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酸奶质量检测结果与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
酸奶是广大消费者所喜爱的一种乳制品,它味酸甜富于营养,有安神、镇静和助消化等作用。酸奶的质量不仅影响乳品业的发展,而且关系着广大消费者的身体健康。我中心对一些乳品厂生产的酸奶进行了随机抽样检测,结果表明酸奶的部分项目指标符合国家标准的要求,蔗糖和汞的合格率均为100%,但个别项目,如脂肪、微生物的合格率偏低,分别为43%和50%。此外,对不同放置时间对酸奶检测指标的影响等问题也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

基于全国1834份问卷调查数据,从购买频率、购买金额、购买品牌、购买渠道、消费结构和消费观念6个方面分析新冠肺炎疫情对乳制品消费行为的影响。得出结论:新冠肺炎疫情对绝大多数消费者乳制品消费行为产生了影响。具体来看,由于疫情期间乳制品供应链中断,居民出行减少,对乳制品购买频率、购买金额影响较大;乳制品购买品牌、购买渠道和消费观念等受疫情影响,发生了不同程度的变化;疫情短期内不会改变消费者的乳制品偏好,乳制品消费结构变化幅度不大。  相似文献   

酸奶的质量安全备受消费者关注,现阶段酸奶的销售环节存在许多不规范问题。通过调研北京市冷链物流运输环节及管理的现状,利用对各类零售业态的实地调查和分析结果,指出现阶段不同零售业态酸奶销售存在的问题,并提出合理建议和解决方法。有利于改进酸奶零售市场的不规范现象,保障酸奶更新鲜地到达消费者手中,进而提高消费者的满意度。  相似文献   

本文以济南市722个消费者的调查数据为依据,对消费者购买安全生鲜猪肉意愿的影响因素进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,消费者是否愿意选择购买安全生鲜猪肉受其年龄、文化程度、收入水平、婚姻状况、消费者是否有未成年孩子、消费者对安全品牌猪肉的认知程度以及安全猪肉价格等因素的影响,但是不同因素对消费者购买安全猪肉意愿的影响各不相同。在此基础上,本文最后提出了提高消费者对安全猪肉的认知水平和增强消费者选择购买品牌猪肉意愿的政策与建议。  相似文献   

我国是养鹿大国,在供给侧改革的推动下,作为市场营销主体的鹿产品生产企业应该更加重视对消费者购买行为的研究。笔者利用对384位消费者的网络调研数据,采用二项Logistic回归模型,实证分析了消费者对鹿产品的购买意愿。将影响消费者对鹿产品购买意愿的因素分为个体特征、心理因素和环境因素三个方面。结果表明:在个体特征方面,消费者的年龄、婚姻状况、收入和对鹿产品的认知程度对购买意愿有显著的正向影响作用;在心理因素方面,消费者对产品的营养成分含量的重视程度对购买意愿有显著正向影响;在外部环境因素方面,消费者对品牌以及销售推荐的认可程度对购买意愿有显著正向影响;其余因素的影响均不显著。  相似文献   

在酸奶中添加包埋的生物活性成分可以丰富酸奶的营养,带给消费者更加健康的消费体验,从而提高产品的价格、增加企业效益。本文概述了近年来包埋的生物活性成分在酸奶中运用的实例,主要介绍了包埋生物活性成分的添加对酸奶物理、化学特征的影响;分析了添加包埋生物活性成分酸奶的临床实验效果;简述目前国内相关专利;并探讨生物活性成分包埋在酸奶工业应用中存在的问题和发展方向。  相似文献   

随着市场的变化和技术的革新,酸奶制品出现了新的发展趋势,消费者对酸奶的品种、质量都有了更高的要求。本研究拟在提高酸奶品质、改善口味及延长货架期,比较使用不同菌种、加入不同的稳定剂之后酸奶的稳定性、组织结构、口感等性能的不同。选用四种菌种、五种稳定剂,酸奶表现出不同的酸度、粘度和稳定性,从而为生产不同品种的酸奶提供了实验基础。  相似文献   

笔者运用长春市的调研数据和多元Logistic模型分析了影响消费者对无公害牛肉、绿色牛肉和有机牛肉等优质安全牛肉购买意愿的因素。结果表明:影响消费者对三类优质安全牛肉购买意愿的因素不尽相同。其中性别、年龄、家庭平均收入、质量安全关注程度、安全顺序排序、质量安全评价和购买频次等因素分别对消费者的购买意愿产生不同程度的影响。可见,消费者的选择是很有理性的,对标识牛肉安全程度会作出自己的判断,并不是安全程度越高购买意愿越强,还会综合考虑标识牛肉安全的可信度和购买的支付能力。  相似文献   

