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四环素类抗生素的环境行为研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
四环素类抗生素被广泛用于动物疾病的治疗,并长期以亚治疗剂量添加于动物饲料中用于动物疾病的预防和促进动物生长.由于四环素类抗生素大量使用使其在环境中普遍存在,并导致了细菌耐药性.研究表明某些四环素类抗生素在环境中具有一定的持久性,因此其在环境中行为引起了众多学者的关注.论文回顾了四环素类抗生素在环境中残留、迁移转化等方面...  相似文献   

抗生素类兽药是一类在畜禽养殖和水产养殖过程中广泛使用的兽药,持续大量使用对生态环境产生的危害已经引起社会各界乃至全球范围的关注。四环素类抗生素使用量在抗生素中处于前列,其在环境中大量残留,已经对环境产生了潜在的危险。论文在总结国内外相关研究的基础上,从四环素类抗生素在环境和食品中的残留情况、对水污染的情况以及对土壤污染等方面论述了四环素类抗生素的环境行为,同时从水生生态毒理学等方面论述了四环素类抗生素生态毒理的研究进展,并提出了应该尽快建立和完善四环素类抗生素以及其他抗生素的环境生态风险评估体系的建议。  相似文献   

正四环素类抗生素因其广谱的抗菌活性、低生产成本以及无严重的不良反应被广泛应用于人医临床和畜牧养殖业。然而,随着四环素类抗生素的大量、不合理使用导致细菌四环素耐药性愈发严重,给人类和动物健康造成了巨大威胁。四环素耐药基因的获得是细菌产生四环素类抗生素耐药性的最主要原因。同时,在持续的抗生素选择压力下,四环素耐药基因不断的产生和进化。因此,揭示四环素耐药性产生新机制对监测以及防控细菌四环素耐药性的传播具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

在中国,四环素类抗生素的生产和使用量居各类兽药之首。其残留在环境中而发生的各种环境行为,对环境和生态所造成的危害已引起社会各界的广泛关注。本文着重对四环素类抗生素的吸附,迁移,降解等环境行为研究进行相关综述,揭示其环境行为,为此类药物的污染防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

抗生素在畜牧业生产中的不合理使用导致了细菌产生耐药性的现象普遍存在,其中以在畜牧生产中应用较为广泛的四环素类抗生素更甚。针对这一现象,国家农业农村部于2019年发布公告,2020年起全面禁止在饲料中添加使用抗生素,以减少滥用抗生素造成的危害,维护动物源食品安全和公共卫生安全。此外,四环素类药物具有严重的耐药性对养殖业、生态环境和人类健康均造成了严重的威胁。因此,作者查阅了近年来国内外关于动物源性细菌对四环素类抗生素的耐药性研究现状,并对其进行了归纳分析并提出了科学的应对策略。  相似文献   

四环素类抗生素是我国畜牧业使用量最大的广谱抗生素之一,因其在动物肠胃系统内难以被完全吸收而在畜禽粪便中残留量较大,导致大量四环素类抗生素随畜禽粪便还田进入土壤,最终进入水环境,并对水环境造成潜在的环境风险。综述了四环类抗生素对我国水体的污染状况及其对水生生物的生态毒理效应,以期为控制该类抗生素对我国水环境的污染提供参考。  相似文献   

四环素的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
四环素类抗生素是发现于上世纪40年代的一类广谱抗生素,50年代开始应用于幼儿和孕妇以外的临床。在一段时间内四环素还是重要的动物生长促进添加剂。目前仅有少量的四环素类还应用于临床。四环素类抗生素广泛应用于革兰氏阳、阴性细菌,细胞内支原体,衣原体和立克次氏体引起的感染。在长时间、低剂量给药情况下,它还可用于真核原虫寄生虫病和非感染性疾病的治疗。四环素耐药病原体的相继发现严重影响了四环素的治疗效果。本文综述了四环素对细  相似文献   

吕惠序 《中国猪业》2012,7(8):57-58
四环素类抗生素是从链霉菌培养液中提取或经半合成制得的抗菌特性相似的一类碱性广谱抗生素,因分子结构中有4个环而得名,故称四环素族。除对大多数革兰氏阳性(G+)菌和革兰氏阴性(G-)菌有抑制作用外,还对立克次体、衣原体、支原体、附红细胞体、螺旋体、放线菌及某些原虫有抑制作用。本文从四环素类抗生素的分类、抗菌机理、药理特点、毒副作用与不良反应、药物相互作用与注意事项、常用药物的临床应用等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

