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雅安市古树名木现状调查及保护措施探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对雅安市六县两区古树名木资源现状调查,摸清了全市古树名木现有数量、种类、分布等状况,分析了当前古树名木的保护现状和存在的问题,探讨了新形势下古树名木保护管理的对策措施。  相似文献   

通过介绍福建省古树名木现状,从物种、分布、年龄、保护等级、保护价值、生长状况等多方面的分析出发,阐述了如何利用福建省古树名木资源开发科普旅游、观光旅游、文化旅游、生态旅游、历史旅游、宗教旅游、乡村旅游、康养旅游等思路。在有效保护福建省古树名木资源前提下,充分发挥古树名木旅游资源服务乡村振兴的作用。  相似文献   

指出了大理州在历史、文化与自然多年的交融发展中,保留了众多的古树名木。以2018年12月大理州古树名木调查数据为主要依据,对大理州古树名木的县域分布和树种构成等情况进行了分析,并据此评价了大理州古树名木的价值。结果表明:古树名木是大理州生态建设中乡土树种的重要来源,具有种植资源价值;是大理州打造高原特色农产业的物质基础,具有特色产业基础价值;也是不可多得的乡村旅游资源,具有旅游资源价值。  相似文献   

组件式GIS技术在古树名木地理信息系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对中山陵园风景名胜区的古树名木资源信息进行处理的基础上,利用MapObjects Java Standard Edition(简称MOJa-va)在Jbuilder9.0开发环境中初步建立了中山陵园古树名木地理信息系统。该系统提供的古树名木资源信息对于古树名木资源的管理、监测、合理利用、开展相关科学研究具有重要意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

古树名木是历史的见证、活的文物,也是风景旅游资源的重要组成部分,具有极高的科研、生态、观赏和科普价值。它既有生物学价值,又具有活的历史文化价值。保护好古树名木对生物资源和历史遗产的保护有重要意义。近几年来,根据《自然保护区》条例,天池管委会制定了《天池景区古树名木保护管理办法》,有效保护了天池景区以定海神针、夫妻树为代表的古树名木和珍稀、珍贵的植物物种,使天池旅游资源得到充分保护和利用。  相似文献   

通过对本溪市古树名木资源的调查,已初步弄清楚本溪市古树名木资源的就“家底”,在调查过程中,发现许多不利于古树名木生长的行为和现象,针对影响古树名木生长的问题,提出一些具体的保护措施,旨在使本溪市古树名木资源得到可持续发展。  相似文献   

广东省古树名木资源丰富,并且具有较高的景观、科研和历史价值,研究回归古树名木所在地进行大量的社会调查和实地考察,深入挖掘古树名木及地方文化资料。在此基础上,以广东省肇庆市鼎湖区蕉园村为例,深入挖掘广东省古树名木文化,总结和思考目前乡村振兴战略背景下乡村旅游开发现状,提炼出以"古树名木文化"、"名人望族文化"、"本地民俗文化"为精髓的蕉园村文化内涵系统,并对当地旅游开发模式和景区建设进行了探讨,策划出因地制宜、内涵丰富的文化旅游项目。  相似文献   

广东省古树名木资源丰富, 并且具有较高的景观、科研和历史价值,研究回归古树名木所在地进行大量的社会调查和实地考察,深入挖掘古树名木及地方文化资料。在此基础上,以广东省肇庆市鼎湖区蕉园村为例,深入挖掘广东省古树名木文化,总结和思考目前乡村振兴战略背景下乡村旅游开发现状,提炼出以“古树名木文化”、“名人望族文化”、“本地民俗文化”为精髓的蕉园村文化内涵系统,并对当地旅游开发模式和景区建设进行了探讨,策划出因地制宜、内涵丰富的文化旅游项目。  相似文献   

古树名木资源科普旅游开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国古树名木资源丰富,并且具有较高的景观、科研和历史价值,因而成为开发优质科普旅游的基础。文中对古树名木的科普价值和旅游资源潜力进行分析,并且以"树文化"为发展契机的贵州妥乐村、台湾科普旅游典范——溪头自然教育园区以及面临开发与保护平衡的云南腾冲古银杏村为案例,分析了3个景区的成功要素和建设经验。在此基础上,对不同类型的古树名木资源分布区的科普旅游开发模式和景区建设进行了探讨。  相似文献   