消费者安全农产品购买意愿和支付行为的一致性对保障农产品质量安全具有重要的逆向促进作用。本文以吉林省城镇消费者的问卷调查数据为基础,实证分析了消费者安全农产品认知和消费情况,并用Logistic回归模型识别了影响区域消费者安全农产品购买意愿和购买行为一致性的因素。结果显示,尽管81.27%的受访者表示愿意购买安全农产品,但受溢价约束购买意愿和动机鲜少转化为购买行为。受教育程度、家庭人口规模、家庭月收入、消费环境、消费体验对消费者安全农产品购买意愿与行为的一致性具有显著影响;消费者农产品质量安全认证知识和政府农产品质量安全监管了解程度也对安全农产品消费意愿与行为的一致性有重要影响。  相似文献   

正酸奶的良好口感和营养功效使其得到了消费者的普遍喜爱。同时,酸奶的质量安全也备受消费者关注,现阶段酸奶的销售环节存在许多不规范问题。基于此现状,本文利用对各类零售业态的实地调查和分析,指出现阶段不同零售业态酸奶销售存在的问题,并提出合理建议和解决方法。提高酸奶零售市场的规范程度,保证酸奶更新鲜地到达消费者手中。为解决奶业所面临的困难,加强乳品质量安全监督管理,保证乳品质量安全,保障公众身体健康,促进奶业稳定健康发展,国务院出台了一系列的相关  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to analyze the factors creating consumer attributes of roasted beef steaks of various animals. Eight cuts from 30 carcasses (characterized by various types of animal, conformation and fat class, rib fat thickness, ossification score) were selected. Samples were prepared using the roasting method and consumers rated the tenderness, juiciness, flavor, overall acceptability (rated in a 100‐point scale), and satisfaction (rated from 2 to 5) for analyzed samples. No influence of type of animal, fat class, conformation class or ossification score on the results of consumer analysis was observed. For all analyzed factors, the influence of cut on consumer analysis was observed (the highest values of all consumer attributes were observed for tenderloin ‐ for juiciness significantly higher than for other cuts, for tenderness, flavor and MQ4 comparable only with rump (RMP231), while for overall acceptability and satisfaction – with both rump cuts). For rib fat thickness consumer attributes of roasted beef meat were not linear, but the influence was observed – the highest values of consumer attributes were observed for 13 mm rib fat thickness.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the sensory categorisation of beef by Japanese consumers, based on Meat Standards Australia methodology. Various cuts of beef, with a wide range of quality (from Australian and Japanese cattle) and three cooking methods (grill, yakiniku, shabu shabu), were evaluated by 1620 Japanese consumers in Tokyo and Osaka. Consumers rated each sample for four sensory attributes (tenderness, juiciness, flavor and overall satisfaction), then selected one of four grades (unsatisfactory/2‐star, good everyday/3‐star, better than everyday/4‐star, and premium quality/5‐star), based on the quality of the beef within each cooking method. Meat quality scores, denoted as MQ4 scores (weighted combination of the four sensory attributes) were calculated from the Japanese consumer test results, to describe the Japanese consumer rating of beef. The distribution of the Japanese consumer MQ4 scores showed a clear distinction between grades, with the majority of scores being included within the boundaries of each grade. The MQ4 score allocated approximately 64% of the samples to their correct consumer grades. The MQ4 score showed potential to be used as a tool in developing and monitoring a consumer‐focused grading system that is able to predict Japanese consumer satisfaction of individual beef cuts prepared by different cooking methods.  相似文献   

Farm animal welfare: the five freedoms and the free market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review addresses the scientific, ethical and economic factors that impact on the welfare of farm animals. Respect for animals within the food chain is considered within the context of an ethical matrix that affords respect according to the principles of wellbeing, autonomy and justice to consumers, farm animals, farmers and the living environment. The welfare of a farm animal depends on its ability to sustain fitness and avoid suffering. The responsibility of the farmer is to make provision for good welfare through good husbandry; he cannot ensure good welfare. Improvements to farm animal welfare can only come about within the context of the forces that drive the free market. In essence, consumers need to afford a greater extrinsic value to farm animals. The costs to farmers of legislation to impose higher animal welfare standards are substantial but the cost to consumers can be very small. The responsibility is therefore on the consumer to convert an expressed desire for higher welfare standards into an effective demand. A promising route to encourage and fulfil this demand is through welfare-based quality assurance schemes with quality control ensured by independent audit. At present, audit protocols are based largely on identification of the elements of good husbandry. Ultimately we need a further independent audit to ensure that the outcome of these perceived elements of good husbandry is, in fact, good animal welfare.  相似文献   

