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This study examined the effect of natural resource amenities on human life expectancy. Extending the existing model of the life expectancy production function, and correcting for spatial dependence, we evaluated the determinants of life expectancy using county level data. Results indicate that after controlling for socio-demographic and economic factors, medical facilities and risk factors, counties with natural amenities such as high proportion of land in forests, farmland, rangeland and water bodies, as well as mild climate such as longer sunlight hours during winter and cooler year around temperature exhibited longer life expectancies at birth. In addition, counties containing state parks and outdoor recreation facilities, and those located near federal wilderness parks were associated with the longer expectancies at birth. Findings from this study have several implications for natural resource economics and management, public health, and human development. An important message of our findings is that the traditional approach of public health should be extended beyond just controlling diseases or treating patients to a more comprehensive approach that also acknowledges the preservation and utilization of natural resources, environmental amenities, and outdoor recreation opportunities in maintaining public health, quality of life, and overall human development.  相似文献   

户外游憩是国家公园最重要的功能之一。最早建立的国家公园距今已有150年的历史,形成了科学的户外游憩管理理论和丰富的管理实践,户外游憩管理矩阵(ORMM)理论被认为是国家公园游憩管理中落地效果最好的工具之一。当前我国刚刚设立第 1 批国家公园,基于资源、体验和设施服务影响的ORMM理论可为中国国家公园游憩管理提供发展新思路。文中梳理了ORMM理论,介绍了美国德纳里国家公园和保留区利用该矩阵的游憩管理实践,从资源保护与游憩供给的协调、游客中心职能建设和适应性游憩管理3个方面提出了适用于我国国家公园游憩管理的措施,以期为我国国家公园的户外游憩管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

文中首先对户外游憩的兴起和发展做了简要的论述, 然后主要针对私有林地提供户外游憩资源及林地的主要游憩项目进行了分析。美国的私有林主要在南方, 地处亚热带, 不仅是美国最重要的木材生产基地, 对提供户外游憩也起重要作用。最后, 对中国户外游憩资源的开发提出了建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of non-economic motivations such as altruism and environmental concerns on social preferences and hence willingness to pay (WTP) for changes in forest management strategies in the Białowieża Forest in Poland. We used data from a discrete choice experiment (CE) with attributes describing changes in the quality of the forest and recreation. The choice experiment technique makes it possible to disentangle the effect of the trait of altruism and environmental concern with regard to different attributes and their levels. Environmental attitudes were measured using the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale, whereas the trait of altruism was determined using the Self-Reported Altruism (SRA) scale. The parameterization employed in the survey was a WTP space model. Results show that both altruism and environmental concerns have significant effects on the amount people are willing to pay for changes in forest management.  相似文献   

国家公园的户外运动资源开发与功能拓展是扩大全民健身设施供给的重要渠道,也是拓宽体育旅游市场、实现绿色创新发展的重要途径。文中梳理美国国家公园系统户外运动参与、功能区域划分、户外运动项目设置、参与者服务和经济效益等方面的发展现状,并在探析其政策法律、财政资源、管理模式、信息系统建设、可持续管理等方面成功经验的基础上,提出促进我国国家公园户外运动可持续发展的借鉴性启示。  相似文献   

城市住区户外(生态休闲)行为特征探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用行为场所观察法,利用定点观察和抽样采访的方法对城市住区户外空间中人的行为进行大量的调研与分析,在此基础上,采用大量生活图片、数据表格来说明不同人群行为特征生活的丰富性,同时也对现代住区户外空间存在的问题进行了详细论述,最后对解决当前住区户外生活空间以及公共设施的设置提出了建议。    相似文献   

北京麇鹿苑户外生态博物馆具有科学研究和科学普及两大社会服务职能,作为原产地的麋鹿苑将植物按自然、人工、半自然方式进行配置和管理。结合生态学生境保护与恢复原理,营造富有生机和野趣的户外环境,实现湿地保护和环境教育功能。    相似文献   

美国的户外游憩资源管理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
户外游憩业的发展在带来可观的社会经济效益的同时, 也对其赖以生存的自然环境造成不利影响。如何平衡经济发展、环境保护和资源合理利用已成为各国普遍关注的问题。文中介绍了美国户外游憩的发展历程, 以及游憩资源管理中游憩承载力、环境影响评价及风景资源管理方面的发展概况及研究成果, 以期为今后我国开展游憩资源的有效管理和研究提供可资借鉴的经验和方法。  相似文献   