云南省旅游城市古树名木保护措施浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对云南省主要旅游城市古树名木保护现状,分析了旅游城市古树名木所具有的特色及所处的地位,并结合旅游城市的市情重点探讨旅游城市古树名木的保护措施,旨在为旅游城市旅游业的可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

南京地区极端低温对常绿绿化树种景观的影响及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过调查2004年冬季南京市7个不同地域常绿绿化树种所发生的冻害情况,分析了该地当年温度、降水等气候因子变化对常绿绿化树种景观效果的影响.  相似文献   

Domestic livestock grazing and firewood extraction are chronic and pervasive disturbances in dry secondary forest that reduce diversity and modify composition. Exclosure of such disturbances may allow the reestablishment of original diversity. To investigate potential vegetation recovery following 30 years of perturbation, seed rain was evaluated monthly during 3 years in 96 0.78 m2 seed traps located in eight exclosures established in 2006 in a species-poor secondary dry forest in central Mexico. Twelve additional seed traps were located outside the exclosures in 2010 for comparison purposes. Baseline diversity of seed sources (trees, ?5 cm DBH) was recorded to compare standing tree composition with seed rain. Also, baseline diversity of potential primary (birds) and secondary (ants) dispersal vectors were registered to infer current plant-animal interactions. Total seed rain over 3 years within the exclosures comprised 180,375 seeds from 61 woody species, an average of 1.12 seeds/m2/month. Half of these species (31) and 95% of the seeds falling within the exclosures belonged to trees typical of perturbed sites. Sixty percent of all recorded seeds belonged to an early-successional, bird-dispersed shrub (Hamelia patens Jacq., Rubiaceae). Seed rain at one non-excluded plot was dominated by the wind-dispersed early-successional tree Heliocarpus sp. (Tiliaceae). Richness and seed density increased significantly in the second year of exclusion; however, by the third year, richness remained constant while seed density decreased. Seed rain was richer and more abundant during the dry season and was dominated by wind-dispersed species. Phenology, successional status and the dispersal modes of woody species explained most variance in richness and seed density of seed rain in early-successional dry forest. Seeds of early-successional species were dispersed in equal measure by abiotic and biotic vectors, whereas biotic vectors dispersed a higher density of late-successional seeds. The amount and timing of fall of abiotically dispersed seeds of the three most abundant species in the standing tree community may prolong their current domination of the landscape. However, even when richness in the seed rain within exclosures remained constant through time, composition was gradually shifting towards animal-dispersed species which may start a positive feedback producing an increase in animal visitation and a further increase of richness.  相似文献   

陈晨  李伦  陈鹏 《绿色科技》2014,(1):65-67
指出了城市绿化建设成败的关键是树种的选择,绿化生态功能和城市多样化景观离不开树种的优选。分析了河南省郑州市的绿化现状和森林城市建设应用树种的现状,探讨了在城市绿化的建设中,应当遵循的树种选择原则,包括以乡土树种为主,适地适树,具有地方特色等。  相似文献   

珍稀濒危树种的迁地保育以及在城市建设中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成功地迁地保育了珙桐、夏蜡梅等60种珍稀树种,其中40种已开花结果,占总数的66%。有的树种已形成了自然种群和更新苗。在迁地保育中,一方面应注意观测树种本身的潜在适应能力,适应能力越强越容易成功;同时应注意"引种保育区"的小生境条件和原产地生境条件的相似程度,相似程度越高越容易成功。文内还讨论了迁地保育的技术措施和珍稀树种在城市建设中的作用。  相似文献   