骆驼奶的生产和消费具有悠久的历史,新时期随着骆驼乳制品新功能和丰富营养价值的发现,国内外需求迅速增长。本文分析了全球骆驼乳制品的产业链以及供给、成本和市场情况,结合中国骆驼奶生产、消费与流通实际,提出为促进骆驼乳制品的发展,在产业链前端要大力发展合作社模式;在生产加工环节需扶持生产厂商,加快产品创新和建立品牌;在流通阶段重视电子商务引发的流通革命,探索供应链利益共享机制;在行业内要制定更高层面的行业标准,加强管理净化市场;监管部门要打击仿冒假冒商品,提升消费者信心,逐渐培养消费市场,为西部荒漠地区开创新型产业和带动农民增收提供新的机遇。  相似文献   

Dairy production in Uganda is pasture-based and traditional Ankole cattle make up 80% of the cattle herd, reared in both pastoral and agro-pastoral ecological zones. Regardless of the zone, milk quality is lowest in production basin during the dry season when ambient temperatures are highest and water is scarce. Poor hygiene and quality management contributed to the deterioration of raw milk quality during its storage and delivery to the final consumer, and concealed the seasonal effect when milk reached urban consumption areas. Poor milk quality is a challenge for the Ugandan Dairy Development Authorities who wish to make the milk value chain safe. This study provides baseline information for the implementation of an HACCP-based system to ensure the hygienic quality of milk from the farm to the market place.  相似文献   

In this study, a structured survey questionnaire was used to determine consumers' preferences and behavior with regard to horse meat at a horse meat restaurant located in Jeju, Korea, from October 1 to December 24, 2005. The questionnaire employed in this study consisted of 20 questions designed to characterize six general attributes: horse meat sensory property, physical appearance, health condition, origin, price, and other attributes. Of the 1370 questionnaires distributed, 1126 completed questionnaires were retained based on the completeness of the answers, representing an 82.2% response rate. Two issues were investigated that might facilitate the search for ways to improve horse meat production and marketing programs in Korea. The first step was to determine certain important factors, called principal components, which enabled the researchers to understand the needs of horse meat consumers via principal component analysis. The second step was to define consumer segments with regard to their preferences for horse meat, which was accomplished via cluster analysis. The results of the current study showed that health condition, price, origin, and leanness were the most critical physical attributes affecting the preferences of horse meat consumers. Four segments of consumers, with different demands for horse meat attributes, were identified: origin‐sensitive consumers, price‐sensitive consumers, quality and safety‐sensitive consumers, and non‐specific consumers. Significant differences existed among segments of consumers in terms of age, nature of work, frequency of consumption, and general level of acceptability of horse meat.  相似文献   

江苏省肉羊产业发展现状、问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究运用2001—2016年统计数据,从肉羊存出栏量、羊肉产量、育种状况等方面分析江苏省肉羊产业发展状况,发现江苏省肉羊产业规模化不断提高,消费需求逐年增加,但2006年羊肉产量出现断崖式下跌,且近几年价格不稳定、肉羊种质资源质量下降,使得肉羊养殖收益不明显,肉羊产业竞争力减弱。江苏省肉羊产业发展存在标准化规模养殖水平不高、种质资源质量下降、信息不对称和品牌化程度不够等问题,并据此提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

功能型酸奶独特的风味及保健功能,受到越来越多消费群体的青睐,有较好的消费市场和发展前景,也有较大的研究价值。本文在国内外研究基础上,对功能型酸奶常见的两种分类方式(按添加成分和消费者群体分类)、不同的保健功能(解酒、抗氧化、通便、清热解毒和对砷毒性的缓解作用等),及目前在国内外市场销售的酸奶进行总结,为功能型酸奶的研发及工业化的生产提供理论基础。  相似文献   

本试验旨在扩增延边黄牛白细胞介素18(IL-18)全长cDNA,并对其序列进行进化分析。根据GenBank中已公布的牛IL-18 cDNA序列设计1对引物,利用RT-PCR从刀豆蛋白(ConA)和植物分裂素(PHA)双重刺激36 h活化的延边黄牛脾淋巴细胞中扩增出牛IL-18全长cDNA,进行PCR、酶切和测序鉴定,并做进化分析及二级结构预测。扩增出延边黄牛IL-18全长cDNA,大小为760 bp,其中有两个氨基酸突变。进化分析结果显示,延边黄牛IL-18与牛、山羊、绵羊、马和猪的同源性较高,均大于90%,与同种群牛的同源性最高,而与原鸡的同源性最低,为51.1%。本研究确定了IL-18的种群差异,并预测了二级结构特性,为进一步研究延边黄牛IL-18的基因表达、生物活性及其作为佐剂的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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