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范嵩 《林产工业》2020,57(2):76-78
家具生产企业是我国制造业的重要组成部分。随着我国家具进出口贸易的不断发展,国际木材价格波动对我国家具生产企业的发展造成了严峻挑战。基于国际木材价格波动现状,分析国外木材原料的价格波动特征对国内木材原料市场异常价格波动带来的影响,以规避潜在的市场风险,促进国内家具企业的发展,在此基础上,有针对性地提出对策建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国外木质纤维、刨花模压制品的发展概况、产品种类、主要生产方法及国内的发展现状。作者就进一步发展我国纤维、刨花模压制品技术提出了建议, 认为该行业的健康发展, 必将对增加我国人造板花色品种, 提高产品档次和企业经济效益, 适应国内外市场需求起到良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

Log pricing and supply arrangements vary between countries. Some countries use open markets to determine log prices while others regulate supply and offer medium to long-term contracts to log buyers. A study of four industrialised countries — the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia — is undertaken to compare variations in log pricing methodologies and contract price adjustment mechanisms. Market concentration and market power is found to vary between these countries. Variations also exist in supply arrangements, contract term and price adjustment mechanisms both between countries and across regional jurisdictions within each country. The United States and New Zealand are strongly market oriented while Canada and Australia remain highly regulated. Both Canada and Australia use a weighted wood price index to adjust contract log prices. Policies are required in these regulated markets to encourage entry of small-scale suppliers if seller concentration is to be reduced and competitive market efficiency increased. I would like to thank the three anonymous reviewers whose comments strengthened the international comparison arguments.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, while the size of China's economy more than doubled, China has simultaneously become a major producer and exporter of forest products. Although China's domestic supply of wood is significantly constrained both by a limited natural supply and by conservation-oriented policies, the country is increasingly regarded as the world's “wood workshop.” Furthermore, China is the largest driver of demand for the trade in tropical logs and is becoming a significant driver of demand for trade in coniferous logs. In this paper, we describe a spatial equilibrium model adapted to study forest sector markets and policies that affect them. We present the model and the result of two alternative future scenarios. The first scenario analyzes the impact on global forest products markets of a US recovery in wood markets. The second scenario examines the effect on global forest products markets of decelerating growth in Chinese demand for wood products. Through these two scenarios, the modeling output sheds light on the role China's wood products markets have on resource supply and trade around the world. The trade model shows substantial potential changes in global prices, production, and trade activity associated with the recovery in domestic demand in the USA.  相似文献   


The research calculated the waste paper recovery rate, and analyzed the main factors influencing waste paper recovery rate in China with time series data from 1970 to 2012. The consequent recovery rate and utilization rate of waste paper show that the recovery of paper products has been experiencing a rapid growth in China, but it cannot meet the domestic need. The empirical analysis proves that demand is the main driver to stimulate the increase of waste paper recovery rate in China; the increased average GDP per capita and proportion of waste paper pulp are two other important factors; the increased urbanization rate does not exert significant influence. In the circumstance of insufficient timber supply, the policy of eliminating straw pulp capacities for paper-making indusrty improves the recovery rate of waste paper.  相似文献   


A partial equilibrium forest sector model which is augmented to include bioenergy was applied to project the use of bioenergy based on forest fuels and forest industry by-products in Norway for three different scenarios of the future prices of electricity and oil. The impacts on forestry and forest industries of the different energy price scenarios were also studied. The advantage of the suggested methodology is that it allows for assessments of the economic potential of bioenergy, taking into account the competition for raw materials, the specific heat demand of various regions, and interregional and international trade. Bioenergy will, according to this study, be fairly competitive in some market segments with the current price levels of electricity and oil, and only a minor increase (decrease) in energy (roundwood) prices would release substantially increased bioenergy production levels. Pulpwood prices of pine and non-coniferous species are projected to increase substantially when assuming increasing energy prices. Except for particleboard mills, production levels of forest industries appeared relatively insensitive to the energy price changes.  相似文献   

2005年以来在国际林产品贸易中木材来源问题受到越来越多的关注,重要林产品进口国纷纷出台相关法规以确保进口林产品木材来源的可靠性。作为林产品国际贸易链重要组成部分的中国林业产业,有必要充分了解这些市场新要求,提升企业管理水平,以确保在林产品国际市场上的综合竞争优势。文中比较分析了近些年新出台的主要林产品国际贸易规则及对中国的潜在影响。  相似文献   

随着纸及纸板生产与消费数量的不断提高,我国造纸工业结构调整的发展对木材原料的需求将持续增加。我国木材市场数据显示,以原木、锯材等为代表的木材原料,以木浆、木片为代表的造纸原料进口均呈平稳增长趋势,木材市场供需矛盾突出。造纸工业竞争的核心是木材原料的争夺,而我国木材市场自有木材供给的严重不足性和进口总量的绝对依赖性特征决定了造纸工业木材原料未来仍将依靠进口。  相似文献   

基于Porter理论的中国林业产业国际竞争力评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孔凡斌 《林业科学》2006,42(9):106-113
基于Porter产业国际竞争力理论,结合林业产业存在的问题,从生产要素,需求状况,关联产业,企业战略、结构和竞争等4个方面定性评价中国林业产业的竞争环境条件,从主要产品国际市场占有率、国际贸易数量、国际贸易价值、国际贸易价格、产业和企业利润水平以及劳动力效率等5个方面定量评价中国主要林产工业品国际竞争能力.  相似文献   

