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在黄河中上游地区采用不同造林树种和不同保水剂进行造林,观察不同树种与不同保水剂对造林成活率及林木长势情况的影响.结果表明:使用保水袋能显著提高造林成活率和地上生长量,使用其他保水剂对树种成活率及地上生长量的影响不是很大;造林成活率的大小与选择树种的种类密切相关.  相似文献   

在沈阳地区,对9个丁香品种初期生长量和成活率等指标进行测定评价。结果表明,供试品种对当地的适应性表现不同,其中紫丁香和小叶丁香的适应性较好。对各测定指标进行主成分分析,得出累计贡献率达到85.76%的2个主成分因子。对各品种的主成分得分和综合得分值分析表明,紫丁香的综合得分最高,其新枝和地径生长量高,成活率为94.67%,株高生长量达到了27.40 cm,为供试品种中最适宜在沈阳地区栽植的丁香品种。  相似文献   

通过对构树等10个树种在白云质砂石山上进行造林对比试验,结果显示10个树种间的造林成活率、年生长量均存在极显著差异,表明白云质砂石山造林成功的关键技术之一是树种选择,根据本试验各树种的造林成活率与年生长量的综合表现,初步认为构树、南酸枣、侧柏、乌桕、女贞可作为白云质砂石山的造林树种,优良适宜树种的确定有待于进行更多树种参加的多个立地造林试验及其至林分郁闭年份以上的观测结果。  相似文献   

引进美国红枫优良品种"秋火焰""十月辉煌""夕阳红""红点"4个,经过3年的试验观测,从成活率、生长量、抗逆性、色彩变化性状等方面对供试品种进行综合分析比较,初步筛选出"秋火焰""夕阳红"2个红枫品种,可作为庆阳市绿化美化的首选优良品种;而"十月辉煌""红点"2个品种的抗性及优良性状指标有待于今后进一步试验观察确定。  相似文献   

引进挪威槭的一个变种——"红国王"挪威槭(Acer platanoides‘Crimson king’),经过4年的试验观测,从成活率、生长量、抗逆性、色彩变化性状等方面对供试品种进行综合分析,结果显示:该树种春、夏、秋三季叶色均为红色或红褐色,观赏期长达204~212d,适应性强,耐寒、抗病虫害,且长势健壮,可作为优良彩色树种大力推广。  相似文献   

在福建三明市梅列区陈大镇棕南进行山乌桕等24个乡土阔叶树种山地造林对比试验,4年生结果显示,24个树种间的造林成活率、树高、胸径、冠幅生长量均存在极显著差异,表明山地造林成功的关键技术之一是树种选择。24种乡土阔叶树种的高生长与胸径(地径)生长均表现出极显著的正相关(P〈0.0001)。根据各树种的造林成活率与生长量的综合表现,山乌桕、枫香、山杜英、拟赤杨、石栎、木荷、杨梅在山地造林表现较优,可作为当地营造水土保持林、水源涵养林等生态公益林的首选树种。  相似文献   

2014-2015年,在浙江省缙云县对赤皮青冈(Cyclobalanopsis gilva)、闽楠(Phoebe bournei)、木荷(Schima superba)3种树种进行容器苗和裸根苗在上、中、下3种不同坡位造林试验,并研究其对造林成活率、地径及树高生长量的影响。结果表明:不同树种容器苗造林后树高生长量、地径生长量及造林成活率均显著高于裸根苗;坡位对不同树种造林成活率、地径生长量和树高生长量的影响均表现为下坡中坡上坡;不同树种之间,木荷在各坡位造林的成活率均高于赤皮青冈、闽楠,闽楠则在地径生长量和树高生长量上优势最明显。试验表明容器苗造林可以有效提高造林成活率,下坡造林有利于幼苗更好生长。  相似文献   

杨树为我区西部的乡土树种,初步统计,其中仅杨树的新种、新变种就分布有15种之多。我们选择阴山东段有代表性的4个区域的北京杨等六个树种,以树干解析法、多元线性回归法确定它们的生长量与当地气候因子的定量关系,探讨其对气候环境条件的选择性。为进一步扩大杨树造林,适  相似文献   

应用蓄水渗膜袋造林后,树种造林成活率均比对照区平均高810个百分点,对苗木成活率有显著差异;而且各树种年平均树高、平均胸径、平均地径、平均年新梢生长量均比对照区各树种高,但使用效果的差异不显著。对高2.010个百分点,对苗木成活率有显著差异;而且各树种年平均树高、平均胸径、平均地径、平均年新梢生长量均比对照区各树种高,但使用效果的差异不显著。对高2.02.5m金丝柳、香花槐截杆苗木进行了蓄水渗膜装水量应用试验,试验结果表明:在每个植树坑穴中放置2个蓄水渗膜袋造林,对苗木的成活率提高最大。蓄水渗膜袋可在干旱半干旱山区进行造林。  相似文献   

