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大亚湾翡翠贻贝增养殖技术及效果的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
1992-1994年在大亚湾西北部的哑铃湾开展翡翠贻贝的延绳式及筏式吊养增养殖试验,养殖面积约9.1ha,总产量406t。种苗来源中有40%为人工培育苗,其余为天然苗。两种吊养方式的贻贝经1至1.5年的养殖,壳长可达70-80mm。研究结果表明,人工苗可补充天然苗的不足,延绳式为最佳养殖方法。  相似文献   

1养殖条件利用当地的牙鲆工厂化养殖大棚,一般占地600~1000m~2,单个养殖池面积20~25m~2,池深1m,池底设计成锅底形。水源为抽取深井地下海水,盐度20~32,水温15~20℃。放养前对池子进行清洗、消毒。2石鲽苗放养2.1苗种来源目前,养殖石鲽苗全部采用浅海自然繁殖的当年苗,由当地近岸小马力渔船或“地笼网”捕获。2.2放苗时间常年有苗,主要分春苗和秋苗,一般春苗指4~6月份,体  相似文献   

正厚壳贻贝隶属于瓣鳃纲、翼形亚纲、贻贝目、贻贝科;自然分布于我国东海、黄海、渤海,是我国重要的海水养殖贝类。厚壳贻贝市场价格高于紫贻贝,养殖效益好,深受养殖业主的推崇。厚壳贻贝自产业化人工育苗技术突破后,在浙江嵊泗海域的养殖规模快速增加。目前,浙江嵊泗县已成为我国厚壳贻贝养殖的重要产区,  相似文献   

为了加速水产事业的迅速发展,尽快扭转贻贝生产中“北苗南运”的被动局面,我场于1977年秋季开展了较大规模的紫贻贝人工育苗试验工作。试验结果:室内在40立方米的水体中培育出贻贝苗一千多万,室外在一只800平方米的水池中一次人工培育出贻贝苗二亿多粒,幼苗已于二月下旬至四月中旬全部移到海区养殖,生长情况良好。现着重将露天育苗池人工育苗和下海养殖情况总结如下:  相似文献   

孙振兴 《齐鲁渔业》2004,21(4):51-52
二.刺参苗的越冬培育.运输与放养。(一)幼参的室内越冬培育。北方池塘养殖刺参的参苗来源主要有三个方面:一是人工培育的当年苗;二是春苗,即前一年人工培育的参苗经室内人工越冬,体长5厘米左右、体重5—20克(即50—200头,公斤);三是野生苗。  相似文献   

正厚壳贻贝俗称"壳菜""淡菜",可人工养殖的海产贝类。2005年养殖面积约为85公顷,产量4900吨。近年来,厚壳贻贝的市场价格看涨,经济效益高于紫贻贝2~3倍,为追求更高的养殖经济效益和适应市场化的需要,养殖单位纷纷开始转向养殖经济效益更高的厚壳贻贝,这对该种贻贝的苗种供应提出了更高的要求。过去厚壳贻贝的苗种供应主要来源为海区半人工采苗,但近年来,由于滥捕以及保护不力,  相似文献   

贻贝,俗称海红、东海夫人、青口等,我国沿海自然分布的主要有三种,即紫贻贝、厚壳贻贝和翡翠贻贝。贻贝适应性较强、病害少、生长迅速、容易养殖、产量高,是世界性养殖贝类。我国贻贝规模养殖始于七十年代初,发展于1985年以后。1992年贻贝产量近54万吨,比1985年增长3倍多,近平均递增22.68%。历年贻贝产量如下:  相似文献   

贻贝是双壳类软体动物中比较重要的经济种类,它分布之广与产量之高,仅次于牡蛎乙贻贝在国外已进行人工养殖多年。我国于1958年后也开始了养殖。随着莽殖数量的增加,自然苗源也逐渐在增长。但是,由于受海区条件的限制,自然苗的分布主要在纬度较高的大连湾与山东半岛北岸的某些海区,  相似文献   