Remnant trees and the conservation of biodiversity in Costa Rican pastures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remnant trees may play an important role in conserving biodiversity within agricultural systems because they provide habitats and resources that are otherwise absent from agricultural landscapes. In order to determine the potential importance of remnant trees for conservation, we surveyed the density and species composition of remnant trees occurring in pastures of 24 dairy farms near Monteverde, Costa Rica. In addition, we conducted interviews with farmers to determine why they leave trees in pastures and how they manage them. In our survey of 237 ha of pastures, we counted 5583 trees of 190 species (mean density of 25 trees/ha). Primary forest trees accounted for 57% of all of the species and 33% of tree individuals. Over 90% of the species are known to provide food for forest birds and other animals. In addition, many of the species are important locally for humans as sources of timber (37%), firewood (36%) or fence posts (20%). Farmers mentioned 19 reasons for leaving trees in pastures. Of these, shade for cattle, timber, fruits for birds and fence posts were most commonly cited. Most farmers were well aware of both the economic and ecological benefits of pasture trees, and were interested in the possibility of increasing tree cover within their pastures. Although the current densities and richness of pasture trees in Monteverde are high, the size distribution indicates that diversity will decrease substantially in future years, both because farmers are harvesting trees and because saplings of primary forest trees are scarce within the pastures. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

雷跃平 《河南林业科技》2007,27(2):38-38,41
阐述了保护古树名木的重要意义,通过对河南省古树名木的现状分析,提出了今后在保护古树名木方面应采取的措施。  相似文献   

The post disturbance natural succession of the Mediterranean maquis, which turns open and species-rich landscapes into dense, closed stands of sclerophyllous woody vegetation is a principal threat to plant and animal diversity. Therefore, in the absence of traditional agricultural disturbance, active management regimes that include cutting and grazing are proposed to preserve biodiversity. The Mediterranean woody vegetation in Israel is strongly dominated by one species - the evergreen sclerophyllous Quercus calliprinos (Kermes oak). We hypothesized that under cutting and grazing, the evergreen Q. calliprinos has a relative regrowth advantage over other competing tree species. Here we examined the effect of grazing and the effect of tree structural traits on the regrowth after clear cutting of all trees in our study plots at Mt. Meron LTER site, Israel. All trees were removed from five blocks of 2000 m2 and each block was divided into two plots, five of which were exposed to grazing livestock while five were wire-fenced and ungrazed. The regrowth rate of Q. calliprinos under grazing was higher than that of all other tree species suggesting that in the long-term, under such a conservation management regime, the dominance of the evergreen sclerophyllous Q. calliprinos over the deciduous tree species will increase and consequently will decrease plant and animal diversity. Therefore, we conclude that to protect landscape and species diversity in Mediterranean ecosystems dominated by evergreen oaks, when cutting and grazing are applied, special care must be paid to trees that are more negatively affected by such treatment.  相似文献   

香山公园古树、大树树洞调查及修复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
古树、大树年代久远,枝干难免出现空洞,严重影响树木生长,危及树木安全。本文通过对香山公园古树、大树树洞情况调查,分析形成原因,并提出相应的修复措施。    相似文献   

邓恩桉优树的选择标准   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以1988、1991年种植在广西柳州、桂林两地的邓恩桉为选优林分对象,用5株优势木对比法进行选优,同时研究了优树的入选标准.通过对50株候选优树和250株5株优势木生长量数据、分枝与干形得分值的分析,确定了本次选优的标准为:胸径≥优势木平均胸径1.2倍(或树高≥优势木平均树高1.06倍)、单株材积≥优势木平均单株材积1.44倍、分枝与干形二者综合得分5分以上(含),符合该选优标准的候选优树有26株,入选率为52%.该选优标准适合所研究的林分及与研究林分情况相近的邓恩桉林分的选优.  相似文献   

经过15a的调查研究,首次报道了白石砬子国家级自然保护区共有观赏树木36科、74属、142种。其中国家级珍稀濒危保护树木11种,占保护区观赏树木种数的7.75%。从观赏特性看:观花类、观果类及观叶类最多,分别占观赏树木种数的45.07%,59.15%,33.80%;从园林用途看:园景树类、盆景类、花灌木类最多,分别占观赏树木种数的49.30%,37.83%,33.10%。69.90%的种类属于北温带分布区类型。优势科主要是蔷薇科、忍冬科和械树科等。文中还介绍了观赏树木其它方面的用途。  相似文献   

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