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环境因子对甜椒组培生根培养的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究温度、光强、光照时间、PH值等环境因子对甜椒增殖、生根培养的影响。结果表明温度24-28℃,光强1500Lx-2000Lx,光照10h/d以上,PH5.5~6.0有利于甜椒生根培养。  相似文献   

弱光对甜椒不同品种光合特性的影响   总被引:37,自引:4,他引:33  
以4个对光照强度敏感性不同的甜椒品种为试材,分别给予100%、70%和35%光强处理。结果表明:70%光强下甜椒产量显著提高,植株净光合速率最高,夜间呼吸速率最低。随光强的减弱,甜椒的光补偿点降低,而叶片叶绿素含量、捕光叶绿素a/b蛋白复合体(LHCP)含量增加。叶片低温荧光发射光谱显示,反映激发能在两个光系统间分配情况的F686/F740比值先下降后又升高。对弱光适应性强的品种具有较低的光补偿点  相似文献   

中早熟甜椒新品种中椒11号的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sweet pepper; Zhongjiao No.11; F1 hybrid.; 【摘要】 中椒11号为中早熟甜椒一代杂种。其母本91-126是利用国内甜、辣椒及国外的甜椒为材料,经杂交、回交、添加杂交和单株选择转育而成的抗病、优质甜椒高代自交系,父本92-2-3为早熟、结果率高、配合力强的甜椒高代自交系。中椒11号熟性中早,定植至采收40d(天)左右,产量3000~5000kg·(667m2)-1,抗逆性强,抗TMV、中抗CMV,耐湿热;适于华南南菜北运基地冬季种植或北方早春保护地及露地早熟栽培;果实长灯笼形,果色绿,肉厚,味甜,商品率高,耐贮运。已在广东、海南、山东、北京等地种植,推广面积达1500hm2。  相似文献   

巴彦淖尔市是我国重要的脱水甜椒生产基地,可观的经济效益和稳定的销售市场使得该地区脱水甜椒产业得到快速发展;介绍了巴彦淖尔市脱水甜椒种植、加工,及脱水甜椒新品种北星8号在该地区推广种植情况,并针对脱水甜椒产业存在的问题提出了今后该地区脱水甜椒产业的发展对策。  相似文献   

从对美国、澳大利亚、日本、南斯拉夫,我国等国家甜椒的园艺学分类系统和地处热带地区的国家种植的主要甜椒品种的分析中,发现世界各国甜椒的园艺学分类虽然不完全相同,但仍有许多相似之处:(1)分类基本是以果型、果实大小为依据;(2)主要的甜椒品种类型是Bell型,Bell型甜椒品种果型有方型和长型之分。根据丰富多彩的果实颜色(成熟果实颜色和未成熟果实颜色),方型甜椒品种可分为绿色甜椒(由绿转红)和彩色甜椒两类。目前市场上的长型甜椒品种的果实颜色为绿转红和由绿转黄两种类型。  相似文献   

甜椒具有耐弱光、耐储运、管理方便等特点,非常适合在日光温室内栽培。但是由于温室甜椒栽培面积的不断扩大,造成倒茬困难,而甜椒又忌重茬,疫病、青枯病、枯萎病等各种土传病害的发生逐年加重,使甜椒生产受到限制,直接影响了甜椒的产量、品种和经济效益。为了防治各种土传病害,通过采用嫁接栽培技术,不但解决了甜椒病害和重茬问题,还增强抗逆性,大幅度提高了产量,从而获得较好的经济效益。具体栽培技术总结如下:  相似文献   

惠民县蔬菜办公室技术人员通过引进寿光甜椒套袋高效栽培技术,同时借鉴果树套袋技术,通过2005—2007年在惠民县淄角镇周家村试验,甜椒套袋高效无公害栽培技术获得成功。甜椒通过套袋后,甜椒果皮光滑,果肉厚,果锈明显减少,产量高,大大降低了农药残留,其优良的商品性满足了国内高级宾馆、饭店、超市的需要,深受广大客户欢迎。其每1kg价格比未套袋甜椒高1元左右,  相似文献   

范妍芹 《中国辣椒》2002,2(2):22-22
河北省农科院蔬菜花卉研究所甜椒课题组,利用自己从田间发现的甜椒雄性不育源,通过十几年的研究、选育,育成了甜椒雄性不育两用系AB91。利用AB91育成的冀研系列甜椒雄性不育两用系杂交种,已在生产上大面积推广应用。该项成果“甜椒雄性不育两用系AB91的选育及利用”于2001年获河北省科技进步二等奖。  相似文献   

