were examined to estimate the louse population density. A calf met the infestation criterion for a louse species when two or more live lice were counted on two or more body regions for two consecutive count days. Because only 4 of 10 untreated calves acquired Solenopotes capillatus infestations, the persistent efficacy of doramectin against S. capillatus was not evaluated. Bovicola bovis and Linognathus vituli infestations in the untreated calves developed shortly after exposure to infested seeder calves. The acquisition of B. bovis and L. vituli infestations in the doramectin-treated group was delayed for 77 days and 105 days, respectively.  相似文献   

Beef calves from 2 sources entering southern Alberta feedlots in the winters of 1997-98 and 1998-99, were surveyed for the presence of lice. A random sample of multiple source (MS), that is, auction market-derived, calves entering commercial feedlots and single source (SS) calves entering a backgrounding feedlot were examined for the presence of lice at entry to the feedlot. A standardized examination, which involved hair-part examination of 8 louse predilection sites, was conducted on each selected calf to determine prevalence and intensity of infestation. The long-nosed sucking louse, Linognathus vituli, was the most commonly encountered species. This species infested from 57.8% to 95.6% of the calves selected from both MS and SS calves during both winters. Louse index values, indicating intensity of infestation, for L. vituli ranged from 1 to 243 lice per animal. The chewing louse, Bovicola bovis, was present on MS and SS calves only in the winter of 1998-99. The louse index values for B. bovis ranged from 1 to 230 lice per animal. Mixed infestations of the L. vituli and B. bovis were common. The little blue cattle louse, Solenopotes capillatus, was present only on the SS calves in the winter of 1997-98. The short-nosed sucking louse, Haematopinus eurysternus, was present at very low intensities, 1-2 lice per animal, on 2.6% to 4.4% of the MS calves during both winters. Comparison of results from the current study with published literature suggests that efforts to determine the economic impact of louse infestations are confounded by the lack of a uniform method to assess louse population levels.  相似文献   

The birds migrating through the entrance to the Moravian Gate were subjected to a three-year ectoparasitological study. The studied 24 bird species had three species of louse flies (Diptera, Hippoboscidae ), 31 species of biting lice (Mallophaga), two species of fleas ( Aphaniptera ) and one species of ticks (Acarina, Ixodidae). In Czechoslovakia the biting lice Quadraceps connexus were detected for the first time to be present on phalarope ( Phalaropus lobatus ) and Menacanthus sp. were found for the first time as parasites of reed warbler ( Acrocephalus arundinaceus ). The study also included the determination of the population density of parasites in the attacked birds and the frequency of the occurrence of ectoparasites in 150 specimens of the five most widespread species of reed birds. Louse flies occurring almost in a third of the birds (32% frequency) can be considered as the most important group of summer ectoparasites of the birds living at localities overgrown with reeds . Biting lice occurred at a 6% frequency, and fleas and ticks were even less abundant.  相似文献   

Pruritic behaviour and deranged fleece are often used as indicators of sheep louse infestation but the exact relationship between infestation and the observation of signs of pruritis was unclear. Two studies were conducted to examine this association. In the first, 24 castrate Merino sheep were randomly assigned to six pens in groups of four and the sheep in three pens infested with 10 lice each on the right mid-side. Louse numbers were counted, fleece derangement scored and pruritic behaviour assessed periodically on each sheep until 38 weeks after infestation. In the second study a single moderately infested sheep was paddocked for 15 weeks with 32 uninfested sheep and louse numbers and fleece derangement monitored for 41 weeks. In the pen studies, differences between infested and non-infested sheep in fleece derangement and pruritic behaviour first became significant (p<0.05) at 8 and 14 weeks, respectively and at louse densities of 0.06 and 0.27 per 10 cm wool part. Some sheep showed definite signs of deranged fleece as early as 5 weeks after initial infestation. In the paddock studies, it took 37 weeks until lice were detected on all sheep in the flock. The correlation between louse numbers and fleece derangement score first became significant (r=0.44 and p<0.05) at 9 weeks after introduction of the lousy sheep, reached a maximum of r=0.79 (p<0.001) at 22 weeks when 84% of sheep had lice detected and the mean louse density was 0.29 per part, and then declined to r=0.12 (n.s.) at 41 weeks when all sheep were infested and the mean louse density was 3.04 per part. It is concluded that fleece derangement is a powerful early indicator of the presence of lice and that sheep may exhibit signs of pruritis well before lice can be readily found by direct inspection. Fleece derangement may be useful as a basis for establishing economic thresholds for the application of long wool treatments in developing louse infestations but appears to be a poor indicator of louse numbers once the infestation is advanced.  相似文献   

A total of 69 warthogs, Phacochoerus aethiopicus, were collected from 4 localities within the Kruger National Park, eastern Transvaal Lowveld. These animals harboured 16 nematode species, 2 trematodes, 1 or 2 species of adult cestodes and the larval stages of 4 cestodes. No pattern of seasonal abundance could be determined for any of the helminths. The warthogs were also infested with 3 flea species, 1 louse species, 8 ixodid tick species, 1 argasid tick and the nymphae of a pentastomid. The seasonal abundance of fleas of the genus Echidnophaga, of the sucking louse Haematopinus phacochoeri and the ixodid ticks Amblyomma hebraeum, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, Rhipicephalus simus and Rhipicephalus zambeziensis was determined.  相似文献   

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