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室内绿化装饰是按照室内环境特点,利用以室内观叶植物为主的观赏植物材料,结合人们的生活需要,美化客厅、书房、卧室、餐厅、阳台等,装饰环境,使室内、室外融为一体,达到与大自然的和谐统一,使人们的居住环境具有自然的野趣。现简介部分常见的室内观叶植物。  相似文献   

张德祥 《北方园艺》2011,(15):120-121
据国内外研究人员长期调查和连续观测结果表明,空气污染最严重的地方不是工厂,也不是马路,而是与人们生活关系最密切的居室、办公室和公共场所等室内环境.为此,探讨研究室内的污染问题,寻求建设良好的居室生态环境问题,已成为必需课题.同时通过大量研究和实践发现用绿色植物布置、装饰室内环境,如果选择得当,是消除室内化学污染,提高居室环境质量的有效途经[1].  相似文献   

正随着人民生活条件的富足和文化修养的提高,用色彩缤纷、姿态万千的花卉来装点居室环境已经成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分,它能给人们的现代居室环境营造清新、舒适、赏心悦目、充满生机的空间,使紧张繁  相似文献   

<正>随着人们对生活质量的要求日益提高,室内植物已成为人们美化生活必不可少的装饰品。在室内摆放一些花草会使室内空气新鲜,还能起到美化环境的作用。但并不是所有植物都适合放在室内。因此,在室内莳养植物时要科学选择植物,合理摆放植物。1几种常见的、合适在室内摆放的植物1.1吊兰吊兰是居室内极佳的悬垂观叶植物,可以吸收空气中95%的一氧化碳和85%的甲醛,吊兰还能分解苯,吸收香烟烟雾中的尼古丁等有害物质,所以  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,生活节奏的加快,工作压力也随之增大.越来越多的人们希望回归自然,希望与绿色相伴来享受个性化的休闲生活,因此美化、绿化居室的环境,用绿色装饰家居,已成为人们生活的一部分.居室园艺就是在家的范围内,运用园艺的技艺,栽植蔬果花木,不仅可以营造健康的家庭环境,而且人们通过管护家庭花园,大大舒解了生活压力,通过花卉的栽植及观赏,可以进一步培养人们的趣味性.居室园艺分为室内园艺与庭院园艺二部分,但随着城市化进程的加快,越来越多的城市及周边的庭院被迭起的高楼大厦所代替,现通过对室内园艺植物的分类及室内园艺植物选择原则的介绍,帮助人们合理的使多姿多彩的自然美景更科学地浓缩在居室空间中,进一步丰富居室生活内容.  相似文献   

赵小婧 《现代园艺》2013,(22):118-118
居室绿化是现代生活中人们改善居住环境的重要措施。文章阐述了居室绿化的作用、绿化植物的选择及居室绿化植物的配置。  相似文献   

浅谈居室绿化植物摆设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物在居室内起到调节室内温度、湿度、净化空气、减少污染的作用。随着人们物质文化生活水平的不断提高,人们越来越重视改善日常生活环境,用植物来装饰居室成为人们改善居住环境,营造人与自然和谐生存空间的重要措施。室内植物摆放没有固定模式,要因人而异、因地制宜,选择适宜的植物品种,通过巧妙布置,让植物的形态美与环境相协调,体现出整体艺术美,让居室变得高雅、温馨,处处充满生机。  相似文献   

室内环境与人们日常的生活和工作有着密切关系,良好的室内环境不但可以让人们在视觉神经方面产生愉悦感,同时还可以在很大程度上促进人们的身心健康。室内环境是否足够舒适直接影响着人们的生活状态,而酒店的室内设计就和植物息息相关。绿色植物可以使人们的紧张状态得到一定的缓解,减轻视觉上的疲劳,并在视觉上得到满足。基于此,针对植物景观在酒店室内设计中的应用展开了探讨。  相似文献   

浅谈城市居室绿化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人们生活水平及文化素养的不断提高,对日常生活、工作的室内环境的要求越来越丰富。豪华的现代家具、电器、办公用品可以使室内生辉;恰当的绿化装饰则使室内环境高雅、清新,起到任何物品起不到的装饰效果。室内绿化装饰,已成为改善室内环境的一种追求和时尚,展现出一种时代风貌和精神文化需求。居家绿化也就是在自己的生活空间里进行绿化造景,营造居室绿色的自然环境,这不仅对人的健康具有一定好处,同时也给我们带来了清新舒适、宁静祥和的室内空间氛围。  相似文献   

家居花卉具有美化、净化室内环境的功能。按现代家庭的健康与审美需求,把绿化植物请进家来,成为家居生活中微妙的点缀,带给人们轻松的情趣和健康的居室环境,给我们的家居生活创造一份生机与灵动。本文主要从室内养花与健康、家居养花的基本要求与技巧、家居花卉的品种选择以及常见问题与解决方法等几方面来阐述家居花卉的应用。  相似文献   

