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为明确蓝、黄板2种色板对油菜露尾甲的诱集效果,本试验在油菜显蕾前期至终花期结束,使用蓝、黄两种色板设置不同悬挂高度对油菜露尾甲进行诱集。结果表明,蓝板下端高于油菜顶部10 cm悬挂时,对油菜露尾甲诱集效果最好,悬挂期间总诱虫量为2 162头/板;同一悬挂高度,蓝板诱集油菜露尾甲效果极显著优于黄板;色板下端距离油菜顶部10 cm挂板高度的蓝、黄色板对油菜露尾甲的诱虫量极显著高于距油菜顶部20 cm和30 cm挂板高度时的诱虫量。  相似文献   

黄建国  周玉香 《植物检疫》1989,3(6):406-409
仓储露尾甲,全世界己知30余种。到目前为止,国内己发现16种,分别隶属Carpophilus、Omosita、Nitidula、Haptoncus 4属。发生普遍,为害严重的首推拟脊胸露尾甲、酱曲露尾甲和细胫露尾甲,其次为脊胸露尾甲和隆胸露尾甲,再次是花斑露尾甲和大腋露尾甲,其余种仅  相似文献   

长裙竹荪[Dictyophora indusiata(Vent.837 Pers.)]是一种珍贵的食用菌,有“山珍之王”的美称,属鬼笔目鬼笔科竹荪属。日本三叉露尾甲(Tricanus japonicus Hisamatsu)属鞘翅目露尾甲科,是长裙竹荪的重要害虫。露尾甲是一类世界性分布的昆虫,种类繁多、食性复杂、危害范围广,可危害作物、水果、蔬菜、树林、中药材和干果,亦有取食菌类、发酵腐败的动植物组织,如脊胸露尾甲(Carpophilus dimidiatus Fabricius)的幼虫蛀食多种贮藏期的粮食、干果和食用菌干品,其中灵芝、香菇、木耳等均可被蛀食;露尾甲(学名未详)以幼虫蛀食食用菌的菌丝,被蛀食菌丝体的栽培袋形成隧道,幼虫排出粪便造成菌袋污染和报废。  相似文献   

<正>2014年11月18日,海南检验检疫局在对一批16.4 m3、货值1.06万美元的尼日利亚入境刺猬紫檀原木进行现场查验时,发现其带皮率高达90%,且树皮下潜藏着大量露尾甲活虫。经海南局隔检中心植物检疫实验室鉴定,并由俄国露尾甲科分类学家Alexander Kirejtshuk复核,确认为Leiopeplus rubidus(Murray)。命名其中文名称为红条形露尾甲,系全国口岸首次截获。  相似文献   

黄建国  周玉香 《植物检疫》2000,14(4):218-219
据有关文献记载,露尾甲科昆虫全世界有2500余种,危害储藏物的有30种以上;我国在50年代、忻介六先生《中国粮仓害虫》记载2种,60年代赵养昌先生《中国仓库害虫》叙述有6种;至目前为止,国内已发现24种,先后发表在《植物检疫》、《粮食储藏》等刊物中.本文记述国内又发现的3个种.  相似文献   

油菜露尾甲发生规律观察及防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油菜露尾甲(Meligethes aeneus Fabricius)近年在西宁地区对油菜为害加重,成为浅脑山地区油菜的主要虫害之一。2003年该虫大发生,中度至重度发生面积13 400 hm2,占油菜种植面积的30%,造成产量损失690万kg,经济损失总计1 380万元。2004~2006年笔者在西宁地区对其发生规律和防治  相似文献   

油菜是临夏州最重要的经济作物,受多种害虫危害,尤其是苗期(子叶~7叶)。本实验在2012年设在甘肃临夏州和政县,选用2种药剂(毒死蜱与辛硫磷)来防治春油菜苗期主要害虫油菜跳蚤甲(Psylliodes punctifrons Baly)。比较了2种农药及2种施药方法对害虫防效的差异,分析防效与产量之间的线性相关性,并从中选择出适宜保苗、保产的农药。对春油菜苗期害虫防治提出了建议,为临夏州春油菜区害虫综合防治提供了一定的理论支撑。  相似文献   