贻贝养殖因其投资少,见效快,近几年发展势头十分迅猛,已成为沿海渔业经济发展新的增长点。但目前国内贻贝养殖的大部分生产过程仍采用人工操作,这严重制约了养殖海域的扩大和劳动生产率的提高。本文介绍的卷筒式贻贝包苗机是用于贻贝包苗放养的一种新型简易机械装置。  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹人工苗的中间培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锯缘青蟹因其肉味鲜美独特,营养丰富,食用药用价值高,深受人们喜爱。青蟹易于养殖,具见效快和市场容量大等优势,已成为我省和长江以南沿海海水养殖的主要品种之一。但养殖苗种深受自然苗种丰歉制约,因此人工解决青蟹苗种是大面积发展青蟹养殖的根本途径。  本项目研究的目的就是探索青蟹人工苗的中间培育技术,为解决青蟹生产性育苗提供可靠的实践依据。笔者于 1999~ 2000年在温岭市龙王水产开发公司和温岭市海天水产开发有限公司,进行了青蟹人工苗中间培育的研究,两年间共投入中间培育的大眼幼体 864.2万只,培育出稚蟹 (C3~ …  相似文献   

胶州湾移植底播菲律宾蛤仔的生长和死亡特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2004年5月至2005年4月对胶州湾菲律宾蛤仔(Rudimpes philippinarum)底播增殖区进行了逐月定点采样,将样品带回放于实验室内水族箱暂养,每站随机取样,共对3269个个体进行了基本生物学特性测定,研究了移植底播菲律宾蛤仔的生长、死亡等渔业生物学特性。结果表明,底播增殖菲律宾蛤仔苗种的平均个体质量0.26g、平均壳长11.1mm;底播蛤仔与野生蛤仔在生长规律上基本一致,春末至秋初(4~9月)是其主要生长期;1~3龄期间个体生长速度较快,1~2龄、2~3龄,个体质量分别增长3.88g和4.02g;1~2龄生物量增长最快,2~3龄由于死亡率增大,其生物量增长缓慢;1~3龄蛤仔软体部的生长速度快于贝壳,5~6月是菲律宾蛤仔的繁殖肥育期。根据个体生长特性,3龄为最佳采捕年龄;根据目前的养殖状况,2龄蛤仔已达到商品规格,从生物量上分析,采捕2龄蛤仔收益最高;6月是最佳的捕获时期。蛤仔生长具有明显的季节变化,水温是影响菲律宾蛤仔生长的主要环境因子。[中国水产科学,2006,13(4):642—649]  相似文献   

We investigated the early growth and reproduction of hatchery-produced Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas raised in a suspended long-line facility in Gamakman Bay, off the south coast of Korea. In October 2009, 4?months after transplanting, shell length had increased from 27.4 (July) to 82.5?mm (October), and tissue weight had increased from 0.2 to 5.2?g, indicating that the oyster had reached a marketable size in this month. Histological studies indicated rapid gonad maturation, and the oysters spawned during August and October, with a peak in September. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay used to quantify egg biomass revealed that the oysters produced a relatively small quantity of eggs, ranging from 5.1?% (August) to 8.8?% (September) of their body weight. The low total carbohydrate reserve in the tissue recorded in August and September coincided with intense energy utilization due to spawning, while the protein maximum in September matched peak egg mass. Our results suggest that hatchery-produced seed could supply a portion of the spat required in Gamakman Bay as well as in other oyster culture grounds of Korea, where the oyster industry is facing a shortage in the supply of natural spat.  相似文献   

