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With a changing climate, storm and wind throw is becoming an increasing risk to forest. However, Swedish forest management practices have so far involved relatively little consideration of adaptation to climate change. This study examined resistance and alternatives to “business as usual” forest management, drawing upon material obtained in interviews with individual forest owners who spontaneously identified and discussed storm and wind throw as a risk to their forest. They thereby expressed a logic differing from that of the forest industry in Sweden, which has largely normalised storm risk rather than considering it in climate change adaptation work. The present analysis illustrates the broad and largely concerned position of individual forest owners, in contrast with a more established industry position on storm as an accepted and existing risk. Overall, the study highlights the diversity, agency and power relations within Swedish forestry and the forested landscape – aspects that are vital to better understanding processes relevant to forest and climate change adaptation.  相似文献   

Based on qualitative interviews with Swedish forest owners this study focuses on climate change, risk management and forest governance from the perspective of the forest owners. The Swedish forest governance system has undergone extensive deregulation, with the result that social norms and knowledge dissemination are seen by the state as important means of influencing forest owners' understandings and practices. Drawing on Foucault's concept of governmentality this study contributes knowledge on how forest owners understand and manage climate-related risk and their acceptance of advice. From the interview study, three main conclusions can be drawn: (1) forest owners' considerations largely concern ordinary forestry activities; (2) knowledge about forest management and climate adaptation combines experiences and ideas from various sources; and (3) risk awareness and knowledge of “best practices” are not enough to ensure change in forestry practices. The results of this study show that the forest owners have to be selective and negotiate about what knowledge to consider relevant and meaningful for their own forest practice. Accordingly, local forest management can be understood as situated in a web of multifarious interests, claims, concerns and knowledges, where climate change adaptation is but one of several aspects that forest owners have to consider.  相似文献   

应用森林健康理论分析得出影响三明林区森林健康的自然因素主要是林分结构不合理、林业有害生物和气候异常;人为因素主要是森林火灾、乱砍滥伐和乱捕滥猎等,提出了保护与发展策略:合理改造林分结构,加大扶育间伐力度,严格封锁林区,科学防治林业有害生物,严密监测森林,严防外来林业有害生物的入侵,加强对森林健康经营管理的领导,树立森林健康理念等。  相似文献   

2008年初发生在我国南方的雨雪冰冻灾害天气给南方地区的林业生产造成了严重的损失,受灾区域的森林防火形势变得更加严峻。以云南省盐津县冰雪灾害损失调查资料为依据,分析了冰雪灾害后森林火环境变化和林分质量下降对森林防火的中长期影响,在此基础上提出了提高森林防火能力的对策与建议。  相似文献   

为提高森林火灾风险普查的工作效率,保证数据成果的准确性,分别介绍了利用GPS、RS获取外业调查数据以及利用ArcGIS获取内业矢量化数据的方法,总结了3S技术在森林火灾风险普查工作中调查可燃物、重要火源点、森林火灾减灾能力以及内业图件成果编制方面的经验,且针对工作中遇到的实际问题进行了讨论,为今后3S技术应用于其他林业调查提供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】为更好地开展原始林区森林灭火工作,保护内蒙古大兴安岭北部原始林区森林生态资源。【方法】对内蒙古大兴安岭重点国有林管理局下辖的22个林业局,3个自然保护区的应急资源储备情况进行了整理,同时对北部原始林区森林火灾发生的时间规律和空间规律分别进行了分析,在此基础上采用ArcGIS软件,对内蒙古大兴安岭重点国有林管理局森林火灾应急资源的空间分布状况与内蒙古大兴安岭北部原始林区近5年森林火灾发生的空间分布状况进行了叠加分析,依据叠加分析的结果对内蒙古大兴安岭重点国有林管理局森林火灾应急资源空间分布的合理性进行了评判。【结果】叠加分析结果显示,目前内蒙古大兴安岭北部原始林区周边林业局森林火灾应急资源空间配置存在区域集聚以及北部原始林区附近应急资源配置不足等不合理问题。在对内蒙古大兴安岭重点国有林管理局森林火灾应急资源储备情况整理分析的基础上,创新性地提出了以应急物流系统所需时间最少和费用最小为目标进行优化的森林火灾应急资源分配模型。【结论】最后通过实例证明,该模型可以优化森林火灾应急物流系统中资源配置体系,为应急资源的合理调配提供了指导,对于实现科学决策指挥,保护北部原始林区森林生态资源具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