试验从新鲜猪粪中筛选耐高温的四环素类抗生素降解菌,经筛选、驯化后以一定比例添加到堆肥原料进行堆肥,探究其对四环素类抗生素的降解效果。结果表明,鹑鸡肠球菌、粪肠球菌、库特氏菌及屎肠球菌对四环素类抗生素4 d降解率可达到70%左右,且均能在符合堆肥升温期的理化特性43℃、pH=8的条件下迅速生长。外源添加筛选的4种降解菌到不同抗生素浓度的猪粪中进行堆肥处理后发现,其对于较高浓度(40 mg/kg)的四环素类抗生素具有更好的处理效果。在7 d土霉素降解量为74.26%,四环素的降解量为83.48%,金霉素降解量为96.75%,在14 d土霉素降解量为85.75%,四环素的降解量为90.95%,金霉素降解量为98.56%。  相似文献   

四环素类药物是在兽医临床中常用的一类抗生素,为了解胸膜肺炎放线杆菌(Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae,APP)对四环素类抗生素的耐药情况,本研究对从临床分离鉴定的85株APP进行了四环素类抗生素临床耐药情况和相关基因的分析和检测。应用药敏纸片法进行药敏试验,结果:APP对四环素的耐药率较高为76.5%,其次为金霉素54.1%、美他环素48.2%、多西环素45.9%、土霉素28.2%、米诺霉素25.9%、替加环素22.3%。采用PCR方法对四环素类10种耐药基因tetA、tetB、tetC、tetD、tetE、tetG、tetH、tet1、tetL1和tetL2进行检测,结果:tetA、tetB、tetC、tetD、tetE、tetG、tetH、tet1、tetL2、tetL1耐药基因的扩增阳性率分别为78.8%、41.2%、15.3%、8.2%、21.2%、15.3%、43.5%、24.7%和30.6%,而tetL1扩增则全部阴性,未检出其耐药基因。本研究结果为四环素类抗生素在猪传染性胸膜肺炎临床上的应用和新药研发提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

随着畜禽集约化养殖数量增加,兽药被广泛用于治疗疾病或作为促生长剂添加到动物饲料中,中国2010-2017年兽用抗菌药的销售量从31 500 t增长到56 800 t。兽药的不合理使用、畜禽养殖过程中废弃物处理不当以及药物经过动物机体代谢后以原形药或代谢物随粪尿排出体外是兽药造成环境污染的主要原因。兽药进入环境后发生迁移转化造成了严重危害,包括抗生素耐药菌或耐药基因的产生、兽药在动植物源性食品和饮用水中的暴露间接影响人类健康、对非靶标动物的生态毒性等。作者就兽药在环境中的暴露、转归及对生态环境的主要影响进行了论述,并对药物的环境风险评估的重要性进行了阐述,针对降低兽药环境风险的措施提出了建议,以引起人们对兽药环境风险评估的关注和重视。  相似文献   

多肽类抗生素(AMPs)是目前国内应用较广泛的抗生素种类之一。该类化合物不易被生物体吸收,多数以原形形式随粪便和尿液排出体外,可能会对环境和人类健康造成严重危害。本文综述了环境中AMPs的暴露情况及检测方法,揭示了其在环境中的迁移转化、降解特性及生态效应,同时介绍了其耐药菌和抗性基因的产生和去除技术,分析了该类抗生素环境安全性研究的发展趋势,提出AMPs的环境行为和生态效应研究应从多药联合使用方面及发生机理等进一步深入,未来应开发出更有效地AMPs抗性基因去除技术。本文为全面评估AMPs的环境安全性及有效避免或降低该类抗生素耐药性及抗性基因(ARGs)的传播提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an important nosocomial and community-acquired pathogen with zoonotic potential. The relationship between MRSA in humans and companion animals is poorly understood. This study presents a quantitative exposure assessment, based on expert opinion and published data, in the form of a second order stochastic simulation model with accompanying logistic regression sensitivity analysis that aims to define the most important factors for MRSA acquisition in dogs. The simulation model was parameterised using expert opinion estimates, along with published and unpublished data. The outcome of the model was biologically plausible and found to be dominated by uncertainty over variability. The sensitivity analysis, in the form of four separate logistic regression models, found that both veterinary and non-veterinary routes of acquisition of MRSA are likely to be relevant for dogs. The effects of exposure to, and probability of, transmission of MRSA from the home environment were ranked as the most influential predictors in all sensitivity analyses, although it is unlikely that this environmental source of MRSA is independent of alternative sources of MRSA (human and/or animal). Exposure to and transmission from MRSA positive family members were also found to be influential for acquisition of MRSA in pet dogs, along with veterinary clinic attendance and, while exposure to and transmission from the veterinary clinic environment was also found to be influential, it was difficult to differentiate between the importance of independent sources of MRSA within the veterinary clinic. The implementation of logistic regression analyses directly to the input/output relationship within the simulation model presented in this paper represents the application of a variance based sensitivity analysis technique in the area of veterinary medicine and is a useful means of ranking the relative importance of input variables.  相似文献   

