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农业部计划用5年左右的时间,通过农产品加工推进行动,主攻农产品精深加工,力争每年为农民人均增收贡献20元并吸纳农民就业100万人,到“十一五”末,使农产品加工业产值与农业产值之比达到0.8:1,大宗农产品加工转化率及产品质量达到发达国家当前水平,部分特色产品达到国际水平。同时,农业部将不断完  相似文献   

农产品的精深加工是指对农产品二次以上的加工, 主要是指对蛋白质资源、植物纤维资源、油脂资源、新营养资源及活性成分的提取和利用。农产品初加工是指对农产品的一次性的不涉及对农产品内在成分改变的加工。初加工使农产品发生量的变化,精深加工使农产品发生质的变化。农业部提出的发展目标是, 到2005年,农产品加工的一次转化率要达到55%,二次以上深加工达到35%以上。初加工与精深加工分类标准  相似文献   

2009年2月12日,农业部在北京召开全国农产品质量安全监管工作会议,重点部署了"农产品质量安全整治暨农产品质量安全执法年"活动。农业部副部长陈晓华强调,农产品质量安全事关人民身体健康和生命安全,事关政府形象和社会稳定,事关农民增收和农业发展,必须摆在更加突出的位置,常抓不懈。农产品专项整治行动由此拉开序幕。  相似文献   

本刊讯 根据国家农产品加工技术研发体系工作的总体指导意见和柑桔加工技术研发分中心及其现代柑桔产业体系柑桔罐头加工岗位工作安排,结合国家引智项目的实施,在浙江省农业科学院食品加工研究所领导的大力支持和院所相关职能部门的有效配合下,柑桔加工新技术研发交流会于2009年10月11-12日在杭州召开。农业部农产品加工局领导.日本柑桔加工专家太田英明教授、前田久夫研究员,  相似文献   

正湖南省农产品加工研究所(湖南省食品测试分析中心)是省级农产品加工与食品检测专业研究和分析机构,事业法人单位。是科技部"果蔬加工与质量安全创新团队"、农业部"农产品加工与质量安全创新团队"、湖南省"食品加工与食品安全技术创新团队"依托单位;拥有柑橘资源综合利用国家地方联合工程实验室、国家柑橘质量安全监督检验中心、农业部农产品质量安全风险评估实验室(长沙)、国家柑橘加工技术研发中心(湖南)、农业部柑  相似文献   

2009年宁夏乡镇企业提出了总产值达到600亿元,增长11%以上,规模以上农产品加工业产值达到150亿元,增长15%以上,新增规模以上农产品加工企业50家,农产品加工转化率达到50%的目标和任务,面对国际金融危机持续蔓延的影响,迎难而上,重点从5个方面加快产业发展与升级。  相似文献   

日前,在辽宁大连举行的“中国农产品加工业与现代农业论坛”上,来自农业部、中国社科院、中国农科院等单位的专家学者对于发展我国农产品加工业和现代农业做了演讲,提出了自己对中国农产品加工业与现代农业的看法与观点。  相似文献   

笔者从安徽省砀山县政府获悉,日前,主题为“开发特色资源、打造优势品牌,促进产销对接,推动产业升级”的第三届中国果蔬加工砀山论坛系列活动正在紧张筹备中。本届论坛是由农业部农产品加工局、农业部乡镇企业发展中心、安徽省农委、宿州市人民政府等主办,中国园艺学会、中国果品流通协会、安徽水果协会协办.砀山县委、县政府承办,举办时间定为10月18~20日。  相似文献   

中国绿色食品发展中心于2001年3月12日确定2001年绿色食品工作要点。①在农业部的统一部署下,积极主动地参加“新世纪农产品安全行动”(暂定名)方案的起草、论证和实施工作。将绿色食品开发纳入“新世纪农产品安全行动”,着力推进绿色食品法规体系、标准体系、质量监督体系、生产加工基地以及市场流通建设,发挥绿色食品在提高农产品质量安全上的示范带头作用。②会同农业部市场与经济信息司,起草《关于加快发展绿色食品的指导性意见》,并以农业部名义颁布。③会同农业部市场与经济信息司、产业政策与法规司等有关司局,修…  相似文献   

阐述祥云县农产品加工的基本情况及加工种类,分析农产品加工存在的困难和问题,提出加快农产品加工业发展的措施,对加快祥云县农产品加工发展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

适应形势积极开展种植业结构调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、目前河南省种植业面临的形势 经过20多年来的改革和发展,我省和全国一样,农产品供给由过去长期短缺变为总量基本平衡,丰年有余;农业的发展由过去受资源约束转为主要受市场约束;农业生产由过去解决温饱转向向小康迈进;人们对农产品的品种和质量有了新的标准和要求,开始向高品质,多样化的方向发展.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,87(1-2):33-52
The anatomy of the fruit has been compared in three prone-to-split mandarin hybrids (Nova, Ellendale and Murcott), several cultivars of clementine mandarin (Fino, Clementina de Nules and Orogrande), and in Owari satsuma mandarin. The fruit of the hybrids is oblate to subglobose and usually presents an open stylar end disrupted by a navel formed by the floral meristem, which is conserved near the apex of the fruit. In the non-prone-to-split clementines as well as in Owari satsuma, the floral axis protrudes inside the style, and the flower meristem is lost through abscission shortly after petal fall. The abaxial side of the carpels fuses with the flower axis forming at the stylar end of the fruit a solid tissue which externally has a small scar at the place of style abscission. Most of the fruits in these cultivars have no navel. In addition, the fruit of clementine is slightly oblate or globose. The relevance of these anatomical characteristics as regards to splitting is supported by the differences between the split and non-split fruits in Nova, the split fruit being more oblate in shape and having a bigger navel than non-split fruit. However, the effect of applied growth regulators on fruit splitting could not be correlated with their effect on the anatomy of the fruit. Additional factors not contemplated in the study also influence fruit splitting.  相似文献   