2007~2011年间在江苏省文蛤良种场对采自吕四渔场海域的大竹蛏(Solen grandis)开展了繁育与生长特性研究。结果表明,吕四渔场海区大竹蛏性腺发育以1年为1个周期,可分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期、休止期5个阶段,繁殖季节为5~7月份。肥满度呈季节性变化,最大值出现在9月份,为102.94%;最低值出现在7月份,为68.30%。在工厂化育苗车间采用pH升高+流水刺激法,5年间催产25批次,总产卵量为43.86×108cell,平均孵化率为(55.14±3.34)%。共获得平均壳长(6.04±1.38)mm的稚贝4.212×108cfu,育苗成活率为(26.20±6.86)%。在水温19.5~24.5℃条件下,D形幼虫经5~10 d生长,发育变态为附着稚贝;经30 d培育,稚贝壳长生长到5 mm;经60 d培育,稚贝壳长生长到1 cm。大竹蛏生长与温度关系曲线显示,12月至翌年3月份水温在13.7℃以下时大竹蛏生长滞缓,其余时间生长明显,壳长平均月壳长增长4.723 mm。连续2年对大竹蛏的周年生长进行跟踪测定,大竹蛏养殖到第二年年末壳长达69.66 mm。稚贝生长过程中壳长与粒重的回归关系式为y=0.066 9x2.877 2,(R2=0.991 9)。研究结果为大竹蛏繁育技术的工艺化和人工养殖的开展积累数据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the effect of growth, size and season on the flesh quality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Following smoltification, two groups of size sorted 0+ and 1+ smolts (four treatment groups in all) were measured for body weight and length in January, June and October 2002. The fish were stored on ice for 4 days before filleted and samples taken for flesh colour, fat/dry content, end pH, gaping score and texture shear force. Large fish upon smoltification grew faster during the first year at sea, while smaller fish grew faster during the second year at sea, resulting in similar weight at slaughter. Season showed the main influence on quality, where fish slaughtered in October had harder texture, higher fat content and redder colour compared to previous samples (P < 0.05). There were only minor differences between the fish slaughtered in January and June (P > 0.15). No significant differences (P > 0.05) were detected as an effect of size or smoltification age when effects of season were accounted for in the statistical model. We conclude that the observed variation in quality was an effect of changes in growth with season. We recommend that actions aimed to halter growth prior to slaughter could be an effective control measure to reduce seasonal quality variations.  相似文献   

In 1995, landings of Great scallops, Pecten maximus(L.) increased dramatically in Jersey from around one tonne in the previousyear, to 66 tonnes and this continues to rise. This was caused by theintroduction of scallop diving permits and diversification of the fishingfleet.Due to this increase in effort it was decided that the feasibility of ranchingone-year-old juvenile scallops should be investigated. 100,000 scallops werepurchased from Ireland and seeded in specifically selected coastal sites. Thescallops grew from 22.8 mm shell length and 1.17 grams to 57.6mm and 23.2 grams in the first six months after seeding, and to93.3 mm and 88.9 grams during the subsequent 12 months. Growthrateslowed considerably during winter months. Given these growth rates the scallopswill reach market size in three years from settlement, less than the 4, 5 and 6years taken in Guernsey, the Eastern Channel and the offshore Irish Searespectively. Although growth rates are not unique and are comparable withotherinshore sites in the UK, they are significant for scallop farming in Jerseywaters. Mortality following re-seeding and predation rates by crab and starfishappears to be lower than reported by other workers. However this has not yetbeenquantified.  相似文献   

In 1995, landings of Great scallops, Pecten maximus(L.) increased dramatically in Jersey from around one tonne in the previousyear, to 66 tonnes and this continues to rise. This was caused by theintroduction of scallop diving permits and diversification of the fishingfleet.Due to this increase in effort it was decided that the feasibility of ranchingone-year-old juvenile scallops should be investigated. 100,000 scallops werepurchased from Ireland and seeded in specifically selected coastal sites. Thescallops grew from 22.8 mm shell length and 1.17 grams to 57.6mm and 23.2 grams in the first six months after seeding, and to93.3 mm and 88.9 grams during the subsequent 12 months. Growthrateslowed considerably during winter months. Given these growth rates the scallopswill reach market size in three years from settlement, less than the 4, 5 and 6years taken in Guernsey, the Eastern Channel and the offshore Irish Searespectively. Although growth rates are not unique and are comparable withotherinshore sites in the UK, they are significant for scallop farming in Jerseywaters. Mortality following re-seeding and predation rates by crab and starfishappears to be lower than reported by other workers. However this has not yetbeenquantified.  相似文献   