刘文明  万长鹏 《蔬菜》1999,(5):10-11
彩色甜椒是甜椒的一种,属于CapsicumannuumL.,虽然甜椒有近200年的栽培历史,但彩色甜椒只在近几十年才开始发展。绝大部分品种均由欧美国家育成。彩色甜椒商品果的颜色有:象牙白色、浅黄色、金黄色、橙色、桔红色、红色、紫色和绿色(幼果)。一、品种介绍1.绿变红?..  相似文献   

1我国甜椒品种及栽培概况甜椒品种资源丰富,《中国蔬菜优良品种》介绍的就有65种,还有许多品种享誉国外,每年都有大量出口。近年来,随着塑料拱棚提前栽培的发展,甜椒在我国各地都有了大面积的发展。根据1989年《联合国粮食及农业组织生产年鉴》报道,我国甜椒...  相似文献   

不同生长素处理对蔓性千斤拔试管苗生根及移栽的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以蔓性千斤拔无菌试管苗作为试材,探讨NAA、IBA和IAA及不同浓度处理对生根及移栽的影响.结果表明:NAA不适合用于蔓性千斤拔试管苗的生根及移栽,当IBA在较低浓度范围0.5~1.0 mg/L时,对生根及移栽有显著的促进作用.IAA在0.5~1.5 mg/L浓度范围内对蔓性千斤拔试管苗生根及移栽有一定的促进作用,但其促进作用不如0.5~1.0 mg/L IBA处理.  相似文献   

百合珠芽组培及脱毒研究   总被引:64,自引:3,他引:61  
赵祥云  程廉 《园艺学报》1993,20(3):284-288

甜樱桃矮化砧木吉塞拉(Gisela)的离体叶片再生植株研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
用甜樱桃矮化砧木吉塞拉(Gisela)5号、7号(Prunus cerasus x P.canescens)无菌生根苗的叶片作为外植体,进行不定芽再生植株的研究。以WPM+BA 5~7 mg/L+IBA 0.1~1.0mg/L做培养基,不定芽再生率高达70%;吉塞拉5号的再生率明显高于7号;培养基中高浓度的细胞分裂素抑制吉塞拉7号的不定芽再生。不定芽的增殖、生根、温室锻炼、大田移栽均已获得成功,同时观察了植株在大田的生长状况。该成果可用于樱桃转基因育种和多倍体植株培育的研究。  相似文献   


Cymbidium plantlets were grown in vitro under conditions of high CO2 and low photosynthetic photon flux density using the Miracle Packt culture system. Shoots and roots of plantlets showed differential growth characteristics. Shoot growth was not different in plantlets cultured under CO2-enriched (CDE) and non-enriched (NCDE) conditions. Root growth was promoted in plantlets cultured under CDE in the presence or absence of 2% sucrose (S) with rockwool (R) as the supporting material. Growth was poor in plantlets cultured in 1% agar. Root growth was best in plantlets cultured under CDE R+S. Sucrose is still an important component for root growth under CDE conditions even though CO2 can be used as an alternative carbon source. Photosynthetic measurements (CO2 uptake and total Rubisco activity) showed the presence of active and operational photosynthetic machinery in plantlets cultured under CDE and NCDE conditions. The apparent lack of photoautotrophy (as evident from the lack of starch grains in chloroplasts) in plantlets cultured under NCDE conditions is not the result of a lesser potential for photoautotrophy; rather it is a consequence of sub-optimal CO2 concentrations within the culture vessels.  相似文献   

该研究提出一种介于普通扦插和生根移栽之间的新的苹果砧木组培苗无根快速移栽方法,组培苗转接于特定生根诱导培养基1/2 MS+IBA 2.0 mg/L,暗培养4~8 d后直接移栽至泥炭基质上,生根率达80%;移载至泥炭+蛭石(1∶1)基质上成活率达63.16%。该方法移栽成活率明显高于普通扦插方法,且省掉生根和炼苗两大步骤,节约时间25 d左右。  相似文献   

草莓组培苗的光合能力与强制通气对其生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
月德 Desja.  Y 《园艺学报》1993,20(2):123-126