The results of four expert working groups on the risk analysis process on anti-microbial resistance are described. They focus on the procedure recommended by the FAO/WHO CODEX Alimentarius Commission in 1999 including hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment and risk characterization. In all four areas, the current scientific knowledge was evaluated and recommendations for risk management options were given. They will form the basis for mitigating the health risk caused by resistant micro-organisms.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide theoretical basis for regulatory departments to formulate risk management measures for bacterial resistance of animal origin.The point assessment method was applied to assess the risk of bacitracin resistance in animal origin foods of Chinese residents,according to the model of risk assessment analysis,based on the data from the monitoring report of the citizen's physiques in China in 2014,the fifth Chinese total diet study and the official website of European Medicine Agency.Dietary exposure to bacitracin was calculated by estimated daily intake,and hazard quotient (HQ) was used in risk characterisation to indicate risk level of health damage exposed to bacitracin.Firstly,through the way of hazard identification,the toxicity of bacitracin by oral ingestion was very low.But the pathogenic bacteria such as Enterococcus and Clostridium perfringens had developed resistance to bacitracin,with the resistance genes easily transferring to the human intestinal flora through bacteria commonness.Secondly,the hazard characterization indicated the toxicological ADI was 0.055 mg/(kg·BW),and the microbiological ADI was 3.9 μg/(kg·BW).Thirdly,exposure assessment showed that the maximum dietary exposure of bacitracin was in 2 to 7 age group among Chinese residents.And that of women through intake of dairy products was higher than men.Among 2 to 7 age group,dairy products contributed most to the dietary exposure of bacitracin,while meat was the largest contributor above 8 years old.Fourthly,risk characterization hazard quotient was 1.4901 for males and 1.4121 for females among Chinese residents aged 2 to 7 by calculation,and <1 among other age groups.Finally,the uncertainty analysis showed that the lack of monitoring data of bacitracin residues in animal foods,the lag of authoritative data collection and release,the absence of consumption data of aquatic products brought uncertainty to the results.In total,the risk of bacitracin resistance as a medicated feed additive through animal foods exposure was high in children aged 2 to 7 and moderate in other age groups.The maximum residue limit standard should be revised appropriately and risk management of bacitracin resistance need to be strengthened in imported animal foods.  相似文献   

何梦如  周旎  吕晓华 《中国畜牧兽医》2020,47(11):3749-3756
本研究旨在为监管部门制定动物源细菌耐药风险管理措施提供理论依据。利用2014年国民体质监测数据、第五次中国总膳食研究数据和欧洲药品管理局官方网站数据,采用抗菌药物风险评估模型,对中国居民经动物性食品摄入杆菌肽的耐药性风险进行点评估。用估算每日摄入量作为杆菌肽膳食暴露量,用危害指数(HQ)进行风险特征描述,反映杆菌肽耐药对人体健康损害的风险等级。结果表明,危害识别得杆菌肽经口毒性极低,但肠球菌、产气荚膜梭菌等致病菌已对杆菌肽产生耐药性,耐药基因可转移至人体肠道菌群。经危害特征描述可知,杆菌肽毒理学每日允许摄入量(ADI)为0.055 mg/(kg·BW),微生物学ADI为3.9 μg/(kg·BW)。暴露评估发现,中国居民中2~7岁人群杆菌肽的膳食暴露量最高,女性通过摄入乳类的杆菌肽膳食暴露量高于男性。2~7岁人群中,杆菌肽的膳食暴露量以乳类贡献最大,8岁以上人群杆菌肽的膳食暴露量以肉类贡献最大。风险特征描述发现,中国居民中通过摄入肉、蛋、乳等动物性食品的杆菌肽耐药性风险,2~7岁人群HQ分别为男性1.4901、女性1.4121;其他年龄人群均<1。不确定性分析发现,结果不确定性源自缺乏动物性食品杆菌肽残留量监测数据、权威数据发布的滞后性、未考虑水产品等因素。综上动物性食品中药物饲料添加剂杆菌肽耐药性风险,2~7岁人群为高风险,其他年龄段人群为中等风险。针对杆菌肽的耐药性风险,必要时修订动物性食品中杆菌肽的最大残留限量,同时加强对进口动物性食品的杆菌肽耐药性风险管理。  相似文献   