廖太林  杨晓军 《植物检疫》2005,19(4):232-234
栎枯萎病菌(Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt)为我国禁止进境的一类危险性有害生物.病菌从伤口侵入,在导管内产生孢子,通过输导组织系统感染.该病害是典型的维管束病害,病菌可随带菌的栎木而进行远距离传播.栎枯萎病的近距离传播有地下、地面两种方式,地面的传播主要通过小蠹虫和露尾甲等病媒昆虫进行,本文对其病媒鬃额小蠹(Pseudopityophthorus spp.)进行详细介绍.  相似文献   

油菜花露尾甲的发生规律及药剂防治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
贺春贵 《植物保护》2001,27(1):15-17
通过田间系统调查和室内饲养观察表明 :油菜花露尾甲在甘肃临夏春油菜上 1年发生 1代。越冬代成虫春季先侵害早熟的门源油菜 ,之后再危害中熟的甘蓝型油菜和晚熟的芥菜型油菜。侵入的高峰期与油菜蕾盛期 (初花 )相吻合 ,花后虫量锐减。在室温 16.9~17.9℃下饲养 ,卵期3~4d ;幼虫 2龄 ,1龄 2~3d ,2龄 2d ;预蛹期3~5d ,蛹期5~ 9d。幼虫在田间化蛹深度0~6cm ,80%集中在0~3cm的表土中。成虫对黄色有趋性 ,蕾 (花 )期用药是控制该虫危害的关键时期。 2.5%敌杀死3.12mg/kg防治成虫效果较好  相似文献   

油菜花露尾甲的为害及对产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1994~1996年室内和田间调查研究表明,油苛花露甲以成虫取食花器和产卵于花蕾内为害,形成典型的“秃梗”症状;以幼虫在花内食害,使角果的瘪粒数增加,产量下降基田间自然条件下,雌成虫多选择2~3mm长的蕾产卵,但在不同种油菜上有差异;在大黄芥上,80%卵产在2~3mm长的蕾上,在门源油菜上,80%的卵产出2.01~3.60mm长的蕾上,蕾长在2.4mm以下时易被产卵致死,在门源油菜的蕾期笼罩接虫试  相似文献   

农田害鼠的种类除与当地的地理环境相适应外,还具有鼠种相对较少,优势种突出,易维持较高数量水平的特征。各鼠种在农田的分布与作物种类有一定的关联度,随着季节变化、作物生长和各种农事活动的干扰,害鼠在作物地之间、或与周围环境之间迁移。随着环境条件的变化,农田鼠类群落不断地进行演替。  相似文献   

葡萄根围二种剑线虫(矛线目:长针线虫科)的鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 从我国湖南、山东和河北三省的一些葡萄园中发现了二种习居于葡萄根围的剑线虫,分别为美洲剑线虫(Xiphinema americanum Cobb,1913)和湖南剑线虫新种(X.huna-niense n.sp.)。湖南剑线虫新种的主要鉴别特征是阴门极靠身体前部(V=24-27),阴道向后斜,与身体横径成明显的角度(8-21℃);仅一个后生殖枝,旁边分支形成二个卵巢;尾部末端中间指状突起很长(20-22μm);幼虫尾部比成虫尾部细长,末端指状突起也较长;各虫龄的c'值与虫龄大小成反比;没有发现雄虫。湖南剑线虫与巴西利亚剑线虫(X.brasilienseLordello,1951)和太平洋剑线虫(X.radicicola Goodey,1936)最接近,但存在明显的区分特征。  相似文献   

