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甘藍蚜、桃蚜和棉蚜的有翅型与无翅型,均能传播大白菜病毒病,其中以甘藍蚜为最主要的传毒介体。一头带毒蚜可使80%的健苗发病;一头无毒蚜經吸毒一分钟的传病率为35%;健苗經一头有毒蚜传毒一分钟,就有10%发病。病毒系非持久性的,蚜虫一次吸毒后的传毒期限为25分钟左右。在烏魯木齐地区,有翅甘藍蚜全年中的迁飞高峯期,都是在7月下旬。証实了这时期与大白菜病毒病的流行,有极密切的关系。当年春、夏季播种的甘蓝和苤藍,尤其是晚甘蓝和晚苤蓝,是大白菜(包括冬蘿卜)苗期的初次毒源和蚜源。初步認为,能感染病毒的几种十字花科及藜科杂草,不是本病病毒和甘藍蚜的重要越夏寄主。  相似文献   

在烏魯木齐地区,有翅甘藍蚜的迁飞高峯期与大白菜幼苗花叶病的发生密切有关。如迁飞高峯期在极易感病的大白菜幼苗初期(7月下旬),則病害发生普遍而严重;若迁飞高峯期推迟到8月中旬,則病情显著減輕。 1960至1963年研究观察結果指出,烏魯木齐地区6月份及8月上旬的降雨量,对有翅甘藍蚜在整个生长季节中的发生量、迁飞量与迁飞高峯期,有直接的影响,是决定本地区大白茶花叶病大区流行程度的主要因素。甘藍面积的扩大、毒源与蚜源距离的縮短、甘藍的零散栽种,职及种植甘藍的年数增多等情况,是促使大白菜花叶病小区流行程度更趋严重的因素。在病情特重的烏魯木齐地区,采用大白菜晚播措施,不能达到減輕病害的目的。  相似文献   

蘿卜蝇在我国北方普遍发生,为害秋季十字花科蔬菜,尤以大白菜受害最重。在田間設置誘蝇器,用糖醋液作誘餌,可以掌握成虫发生期;并发現雌、雄虫的数量消长有一定的規律,利用这一規律,可以确定防治适期。通过室內药效测定及田間防治适期試驗証明,在雌虫产卵盛期使用6%可湿性六六六500倍液噴洒一次防治大白菜上为害的蘿卜蝇有很好的效果。文中对于防治大白菜上蘿卜蝇的药剂种类、使用六六六的剂型、方法、次数和浓度等也作了討論。  相似文献   

禾谷缢管蚜在越冬寄主植物上的行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内饲养观察、田间调查和利用微型昆虫显微摄影技术,研究了禾谷缢管蚜越冬卵在越冬寄主稠李(Prunus padis)上孵化,干母、干雌取食、生长发育和繁殖等行为过程,以及形态和体色变异特点。结果表明,禾谷缢管蚜越冬卵在室内的孵化率为88.68%-92.51%;在德国北部吕贝克附近田间孵化率为24.2%。越冬卵孵化起点温度低于4℃。在室温22℃下卵孵化历期为5-7d,孵化高峰在卵孵化始期后第3-4天。一日内最佳孵化时间在05:00-07:30。在室内饲养条件下,将越冬卵孵化的干母直接移植到麦苗上,蚜虫几乎都不能存活。  相似文献   

北京十字花科蔬菜上的蚜虫是桃蚜和菜缢管蚜,前者全年都有发生,而后者划在6月才开始发生。桃蚜以卵期在窖藏大白菜和核果类果树枝条上越冬,也有少数有翅成蚜能在窖藏大白菜上渡过参天。但白菜上的卵由于食用及留种株切关剥邦处理,而不能成为有效蚜源。另一部分桃蚜则在温室里连续发生,不进行越冬。阳畦菜苗和风障根茬菠菜上早春很早就发生桃蚜。大白菜留种株三月种植,它的第一蚜源来自风障根茬菠菜——3月下至4月初产生有翅蚜迁飞。桃树上的桃蚜在4月下开始发生有翅蚜,成为种株的第二蚜源。种株上的蚜群5月中产生有翅蚜,连续向外扩散。春菜——主要是甘蓝、花椰等——在定植时(四月)从阳畦带蚜下田;它的第二蚜源也来自桃树。春菜上的蚜群也在5月中产生有翅蚜扩散。从4、5、6月进行杂草调查证明,有9科13种是桃蚜的寄主,未发现菜缢管蚜的寄主,而旋花科的小旋花是唯一能在5月发生有翅蚜的杂草(6月没有)。由此可见,杂草不是春菜地的主要蚜源。桃蚜和菜缢管蚜在夏菜上——包括晚甘蓝、晚苤蓝、萝卜、小白菜、小油菜——混合发生,但有明显的偏嗜现象:桃蚜在甘蓝和苤蓝上占多数,菜缢管蚜在萝卜、白菜、油菜上占多数。从有翅蚜发生期看,甘蓝、苤蓝上的桃蚜正是秋白菜苗期的蚜源,同时萝卜、小白菜、小油菜上的菜缢管蚜也正是秋白菜苗期蚜源。秋白菜上也是两种蚜虫混合发生,但菜缢管蚜多于桃蚜,它们在9月上、中旬产生有翅蚜扩散。  相似文献   