Wildfires present a growing risk to many countries, and climate change is likely to exacerbate this risk. This study analyzes how people directly affected by a wildfire understand its causes and consequences, as well as the future risk of wildfires. The point of departure is that social understanding of wildfires has an important influence on the consequences that emerge in the wake of a wildfire. The empirical case analyzed here is the largest forest fire in modern Swedish history, and the material basis of the study is a postal survey to all individuals directly affected by the fire. The results revealed a complex picture of the respondents’ understanding of the wildfire. Even if the fire was human caused, there was little blame toward forest companies and fire departments. Many positive consequences, such as a long-term increase in biodiversity, were attached to the disaster, and there was a belief that organizations will learn from it and take action to limit wildfires in the future. Simultaneously, the majority of the respondents believed that climate change may lead to an increased risk of forest fires in the future. These findings illustrate the complexity of people's perceptions of the fire and its aftermath.  相似文献   


Boreal and temperate forests cover a large part of the Earth. Forest ecosystems are a key focus for research because of their role in the carbon (C) balance and cycle. Increasing atmospheric temperatures, different disturbances (fire, storm and insects) and forest management (clear-cutting) will change considerably the C status of forest ecosystems. Using the eddy covariance (EC) method, we can define interactions among environmental factors that influence the C-balance and whether a forest ecosystem is functioning as a C-sink or C-source or possibly is C-neutral. In our review of published studies of different disturbances, we found that most of the post-disturbance studies based on EC method focused on the effects of forest fire and clear-cutting, only a few studies studies focused on the effects of storms and insects. Generally a forest is a C-source until several years after disturbance and then a forest is able to absorb C and become a C-sink. Recovery to C-sink status required up to 20 years in clear-cut areas. Recovery following wildfire disturbance was much longer, possibly more than 50 years. Recovery to C-sink status required approximately 5 years after storm and insect outbreak, however we can not predict overall recovery period because of the missing data.  相似文献   

文章阐述广东省乳阳林业局(南岭国家级自然保护区、南岭国家级森林公园)在遭遇百年冰雪灾害后,林区95%林木严重受损的大面积倒木和断枝现状,分析了冰雪灾害造成乳阳林区存在的长期严重林火隐患的主要问题,提出了预防和扑救森林火灾的对策,对今后保护南岭森林资源和粤北林区的森林防火安全有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

长沙县森林火灾发生规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据长沙县"十一五"期间森林火灾发生的统计数据,从地域、时间、火因和肇事者等分析森林火灾发生的规律.结果表明:森林火灾发生存在明显的地域差异,据此可分为重灾区、较重灾区、较轻灾区、轻灾区和无灾区;森林火灾主要发生在防火期内,其中春防期明显多于冬防期,2月或3月为高发期,一天中的起火高峰在10:00—18:00;森林火灾发生主要由人为因素引起,森林火灾的肇事者老人最多,占30.6%。通过对森林火灾发生规律的调查分析,为长沙县"十二五"期间的森林火灾防控对策提出了建议。  相似文献   

