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Grazing by large herbivores has been shown to condition vegetation in a manner that improves grassland quality for subsequent herbivory. Fescue grasslands evolved with disturbance from fire and winter grazing by bison but are now grazed primarily by cattle during summer. We examined the effect of long-term summer grazing on the seasonal forage production and quality of fescue grasslands in an examination of the hypothesis that long-term grazing had conditioned fescue grasslands to benefit livestock. This hypothesis was examined by comparing, between grazed and ungrazed plots, the biomass and composition of herbage components, concentrations of nitrogen (N) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) therein, and the ability of major plant types to maintain their biomass and quality throughout the growing season. The study was conducted in southern Alberta at five sites that had long-term exclosures (20+ yr) on grasslands that had been moderately grazed. Grazing had no effect on the N concentration of associated grasses, but grasses had lower N concentration than forbs. Concentrations of ADF followed a reciprocal trend to N. Grazing increased the mass of forbs from about 10% to 20% as a proportion of total biomass, which in turn, was not affected by grazing history. However, this grazing-induced shift to a higher quality vegetation type was not sufficient to affect total mass of N or total digestible nutrients at the community level. Rather than changes in current growth and quality, the predominant effect of summer grazing was in reducing litter mass, which also had the potential for affecting forage production and selection by herbivores. Finally, grazing reduced the relative contribution of rough fescue to total biomass by about 30%, and despite no significant effect on the potential to support summer grazing, this change could reduce the quality of these grasslands for winter grazing.  相似文献   

土壤节肢动物作为土壤生态系统的重要组成部分,对于周围环境的变化十分敏感,可作为环境变化的"指示剂"。放牧作为青藏高原地区高寒草地的主要利用方式,不仅影响土壤理化性质,同时会对生物多样性产生影响,进而影响到以土壤为主要生存场所的土壤节肢动物。为了明确不同放牧家畜及其混合比例对青藏高原高寒草地土壤节肢动物群落结构及多样性的影响,于2020年7月在青海省海北州海晏县西海镇"高寒草地-家畜系统适应性管理技术平台",设置中等放牧强度下牦牛单牧(YG)、藏羊单牧(SG)、牦牛藏羊1∶2混合放牧(MG1∶2)、牦牛藏羊1∶4混合放牧(MG1∶4)和牦牛藏羊1∶6混合放牧(MG1∶6)5个放牧样地,以无放牧(CK)为对照样地,采集0~5 cm、5~10cm、10~15 cm的土样,利用干漏斗法(Tullgren法)分离土壤节肢动物,并进行鉴定统计。结果表明:1)试验样地分离得到的土壤节肢动物优势类群为螨总科(Acaroidae)和甲螨总科(Oiibatida),分别占土壤节肢动物总捕获量的36.67%和41.14%,且在0~5 cm土层数量最多,具有表聚性;2)不同放牧方式对土壤节肢动物的组成、群落结构、密度及多样性存在不同的影响。与对照相比,放牧降低了土壤节肢动物优势类群螨总科的组成比例,而增加了甲螨总科的组成比例;无放牧样地与其他放牧方式样地土壤节肢动物群落结构存在明显差异;土壤节肢动物丰富度指数、多样性指数、类群数均表现为藏羊单牧放牧样地较高,而均匀度指数与之相反;3)土壤节肢动物均匀度指数与土壤全氮、全碳、速效钾呈显著负相关(P<0.05或P<0.01),而与有机质、pH呈显著正相关(P<0.05或P<0.01);土壤节肢动物丰富度指数与土壤pH呈显著负相关,而与土壤全氮、速效氮、有机质呈显著正相关;土壤节肢动物多样性指数与土壤pH呈显著负相关,而与土壤全氮、速效氮、速效磷、有机质呈显著正相关;土壤节肢动物平均密度、总类群数与土壤pH呈显著负相关,而与土壤全氮、速效氮、速效钾、有机质呈显著正相关;4)土壤全氮、全磷、全碳、速效氮、速效磷在藏羊单牧放牧样地较高;速效钾、有机质在无放牧样地最高;pH、土壤含水量在牦牛藏羊1∶6混合放牧样地最高。综上所述,在青藏高原高寒草地生态系统,藏羊单牧对于土壤节肢动物密度、群落组成以及群落多样性的提高具有正向作用。  相似文献   