我国制浆造纸木材纤维原料的现状及发展对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国制浆造纸植物纤维原料的基本特点是原料不足,草类原料多,木材原料少.木材供应的严重不足迫使我国造纸业长期以草浆作为主要的造纸原料,造成了目前我国造纸业的落后和被动局面.文中分析了我国制浆造纸木材纤维原料不足的现状,总结了需要迫切解决的一些问题,根据我国林业资源的情况,结合国际造纸工业的经验和发展趋势以及造纸业的经济规律要求,提出了解决我国制浆造纸木材纤维原料不足的主要途径,对未来我国林业和纸业共同繁荣的发展对策进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

The main products and special zones of China’s furniture industry were presented firstly in this paper. Some features of furniture industry were reviewed, including the source countries of furniture materials, main species of furniture materials, the distribution of major producers and the main markets of China’s furniture. In addition, the management of furniture industry was described in the end.  相似文献   

This paper presents a short‐term econometric model for the sawlog and pulpwood markets in Finland. More specifically, the effects of structural changes in the market on the success of short‐term market modelling are investigated. Wood prices and quantities traded are stationary. Therefore, valid statistical inference using the levels of these variables is possible. Pulpwood prices were found to be directly proportional to sawlog prices during the study period, and the cross‐price effects were not statistically significant. The results indicated that the price sensitivity of wood supply in Finland increased during the 1980s and early 1990s. Nationwide collective price agreements were found to have increased the level of pulpwood supply and demand from private forests, but to have had no effect on either supply of or demand for sawlogs. Due to a structural change in the 1970s, the models estimated for the whole period cannot be used for short‐term forecasting in the 1990s. Higher‐than‐annual frequency data should be used in developing accurate short‐term forecasting models.  相似文献   

以最新FAO数据为依据,对我国苹果产业的生产和贸易在世界格局中的地位进行分析表明,在生产环节我国苹果产业位列世界第一,产量占到世界总产的47.8%;出口方面出口量超过美国也位列第一,但出口货值低于美国,表明我们的出口主要以低价值市场为主;且出口仅占我国苹果年产量的3.5%,大幅低于美国等发达国家;从国际苹果进口看,俄罗斯、印度及中东国家进口量增加迅猛,我国苹果产业进一步发展要着力于国际市场的开拓,而这些新兴市场国家可能就是我们的机遇所在。  相似文献   

中国胶合板出口美国遭遇的非关税贸易壁垒及其影响分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着林产品生产规模的扩大和出口份额的提高, 中国林业企业遭遇越来越多的出口贸易壁垒, 尤其是在作为我国胶合板出口第1大市场的美国。这不仅阻碍了我国林业产业的发展, 甚至严重威胁一部分企业的生存。文中利用量化分析工具测算出, 在美国消费者偏好中国胶合板产品的情况下, 中国胶合板面临的非关税贸易壁垒相当于150%到580%的从价关税税率。面对严峻的形势, 我国企业应在提高自身国际竞争能力的同时, 积极应对贸易摩擦, 并着力开拓新市场。  相似文献   

以我国加入WTO后可能出现的木工机械市场前景的变化,分析我们应该采取的对策认为,进出口障碍消除后的市场变化将有益于我国的木工机械企业。但全方位、大幅度降低关税势将使国内人造板行业的高产量生产线成套设备原有的价格优势进一步减少,国内木工机床行业将面临前所未有的挑战。国有大中型木工机床企业应该抓住这个机遇,赶上私人企业和乡镇企业的市场销售额,参与国际竞争,积极采用国际标准以适应国际市场。  相似文献   

从价格角度看我国木工机械走向国际市场的开发方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从2004年米兰国际木工机械展览会展出的发达国家低档木工机械的市场价格分析出发,分析我国和发达国家木工机械的差距,从中探索我国木工机械走向国际市场的新产品开发方向,提出我国木工机械走进国际市场后,其产品开发的新设想。  相似文献   

中国林产品发展的现状与前景   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
从我国林产品的供需态势、技术方向和政策取向三个方面,介绍我国林产品的发展现状与前景,分析了中国林产品在世界林产品进出口贸易的内在潜力与资源优势.指出中国经济社会的持续快速稳定协调发展,为中国林产品的市场供需与贸易投资提供了广阔的发展空间与研发平台,带来了巨大的发展机遇.  相似文献   

中美贸易摩擦是中美经济关系中的重要问题。2018年中美贸易摩擦爆发后,双边经贸关系曲折不断,木质林产品贸易面临极大考验。文中在梳理2015—2020年中美双边木质林产品贸易数据的基础上,分析贸易摩擦对双边木质林产品贸易的影响。结果显示,中美贸易摩擦对双边贸易规模具有较大影响,贸易总额、进口额和出口额均大幅下降;木家具和人造板等木质林产品贸易受到较大冲击,双方短期内均难以找到替代市场;中国从美国进口原木和锯材大幅下降,但中国木材供应和木材安全未受到威胁。未来,建议从增加国内木材供应、拓展替代市场、优化林业产业结构、建立国际国内双循环的林产品市场方面积极应对贸易摩擦。  相似文献   

Rattan-related products from China are popular and well known in international market, but China is facing shortage of rattan cane supply, and extinction of some rattan species. The big gap between demand and supply of rattan canes in China market is urgent to be bridged. This paper makes a brief introduction on rattan in the world and analyzes the rattan trade in China. The loss of habitats, overexploitation and inadequate replenishment of rattan result in a depleting resource and there are many challenges and technical issues needed to be dealt with. The forest policies should not only state broad desires but also commit governments to undertake adequate and appropriate measures to protect and develop the resource on a sustainable basis.  相似文献   

由于我国实施天然林保护工程大幅度调减天然林采伐量,并受制于国际市场,造纸原料供应十分紧张,严重制约着我国造纸工业的发展。解决这一问题的办法就是发展林纸一体化项目。文章采用弹性系数方法,分别对国内纸市场、纸浆市场、木材市场进行了预测分析,并表明我国发展林纸一体化项目具有广阔的市场前景。  相似文献   

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