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福建省霞美乡在乡资源开发公司贷款68万元的支持下,一举发展石蛎7,000多亩. 浙江省台州地区坚持集体、个人一起上,综合开发海涂.到目前为止,全区从事滩涂养殖的专业户已发展到7,500多户,农民自愿组成的联合体1,424个,海涂养殖发展到15,100多亩,比1983年增长一倍.海涂养殖总产量跃居全省首位. 江苏省指前乡庄阳村青年农民李银,今年带头承包了1,100亩大水面,实行科学养鱼,今年至少可捕  相似文献   

为了改变海涂养殖的落后状况,加速实现海涂养殖机械化,促进海涂养殖生产的大发展。在宁海县委的正确领导和浙江农业大学的指导和协助下,1974年建立了一个由干部、工人和技术人员参加的试制小组,开始了对浙江—12型海涂翻耕机的研制工作。  相似文献   

镇海县为了充分发挥海涂养殖的优势,对养殖体制有了较大的改革,贯彻了集体、个人一起上,落实户养为主的方针.由于沿海三山、郭巨、梅山、昆亭四个公社,各级党委对海涂养殖加强领导,大造声势,狠抓改革,落实海涂使用权,今年,该县沿海广大涂民生产积极性很高,他们决心在海涂狠下功夫,抓住海涂优势,象耕田一样利用,象粮菜一样重视,专门配备海养技术辅导员,加强对涂民技术指导,落实以户养为主政策.如三山公社仅  相似文献   

浙江省宁海县官岭乡牛台村,地处三门湾畔,依山傍海,约有5,000多亩海涂,而且滩涂平坦,水质肥沃,饵料生物丰富,适于缢蛏、蚶等滩涂贝类生长。近几年来,全村200多户渔(农)民因地制宜,利用自然资源优势,积极发展海涂养殖,1984年养殖滩涂贝类2,000亩,占可养海涂面积的80%,海涂养殖业的收入占全村总收入的78%。从而改变了农村产业结构,发展了商品生产,使全村人均收入达到917元,在五年之内增加3.4倍。成为以养殖蛏、蚶等滩涂贝类为主的海涂养殖专业村。  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实国务院关于开展全国海岸带和海涂资源综合调查的批示,国家海洋局和国家水产总局于二月下旬在北京召开了全国海岸带和海涂资源综合调查领导小组扩大会议.会上听取了关于浙江温州海涂综合调查试点情况的汇报;江苏省关于开展海岸带和海涂资源综合调查的计划和准备工作情况的报告;讨论了全国调查工作的规划和今年  相似文献   

傅溥 《海洋渔业》1983,5(1):F002-F002
桐城公社外(土盾)大队,位于县城西南10公里,文革期间因极左思潮影响,使海涂养殖停滞不前。党的领导,带来了温暖,执行了生产责任制,社员各显神通,向海涂进军。近2-3年来,做到以海养农促进养殖得到全面发展。  相似文献   

过去,海涂养殖蛏子的海涂翻耕都靠手工操作。为了改变这一落后面貌,浙江省宁海县水产局、宁海县农机一厂于一九七四年建立了由技术人员、工人、干部参加的三结合试制小组,开始了对浙江-12型海涂翻耕机的研制工作。一九七七年五月、九月曾对样机进行了下海、航行、  相似文献   

<正>为调整水产养殖结构,提高养殖水体的利用率,增加养殖效益,开展渔业科技入户工作,上虞市崧厦镇农技信息中心于2009年在海涂养殖大户王阿忠的渔塘中进行了池塘网箱无公害生态健康养  相似文献   

正绍兴市上虞区位于杭州湾南岸,全区拥有广袤的海涂滩涂资源,共计海涂池塘养殖面积7万亩,其中大部分养殖南美白对虾。2018年开始,部分养殖户开始转型,尝试采用配合饲料养殖加州鲈,到目前全区养殖规模已达5000亩左右,已初具规模。传统加州鲈养殖采用冰鲜饵料喂养,各种弊端不断显现:对水环境负面影响大、病害多、对渔业资源依赖性大、个体规格不整齐、劳动力需求大、不利于规模化养殖等。随着配合饲料研制技术的不断完善,配合饲料养殖加州鲈的一些问题已基本解决,现已成为上虞区水产养殖的主推技术。  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹是一种经济价值很高的甲壳物,它是重要的海水养殖对象。本文作者利用潮间带海涂进行拦网养殖青蟹技术,探索开发高潮区滩涂的有效途径。  相似文献   