25%吡嗪酮可湿性粉剂对菜蚜生物活性及防治效果初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
菜蚜是十字花科蔬菜上的主要害虫,以成、若蚜刺吸植株汁液,导致叶片失水卷曲、发黄,植株矮小、萎蔫。受害的大白菜、甘蓝往往不能正常包心结球。蚜虫还传播多种病毒病,其排泄的蜜露可引起霉污病,严重影响蔬菜的质量和产量。25%吡嗪酮WP是一种新的药剂,具有独特...  相似文献   

蚜虫是为害十字花科蔬菜的重要害虫之一,繁殖速率快,世代重叠.易造成菜株严重失水和营养不良.当蚜群集中在幼叶上时,常使叶片卷曲,轻则表现叶片绿色不匀或发黄,整个叶片由于失水发软而瘫在地上;受害严重时,使菜不能包心.  相似文献   

烟草蚜虫又名桃蚜 ,是桐梓县烤烟上的主要害虫之一 ,它不但直接危害烤烟 ,而且还是传播烟草花叶病、黄瓜花叶病的主要媒介。1 为害症状烟草蚜虫发生数量大 ,危害时间长 ,从烟草苗期开始直到大田采收都有为害。烟蚜以刺吸式口器吸收烟株叶、茎、花等部位的汁液 ,使被害烟株生长迟缓、叶片薄 ,严重时叶片向背面卷缩、变形 ,烟叶组织被破坏 ,烘烤后的烟叶缺乏光泽 ,容易破碎 ,严重影响产量和品质。2 生活习性烟草蚜虫发生代数多 ,在全县每年发生 2 0代左右 ,主要以有翅蚜和无翅蚜在十字花科蔬菜和油菜上越冬 ,其次是以卵在桃、李、杏等果树上…  相似文献   

麦蚜是我县沿江圩田三麦上重要害虫,尤以晚小麦受害更重。对其发生危害及防治进行了初步研究,结果报道如下。 一、麦蚜种类和发生特点 沿江圩田三麦上蚜虫有二种:禾谷缢管蚜(又名黍蚜)Rhopalosiphum padi[Linnaeus]及麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae[Fabricius]。 定点田系统观察结果:前期以麦长管蚜较多,后期禾谷缢管蚜所占比例逐渐上升,最高可占到99%以上(见表1)。 大田调查,禾谷缢管蚜比例占59.2—96.4%。禾谷缢管蚜所以能占绝对优势,主要因为这种蚜虫生长势强,繁殖速度快,5月下旬单个蚜虫繁殖平均达45只,而麦长管蚜虫只有4.2只。  相似文献   