培育措施对高寒草甸草原植物多样性和生产力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以植物群落特征和根系生物量为主要指标研究了高寒草甸草原对封育(E)、封育+灌溉(EI)、封育+灌溉+施肥(EIF)、封育+灌溉+施肥+补播(EIFR)和全年连续放牧(CG)的响应,以期为该区草地恢复、保护和管理提供支持。结果表明:与CG和E相比,各培育措施均增加了各功能群植物的高度和群落地上、地下生物量,提高了禾本科植物在草群中的比例,垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)和冷地早熟禾(Poa crymophila)等优质牧草的重要值显著增加,杂类草植物的重要值降低,其中以EIFR效果最为显著;各培育措施均不同程度的提高了群落物种多样性指数,其中EIF显著高于其他处理;各培育措施不同程度降低了地下与地上生物量比。说明合理选择和组合应用不同培育措施是提升退化高寒草甸草原生产力和有效恢复草地生态的重要手段。  相似文献   

Despite a shift from yr-round bison grazing throughout the Great Plains before European settlement to extensive seasonal cattle grazing, little is known about ungulate grazing impacts on grassland streams. In this study we 1) determine whether grazing management is a significant driver of grassland stream morphology within the Flint Hills Ecoregion (Kansas, United States); 2) determine if yr-round bison grazing (the precolonial condition) and seasonal cattle grazing (the currently dominant grazing practice in the region) result in distinct stream morphology; and 3) determine if the introduction of cattle into ungrazed watersheds produces significant changes to channel morphology. We use a replicated watershed-scale study design and survey 17 streams across four grazing treatments (ungrazed, long-term bison grazed [yr-round], long-term cattle grazed [seasonal], and newly cattle grazed [seasonal]). Baseline geomorphic surveys were completed in 2010 following consistent grazing management since 1992, and resurveys were completed in 2011 and 2013 to determine short-term grazing impacts. Under the conditions of the experiment, we did not detect significant differences (P > 0.10) in channel morphology or stream bed substrate size among grazing treatments following nearly 2 decades of consistent grazing management. Cattle introduction into ungrazed watersheds resulted in modest (P < 0.05) stream widening (0.19 m, 3.9%) following two grazing seasons. Bison grazed watersheds also experienced modest (P < 0.05) stream widening (0.20 m, 5.1%) during the resurvey period. Stream widening from 2010 to 2013 within newly cattle-grazed and long-term bison-grazed treatments indicates that cattle and bison are capable of producing moderate alterations to grassland stream morphology over short time periods. However, longer time periods containing more diverse hydrologic conditions may be necessary to generate larger geomorphic changes between surveys. Although we detected modest changes to stream morphology in response to grazing over short time periods, overall, stream morphology does not vary among grazing treatments in the study area.  相似文献   

Ecological studies often suggest that diverse communities are most resistant to invasion by exotic plants, but relatively few local species may be available to a rehabilitation practitioner. We examine the ability of monocultures and diverse assemblages to resist invasion by an exotic annual grass (cheatgrass) and an exotic biennial forb (dyer's woad) in experimental rehabilitation plots. We constructed seven assemblages that included three monocultures of grass, forb, or shrub; three four-species mixtures of grasses, forbs, or shrubs; and a three-species mixture of one species from each growth form in an experimental field setting to test resistance to invasion. Assemblages were seeded with cheatgrass and dyer's woad for two consecutive years and quantified as biomass and density of individuals from each exotic species. Soil NO3- and leaf-area index were examined as predictors of invasive plant abundance. Cheatgrass invasion was greatest in forb and shrub assemblages, and least in mixed grass or grass monoculture; dyer's woad invasion was greatest into mixed grass or grass monoculture, but least into monoculture or mixed-species assemblages composed of forbs or shrubs. The community composed of grasses, forbs, and shrubs suppressed invasion by both species. Consequently, assemblages were most resistant to invasion by species of the same growth form. Moreover, these monocultures and mixtures were generally similar in conferring resistance to invasion, but a monoculture of big sagebrush was more resistant than a mixture of shrubs. Soil NO3- was correlated with invasion by cheatgrass, whereas LAI was correlated with invasion by dyer's woad, suggesting these species were more limited by belowground and aboveground resources, respectively. Overall, increasing diversity with limited species did not necessarily enhance resistance to invasion.  相似文献   