以真姬菇菌丝为试材,在培养基中加入不同浓度的壳寡糖,测定真姬菇固体平板培养菌丝体的生长速度及液体发酵菌丝体干重,研究不同浓度的壳寡糖对真姬菇菌丝体生长的影响。结果表明:添加量为0.001mg/mL的壳寡糖对真姬菇菌丝体生长速度、菌丝体生物量、纤维素酶活性具有明显的促进作用,而添加量为0.100mg/mL的壳寡糖对真姬菇菌丝体生长有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

提高从农田到消费者的传输能力生产高级产品仅完成了工作的一半。另一半是将产品传送到国内外消费者手中。尽管有些地方的力量还不能达到这样的要求,但当地政府可以采取一定的措施来提高传输能力。改善地方交通状况“千里之行始于足下。”一种新生产的农产品不应该仅因为当地政府没有提供第一步的运输而贬值或者完全报废。公路、铁路和河运运输系统是将产品从农田传输到消费者手中的基本要素。●乡镇村各级通过改善与国道和省级公路连接的地方路面体系将受益匪浅●当地劳动力可以用来修筑公路、高架桥、水上交通和排水系统●地方官员还可以…  相似文献   

近年来,随着农业结构的调整,我市自1998年以来,杏树面积不断增加,截止目前已发展到666.7公顷,其中凯特杏133.3公顷,主要定植在邹城、泗水、曲阜、嘉祥等县市区.  相似文献   

果业是我市农业和农村的重要产业,也是广大农民脱贫致富的最主要的现金收入来源.2001年,全市果树面积7.97万公顷,预计产量49.98万t,产值6亿元以上,面积居全省第三位,产量居全省第二位.  相似文献   

‘Success’ or ‘Red Splendor’ plants propagated by shoot tip culture or embryogenesis had higher pollen germination than those propagated by cutting. All clones of ‘Pepride’, ‘Peter Star’ and ‘Nobel Star’ propagated by cutting or by embryogenesis or shoot tip culture did not have viable pollen. ‘Peter Star’ mutants through mutagenesis could recover pollen viability. When both parents were propagated by tissue culture, fruit set increased compared to when one or both parents were propagated by cuttings. Furthermore, the number of the harvested seeds doubled per pollination set, when the tissue culture parents were used instead of cutting-propagation plants.  相似文献   

Issues related to the detection of boundaries   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Fortin  M.-J.  Olson  R.J.  Ferson  S.  Iverson  L.  Hunsaker  C.  Edwards  G.  Levine  D.  Butera  K.  Klemas  V. 《Landscape Ecology》2000,15(5):453-466
Ecotones are inherent features of landscapes, transitional zones, and play more than one functional role in ecosystem dynamics. The delineation of ecotones and environmental boundaries is therefore an important step in land-use management planning. The delineation of ecotones depends on the phenomenon of interest and the statistical methods used as well as the associated spatial and temporal resolution of the data available. In the context of delineating wetland and riparian ecosystems, various data types (field data, remotely sensed data) can be used to delineate ecotones. Methodological issues related to their detection need to be addressed, however, so that their management and monitoring can yield useful information about their dynamics and functional roles in ecosystems. The aim of this paper is to review boundary detection methods. Because the most appropriate methods to detect and characterize boundaries depend of the spatial resolution and the measurement type of the data, a wide range of approaches are presented: GIS, remote sensing and statistical ones.  相似文献   

针对于草莓贮藏时间短及产期较短,季节性强的特点,提出了比较现实的低成本且不依赖药物的依靠环境条件进行贮藏的方法.指出温度、湿度及封闭条件对草莓贮藏的影响.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum plants were exposed to 16°C day-temperature, 11°C night-temperature, 13°C soil-temperature, to be indicated as 16/11/13°C, or to 16/11/25°C, 20/16/18°C, or 20/16/25°C, first long day, then short day, (long day = 12-h light period with 3-h night break; short day = 12-h light period) from planting to harvest in controlled environments to study the effects of soil heating on growth and flowering. There were significant, but not substantial, effects of soil heating on leaf area, percent soluble carbohydrate, flower bud diameter, days to visible bud and some other parameters. Two winter cultivars responded similarly, while 2 summer cultivars differed in flowering-response to soil heating. An experiment was also conducted using 16/11/25°C day/night/soil temperatures during long days, short days or throughout the complete growth cycle, with 16/11/13°C day/night/soil temperatures at other times. Soil heating during long days resulted in the highest quality flowers. Soil heating during short days or throughout the growth period resulted in most rapid flowering but decreased flower quality.  相似文献   

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