菸蚜研究是1953—1961年在许昌进行的。一年之中,菸蚜的生活周期,春季在桃树上只有3代(包括干母代);在菸草上最多可繁殖15—17代;在白菜、萝卜等十字花科蔬菜上最多可繁殖5—6代。各代平均发育期:干母27天,干雌11天,春季迁移蚜17.4天;在菸草上各代平均7.9天;在白菜上各代平均8.3天,性母13天,产卵性雌蚜约21天。同时观察发现秋季从十字科蔬菜迁往桃树的有翅蚜本身就是性母,在桃树上只能产生产卵性雌蚜,雄岈则是从十字花科蔬菜迁往桃树的。关于寄主植物,菸蚜虽然经常在多种果树上产越冬卵,但干母除可在桃树上成活外,在其他树上的则全部死亡。此外,菸岈的孤雌胎生成蚜和若岈亦可在十字花科蔬菜上越冬,但次年大都不能再在菸草上成活。菸蚜适宜的温度范围为7—29℃,当5日平均气温低于6℃或5日平均相对湿度低于40%时,菸蚜数量均表现下降;温度与湿度对菸蚜消长有综合作用,当5日平均气温达26℃以上、相对湿度达80%以上时,数量亦表现下降。有翅幼蚜的大量出现,常是该寄主菸蚜数量下降的标志;同时有翅蚜的迁来,也常是该作物受菸蚜为害的起点。由于菸蚜喜集中在菸株幼嫩部分为害,所以菸株打顶和经过3—5次的打杈,常可除去部分菸蚜,使菸蚜数量下降。在不适宜的条件下,菸株上常出现“小型蚜”。在防治方法方面,测定了几种药剂治蚜的药效,以 E 1059较为良好,并经测定菸叶对人并无残毒;防治菸蚜必须采用综合措施,参、春在桃树上防治菸蚜尤为重要。  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of four isolates ofFusarium oxysporum obtained from infected cultivated rocket (Eruca vesicaria) and wild (sand) rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) was tested on the following cruciferous hosts: stock, radish, wild and cultivated rockets, and various species in the cabbage tribe: cabbage (Brassica oleracea var.sabauda), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var.botrytis), Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var.gemmifera), broccoli (Brassica oleracea var.italica), turnip (Brassica rapa var.rapa). The results indicated that isolates ofF. oxysporum from cultivated and wild rocket belong to theforma specialis raphani. The isolates from rocket were pathogenic on cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, turnip, radish and stock; isolates ofF. oxysporum conglutinans from cabbage and radish, and the isolate ofF. oxysporum f.sp.raphani from rape obtained from the ATCC collection, were pathogenic on both cultivated and wild rocket.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var capitata), cauliflower (B oleracea var botrytis) and knol khol (B oleracea gongylodes) crops at two different locations in Karnataka State (India) to optimize the timing of insecticide applications to control the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, using sex pheromone traps. Our results indicate that applications of cartap hydrochloride as insecticide during a 12–24 h period after the pheromone traps had caught on average 8, 12 and 16 males per trap per night in cabbage, cauliflower and knol khol, respectively, were significantly more effective than regular insecticide sprays at 7, 9, 12 or 15 days after transplantation. This was demonstrated by estimation of the mean number of eggs and larvae per plant, the percentage of holes produced, as well as the marketable yield of the three crops at each location. A good correlation between the immature stages, infestation level, the estimated crop yield and the number of moths caught in pheromone traps was also found, indicating the usefulness of pheromone‐based monitoring traps to predict population densities of the pest. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Choy sum (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis), leafy mustard (Brassica juncea) and pak choi (B. rapa var. chinensis) are highly nutritious components of diets in Taiwan and other Asian countries, and bacterial black rot caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) is a major biotic constraint in these crops. As very little was known about the Xcc strains from these crops in these regions, including their cross‐pathogenicity and aggressiveness on different hosts, Xcc strains were obtained from cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata), choy sum, leafy mustard and pak choi crops in Taiwan. Two previously published PCR‐based assays reliably distinguished the Xcc strains from other Xanthomonas species and subspecies. Phylogenetic analysis based on repetitive sequence‐based PCR assays placed the Xcc strains in a clade distinct from other Xanthomonas species, and also showed host specificity. Although all of the Xcc strains from the different host species were pathogenic on all five Brassica test species in both a detached leaf assay and an intact plant assay, in the intact plant assay they showed differences in virulence or aggression on the different test hosts. The Xcc strains from leafy mustard and pak choi were consistently highly aggressive on all the test host genotypes, but the strains from choy sum and cabbage were less aggressive on leafy mustard and choy sum. The intact plant assay proved more discriminating and reliable than the detached leaf assay for comparing the aggressiveness of Xcc strains on different host genotypes, and so, with the new Xcc strains isolated in this study, will be useful for screening leafy brassica germplasm accessions for resistance to black rot.  相似文献   

Black rot, caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) is a disease of crucifer crops. The objective of this study was to characterize races of Xcc, their distribution and genetic diversity in India. Two hundred and seventeen isolates of bacteria were obtained from 12 different black rot‐infected crucifer crops from 19 states of India; these were identified as Xcc based on morphology, hrpF gene and 16S rRNA gene based molecular markers and pathogenicity tests. Characterization of races was performed by using a set of seven differential crucifer hosts, comprising two cultivars of turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa) and cultivars of Indian mustard (B. juncea), Ethiopian mustard (B. carinata), rapeseed mustard (B. napus), cauliflower (B. oleracea) and Savoy cabbage (B. oleracea var. sabauda). Races 1, 4 and 6 of Xcc were identified and, among these races, race 1 followed by race 4 dominated most of the states of India. Genetic diversity of the Indian isolates of Xcc was analysed using repetitive sequence‐based PCR (rep‐PCR) including primers for REP (repetitive extragenic palindromic), ERIC (enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus) and BOX (amplifying with BOX A1 R primer) repetitive elements. This method of fingerprinting grouped the isolates into 56 different DNA types (clusters) with a 75% similarity coefficient. Among these clusters, DNA types 22 and 53 contained two different races 1 and 4, whereas DNA type 12 contained races 1, 4 and 6. However, no clear relationship was observed between fingerprints and races, hosts or geographical origin.  相似文献   

Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) and mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern] are important cruciferous crops facing serious yield and quality loss in India from dark leaf spot disease caused by Alternaria brassicae (Berk.) Sacc. Genetic variation among 32 pathogenic A. brassicae isolates from both crops was analyzed with random amplified polymorphic DNA and inter-simple sequence repeat primers in which the mean similarity coefficient was found to be 0.73 and 0.84, respectively. Further internal transcribed spacer analysis showed all isolates are 90–100 % similar to each other, indicating genetic similarity among different A. brassicae isolates that vary pathogenically.  相似文献   

In Africa, synthetic pesticide applications are overly frequent and above labelled rates. We assessed the efficacy of an insect net physical control system on field cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) production in France and Benin. Various mesh sizes and netting removal frequencies were compared under contrasting climatic conditions. Studies under Mediterranean climatic conditions (spring season) compared two mesh sizes (0.73 mm and 1.6 mm). Studies under subequatorial climatic conditions (cool and hot seasons) tested nets of mesh size 0.4 mm and 0.9 mm used either as permanent cover, removed daily, or 3 days per week. The results showed that a fine mesh did not improve the netting efficacy against pests but had a major impact on the microclimate. In Mediterranean climatic conditions, the netting efficacy and beneficial microclimate improved crop yields. In subequatorial conditions, crop yields were lowest with permanent net protection due to high temperatures under the nets and poor aphid and Spodoptera littoralis control. Removing the nets 3 days per week was a good technical/economic trade-off, ensuring acceptable efficacy with minimal effects on the microclimate.  相似文献   

The relation between diversity of pathogenicity on clubroot-resistant (CR) cultivars of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis) bred in Japan and DNA polymorphisms in 17 populations of Plasmodiophora brassicae from cruciferous plants was examined by inoculation tests and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis using 18 arbitrary primers. Four pathotypes (A–D) were identified after inoculation of six CR cultivars of Chinese cabbage in the 17 populations from cruciferous crops. A relatively high level of genetic diversity was also detected among these populations in the RAPD analysis. Although the four pathotypes could not be clearly differentiated using the RAPD data, most populations of three pathotypes had a consistent location on the dendrogram. All pathotype B (virulent on five cultivars except Utage 70) and D (avirulent on all cultivars) populations, which were common in incompatible interactions with cv. Utage 70, were located in a single subcluster. All five pathotype C populations (virulent only on cv. Utage 70) except for one population grouped in another single subcluster. Because four pathotype A populations (virulent on all six cultivars, races 4 and 9) fell in different subclusters, the populations may be genetically polyphyletic. Populations from cruciferous weed Cardamine flexuosa differed remarkably from those from cruciferous crops in pathogenicity on common cultivars of Chinese cabbage and turnip and C. flexuosa, but they grouped in a single cluster with all race 9 populations from crops. Race 9 populations from crops may thus be closely related to populations from the weed rather than to races 1 and 4 from crops.  相似文献   

Clubroot caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae is an important disease of cruciferous crops worldwide. In Latin America (from Mexico to Chile, including the Caribbean), most of the area in cruciferous crops is devoted to oilseed rape (Brassica napus; c. 230 600 ha) in Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina, while cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts (40 900 ha) are cropped intensively on small acreages across the region. Although clubroot is present in most Latin American countries, there have been very few studies of P. brassicae. Clubroot research in Latin America has focused mainly on adapting disease management strategies developed in temperate climates to tropical climates, including liming, biological control and genetic resistance. This review summarizes the management strategies used in Latin America to reduce the impact of clubroot, including novel strategies when compared with temperate regions, such as a crop rotation with aromatic plant species and the use of biological control with Trichoderma spp. Latin America has unique characteristics relative to temperate countries such as high humidity, warm temperatures and acidic soil that impact the interaction between P. brassicae and its plant hosts, so more research is required.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) as a trap crop for diamondback moth [Plutella xylostella (L.)] on cauliflower [Brassica oleracea (L.) var. Lateman]. Moth behaviour on these plants and the importance of plant age and size in maintaining pest preference for trap crop plants were also investigated. RESULTS: Three times as many eggs were laid on cauliflower plants that were unprotected than on plants protected by a trap crop of white mustard. Moths remained longer on the mustard plants as a result of a doubling in the mean duration of information‐providing behaviours. Plant age had little effect on P. xylostella host preference. When plant age was constant, percentage oviposition on mustard was higher when these were larger (93%) than copresented cauliflower plants, compared with when they were smaller (68%). CONCLUSION: Trap cropping with white mustard may reduce the incidence of P. xylostella in cauliflower crops. The pest management benefits of trap crops may be maximised by using trap crop plants that are larger than the main crop plants, although relatively smaller trap crop plants may still be preferred as hosts for P. xylostella per se. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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