Abstract: Two new species of bothriocephalidean cestodes, Clestobothrium splendidum sp. n. from Merluccius australis (Hutton) and Clestobothrium cristinae sp. n. from Merluccius hubbsi Marini from the Patagonian shelf of Argentina, are described. Clestobothrium splendidum can be typified by the following characteristics: a medium-sized strobila composed of410-528 proglottides that are much wider than long; 49-90 testes per mature proglottis, partially surrounding the ovary posteriorly; a transversely elongated genital pore situated anterior to spurious articulations; presence of a genital atrium; a globular cirrus-sac occupying 4-6% of mature proglottis width; a vagina with sphincter and three pairs of osmoregulatory canals on each side of the proglottis. Clestobothrium cristinae is characterised by its small size; 71-219 proglottides; 39-64 testes per mature proglottis, usually surrounding completely the ovary posteriorly; a rounded genital pore situated at the same level of spurious articulations; an oval cirrus-sac occupying 8-16% of mature proglottis width; and three pairs of osmoregulatory canals on each side of the proglottis. Clestobothrium cristinae shares with C. splendidum the type and distribution of microtriches, except for the central surface delimited by two lips. Additionally, type and voucher materials of Clestobothrium crassiceps (Rudolphi, 1819) from Merluccius merluccius were studied. A key to species is provided.  相似文献   

A new genus of fish blood flukes (Aporocotylidae Odhner, 1912) is proposed for a species found on reefs surrounding Lizard Island on the northern Great Barrier Reef. Rhaphidotrema kiatkiongi gen. et sp. n. was recovered from the heart of the stars-and-stripes pufferfish, Arothron hispidus (L.) (Tetraodontidae). Rhaphidotrema kiatkiongi is notable as the first digenean reported to possess a penis stylet. It also differs from all other aporocotylid flukes in having a combination of 18-19 testes in a group at the ends of the intestinal caeca, a broad lanceolate body shape with a dextrally-directed posterior bend at the level of the male genital pore, and separate genital pores, with the female genital pore distinctly sinistral and the male genital pore slightly dextral to midline. This is the second species of aporocotylid fluke reported from this pufferfish.  相似文献   

The pimelodid fish Rhamdia quelen (Quoy et Gaimard, 1824) in South America harbours two species of proteocephalid cestodes, Proteocephalus bagri Holcman-Spector et Ma?é-Garzón, 1988 and P. rhamdiae Holcman-Spector et Ma?é-Garzón, 1988. These species are redescribed based on a detailed morphological study, supported by multivariate analysis (principal component analysis). Features distinguishing these species are: (1) the shape of proglottides, (2) the mean number of testes, (3) the topography of vitelline follicles, (4) the thickness of internal longitudinal musculature, (5) the mean number of uterine branches, (6) the ratio of cirrus pouch length to proglottis width, (7) the shape of ovary in mature and gravid proglottides and (8) the genital pore position in mature proglottides. The specific status of P. bagri and P. rhamdiae is confirmed and neotypes of both species are designated.  相似文献   

The community composition and structure of helminths of Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber, 1774) from two widely separated Spanish localities, El Saler (n = 42) and the San Pedro pothole (n = 34), were determined and compared. Five species of trematodes, Plagiorchis (Plagiorchis) sp., Lecithodendrium (Lecithodendrium) linstowi Dollfus, 1931, Prosthodendrium (Prosthodendrium) sp., Pycnoporus heteroporus (Dujardin, 1845) and Parabascus semisquamosus (Braun, 1900), and one species of cestode, Hymenolepis pipistrelli López-Neyra, 1941, were found. The two bat populations harboured the same helminth species and showed the same trematode dominance, but the most important differences between the two helminth community structures were attributable to L. (L.) linstowi and H. pipistrelli. The mean species richness in the two localities was not significantly different. The mean number of helminth species per infected bat, mean infracommunity abundance and mean infracommunity diversity showed significant differences between both localities. The number of helminths per bat in both populations displayed an aggregated distribution. Results indicate that the different characteristics of the P. pipistrellus foraging area in both localities are important in determining the composition and structure of helminth communities in this bat species. This is the first study of a Palaearctic bat helminth community.  相似文献   