基于气象因子深度学习的森林火灾预测方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
森林火灾一旦发生将对生态系统造成严重的破坏,间接导致气候的变化和极端天气频发。对森林火灾的发生进行准确预测可提前采取有效的防控措施,具有重要意义。传统林火预测模型多为数学方法和浅层神经网络,当数据量增大时易出现建模困难以及预测精度降低等问题。深度学习模型在处理大量非线性数据上具有一定的优势,其模型具有多层网络结构,通过训练大量数据可提取出具有代表性的特征值,发现数据间的隐含关系,达到准确分类预测的目的。因此,本研究提出一种基于深度学习的林火预测方法,将深度信念网络(deep belief network,DBN)作为预测模型,气象因子作为输入数据,以解决传统林火预测模型在面对大量数据时预测效果不佳的问题;同时结合过采样SMOTE(synthetic minority oversampling technique)算法,平衡林火数据集和增加训练数据量,提升了森林火灾的预测准确度。结果表明,在面对更大的数据量时,该模型预测精度明显优于其他传统林火预测模型,证明了将深度学习应用在林火预测的优越性。该研究可为深度学习在林业领域的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

根据玛可河林区近7年森林火灾资料分析,选择着火时间、地点、原因、地类和面积等因素进行相关分析,得出如下结论:森林火灾主要集中在冬、春两季;冬季降水量少,气候干燥,易发生森林火灾,春季正是春耕生产季节,生产性火源和人为火源并重,易发生森林火灾;从火灾空间分布分析,班前地区森林火灾次数最多,其次是王柔和友谊桥地区;从地类分析,牧草地发生火灾面积最大,其次是灌木林地和阔叶林地,有林地较少。  相似文献   

Mcmahon  John P. 《New Forests》1999,17(1-3):329-338
Today several global forces are raising expectations that forestry must be practiced on a sustainable basis. This is true for forestry as practiced in tropical, temperate, and boreal regions, as well as in developed and developing countries. Several institutional processes are in place to develop criteria for and indicators of sustainable forestry. As customers and consumers have become more knowledgeable, they are becoming more demanding about the environmental attributes of the products they buy. Forest products companies and forest landowners who wish to maintain access to these more demanding markets will need to provide assurances of their commitment to sustainable forestry practices.Forest landowners and forest products manufacturers in Washington, Oregon, and California are currently better positioned to meet these expectations than are producers in other regions. In these western states, state forest practices laws and regulations are generally consistent with emerging international criteria and indicators of sustainable management.However, U.S. competitors in such countries as Canada and Sweden are acting rapidly to establish sustainable forestry practices, and to communicate their commitments to their stakeholders and customers. The assurance of sustainable forestry practices is now the latest means by which environmentally aware and demanding customers and consumers differentiate among forest products producers.  相似文献   

槐花黄 举子忙——透视槐树文化与科举制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
费青 《中国城市林业》2009,7(5):39-40,66
文章探讨了槐树文化与中国科举制度之间丰富的文化内涵。槐树(Sophora japonica Linn).又称国槐,在我国分布广泛,它枝干茂密,淳朴厚重,是人们喜爱的一个乡土树种。  相似文献   

人为纵火、林区吸烟、施工用火、闪电、林区建筑物以及不合理的城市森林规划等是城市森林火灾发生的重要隐患,常常导致城市森林火灾的发生,给城市居民的生命和财产造成了巨大的损失。加强对城市森林火灾发生原因的研究,合理规划城市森林布局和结构,加强对火灾隐患的管理,减少城市森林火灾的发生,是维护城市生态可持续发展的必然要求。    相似文献   