In a parasitology survey of Hungarian fishes, heavy infections of parasitic copepods Lamproglena pulchella and a Lamproglena sp. were found in the gills of the asp and the European catfish, respectively. Individuals of both fish species were emaciated and infected with hundreds of Lamproglena. Copepods located close to the tip of gill filaments and formed a depression at the attachment sites. In histological sections, cell degenerations and local haemorrhages were present adjacent to the maxillipeds and where the maxillary claws pierced the gill tissue. Around maxillae and in the midgut of the Lamproglena, damaged piscine blood cells and remains of the gill tissue were observed. Host reaction was expressed by proliferation of epithelioid cells, increase in both number and size of goblet and mast cells and formation of giant cells.  相似文献   

为了解当前东海生态系统中鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类组成和数量分布的现状及其变化与物理环境因素的关系,根据2006年11月—2008年6月5个航次的鱼卵、仔稚鱼和物理环境调查资料,对鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类组成、数量分布与产卵场物理环境进行分析,探讨不同季节、不同年份鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类组成和数量分布的变化及其与物理环境的关系。结果显示,5个航次采集到74 813粒鱼卵、16 826尾仔稚鱼,共有135个种类。其中,鉴定到种的有109种,隶属于15目67科99属,还有17个种类仅能鉴定到属、6个种类仅能鉴定到科和3个种类仅能鉴定到目。2006年—2007年秋季、冬季和春季鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类和数量随着季节变化逐渐增多;2008年春季的种类和数量较2007年春季明显偏少;2008年初夏种类的数量与2008年春季基本相近,但鱼卵的数量明显增多,仔稚鱼的数量基本相近。42种优势种类、重要种类和主要种类构成当前东海生态系统中鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类组成的主要成分。东海表层水温和盐度分布有显著的季节变化。秋、冬季表层水温锋面强度最强,春季次之,初夏最弱;锋面的位置秋季离岸最近,冬季次之,春季和初夏离岸最远,冬季偏南,初夏季节北移。表层盐度锋面主要分布在近岸区域,与岸线大致平行,其强度冬季最强,春、秋季次之,初夏季节最弱。秋、冬季节陆架深水海域的水温较沿岸海域高,鱼类生殖群体在陆架深水高温区产卵;春季和初夏季节沿岸海域明显升温,鱼类生殖群体由深水区向近岸海域进行生殖洄游,产卵场分布由陆架中部向近岸海域扩展,并在近岸海域形成了中心产卵场。鱼卵和仔稚鱼的分布与温、盐锋面和种类的温、盐属性的关系密切,主要分布在温度锋面暖水一侧,并有各自最适宜的温度和盐度范围。水温、盐度与种类的繁殖生物学特性是导致鱼卵和仔稚鱼种类组成与数量发生变化的主要因素;适宜的温度和盐度范围、锋区的辐聚和卷夹作用以及种类的生物学属性是影响鱼卵和仔稚鱼数量分布以及密集分布区形成的主要因素。  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of a commercial mix of Bacillus sp. on survival, growth and digestive enzyme activities of Florida pompano, red drum and common snook. Larvae were fed either live feed enriched with Algamac 3050 (Control), Algamac 3050 and probiotics (PB), or the previous diet combined with a daily addition of probiotics to the tank water (PB+). Survival was not affected by the treatments for any of the species. At the end of the pompano and snook trial, standard lengths of larvae from the PB and PB+ treatments were significantly greater than for the control larvae. Microbiological analyses were performed at the end of the pompano trial, and numbers of presumptive Vibrio were not a concern in the system. For both pompano and snook, trypsin‐specific activity was higher in PB and PB+ larvae compared with the control larvae. Similarly, alkaline phosphatase activity was higher for the pompano larvae fed the PB and PB+ treatments and for the snook larvae fed the PB+ treatment compared with the control larvae. This experiment suggests that a mix of Bacillus sp. can promote growth through an early maturation of the digestive system during the early larval stages of pompano and snook.  相似文献   