禾草/白三叶(Trifolium repens)草地是中国南方喀斯特地区主要刈牧地之一,探究不同家畜放牧下禾草/白三叶草地植被构成和群落稳定性,可一定程度揭示其植被演替特征。本研究定量分析了多年放牧牛(grazing cattle pasture,GC)、放牧羊(grazing sheep pasture,GS)的禾草/白三叶草地群落特征、物种多样性、生物量构成及群落稳定性。结果显示:1)草地死物质量及植物物种数为GC>GS,植物物种Simpson指数为GS>GC;2)草地禾草[多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)、鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata)及原生禾草]、原生双子叶(马鞭草科、车前科、酢浆草科和十字花科)及适口性中等植物地上生物量组分为GC>GS,播种白三叶地上生物量组分为GS>GC;且GC草地地上生物量以禾草为主(77.20%),GS草地地上生物量以禾草(51.79%)和豆科(28.02%)为主;3)草地土壤K含量为GC>GS;4)GC草地植物种Raunkiaer频度直方图呈反J型,群落演替度(37.08)比GS草地(45.45)的低。研究认为,GC草地群落处于相对稳定状态,而GS草地群落处于更高演替阶段,牛放牧更利于禾草/白三叶草地群落稳定性和物种多样性的维持。因此,放牧时可实行牛、羊混牧制,或牛、羊轮牧制,以提高禾草/白三叶草地的稳定性和生产力。  相似文献   

为明确荒漠草地植物群落特征对短期封育的适应情况,采用成对试验设计,研究短期封育对天山北坡不同区域蒿类荒漠草地地上活体生物量、凋落物生物量、地下生物量及其植物群落多样性的影响。结果表明:封育后新源、玛纳斯、呼图壁、奇台等地的蒿类荒漠草地地上活体生物量较放牧区(CK)分别显著增加98.91%、65.99%、246.66%、91.91%,而博乐的变化不显著。封育后半灌木地上活体生物量较CK显著提高65.56%~265.47%,而多年生草本、一年生草本类因所处样地差异而有所不同。封育促进蒿类荒漠草地地下生物量的积累,仅博乐、呼图壁样地较CK显著增加65.16%~151.89%,且主要集中在0~5 cm,但封育对所有样地凋落物生物量的积累影响不显著。封育后博乐样地Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数、Pielou指数较CK分别显著增加15.12%、14.88%、11.54%;新源样地Patrick指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数、Pielou指数较CK分别显著降低62.12%、64.54%、58.02%、34.81%;玛纳斯样地的Patrick指数较CK显著降低32.48%,而Pielou指数较CK显著增加21.90%;呼图壁样地的Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数较CK分别显著降低73.21%、68.69%;而奇台样地的群落多样性没有显著影响。总体看,短期封育利于退化蒿类荒漠草地生物量的积累,而对植物群落多样性的影响因地区不同而不同。  相似文献   

高原鼢鼠的采食造丘活动影响草地植被群落组成和结构,造成草地植被的空间异质性——土丘和植被斑块。本研究以冬季牧场中不同高原鼢鼠种群密度干扰下的植被性状为研究对象,探索植被群落组成结构对高原鼢鼠不同种群密度干扰的功能性响应。结果表明:植被高度随着鼢鼠种群密度的增加呈显著增加趋势(P<0.05),群落盖度和禾草丰富度呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05),而物种丰富度及杂类草丰富度随鼢鼠种群密度的增加表现出单峰曲线格局。地下总生物量随鼢鼠种群密度的增加呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05),杂类草生物量则表现出相反的趋势,而禾草类生物量表现出先降低后增加的趋势。由此可见,适宜密度的鼢鼠干扰有利于物种丰富度的提高,而低密度和高密度的鼢鼠干扰有利于草地中禾草生物量的提高。  相似文献   

Commercial livestock production offers one of the main opportunities for mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation in the grassland biome of South Africa. Grazing management is expected to influence success. With the uses of three long-term grazing trials, effects of stocking rate and cattle-to-sheep ratio on the plant composition and diversity of Highland Sourveld grassland in KwaZulu-Natal were examined. Plant diversity was sampled with the use of modified Whittaker plots. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to test the effects of treatments on compositional variation, and general linear models were used to test individual species’ responses. In a biennial rotation, burned/grazed plots supported lower species richness of forbs and all plants than unburned/ungrazed plots, attributed to the impact of grazing during the season of occupation. A high stocking rate resulted in a long-term decrease of forb richness in one experiment, but an increase in another. An increasing proportion of sheep to cattle resulted in a long-term decrease of the richness of forbs and of total species richness. The three trials identified nongrass species that behaved as increasers or decreasers in response to an increase in stocking rate, and a set of species that behaved as decreasers in response to an increasing proportion of sheep to cattle. Constraints on using long-term trials for identifying the effects of livestock management on plant diversity include lack of baseline data, limited replication, pre-experimental impacts on the study site, and the difficulty of assessing uncommon species.  相似文献   