城市森林与城市森林游憩   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
城市森林游憩可分为两类,即日常性游憩与专题性游憩;提出要发展郊区城市森林以及建设郊野游憩带的概念,为城市居民提供更能亲近自然的游憩活动机会;必须通过合理规划、建设与调整,建设森林型的生态廊道、公园路,为城市内部与郊野的城市森林建立有机联系;指出把公众参与、全社会的认同与协调作为实现城市森林可持续发展目标的主要内容。    相似文献   

The growth of nature-based tourism has raised the need to better understand tourists’ expectations towards outdoor recreation environments. There is little knowledge, however, of international tourists’ attitudes towards forest management practises or of their effect during winter. This study investigated how commercial forests correspond to the environmental expectations of international nature-based tourists and how the season affects tourists’ landscape preferences. Altogether 750 foreign visitors to Finnish Lapland responded to a survey and evaluated photographs presenting various types of forest landscapes in summer and winter. Beautiful scenery was the most important motive for the choice of travel destination and for participating in outdoor recreation. The results highlight the strong impact of seasons on the perceived quality of the landscape in commercial forests. Seasonal differences are largest in regeneration areas as snow cover mitigates the effects of forestry operations. Even-aged, middle-aged and mature forest stands were considered to be suitable for tourism in both summer and winter. There is a demand for adapted management regimes in commercial forests targeting year-round nature-based tourism. In conclusion, forestry and tourism can coexist in the same area with good planning and with management actions that take visual quality and recreational values of the environment into account.  相似文献   

我国目前的保护地保护与利用、规划与管理的矛盾突出,国家级风景名胜区人满为患,生态压力剧增,大批省级风景名胜区则无人问津且疏于管理。而美国的州立公园系统为国家公园有效承担起生态安全屏障功能,州立公园的基本功能之一就是在资源保护和管理的原则下,以适中的成本提供邻近家庭且基于资源型的户外游憩机会,实现公民自然和文化福利。文中介绍了美国州立公园系统概念与定位、规划体系构成、规划编制依据以及规划方法,总结了美国州立公园的规划经验,包括具有完备法律法规体系保障规划实践、公众参与和多方案比较机制以及多样性的分析方法支持决策等,提出了完善我国保护地体系的建议,以期为我国保护地体系规划、建设和实施提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

社区公园作为城市绿地的一个重要组成部分,是最为贴近居民的日常生活的城市绿地之一。随着我国近年来在经济高速增长,人们对交往空间需求的增加、对人居环境的重视以及对户外娱乐交往休闲空间的渴求,国内的社区公园建设正在兴起。由此人们提出了一系列关于社区公园景观设计的新命题,因而将健康的理念植入社区公园景观设计,创造满足居民心理和...  相似文献   

发展多功能林业是林业可持续经营的新兴议题。林业在芬兰地位非常重要, 已成为国民经济的重要支柱。芬兰林业已进入多功能利用阶段, 在木材生产、户外休闲、草莓和蘑菇采摘、狩猎、驯鹿和自然保护等方面表现突出, 取得了显著的综合效益。  相似文献   

阐明了旅游业是全球性的新兴产业,介绍了国外的森林旅游发展状况,论述了森林旅游的理论基础、环境优势、景观优势和卫生保健功能,指出我国森林旅游在旅游业中占有重要地位,它是21世纪的旅游热点,前途光明.建议林业部门找准位置,抓住机遇,占领市场份额.  相似文献   

基于太保山省级森林公园的森林资源现状对其发展森林康养的可行性进行了分析,得出以下结论:①太保山森林公园林地资源丰富,且森林覆盖率很高;②森林公园中既有国有林地,也有集体林地;③林地结构比较简单,有林地占主要优势,森林以天然林为主;④乔木优势树种主要为云南松、华山松和栎类;⑤林地活立木蓄积量相对较低,乔木林各龄组中中龄林占比最大,其次为幼龄林,表明林木正处于旺盛生长阶段。总之,太保山森林公园具有良好的森林资源作为发展基础,具有发展森林康养的巨大潜力,故建议当地政府在兼顾森林生态环境保护和经济发展的前提下适当发展太保山森林公园的森林康养产业。  相似文献   