Assessing the responses of lysozyme activity and antioxidant defences to hypoxia is important to understand the adaptation and tolerance strategies of fish under hypoxia. This study investigated the effects of different dissolved oxygen (DO) levels on Carassius auratus, a natural triploid fish, from Qihe River. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and the activities of lysozyme and antioxidant enzymes were measured in the kidney and spleen after hypoxic exposure. At the DO concentrations of 1 and 2 mg L?1, the activities of antioxidant enzymes and lysozyme significantly decreased and the content of MDA significantly increased (P < 0.01). This result suggests that hypoxia decreased antioxidant enzyme and lysozyme activities and caused MDA accumulation in a concentration‐dependent manner. The DO level of 4 mg L?1 increased the activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the kidney and the activities of glutathione peroxidase and catalase in the spleen (P < 0.05). This result implies that slight hypoxic stress can enhance antioxidant defences to alleviate the damage of oxidative stress. The reduced activities of antioxidant enzymes and the accumulation of MDA at the DO level of ≤2 mg L?1 implied the decrease in antioxidative ability and the occurrence of oxidative stress. The decrement in lysozyme activity indicated that the antibacterial ability was weakened to some degree. Therefore, hypoxic stress at DO levels ≤2 mg L?1 should be removed by aeration to avoid the oxidative damage resulting from the reduced antioxidative ability and prevent the outbreak of diseases caused by weakened antibacterial effects.  相似文献   

采用急性毒性,遗传毒性和生理毒性试验,研究了8-羟基喹啉对锦鲤的半致死浓度、红细胞DNA损伤大小及对其肝脏GPT和GOT活性的影响。8-羟基喹啉对锦鲤具有明显的毒性效应,能诱发锦鲤红细胞微核率的增加及降低锦鲤肝组织中GPT和GOT的活性,二者均表现出明显的时间、剂量效应,其中,微核率与处理时间和浓度呈正相关,而酶活性则与处理时间和浓度呈负相关。  相似文献   

为揭示三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)不同生长阶段的消化酶和超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)活性的变化规律,及其与生长环境之间的关系,以野生和养殖三疣梭子蟹的幼蟹、雌性成蟹及抱卵雌蟹为研究对象,分别测定比较了其肝胰腺中的胃蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶及肌肉中的SOD活性,结果表明:(1)野生和养殖幼蟹的淀粉酶活性分别为(1.57±0.09)U.mg-1和(2.61±0.01)U.mg-1,显著高于成蟹和抱卵蟹(P<0.05);野生和养殖成蟹的胃蛋白酶活性分别为(5.83±0.45)U.mg-1和(2.77±0.10)U.mg-1,显著高于幼蟹和抱卵蟹(P<0.05),是幼蟹和抱卵蟹的2~3倍;脂肪酶活性以养殖抱卵蟹最高,野生成蟹次之;消化酶活性变化与蟹的生长阶段及食性转变相关。(2)幼蟹、成蟹和抱卵蟹的SOD酶均表现为野生蟹显著高于养殖蟹(P<0.05);野生成蟹的脂肪酶和胃蛋白酶活性亦显著高于养殖成蟹,是养殖成蟹的2.5倍以上。因此,养殖蟹的机体健康水平、免疫保护和抗应激能力不及野生蟹,尤以幼蟹阶段SOD酶活性最低,抗逆境力最差。  相似文献   

邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(dibutyl phthalate,DBP)作为增塑剂,已被中国列入优先控制的污染物名单,其对海洋生物的影响已引起人们的广泛关注。为研究邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物(phthalic acid esters,PAEs)对海洋贝类抗氧化防疫系统的影响,本文以厚壳贻贝()为受试生物,研究了不同质量浓度DBP(0 mg/L、100 mg/L、200 mg/L、280 mg/L、360 mg/L)胁迫以及清水释放对其鳃和内脏团中抗氧化系统相关指标超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)活性以及丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量变化的情况。结果表明:厚壳贻贝鳃和内脏团SOD、CAT活性以及MDA含量呈现不完全相同的变化规律。DBP胁迫阶段,鳃和内脏团中SOD活性基本呈先诱导后抑制再诱导的趋势,CAT活性则先抑制后诱导,MDA含量基本呈不断升高趋势;清水释放阶段,鳃和内脏团中SOD活性基本呈先抑制后诱导的趋势,CAT活性基本处于诱导状态,之后内脏团CAT活性被抑制,MDA含量处于先升高,之后内脏团MDA含量出现降低的趋势,浓度-效应和时间-效应较为明显。研究表明,在DBP胁迫下,厚壳贻贝鳃和内脏团产生了氧化损伤,可诱导机体产生脂质过氧化现象,且15 d清水释放期间不足以让厚壳贻贝恢复到正常水平。本研究旨在为海洋贝类的健康养殖和风险评价提供科学依据。  相似文献   