In modern society stress is a major problem, causing lack of mental and social well-being as well as potential vulnerability to problems at work. Previous studies have found natural environments to be relaxing. In this intervention study, performed in Northern Sweden, the hypothesis was that an outdoor forest environment would be more relaxing than an indoor handicraft environment. Forty-six participants with high stress levels (PSQ  0.4) (33 women, 13 men, average age 48 years) were randomly assigned to visit either the forest environment (n = 27) or the handicraft environment (n = 19). The participants visited their assigned environment twice a week during three months, either in autumn or spring. During each visit they spent two hours performing, simple and undemanding activities. Psychological health outcomes were measured by the questionnaires CIS, PSQ, SCQ, SMBQ, SF-36 before and after the three months interventions. Sleeping patterns were monitored by an Actiwatch and sleep diary. The participants’ mood before and after each visit were estimated by a questionnaire. The results show that the participants’ health had improved after the interventions in both the forest and handicraft environments. The sleep latency increased slightly among participants in the handicraft environment. For participants in both environments the levels of fatigue, stress and burnout were all lower. They felt less limitation due to physical problems and did not feel so tired. Also their mental health had improved. From start to end of a visit to either environments the participants’ mood was improved, and they felt more relaxed, alert, happy, harmonious, peaceful and clearheaded. Over time during the intervention, they also felt significantly more clearheaded. We conclude that the health of all participants improved, irrespective of the environment visited.  相似文献   

Today, office work in western societies is more sedentary and more mentally demanding than ever before. This way of working plays a role in the increase in lifestyle diseases related to sedentary routines and stress. Green outdoor environments have been found to motivate physical activity and reduce stress levels. In this study, we therefore considered these environments to have a positive affect on work force health and wellbeing. However, research on the workplace outdoor environment is still limited. To investigate how and why the workplace outdoor environment is used by office workers and the impact of these environments on office workers’ health and wellbeing, five research questions were formulated. The questions addressed the use of the outdoor environments; the outdoor activities; encouragement and impediments for going outdoors; characteristics of the outdoor environment, and the impact of workplace outdoor environments on employees’ health, job satisfaction and work performance. In order to answer these research questions, we conducted a web-based questionnaire, completed by (N) 402 office workers from six Danish companies. The results show that 37.8% of the respondents spent time outdoors during their working day, and that the proportion of men spending time outdoors was higher than the proportion of women. Eight outdoor activities were identified, and significant relationships between the outdoor activities and perceived sensory dimensions (PSD) of the outdoor environment were found, indicating that the presence of the dimension ‘serene’ increased the odds for respondents going outdoors and that five of the eight activities would be performed. Only few significant relationships between outdoor environment use and employee health, job satisfaction and work performance were identified.  相似文献   

绿地是城市的有机组成部分,反映了城市的自然属性。城市绿地系统是指城市中具有一定数量和质量的各类绿地,通过有机联系形成生态环境整体功能,同时具有一定社会经济效益的有生命的基础设施体系。城市绿地系统的核心是绿地景观单元。人们对城市绿地系统的功能和作用的认识,反映了城市绿地研究和发展的水平,我们必须利用城市绿地改善城市环境质量,塑造城市景观,完善城市绿地系统。  相似文献   

With the implement of China's ex-situ poverty alleviation resettlement (ESPAR) policy, nearly 10 million rural population have relocated with a better living condition in a short period of time, most of which have migrated to urban areas. The living environment and lifestyle of the poverty alleviation migrants (PAMs) have undergone dramatic changes, the resulting mental health problems may seriously affect their social integration and well-being. In particular, homesickness is a prevalent mental problem among the PAMs that demand prompt attention. Research indicates that longing for natural environment is one of the major causes of homesickness among rural out-migrants. As the main natural environment in cities, urban green space has been proven by numerous studies to have a positive effect on residents' mental health in various aspects, including reducing anxiety, relieving fatigue, and fostering perseverance. However, few studies have focused on the influence of urban green space on the mental health of the PAMs, especially on alleviating their homesickness syndrome. Using the data collected from interviews and questionnaire survey in the PAMs’ resettlement sites in Anshun, Guizhou, which has undertaken a heavy poverty alleviation task, this study examined the relationship between the physical activity, environment, function of urban green space, and the severity of PAMs’ homesickness, meanwhile paying attention to the impacts caused by different socio-demographic characteristics. The results show that urban green space is strongly associated with alleviating PAMs’ homesickness, and that all three factors play a positive role. Neighborhood green space is used the most, but suburban green space seems to provide better alleviation of homesickness. This study sheds lights on the critical role of urban green space for promoting PAMs' mental health, and aims to provide scientific reference to the planning and improvement for future migrant resettlements and urban green space.  相似文献   