在广东乐昌龙山林场进行山乌桕等43个乡土阔叶树种山地造林对比试验,4年生结果显示,43个树种间的造林成活率、树高、胸径、冠幅生长量均存在极显著差异,表明北江流域山地造林成功的技术关键之一是树种选择.43种乡土阔叶树种的高生长与胸径(地径)生长均表现出极显著的正相关(P<0.000 1).根据各树种的造林成活率与生长量的综合表现,山乌桕、黎蒴、冬桃杜英、枫香、山杜英、拟赤杨、网脉山龙眼、石栎、荷木、杨梅、拐枣在北江流域山地造林表现较优,可作为当地营造水土保持林、水源涵养林等生态公益林的首选树种.  相似文献   

针对漯河绿化树种单一,秋色叶树种匮乏的现状,试验性引种了长柄槭、葛萝槭、飞蛾槭、建始槭、血皮槭5种河南野生槭树,从生长量及生长表现对比,发现建始槭、飞蛾槭、长柄槭在漯河生长表现良好,可以作为城市绿化树种加以推广.  相似文献   

章古台沙地造林树种选择试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对比栽培试验分析,选择出适宜章固台沙地造林应用的乡土树种刺榆(Hemiptelea davidii)、小叶朴(Celtes Bengeana)、黑桦(Betulasp.),外来树种铅笔柏(Sabina virginiana)和新疆大叶榆(Ulmus laevis)等造林树种。乡土树种在极端气候条件下没有出现任何干枯死亡现象,表现稳定。刺榆的生长量超过大果榆和家榆,小叶朴和桦树也表现出适应性强的特性。引种的外来树种,铅笔柏和新疆大叶榆,虽然在前2~3年发生枯梢现象,但总生长量已超过或接近对照树种,可以在营造混交林中应用。刺榆和铅笔柏选出了不同形态类型,经过不断选择,选育出具有不同形态的树木,可以在不同目的造林中应用。  相似文献   

祁连山浅山区造林技术试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对祁连山浅山区影响造林成活、生长的树种选择、混交方式、生长调节剂处理等因子开展试验研究,结果表明:浅山区造林树种的选择对成活率的影响较大,成活率相差近10个百分点;GGR处理对成活率、生长量有一定的影响,其成活率可提高13个百分点,科翰95保水剂不同施入方法,对成活率影响明显,其排序为水溶300倍液穴施150 g水溶蘸根粉施20 g;干旱区同一树种根系套袋造林其成活率影响比较明显,成活率提高11个百分点,年新梢生长量平均提高2.0 cm,干梢率下降10个百分点。  相似文献   

观赏槭树的苗期试验初报   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
观赏槭树育苗试验表明,不同树种、种源间种实发芽率差异较大。发芽率较高的种类有樟叶槭(92%)、鸡爪槭(90%)、三角枫(90%),其次是复叶槭(85%)、红花槭(82%)、橄榄槭(76%)和元宝槭(75%);茶条槭、五角槭、罗浮槭发芽率均小于70%。1年生苗高生长量以复叶槭最大(113.98 cm),其次是三角枫(101.21 cm);樟叶槭和鸡爪槭1年生苗生长量中等,当年生长量分别为62.43 cm和71.74 cm;罗浮槭、青榨槭和橄榄槭1年生苗高生长量较小。季节生长节律有3种类型:橄榄槭、鸡爪槭、元宝槭、茶条槭等几种槭树表现为第1类型(前期生长型),即5月前苗木缓慢生长,6~7月进入速生期,7月以后苗木渐渐停止生长,速生期较短。复叶槭和青榨槭表现为第2种类型:1年生苗全年高生长有2次高峰,出现在6月和9月;樟叶槭和三角枫季节生长节律表现为第3种类型:5月生长缓慢,6月生长开始加快进入速生期,一直持续到8月底,速生期长。三角枫、橄榄槭、鸡爪槭、元宝槭、茶条槭、复叶槭和青榨槭等几种槭树表现出较强的抗寒性,樟叶槭和罗浮槭抗寒性较差。  相似文献   

Establishing the competitive relationships at the local neighbourhood level is essential for improving our understanding of tree growth dynamics in structurally heterogeneous and species-rich forests. We studied the competitive interactions influencing individual-tree five-year radial growth of the two species Castanopsis fargesii (Franch.) and Quercus fabri (Hance) in a diverse young secondary evergreen broad-leaved forest (EBLF) in eastern China. Different spatially explicit individual-based competition indices were examined for their effectiveness at predicting radial growth. These indices were based on one of the three tree size variables - diameter at breast height (dbh), total height, and crown projection area - and were combined with different approaches to identify potential competitors. Furthermore, we tested for competitive equivalence of conspecific and heterospecific neighbours and analysed the effects of local diversity, initial dbh (measured at the beginning of the five-year growth period) and abiotic environmental variables on individual-tree radial growth. Competition accounted for up to 78% and 75% of radial growth variation in C. fargesii and Q. fabri, respectively. The best results were provided by competition indices using crown projection area as the variable describing tree size and the angular height method as the approach to identify potential competitors (i.e. neighbours greater than the minimum angular height, measured from the base of the target trees, are selected as competitors). Competitive equivalence of conspecific and heterospecific neighbours was found in C. fargesii, whereas heterospecifics were stronger competitors than conspecifics in Q. fabri. We could not detect diversity effects on radial growth. The addition of initial dbh or abiotic environmental variables as further explanatory variables failed to improve the predictive ability of growth models. Our results indicate that diameter growth in this EBLF is largely a function of local neighbourhood competition and suggest that the mode of competition is primarily size-asymmetric. It appears that there may be high competitive equivalence among different species, but this remains to be experimentally tested.  相似文献   