A new genus of Myobiidae, Hylomysobia gen. n. with two new species, H. mikhailzaitzevi sp. n. (type species) and H. chinensis sp. n., is described from gymnures of the genus Hylomys Müller (Eulipotyphla: Erinaceidae). The two species parasitize Hylomys suillus Müller from Cambodia and Vietnam, and Hylomys sinensis (Trouessart) from China, respectively. These species represent the first records of myobiid mites from species in the family Erinaceidae. The new genus differs from the closely related Eutalpacarus Jameson, 1949 by the following features: in both sexes, coxae I have a triangular process, setae ve are about three times wider than sce and c2, and coxae II bear two pairs of setae; in females, setae sci are lanceolate, setae ag1 and ag3 are absent, and the vulvar lobes are weakly developed; in males, setae e2 are absent, and setae c1, d1, d2 and e1 are situated on the genital shield. The life cycle of Hylomysobia spp. includes egg, larva, protonymph, deutonymph, and adults, male and female. In contrast to the most other myobiid genera possessing the tritonymphal stage, the deutonymphs of Hylomysobia moult directly to adults, and the tritonymphs are absent. Based on the restricted distribution of Hylomysobia species on hosts of this family (only on species of the genus Hylomys) and close morphological similarities to myobiids from Soricidae and Talpidae, it is suggested that the ancestor of this genus secondarily colonized the ancestor of Hylomys from moles or shrews.  相似文献   

Species of Rhamnocercinae Monaco, Wood et Mizelle, 1954 are gill parasites of sciaenid fishes (Perciformes). Seven are marine species (three in the western Atlantic and four in oriental Pacific) and one is a neotropical freshwater species (Rio Doce Basin, Brazil). While the status of the subfamily may be questioned, this assemblage of species is apparently supported by several shared apomorphic and plesiomorphic characters, such as: (1) peduncular spines with anterior and posterior roots; (2) haptor laterally expanded, armed with anchors (two pairs); bars (one ventral, two dorsal); 14 hooks and haptoral accessory spines; and (3) double (nested) tubes of the male copulatory organ (MCO), directed posteriorly with the genital pore lying posterior to the MCO. The phylogenetic hypothesis for the eight known species of this clade is: (Spinomatrix penteormos (Rhamnocercoides stichospinus, Rhamnocercoides menticirrhi) Rhamnocercus oliveri (Rhamnocercus rhamnocercus (Rhamnocercus stelliferi, Rhamnocercus bairdiella, Rhamnocercus margaritae)). This hypothesis indicates that Spinomatrix penteormos represents the sister group of all remaining rhamnocercines. The resulting phylogenetic sister-group relationships support the transfer of Rhamnocercus stichospinus Seamster et Wood, 1956 to Rhamnocercoides Luque et Iannacone, 1991 as Rhamnocercoides stichospinus (Seamster et Wood, 1956) n. comb.  相似文献   

A new nematode genus and species, Daniconema anguillae gen. et sp. n., is described from the serosa of the swimbladder and from the intestine of eels (Anguilla anguilla (L.] from Denmark (Lake Esrum, northern Zealand); a new family Daniconematidae fam. n. is established to accommodate it. The hitherto monotypic family Daniconematidae shows affinities with the Skrjabillanidae; in contrast to the latter, the new family is characterized by the absence of a buccal capsule, by the presence of anus in the female, and by different structure of the male tail (shape of the tail, absence of bursa-like caudal alae, number and distribution of papillae, presence of the peculiar genital projection). D. anguillae has recently been recorded also from eels in Czechoslovakia (Mácha Lake, northern Bohemia).  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜,对新疆荒漠中针禾属植物大颖针禾(Stipagrostis grandiglumis)和羽毛针禾(Stipagrostis pennata)叶片进行微观形态结构特征的观察与比较.结果表明:大颖针禾和羽毛针禾的叶都具有典型的适应干旱及沙漠环境的形态结构特征;2种针禾叶片表面均具有角质层,但厚度不同;两者上表...  相似文献   

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