高原鼢鼠(Eospalax baileyi)作为青藏高原最主要的营地下生活啮齿类动物,其通过挖掘行为将大量土堆积于草地,形成大小不一呈镶嵌式分布裸露土丘,对周围植物群落结构产生影响。本研究在封育与放牧条件下,对青海贵南高寒草原鼠丘及周边区域群落植物种组成和重要值、功能群生物量构成、物种多样性及群落稳定性进行定量分析,明晰鼠丘区域植物群落结构和稳定性特征在放牧和封育下的趋同规律。结果表明,1)封育和放牧样地鼠丘上植物种数极少,分别为17种和11种,封育利于鼠丘植物种的侵入和生长;2)鼠丘形成增加周围区域地上生物量122.71 g·m^–2和地面芽植物比例(20.77%),降低地下芽植物比例(22.50%),促使鼠丘周边区域草地由禾草/莎草群落向禾草群落转化,但对群落植物物种多样性无影响;3)封育降低了鼠丘周边区及非鼠丘区草地群落稳定性,放牧增加了鼠丘周边区及非鼠丘区草地稳定性;4)鼠丘草圈增加的植物生物量可部分补偿裸露鼠丘损失的地上生物量,封育和放牧样地分别补偿35.28%和57.93%的裸露鼠丘损失生物量。  相似文献   

采用野外受控放牧试验(放牧和不放牧)和人工控制草原毛虫(Gynaephora qinghaiensis)方法(草原毛虫移除和未移除),研究了牦牛干扰下草原毛虫对高寒草甸小嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)草地植被群落(植被盖度、群落高度、地上生物量及植物多样性等)的影响。结果表明,在试验期内,草原毛虫种群数量随着时间的推移呈现出先增加后降低的趋势。在牦牛(Bos mutus)放牧区内草原毛虫种群数量及增长趋势均高于无牧区。草原毛虫单独存在时群落的盖度、高度及地上总生物量与对照(牦牛与草原毛虫都不存在,CK)差异不显著(P0.05),而牦牛与草原毛虫共存时群落盖度、高度及地上总生物量都显著低于CK(P0.05)。牦牛干扰了草原毛虫对群落中主要植物种的作用,植物重要值发生了显著变化。草原毛虫单独存在时植物多样性指数与CK间无显著差异,单独放牧牦牛和牦牛与草原毛虫共存时的植物多样性指数均显著低于CK(P0.05)。本研究表明,牦牛显著加剧了草原毛虫对小嵩草高寒草甸植被的影响。  相似文献   

适宜放牧管理模式,利于草地健康、生产力维持及草地稳定性提高。本研究通过对青藏高原东北缘高寒草甸冷季放牧(CSG)和四季放牧(WCSG)模式下,草地植物种重要值、群落特征、功能群生物量构成、群落物种Raunkiaer频度系数、草地演替度及土壤养分进行定量分析,明晰两种放牧模式下草地植被构成变化和稳定性特征,确定适宜草地管理模式。结果表明:1)CSG和WCSG草地植被优势种分别为冷地早熟禾与矮嵩草和垂穗披碱草,地上生物量构成分别以禾草(86.5%)和莎草(59.1%)为主;2)草层高度、盖度和总地上生物量均为CSG草地极显著高于WCSG草地(P<0.001或P<0.01),且前者分别为后者的6.5、1.1和3.0倍;群落植物物种数为CSG草地显著低于WCSG草地(P<0.05),后者是前者的1.3倍;3)CSG草地中地面芽植物的比例极显著高于WCSG草地(P<0.001),前者为后者的1.4倍;但前者地下芽植物和一年生植物的比例均显著低于后者(P<0.01或P<0.05),且前者分别为后者的18.2%和6.8%;4)CSG管理模式利于草地土壤有机碳(C)和全氮(N)维持;5)CSG草地植物物种Raunkiaer频度呈典型反“J”型,群落趋于相对成熟且稳定阶段。研究认为,CSG管理模式促进高寒草甸由莎草/杂类草群落向禾草/杂类草群落演替,提高草地稳定性。  相似文献   