在宁洱县对高产脂思茅松进行采穗母株促萌及不同采穗母株年龄、不同扦插时间对穗条生根率的影响试验,结果表明,不同采穗母株最佳促萌效果是修剪时在母株上留枝长度2 cm;根外施尿精30 g/株,采穗母株穗条产量最高;随着采穗母株年龄增加,穗条生根率下降,1年生母株穗条扦插成活率最高,可达73.04%,4年生母株穗条扦插成活率仅24.13%;每年最适宜的扦插时间为10、11、12月,穗条生根率高达71.5%以上.  相似文献   

在宁洱县对高产脂思茅松进行采穗母株促萌及不同采穗母株年龄、不同扦插时间对穗条生根率的影响试验,结果表明,不同采穗母株最佳促萌效果是修剪时在母株上留枝长度2 cm;根外施尿精30 g/株,采穗母株穗条产量最高;随着采穗母株年龄增加,穗条生根率下降,1年生母株穗条扦插成活率最高,可达73.04%,4年生母株穗条扦插成活率仅24.13%;每年最适宜的扦插时间为10、11、12月,穗条生根率高达71.5%以上。  相似文献   

Otsamo  Antti  Ådjers  Göran  Hadi  Tjuk Samito  Kuusipalo  Jussi  Vuokko  Risto 《New Forests》1997,14(2):127-143
Survival and growth of 83 tree species were tested in three separate species elimination trials on Imperata cylindrica dominated grassland in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The trial layout was randomized complete blocks design with 6–8 replications of 5-tree line plots. At the age of two years exotics, like several Acacia species (A. mangium, A. crassicarpa, A. auriculiformis, A. cincinnata, A. leptocarpa), as well as Gmelina arborea, Paraserianthes falcataria and Cassia siamea had survival rates of 90–100%, crown width of 3–6 m and mean height of 5–8 m. Among the most promising local species were Anthocephalus chinensis, Peronema canescens and Parkia roxburghii but their growth was inferior compared to exotics. Eucalypts and pines were not among the highest ranking trees and cannot be recommended for initial grassland reforestation. At the age of 7–8 years the same species were still dominating, but increasing mortality of several species was observed. Especially Acacia crassicarpa and A. cincinnata of the exotics were affected, and indigenous Anthocephalus chinensis almost perished. Since fast early growth is necessary in first rotation reforestation of grasslands, fast growing exotic species provide a reliable basis for further activities. Final performance of reforestation species has to be confirmed in stand-level experiments and pilot plantations. Intensive work on integrating local tree species in reforestation of grasslands in the long run is recommended.  相似文献   

Reforestation in the tropics takes place across a wide variety of edaphic and climatic conditions. Reforestation trials have demonstrated that edaphic conditions may have a strong effect on species growth and survival. However it is unclear how the relative importance of soil conditions influences species survival and growth under varying amounts of rainfall and lengths of dry season.Two-year growth and mortality of 49 tree species were evaluated in four sites across Panama, representing a soil fertility-rainfall matrix. Despite strong contrasts in environmental conditions, 65% of individual species did not show consistent differences in growth between high- and low-fertility sites or between wet and dry sites. However, early growth and survival were more strongly affected by soil fertility than by rainfall patterns for the second-largest group; 30% of the species grew significantly better in both high-fertility sites than in both low-fertility sites, compared to 6% in both wet sites vs. both dry sites. In the two high-fertility sites, growth of 47% and 69% of the species was better than their across-site means. On the other hand, 55% and 73% of the species grew significantly slower than their across-site averages in the two low-fertility sites.Survival did not appear to be associated to either soil fertility or rainfall. In each site, only a few species had a significantly higher or lower within-site survival than across-site survival.Diversifying the choice of tree species increases the options for reforestation strategies that match species characteristics to local site conditions and to the objectives and management possibilities of landholders. Testing the performance of potential species under different site conditions in screening trials is paramount, both to inform selection from among the vast diversity of tree species in the tropics that show good growth and survival under different local site conditions and to filter out unsuitable species and avoid early failure of the reforestation effort.  相似文献   

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