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会理县烟区土壤肥力状况综合评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
会理县是四川主要的烤烟种植区之一,基于会理县主要植烟乡镇269份土壤样品的养分指标,运用模糊综合评价法对会理县燥红壤、红壤、棕壤、黄棕壤、紫色土、水稻土和石灰岩土七种植烟土壤进行综合肥力评价。结果表明会理烟区7种土壤类型的肥力综合指数是:石灰岩土黄棕壤水稻土红壤棕壤紫色土燥红壤;石灰岩土和黄棕壤Ⅰ级土壤所占比例较大;水稻土Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级分布较多;棕壤、紫色土、燥红壤大部分为Ⅳ级;红壤各等级分布比较平均。各土壤类型肥力状况差异较大,石灰岩,黄棕壤和水稻土相比较优,红壤、棕壤、紫色土和燥红壤要根据具体情况进行肥力改造。  相似文献   

阳海清 《土壤》1988,20(1):14-18
鄂东南地处红壤向黄棕壤的过渡地带,其地带性土类普遍认为是属于红壤,但在亚类的划分上,却存在着黄红壤〔1〕②、红壤〔1-4〕、棕红壤③④等分岐,因此,阐明本区红壤的发生特性,有助于解决该区土壤分类指标及分布界限问题。  相似文献   

三峡库区山地不同森林地段烘干土入渗过程研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用室内定水头入渗法,观测三峡不同森林地段烘干土的入渗性能,比较大孔隙域与基质域烘干土入渗的差异,探究影响烘干土入渗性能的原因,评价常用入渗模型对不同属性烘干土壤入渗过程的适宜性。结果表明:三峡库区各森林地段基质域A层土壤的入渗能力强于B(或C)层土壤,B(或C)层土的40 min累积入渗量只占到A层土的29.79%~45.07%;不同林型覆盖下基质域烘干土壤入渗能力相比较,温性落叶阔叶林山地棕壤>常绿落叶阔叶混交林山地黄棕壤>暖性针叶林山地黄壤>常绿阔叶林山地棕红壤,温性落叶阔叶林山地棕壤40 min的累积入渗量是常绿阔叶林山地棕红壤的32.08~48.53倍。大孔隙域烘干土的入渗速率亦符合先下降后趋于稳定的一般入渗规律,大孔隙域比基质域烘干土的入渗性能更好,其40 min累积入渗量可以达到基质域的0.99~2.95倍。三峡库区森林烘干土的入渗能力与土壤容重和土粒密度呈极显著负相关关系(P<0.01),与土壤通气孔隙度(>0.02 mm)和有机质含量呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01)。方正三通用公式对于基质域A层土和大孔隙域烘干土的入渗过程拟合效果较好,Horton方程对于基质域B(或C)层烘干土的入渗过程有较高的拟合度。  相似文献   

福建梅花山自然保护区土壤特性及其垂直分布规律   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郭成达 《土壤学报》1992,29(4):427-436
梅花山地处中亚热带地区,基带土壤为红壤,从下而上依次分布着红壤,黄红壤和黄壤.此外,在一些千米以上的山间谷地,尚有零星的山地草甸土和沼泽土分布.各类土壤的性质均表现有一定的地带性特征.随着土壤类型的垂直地带性变化,其性质也表现较明显的地理分异规律.  相似文献   

许曼丽  刘芷宇 《土壤》1984,16(2):65-65
研究了若干土壤样品的腐殖质,其中包括黑土、黄棕壤和红壤等。  相似文献   

西藏色季拉山土壤的性状与垂直分布   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
方江平 《山地研究》1997,15(4):228-233
色季拉山位于青藏高原的东南部,是西藏主要林区之一。由于气候和森林的垂直变化,其山体土壤类型的垂直带谱较为明显,基带为山地棕壤,往上依次为山地酸性棕壤,山漂灰土,亚高山(灌丛)草甸土(黑毡土,棕毡土),高山草甸土(草毡土)和高山寒漠土,并且东西坡呈对称分布。在分析了各类土壤的特征之后,讨论了土壤质地,有机质与养分,PH值,交换性能及化学组成的垂直分布规律。  相似文献   

刘博学 《土壤学报》1987,24(3):257-268
都庞岭位于湖南省西南部。最高峰韮菜岭海拔2009.3米。属中亚热带季风气候,水热资源丰富,植被生长良好。土壤形成特点表现为较强的脱硅富铝化作用,B层粘土矿物以高岭为主,硅铝率较低,通常在2.5以下,少数土壤剖面可小于1。土壤有机质含量较高,垂直谱上部土壤淋溶作用较强。由于都庞岭山体高峻,土壤垂直分带性明显,自下而上,分布有山地红壤(海拔700米以下)、山地黄壤(700—1550米)、山地黄棕壤(1550—1950米)、山地灌丛草甸土(1950米以上)等。山地黄壤在垂直带谱中占有重要位置,其性态特征表明,黄壤并不是红壤发育的前期阶段,而有其自身的、独立的形成特点,在湿度大,风化物通透性好的条件下,对黄壤的形成发育更为有利。  相似文献   