We carried out a participatory risk assessment to estimate the risk (negative consequences and their likelihood) from zoonotic Cryptosporidium originating in dairy farms in urban Dagoretti, Nairobi to dairy farm households and their neighbours. We selected 20 households at high risk for Cryptosporidium from a larger sample of 300 dairy households in Dagoretti based on risk factors present. We then conducted a participatory mapping of the flow of the hazard from its origin (cattle) to human potential victims. This showed three main exposure pathways (food and water borne, occupational and recreational). This was used to develop a fault tree model which we parameterised using information from the study and literature. A stochastic simulation was used to estimate the probability of exposure to zoonotic cryptosporidiosis originating from urban dairying. Around 6?% of environmental samples were positive for Cryptosporidium. Probability of exposure to Cryptosporidium from dairy cattle ranged from 0.0055 for people with clinical acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in non-dairy households to 0.0102 for children under 5?years from dairy households. Most of the estimated health burden was born by children. Although dairy cattle are the source of Cryptosporidium, the model suggests consumption of vegetables is a greater source of risk than consumption of milk. In conclusion, by combining participatory methods with quantitative microbial risk assessment, we were able to rapidly, and with appropriate 'imprecision', investigate health risk to communities from Cryptosporidium and identify the most vulnerable groups and the most risky practices.  相似文献   

BackgroundMalignant lymphoma is the most common hematopoietic malignancy in dogs, and relapse is frequently seen despite aggressive initial treatment. In order for the treatment of these recurrent lymphomas in dogs to be effective, it is important to choose a personalized and sensitive anticancer agent. To provide a reliable tool for drug development and for personalized cancer therapy, it is critical to maintain key characteristics of the original tumor.ObjectivesIn this study, we established a model of hybrid tumor/stromal spheroids and investigated the association between canine lymphoma cell line (GL-1) and canine lymph node (LN)-derived stromal cells (SCs).MethodsA hybrid spheroid model consisting of GL-1 cells and LN-derived SC was created using ultra low attachment plate. The relationship between SCs and tumor cells (TCs) was investigated using a coculture system.ResultsTCs cocultured with SCs were found to have significantly upregulated multidrug resistance genes, such as P-qp, MRP1, and BCRP, compared with TC monocultures. Additionally, it was revealed that coculture with SCs reduced doxorubicin-induced apoptosis and G2/M cell cycle arrest of GL-1 cells.ConclusionsSCs upregulated multidrug resistance genes in TCs and influenced apoptosis and the cell cycle of TCs in the presence of anticancer drugs. This study revealed that understanding the interaction between the tumor microenvironment and TCs is essential in designing experimental approaches to personalized medicine and to predict the effect of drugs.  相似文献   

抗生素抗性基因已经成为公认的环境污染物,威胁着生态安全和人类健康。抗生素在临床和养殖业中的大量应用,使生态环境中各微生物处于残留抗生素及抗药性遗传元件的影响中,导致抗生素抗性菌获得了竞争优势,破坏了微生态系统的稳定性。作者从宏观环境角度阐述了抗药性基因传播的微分子概念,通过从抗药性发展机制、抗药性引起的环境污染、抗药性对环境微生物影响3个方面进行分析,阐明环境在细菌抗药性的发展进程中起到的关键作用,同时分析环境抗药性,包括菌群生态多样性、抗药性细菌种类及传播、抗生素残留及抗药性基因传递富集的危害等。  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance genes have become a recognized environmental pollutant, threatening the ecological safety and human health. The application of antibiotics in the clinical and animals breeding, making the environmental microorganisms living with the impact of the residue of antibiotics and elements of resistance genetic and leading to antibiotic resistant bacteria to gain a competitive advantage and destroyed the stability of ecosystem. In this paper, we expounded the concept of resistance gene transmission by the view of macro environment. Through analyzing the mechanism of resistance development,environmental pollution caused by drug resistance and the impact of environmental microorganism for drug resistance, we clarified the key role of the environment in the development of the characteristics of bacterial resistance and analysis environmental resistance.Such as the ecological diversity of flora, the types and the spread of resistant bacteria, the residues of antibiotics and the transmission of the resistance genes.  相似文献   

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