When included as part of a larger greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction program, forest offsets may provide low-cost opportunities for GHG mitigation. One barrier to including forest offsets in climate policy is the risk of reversal, the intentional or unintentional release of carbon back to the atmosphere due to storms, fire, pests, land use decisions, and many other factors. To address this shortcoming, a variety of different strategies have emerged to minimize either the risk or the financial and environmental implications of reversal. These strategies range from management decisions made at the individual stand level to buffers and set-asides that function across entire trading programs. For such strategies to work, the actual risk and magnitude of potential reversals need to be clearly understood. In this paper we examine three factors that are likely to influence reversal risk: natural disturbances (such as storms, fire, and insect outbreaks), climate change, and landowner behavior. Although increases in atmospheric CO2 and to a lesser extent warming will likely bring benefits to some forest ecosystems, temperature stress may result in others. Furthermore, optimism based on experimental results of physiology and growth must be tempered with knowledge that future large-scale disturbances and extreme weather events are also likely to increase. At the individual project level, management strategies such as manipulation of forest structure, age, and composition can be used to influence carbon sequestration and reversal risk. Because some management strategies have the potential to maximize risk or carbon objectives at the expense of the other, policymakers should ensure that forest offset policies and programs do not provide the singular incentive to maximize carbon storage. Given the scale and magnitude of potential disturbance events in the future, however, management decisions at the individual project level may be insufficient to adequately address reversal risk; other, non-silvicultural strategies and policy mechanisms may be necessary. We conclude with a brief review of policy mechanisms that have been developed or proposed to help manage or mitigate reversal risk at both individual project and policy-wide scales.  相似文献   


Climate change effects such as storms and droughts are leading to increased risk of forest damage in central Europe. The aim of this paper was to evaluate forest fuel sourcing models including climate change-induced risks on forest fuel supply. Stochastic risk events, such as storms and bark beetle infestations, were modelled by means of a Monte Carlo simulation, and the economic performance was evaluated for two fuel-sourcing models supplying a single combined heat and power plant (CHP). The first sourcing model depicted a common sourcing model for Austrian CHPs, where only forest chips provided by long- and short-term suppliers were stored. The second sourcing model additionally enabled the storage of salvaged pulpwood to supply forest fuel from the plant's own inventory during shortage periods. Simulation results showed that storing salvage pulpwood as feedstock considerably reduced supply chain risks and resulted in lower procurement costs (1–3% less than normal delivered cost without storing salvaged pulpwood).  相似文献   

This paper analyses the situation with forest roads in Russia in the context of harvesting, transportation, forest management and forest fire prevention. Russia harvests less than 30% of its allowable harvest potential. Forest fires burn volumes which are equal to half of the annual harvest. One reason is the insufficient density and quality of forest roads. The average density of roads is less than 1.5 m/ha, which is one-tenth of that in Nordic countries. We argue that better access to the forests, utilizing the technology transfer of the proven Nordic forest road solutions (NFRS) under local conditions, might have important effects on the strategy-making processes in forest infrastructure development in northwest Russia. For this purpose, A'WOT analysis is proposed to identify the related strategies and assign priorities to those strategies. According to this study undertaken in Karelia, where NFRS were introduced over 10 years ago, the top priorities regarding the relevant threats are the lack of legal framework under forest land leasing and the low profitability of forestry. The results indicate that the NFRS are viewed positively for the Russian conditions. The forest road market has virtually unlimited opportunities for growth. Together with a favourable policy in terms of national and regional development programmes it can support forest infrastructure development. Forest fire prevention, multiple uses of woodlands, and different environmental service markets are seen as potential opportunities for NFRS. However, the results also indicate that there is substantial uncertainty and scepticism concerning how such markets would be of benefit to leaseholders who would like to adopt intensive forestry.  相似文献   

确定一个地区的最大森林覆盖率受制约的因素很多,有自然因素、政治因素、经济因素、社会因素、传统习俗。但在一个地区林地规模衡定后,影响一个地区的最大森林覆盖率主要通过当地经济、社会的变化,来影响林地的内部构成而发生变化。通过黔东南不同地貌环境(简称地貌类型)和黔东南村级单位森林面积占林地比例(简称村级)两个体系,分别分析影响全州最大森林面积的约束条件,用Excel 2010进行了规划求解并计算得出最大森林覆盖率64%左右。黔东南最大森林覆盖率的确定,将对制定林业战略发展方向,取得关键性作用。  相似文献   

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