4种沉水植物断枝再生能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较研究了4种长江中下游湖泊常见的沉水植物(金鱼藻、伊乐藻、黑藻和穗花狐尾藻)断枝在投掷和扦插的移植方式下,生物量、株高、节数的变化及不定根和新芽形成的时间.结果表明,在试验期间,各种断枝均发生了明显的变化,除金鱼藻外,其他3种沉水植物均有不定根产生;除穗花狐尾藻外,其他3种沉水植物断枝均有新芽产生.投掷和扦插对金鱼藻断枝生物量、节数和新芽的产生无明显影响,对株高影响显著;对黑藻和伊乐藻断枝生物量、株高、节数、不定根和新芽的产生影响显著;对穗花狐尾藻断枝的生物量、株高影响显著,对节数影响不明显,而对不定根的产生有一定的影响.研究结果为退化水体的修复、恢复和重建提供了参考.  相似文献   

Mangalore coast is well known for its multi‐species and multi‐gear fisheries and the fishery and oceanographic features of this region is a true representation of the Malabar upwelling system. Ten years of study (1995–2004) of oceanographic parameters has been carried out from the inshore waters off Mangalore to understand their seasonal and interannual variations and influences on the pelagic fishery of the region. Attempt has been also made to understand the influence of local and global environmental conditions on the alternating patterns of abundance between the Indian mackerel and oil sardine from the area. Field‐ and satellite‐derived oceanographic data have shown that coastal upwelling occurs during July–September with a peak in August resulting in high nutrient concentrations and biological productivity along the coast. Nearly 70% of the pelagic fish catch, dominated by oil sardine and mackerel, was obtained during September–December, during or immediately after the upwelling season. Catches of scombroid fishes were significantly related to cold Sea Surface Temperature, while such relationships were not observed for sardines and anchovies. Significant positive correlations were observed between the ENSO events (MEI) and seawater temperature from the study area. The extreme oceanographic events associated with the cold La Niña, which preceded the exceptional 1997–98 El Niño event, were responsible for the collapse of the pelagic fishery, especially the mackerel fishery along the southwest coast of India (Malabar upwelling system). Coinciding with the collapse of the mackerel fishery, oil sardine populations revived during 1999–2000 all along the southwest coast of India. Tolerance of oil sardine to El Niño / La Niña events and the low predatory pressure experienced by their eggs and larvae due to the collapse of mackerel population might have resulted in its population revival.  相似文献   

To determine the main expression site of major yolk protein (MYP) gene and the mechanisms for adaptation to starvation and refeeding in Strongylocentrotus intermedius, MYP mRNA expression amounts were analysed using a real‐time RT‐PCR. The results showed that MYP could be transcribed in the intestine, stomach, gonad and coelomocytes, and that the intestine was the main expression site of MYP gene in non‐starved urchins. The MYP synthesis in the intestine decreased during 15 days of starvation (67.70%, 52.58% and 71.35% of the control at 5, 10 and 15 days of fasting respectively) and then increased dramatically by different amounts (the peaks were 2.71‐, 12.16‐ and 7.89‐fold that of the control respectively) during the refeeding stages. Nevertheless, the expression amounts in the gonads did not decline, but increased continuously during all periods of fasting (2.66‐, 3.72‐ and 13.19‐fold that of the control at 5, 10 and 15 days of starvation respectively) and during the refeeding stages. At the end of the recovery feeding experiment, the levels reached 9.58‐, 17.48‐ and 100.69‐fold that of the control. These data suggested that the ‘priority’ strategy for the sea urchin is to reduce MYP expression amounts in the intestine if food is limited and to increase MYP gene expression in the gonad to protect reproductive function.  相似文献   

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