Seeding is sometimes used in attempts to increase grass forage production in invaded rangelands, but insufficient long-term data prevent determining if seeded grasses are likely to become and remain productive enough to justify this expensive practice. We quantified long-term seeding outcomes in a widespread Rocky Mountain foothill habitat invaded by leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) and several exotic grasses. Fourteen yr after seeding, the most productive grass (bluebunch wheatgrass [Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Á. Löve]) produced 900 (100, 12 000) kg ha−1 [mean (95% CI)], which was about 70% of total plant community biomass. This result was not greatly altered by grazing according to an unreplicated, grazed experiment adjacent to our replicated ungrazed experiment. Regardless of treatment, E. esula gradually became less productive and seeded and unseeded plots produced similar E. esula biomass 14 yr after seeding. P. spicata reduced exotic grasses about 85%. Our results resemble those of another foothills study of another invasive forb (Centaurea stoebe L. ssp. micranthos [Gugler] Hayek) and a Great Plains study of E. esula, so foothills seeding outcomes seem somewhat insensitive to invader composition, and seeding can increase forage across much of E. esula’s range. While there is always some risk seeded grasses will fail to establish, our study combined with past studies identifies invaded habitats where seeded grasses have a good possibility of forming persistent, productive stands.  相似文献   

Re-establishing native communities that resist exotic weed invasion and provide diverse habitat for wildlife are high priorities for restoration in sagebrush ecosystems. Native forbs are an important component of healthy rangelands in this system, but they are rarely included in seedings. Understanding competitive interactions between forb and grass seedlings is required to devise seeding strategies that can enhance establishment of diverse native species assemblages in degraded sagebrush communities. We conducted a greenhouse experiment to examine seedling biomass and relative growth rate of common native forb species when grown alone or in the presence of a native bunchgrass or an exotic annual grass. Forb species included bigseed biscuitroot (Lomatium macrocarpum [Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray] J.M. Coult. & Rose), sulphur-flower buckwheat (Eriogonum umbellatum Torr.), hoary aster (Machaeranthera canescens [Pursh] Gray), royal penstemon (Penstemon speciosus Douglas ex Lindl.), and Munro's globemallow (Sphaeralcea munroana [Douglas ex Lindl.] Spach ex Gray); and neighboring grass species included bottlebrush squirreltail (Elymus elymoides [Raf.] Swezey), Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda J. Presl); and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.). Forbs and grasses were harvested after 6, 9, or 12 wk of growth for biomass determination and calculation of relative growth rates (RGR) of forbs. Neither bunchgrass reduced biomass of any forb. RGR was reduced for royal penstemon when grown with either native grass and for Munro's globemallow when grown with bottlebrush squirreltail. Although only assessed qualitatively, forbs with vertically oriented root morphologies exhibited no reduction in RGR when grown with native grasses, compared to forbs with dense lateral branching, similar to the root morphology of native grasses. Biomass of forbs was reduced by 50% to 91% and RGR by 37% to 80% when grown with cheatgrass. Understanding native forb interactions with native grasses and cheatgrass will aid land managers in selecting effective seed mixes and making better use of costly seed.  相似文献   

本研究以坝上天然草地植物群落为研究对象,分析了不同草地利用方式(打草场、冬牧地、公牧地)对植物群落的数量特征、物种组成、功能群特征及物种多样性的影响.结果表明:冬牧地的群落高度、物种数及物种多样性指数均最大,打草场的群落盖度显著大于放牧地(冬牧地和公牧地)且其地上生物量与冬牧地没有显著差异,同时打草场物种多样性指数与冬...  相似文献   

为了评估西藏生态安全屏障工程-围封禁牧工程对高寒退化草地植被恢复效益,本研究在申扎高寒草原与湿地生态系统观测试验站附近,采用样线法和样方法对围封8年、围封4年和自由放牧的藏北高寒草原群落特征和生物量进行调查与采样分析。结果表明:自由放牧样地经过围封后,群落结构由杂类草矮火绒草(Leontopodium nanum)和昆仑蒿(Artemisia nanschanica)转变为多年生禾草紫花针茅(Stipapurpurea)和青藏苔草(Carex moorcrofii)为优势种的植物群落,植被高度、盖度、丰富度和多样性均增加。但是,围封后地上生物量却呈降低趋势。因此,应结合各个指标与群落结构特征综合评价退化草地的恢复状况。  相似文献   