通过实地考察美国纽约口袋公园如佩雷公园、绿亩公园、高线公园并以它们为案例研究对象,阐述了美国口袋公园的发展过程,分析了口袋公园现象的本质和意义,探讨了口袋公园对建设我国城市高密度中心区休憩环境的启示。  相似文献   

森林康养的理论研究与实践   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
文中结合生态学和现代养生学原理提出了“将优质的森林资源与现代医学和传统医学有机结合,开展森林养生、疗养、康复和休闲等一系列有益人类身心健康的活动”的森林康养概念;阐述了以人为本、以林为基、以养为要、以康为宿的森林康养科学内涵;总结了国内外森林康养建设、认证及科学研究现状;根据我国湖南省的森林康养实践,分别从健康检测、疾病预防、疾病康复、疾病治疗、动静结合5个方面构建了“一个中心、四种途径”的森林康养模式,即以健康管理为中心,以森林养生、疗养、康复和休闲为途径;从森林康养管理、政策、技术、环境、基地、标准、人才和宣传8个方面讨论了森林康养产业的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Natural catastrophes in forests have become more damaging in recent years and are expected to further increase according to climate change scenarios. Currently, governmental measures mostly focus on providing financial support, such as direct payments, to forest owners after disasters. However, in the light of more weather extremes, this could lead to a heavier financial burden for national budgets. Therefore, the current financial support system has to be reconsidered with regard to privatizing foresters' risks. Insurance could play a key role, but in many countries forests are rarely insured. In order to explain insurance coverage, we analyzed foresters' preferences regarding fire and storm insurance, which are expressed as their willingness-to-pay (WTP). Therefore, we measured the risk attitude and conducted a discrete choice experiment with 137 German foresters, using various policy and forest enterprise scenarios. Our results show that most foresters have a very low WTP for insurance, and individual risk attitude was not of significant influence. The WTP was higher for fire than for storm insurance, presumably due to liquidity preservation motives. Policy programs involving unconditional support after disaster reduced the WTP. Instead, subsidized insurance premiums increased the WTP and thus, should be considered to establish an efficient insurance market.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Erholungsnutzung der freien Landschaft hat in den letzten Jahren erheblich zugenommen. Inzwischen ist die Erholungsnutzung zu einer der Hauptgef?hrdungsursachen für den dramatischen Rückgang der Artenvielfalt geworden. Besonders gef?hrdet sind durch die Erholung ?kologisch wertvolle Landschaftsbereiche, wie die Seeufer oder die Alpen. Zur Rettung der Natur vor dem Erholungsuchenden ist es vorrangig notwendig, den Erholungsdruck auf die freie Landschaft durch eine “Holt die Natur in die St?dte zurück—Politik” und durch Verbesserung der Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen in den St?dten zu verringern. Eine Entkommerzialisierung der Freizeitnutzung ist anzustreben. Die freie Landschaft mu? durch die konsequente Sicherung von Ruhezonen (Erholungsgebiete für die Natur) und durch den absoluten Vorrang des Naturschutzes in schutzwürdigen Gebieten vor Erholungsansprüchen geschützt werden. Die Bereitschaft der Bev?lkerung für diese Ma?nahmen ist durch gezielte Information und Heranführung an die Natur zu f?rdern.
Protection of nature from man bent on outdoor recreation
Summary Use of the open landscape for outdoor recreation has increased considerably during the past years. Meanwhile, it has become one of the main causes for the dramatic decline of the diversity of species. Parts of the landscape having high ecological value, such as lake shores or the Alps, are especially endangered. For nature’s rescue from those bent for outdoor recreation, it is necessary to reduce recreation pressure on the open landscape both by a “get nature back into the cities policy”, and by improving working and living conditions in the cities. Efforts should be made to decommercialize leisure-time activities. The open landscape has to be protected from recreational demands by consistently setting aside and securing zones where nature may recover, and by assigning absolute priority to nature protection for respective areas. The willingness of the population to accept such measures has to be developed through directed information and by bringing nature close to man.

景观游憩是森林的重要功能,也是生态旅游、森林康养等现代林业产业发展的基础.为了更好地开展风景游憩林建设,明确风景游憩林质量的各项影响因子之间的关系,运用层次分析法(AHP)建立质量评价体系.结果显示:(1)以风景游憩林的生态价值、美学价值、社会价值三个方面为切入点,建立拥有生态效益、美学效益、社会效益3个准则层,和13...  相似文献   

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