衡山土壤的粘粒矿物   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
曾维琪  殷细宽 《土壤学报》1986,23(3):243-250
衡山的土壤,随着海拔高度的增加,依次分布着成土过程由强到弱的红壤、山地黄壤和山地草甸土.这个规律在粘粒矿物的组成上得到较好的反映.从山脚到山顶高岭石渐减,而三水铝石渐增.埃洛石则普遍存在,但以B,C层为多.风化程度较低的次要矿物如水云母、水黑云母、14(Å)过渡矿物和绿泥石等也是衡山的上部较多.从粘粒矿物组成的特点判断,衡山上部不存在山地黄棕壤,而只有山地黄壤和山地草甸土.衡山上部土壤的三水铝石含量很高,以致粘粒的硅铝率甚小.三水铝石可能是斜长石的直接风化产物.由这种方式产生的富铝化现象,在发生学上有别于热带土壤的富铝化作用.  相似文献   

基于云南省农用地分等成果,服务农业产业化发展,以土壤改良利用的土壤地带性分区为角度,通过采用空间叠加分析与统计的方法,分析了全省耕地利用等的空间分布。结果表明:(1)云南省砖红壤、赤红壤、山原(地)红壤地带的耕地利用等广泛分布在2—5等,7等以上较少,黄棕壤与棕壤地带的耕地利用等分布在1—6等;(2)各土壤地带中耕地平均利用等随海拔的升高而递减,且在同海拔梯度上黄棕壤与棕壤地带的耕地平均利用等均小于其他土壤地带;(3)砖红壤和赤红壤地带中的耕地平均利用等随纬度增加而递增,山原(地)红壤、黄棕壤与棕壤地带的则减小。该研究可为云南省的土壤改良利用、土地整治、农业产业化发展等工作的开展提供参考。  相似文献   

张俊民  过兴度  张玉庚  曲克健 《土壤》1986,18(1):38-43,47
土壤形成受生物气候条件的影响,因此土壤具有地带性分布规律。过去认为一个生物气候带只有一个地带性土类。例如,暖温带落叶阔叶林地带只有棕壤,中亚热带常绿阔叶林地带只有红壤。土壤是一个复杂的自然体,单纯根据生物气候带来确定地带性土类的方法,不可能正确反映客观实际。  相似文献   

衡山土壤酸化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭世良  吴甫成 《土壤通报》2004,35(5):599-603
首先提出了研究衡山土壤酸化较为科学有效的方法,然后选取衡山不同垂直带谱上5个代表性地点不同年代的土壤样品,实验分析土壤酸度和酸缓冲能力的时空变化,最后得出土壤酸化年限和土壤酸化特点。就Ah层来说,衡山5个代表性地点的土壤酸化年限分别为:上封寺土壤5.2a,南天门土壤5.5a,铁佛寺土壤>100a,半山亭土壤23.7a,玉板桥土壤19.2a。衡山土壤酸化有两个特点:①衡山高海拔和低海拔土壤酸化进程快于中海拔土壤,即"两头快,中间慢";②衡山土壤酸化是一个由表及里的过程。  相似文献   

The effects of acidic deposition on soil ecosystems under temperate coniferous forest in the Chongqing region of China were investigated from 1993 to 1994. Precipitation, throughfall, stemflow, soil solutions, and soil samples were collected to estimate the acidification of soil ecosystems through the changes of their chemical components. The concentrations of ion species in the throughfall and stemflow under masson pine forest in Mt. Zhenwu were higher than those under mixed coniferous forest in Mt. Jinyun and under camphor tree forest in Laojundong, suggesting that Mt. Zhenwu is located in the vicinity of the Chongqing center and that it allowed the canopy of masson pine to intercept air pollutants. However, the level of aluminum dissolution into soil solutions was relatively low under masson pine forest in Mt. Zhenwu in spite of the low pH in the stemflow.  相似文献   