大珠母贝人工苗水泥池中间培育技术的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决大珠母贝幼贝海区养殖大规模死亡问题,开展了贝苗水池中间培育技术研究。本实验共用3批人工繁殖的2~3mm贝苗,经6个月的水泥池(335m^2)养殖,平均壳长分别增长至35.8mm、27.7mm、23.4mm,平均壳高分别增长至30.1mm、24.9mm、20.1mm,成活率分别为29.5%、17.4%、17.9%。该试验表明,大珠母贝种苗池塘中间培育生长速度快,成活率高,有望克服海区养殖大规模死亡问题。  相似文献   

015年4月(春季)、8月(夏季)、11月(秋季)和2016年2月(冬季),对洪泽湖河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)进行了采样调查,共设置30个样点,从各采样点分别随机选取30个河蚬,记录不同壳长、壳宽、壳高和体重的河蚬数量,计算其年龄组成和分布频率,并统计不同壳长组的年龄分布情况,以期为其资源的合理利用与保护提供参考依据。结果显示,形态指标和体重呈现显著的季节变化;壳长、壳宽、壳高、体重和年龄范围分别为1.47~40.82 mm、3.93~27.81 mm、8.46~37.40 mm、0.43~20.56 g和1~5龄,壳长、壳宽、壳高、体重和年龄的优势组分别为15~35 mm(92.6%)、12~20 mm(83.2%)、15~31 mm(88.8%)、2~10 g(79.6%)和2~3龄(76.5%);其相对增长率和生长指标随年龄的增加逐渐降低;壳长-体重关系式为W = 1.5×10-3L 2.5795(R2= 0.90),Von Bertalanffy壳长和体重生长方程分别为Lt= 39.42 ×[1 - e- 0.33 (t + 0.6)]和Wt= 22.574 × [1-e- 0.33 (t + 0.6)]3;拐点年龄为2.73龄,对应的体重和壳长分别为6.69 g和26.28 mm。分析表明,洪泽湖有适宜河蚬生长的环境条件,且秋季为最佳捕捞季节;年龄与壳长和体重显著正相关,可以通过河蚬的体长和体重来估测其年龄;其生长可分为3个阶段,1~2龄为快速生长期,2~3龄为稳定期,3~5龄为衰老期。建议将拐点年龄所对应的壳长26.28 mm作为洪泽湖河蚬开捕壳长。  相似文献   

The lion's paw scallop, Nodipecten subnodosus (Sowerby) has considerable aquacultural potential due to its fast growth and large adductor muscle. Prior investigations throughout northwestern Mexico's littoral have reported highly variable growth rates; furthermore, no studies are available of the environment on growth and gametogenesis in this species under culture conditions. This investigation assesses the effect of food availability and temperature on the growth and gametogenesis of N. subnodosus in a suspended culture system at Guerrero Negro lagoon, Mexico. After 1 year of cultivation, N. subnodosus reached 69.13 mm in shell height (SH) (0.196 mm day?1, 14 months old). Two significant growth spurts were observed: over the two first months of culture (August and September 2001, mean growth rate 0.4 mm day?1) and in September 2002 (0.3 mm day?1), both related to high temperatures and chlorophyll a concentrations. The onset of gametogenesis occurred in April 2002, with an increase in temperature (10‐month‐old scallops, 54.5 mm SH). The first spawning occurred in October and November (86.2 and 93 mm SH), with peak temperatures. These results, together with the analysis of previous reports, indicate that N. subnodosus has a higher preference for temperate areas; therefore, the Guerrero Negro lagoon appears to be a suitable site to culture this species.  相似文献   

厦门杏林湾鲻鱼年龄和生长的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
厦门杏林湾鲻鱼鳞片年轮可作为年龄鉴定依据。鳞片边缘增长率a的周年变化,表明鳞片年轮每年形成一次,新年轮主要在10-11月间出现。已计算出鲻鱼体长与鳞长、体长与体重的关系式。3龄鱼以前属于幼鱼生长阶段,体长和体重的相对增长率较大,生长指标较高;3龄鱼以后则进入成鱼生长阶段。其生长适合于von Bertalanffy生长方程,体重生长曲线的拐点位于2龄至2.5龄之间,其生长速度和加速度曲线能反映生长过程的变化特征,合理捕捞的生物学指标应以生长转折点较为适当,限制捕捞1龄和2龄的港养鲻鱼是提高单位面积产量的关键之一。  相似文献   

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