Fire plays a central role in influencing ecosystem patterns and processes. However, documentation of fire seasonality and plant community response is limited in semiarid grasslands. We evaluated aboveground biomass, cover, and frequency response to summer, fall, and spring fires and no fire on silty and clayey sites in semiarid, C3-dominated grassland. The magnitude of change in biomass between years was greater than any differences among fire treatments. Still, differences existed among seasons of fire. Summer fire reduced non-native annual forb frequency (3% vs. 10% ± 2%) and Hesperostipa comata, reduced native annual forbs the first year, increased Poa secunda and bare ground, and increased Vulpia octoflora the second year. Fall fire increased grass biomass (1224 vs. 1058 ± 56 kg ? ha? 1), but fall fire effects were generally similar to those of summer fire. Spring fire effects tended to be intermediate between no fire and summer and fall fire with the exception that spring fire was most detrimental to H. comata the first growing season and did not increase bare ground. All seasons of fire reduced litter, forb biomass, and frequency of Bromus japonicus and Artemisia spp., and they reduced H. comata, V. octoflora, and native annual forbs the first year, but increased basal cover of C3 perennial grasses (2.2% vs. 0.6% ± 0.4%). Fire during any season increased dominance of native species compared with no fire (6.6% vs. 2.0% ± 1.0% basal cover) and maintained productivity. Seasonal timing of fire manipulated species composition, but increased C3 perennial grass cover and native species dominance with fire during any season indicated that using fire was more important than the season in which it occurred. In addition, fire effects on the vegetation components tended to be counter to previously observed effects of grazing, suggesting fire and grazing may be complementary.  相似文献   

放牧对天山北坡中段草原群落结构和功能群生产力的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对天山北坡中段典型羊茅草原的动态监测,分析了放牧对草原群落结构和功能群生产力的影响。结果表明:放牧不能改变草原植物生活型功能群的组成结构,且多年生禾草占据主导地位,放牧与不放牧条件下所占比重依次为30.74%~44.999,5、30.819/6~35.71%;中度放牧能够增加草原植物种数,但不能改变羊茅、针茅、草原苔草的优势地位,其优势度分别为11.64%~19.40%,11.05%~19.70%和11.65%~23.79%;植物生活型功能群组成中,半灌木、灌木与多年生禾草、杂类草,多年生豆科草与杂类草间植物量显著正相关,生态互补效应显著。  相似文献   

为探讨不同放牧制度对高原鼢鼠的生物调控机制,本研究以高原鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi)危害严重的天然草场为研究对象,通过网围栏设置禁牧区、季节性放牧区及自由放牧区,分析草地群落结构及高原鼢鼠种群密度与单子叶、阔叶类植物的相关性。结果表明:禁牧区禾本科植物重要值两年均高于季节性放牧和自由放牧区。3个样区的多样性指数在第二年都有所增加;同时,自由放牧区第一年的优势度指数和均匀度指数高于季节放牧区和禁牧区;季节性放牧第二年草地群落多样性指数高于禁牧区和自由放牧区,同时季节性放牧区的优势度指数显著高于禁牧区和自由放牧区(P<0.05)。另外,禁牧区单子叶植物地上生物量最高,季节放牧区阔叶类植物地下生物量最高。高原鼢鼠相对鼠群密度表现为:季节性放牧区>自由放牧区>禁牧区,且禁牧区高原鼢鼠相对种群密度与单子叶植物地上生物量、阔叶类植物地下生物量呈正相关;季节性放牧区的相对鼠群密度与地上生物量呈负相关,与地下生物量呈正相关;自由放牧区的相对鼠群密度与单子叶植物地上生物量呈负相关,与单子叶植物地下生物量、阔叶类植物生物量(地下、地上)均呈正相关。综上所述,建立合理的放牧制度可以改善高寒草甸草地群落结构,进而调控高原鼢鼠的种群密度。  相似文献   

禁牧封育3年后退化草地生物量测定   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
以高寒草甸类草地为测定对象,对轻度、中度和重度退化草地禁牧前后地上和地下生物量的分布情况进行了比较测定。结果表明,禁牧封育后较禁牧前莎草、禾草地上部分分别增加了3.51和4.59个百分点,地下部分分别增加了2.87和4.30个百分点,杂类草地上部分下降了8.10个百分点,地下部分下降7.17个百分点。  相似文献   

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