Cities around the world are diverse. People’s perceptions of urban forests may vary according to urban contexts and people’s diverse identities. A better understanding of these diverse perceptions is critical to support stewardship initiatives, inform urban tree decisions, and guide community engagement, among other key management and governance processes in urban forestry. This study examines the values and beliefs that diverse people living in a variety of urban contexts associate with urban trees. Using an urban gradient approach, 2009 responses were collected through an online panel survey conducted in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to understand variations in values and beliefs of urban forests across municipal types (inner core, suburban, peri-urban, and regional cities). The GTA has an ethnoculturally diverse population, allowing us to also explore perceptions held by people with various identities. The study uses analytical techniques, such as means differences and linear regression models, to segment the diverse meanings people attribute to urban trees by municipal types and people’s identities. The results show that, while people value the urban forest very highly, people’s value orientations vary depending on their context and identities. For example, respondents who speak European or South Asian languages tend to hold value orientations related to cultural, social, and identity issues. Respondents living in inner municipal types tend to hold values related to identity issues, whereas respondents living in outer municipal types and regional cities tend to hold values related to natural issues. The results also show that people’s beliefs about urban forests are primarily positive. Urban forests managers and stewardship initiatives should recognize the diverse set of values and beliefs that people associate with urban forests, incorporating these perceptions into policy and programs. Additionally, since specific value and belief orientations may depend on personal identity and urban contexts, tailored messaging may also help generate support for policy or stewardship initiatives across different communities and in varied urban contexts.  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,人们对生活的条件和质量有了更高的要求。可持续发展、生态等关键词越来越深入人心。现在的发展已经抛弃了原来的只要经济不要环境的发展观。城市里高楼林立,车行如梭,烟尘弥漫,工作节奏很快,缺乏自然美,易使人产生压抑感、疲劳感,缺乏宁静感。美好的园林景色,不仅能满足人们的观赏需求,其改善环境质量的功能是不容置疑的。种植园林树木是防治污染、保护环境的重要措施,树木在调节气候、净化空气、保护环境方面有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

从垂直绿化的意义、所用的植物材料及其养护管理、垂直绿化的类型及设计、当前垂直绿化存在的问题等方面对垂直绿化这一植物应用形式进行系统的阐述,目的在于展示垂直绿化的优点,指出存在的不足以及应用中的误区,希望推动垂直绿化在我国快速、健康的发展。  相似文献   

From the mere presence of plants to window views of nearby nature, contact with nature in the workplace has been associated with increased productivity and creativity, as well as positive emotional and physical health outcomes. Nevertheless, if nature is to be incorporated within or near workplaces effectively, it is important that workers perceive natural spaces to be conducive, and not detrimental, to performance on activities that they may engage in at work or else these changes to the physical environment may not be fully embraced by workers. Thus, in the current research we examine workers’ preferences and perceptions of different natural and constructed (built) environments for different workplace activities. In Study 1, 64 knowledge workers were exposed to images of natural outdoor and constructed indoor workspaces. They selected where they thought they would best and least be able to perform different workplace activities. Natural outdoor spaces were overrepresented as the best spaces for around 75% of the workplace activities, and were underrepresented as the worst spaces across all workplace activities. In Study 2 (N = 33), wherein participants evaluated various spatial qualities of the natural outdoor and constructed indoor space types that were included in Study 1, the natural outdoor spaces were rated as more fascinating, relaxing, open, bright, and quiet. The results of this research project suggest that natural outdoor workspaces are viewed as highly flexible, multi-use spaces that are appropriate for diverse workplace activities. Furthermore, access to diverse workspace types with different spatial qualities appears to be highly valued.  相似文献   

森林是地球之肺,良好的森林覆盖能有效地调节气候、维持生态平衡。随着社会发展、生活水平的提高,人们对健康生活和精神生活的需求不断提高,而符合社会发展、绿色健康理念的森林康养产业越来越被现代人接受。森林康养是以森林可持续发展为基础,以提升人们的健康为主题,以养生休闲、医疗、康体服务为依托的产业深度融合的现代服务业模式。本文通过对森林康养的发展历史的研究,从森林康养的兴起、发展进程、创新等方面进行多方面、多角度分析,旨在为我国森林康养产业的发展提供理论指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

Constructing and renovating urban parks is an effective strategy for high-density cities to satisfy residents’ needs for recreation in nature. Using Hong Kong as an example of a high-density city, the purpose of this study was to examine the associations of park and neighbourhood environments with park-based physical activity (PA) among children and examine the moderating effect of neighbourhood income in their relationships. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 32 urban parks in Hong Kong. Park-based PA and the park and neighbourhood environments were measured using systematic observation tools and the geographic information system. Neighbourhood income was extracted from the 2011 Hong Kong Population Census data on median household income. A total of 7,753 children were observed using urban parks for PA during the study. Children’s park-based PA was positively associated with the quality of supporting amenities, park safety, neighbourhood walkability, and neighbourhood quality, while the associations of park-based PA with the diversity of active facilities and park size were not significant. In addition, neighbourhood income moderated the associations of park-based PA with the diversity of active facilities, the quality of supporting amenities, neighbourhood walkability, and neighbourhood quality. These findings provide empirical evidence on the moderating role of neighbourhood socioeconomic status on the associations between park and neighbourhood environments and children’s park-based PA in a high-density city. With children’s needs for using parks for PA, our findings are beneficial for urban planners to renovate existing urban parks to enhance their utility for children living in high-density cities.  相似文献   

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