Abstract. Dryland salinity in the Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia has developed as a result of native vegetation being replaced with pastures that use less water. Groundwaters have risen and mobilized ions (sodium, chloride, sulphate and iron) stored within deeply weathered micaceous sandstones and schists. Salinity resulting from sodium chloride is common in agricultural catchments around Australia, but saline sulphidic soils (with sulphate and iron) have only been studied in South Australia. Salinity is also associated with waterlogging and secondary sodicity. The amelioration of dryland salinity and waterlogging involves management of whole catchments, not just the area that is currently saline. It is imperative that all processes operating in saline catchments and their interactions are clearly understood.
Salinity, waterlogging, sodicity, sulphidization and water erosion were studied in four saline sub-catchments in the Mt Lofty Ranges. Grey (bleached) and yellow mottles (iron depletions) or black and red stains (iron concentrations) develop under certain conditions of water saturation, salinization, sulphidization, sodification and water erosion in surface and subsurface horizons. The amounts of these diagnostic features were used to develop a farm planning key for managing saline catchments in the Mt Lofty Ranges. Using soil diagnostic features, soil-water processes in saline catchments are easily identified by farmers and land managers. Management options (e.g. fencing, tree planting and drainage) are then targeted to specific soils and can be easily incorporated by agricultural advisers into farm management plans. We recommend that soil diagnostic features which help predict the onset of land degradation be used in the production of land capability maps for farm planning purposes.  相似文献   

福建东南部山地丘陵土壤的基本特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
福建是我国多山的省份之一.东南部靠山面海,以戴云山为主体的闽中大山带分布于本区西北部,平均高度为海拔800-1000米以上,成东北西南走向,其支脉密布本区,地势由西北向东南倾斜,呈阶梯状下降,由中山过渡到低山、丘陵、台地直至海滨狭小的海积-冲积平原.  相似文献   

Young thallus tissue of the epiphytic lichen, Parmelia sulcata, and surface soil associated with its host trees were collected on Mt. Amiata for analysis of metal content including Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Hg. The purpose of this study was to achieve a better understanding of plant-soil Hg relationships by comparisons of the Mt. Amiata minesite with the summit of an active volcano — Mt. Etna — and thereby to gain more insight into metal source and eco-physiology as factors in plant-Hg distribution. Although an Hg source-plant distance relationship clearly exists on Mt. Amiata, its precise nature is still in doubt, as it was impossible to distinguish statistically at p<0.01 among linear, log-linear, exponential, and third order polynomial regressions, even with N=47. Nevertheless, the distance-from-source relationship for Hg was clearly unique. No significant pattern could be assigned to the other metals studied, nor was there evidence of a regular relationship between soil content and plant content except in the case of Hg. Parmelia from Mt. Amiata accumulates Hg from soil degassing which was not at all the case for its mercury source on Mt. Etna. The data also suggests that high Zn values in the lichen of Mt. Amiata may be based on long range atmospheric transport. The Zn content of Parmelia was not analyzed on Mt. Etna. Element atomic ratios, Fe/Al for example, provide good evidence for accumulation of surface soil particulates, other than cinnabar by the thallus. Finally, we conclude that widely separated populations of the same species can display biogeochemical differences that are best explained on an eco-physiological basis.  相似文献   

巴尔鲁克山山地灰褐色森林土壤的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
孙继坤 《土壤学报》1991,28(2):186-195
本文根据调查研究的结果,说明了巴尔鲁克山山地森林土壤与天山北坡的山地森林土壤,从生物气候带所形成的森林植被类型、成土条件、成土过程和森林土壤的基本属性都极为相似,因此应划定同属于天山北坡的灰褐色森林土。前人将它划定为同属于阿尔泰山西南坡的山地灰色森林土是不适宜的。  相似文献   

The total Hg content in soil and in the epiphytic lichen Parmelia sulcata was determined in a former cinnabar mining area on Mt. Amiata. Metal concentrations in soil and in lichen are significantly related and decrease at increasing distances from the zone most affected by minespoil and by air which is still vented from mine shafts. On the basis of these results and of Al analysis, it seems likely that anomalous Hg content in Mt. Amiata lichens is mainly due to the out-gassing of volatile Hg from soil, from vegetation and, in the most heavily polluted zone, to the air from mine shafts.  相似文献   

九华铜矿重金属环境污染状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择江苏九华铜矿区,对其周边土壤和作物的重金属污染状况进行了研究.结果发现,约有一半的采样点土壤全Cu含量超过我国土壤环境质量三级标准(400 mg/kg),其DTPA提取态Cu含量的平均值为117 mg/kg.通过对矿区土壤重金属间的相关分析表明,土壤Cu与Zn、Pb、Cd、Co之间呈极显著的正相关关系(p<0.01),而与Cr、Ni无显著相关,说明了该铜矿区土壤还伴有外源Zn、Pb、Cd、Co的污染.土壤复合污染指数(PI)>1.0的土壤样品占57.3%.矿区周围作物可食部位Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd和Cr的含量均较高.  相似文献   

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