Miniature rose plantlets at the flower development stage were grown photo-autotrophically on MS medium and subsequently exposed to water deficits of –0.23, –0.32, –0.40, or –0.67 MPa osmotic potential ( s) for 14 d. The s in the culture medium was raised by increasing the concentration of mannitol, which caused abnormal floral development in terms of the flowering percentage and the number of flowers per plantlet, as well as delayed flowering. In vitro flowering and the number of flowers per plantlet declined significantly when miniature rose plantlets were exposed to water deficit stress at –0.40 MPa or –0.67 MPa. Reductions in growth, pigment degradation, chlorophyll a fluorescence, and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) were greatest in plantlets exposed to a water deficit stress of –0.67 MPa. This was particularly evident in the case of Pn, with a decline of 73.7% compared to non-stressed control plantlets. In contrast, proline levels increased in plantlets under water deficit stress, as proline performs a key role as an osmoprotectant under such conditions. The flowering stage in miniature rose plantlets is particularly susceptible to water deficit stress, which suppresses the development of reproductive organs. Knowledge of the responses to water deficit stress at the reproductive stage may be applied to identify effective indices for the selection of genotypes with increased tolerance to water deficit in miniature rose breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Potato single nodes were cultured in vessels containing MS medium supplemented with 10, 20 and 30 g/l of sucrose. Vessels were closed with a clear polypropylene lid with or without 10 mm microporous polypropylene membrane. Sucrose concentration significantly increased plantlet height, shoot fresh weight and chlorophyll a content. Plantlets grown in ventilated vessels were significantly shorter, had lower shoot fresh weight and higher shoot dry weight than those in non-ventilated vessels. The highest leaf chlorophyll a content (21.83 mg/g fresh weight) was found in plantlets grown in ventilated vessels using MS medium with 20 g/l of sucrose, whereas those grown on medium with 10 g/l of sucrose had the highest chlorophyll b content (24.00 mg/g fresh weight). Total chlorophyll content was significantly higher when plantlets were grown in ventilated vessels containing medium with 10 or 30 g/l sucrose than in non-ventilated vessels. There was no significant difference in total chlorophyll content among plantlets grown in ventilated vessels with different concentrations of sucrose. Stomatal density was significantly lower when plants were grown under ventilated conditions. Leaf replica examination showed that stomata under non-ventilated condition were spherical with wide openings whereas, those in ventilated vessels were elliptical with narrow openings. Plantlets grown in non-ventilated vessels had thinner leaves and failed to build up a distinct defined upper epidermis, palisade parenchyma layer and spongy cells. On the other hand, leaves under ventilated conditions showed comparatively well organized layers with small intercellular space. The vascular system of leaves under the ventilated conditions demonstrated very well developed xylem unlike leaves under non-ventilated conditions. Thus, ventilated vessels with the 20 g/l of sucrose under ambient CO2 in the growth room could successfully promote photomixotrophic culture and produce healthy plantlets.  相似文献   

为了建立食用百合种质资源缓慢生长保存体系,将扩繁培养后得到的试管苗接种到12种不同培养基中,10℃和25℃下分别保存6个月,观察不同处理试管苗生长情况。结果表明:低浓度甘露醇对百合试管苗生长的抑制效果差,而高浓度甘露醇严重影响其生长势,缓慢生长保存的最适浓度为20g·L-1;蔗糖对百合试管苗的生长有抑制作用,适宜浓度为60g·L-1;20g·L-1甘露醇+60g·L-1蔗糖处理的百合试管苗存活率均达100%,且有鳞茎形成,保存效果最好。10℃保存的试管苗生长缓慢,有利于鳞茎形成,保存至6个月时不需要继代培养;25℃保存试管苗的鳞茎形成率低,培养基损失量高,必须继代才能继续保存。  相似文献   

多花蔷薇假珠芽诱导、体细胞胚发生及植株高效再生   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
 以多花蔷薇‘无刺3号’成熟种子为外植体,探讨了假珠芽诱导、体细胞胚发生及植株高效再生的方法。结果表明,种子的子叶在添加2, 4-D 0.5~2 mg·L-1的1/2 MS培养基上暗培养30 d后所产生的愈伤组织,接种到添加TDZ 5~20 mg·L-1的1/2 MS培养基上光培养20 d产生初级假珠芽。假珠芽在添加TDZ 10 mg·L-1和GA3 0.1 mg·L-1的诱导培养基上暗培养20 d后,在含麦芽糖的无激素培养基上光培养产生少量次级假珠芽和胚性愈伤组织。假珠芽保存在诱导培养基上。胚性愈伤组织可发育成大量正常体细胞胚,继而再生正常植物。假珠芽可通过上述方法不断诱导体细胞胚和假珠芽,通过这种方法假珠芽已经保存了2年。  相似文献   

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