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Trade patterns of animal movements in a specific industry are complex and difficult to study because there are many stakeholders, premises that are heterogeneously spread over the country, and a highly dynamic flow of animals exists among them. The Danish cattle industry was defined as a network of animal movements and graph theory was used to analyse the movements of cattle within this network. A premise was defined as a farm, an abattoir or a market. These premises constituted the network nodes in the graph and the animal movements between them were the links. In this framework, each premise had a sub-network of other premises to which it was linked by these animal movements. If no movement of animals were registered for a specific farm, then the sub-network for that premise consisted of only that premise. Otherwise, the sub-network linked the premise of interest to all premises from which and to which animals were moved, as long as there was a path linking animal movements to that specific premise. This approach allowed visualization and analyses of four levels of organization that existed in Denmark animal registers: (1) the animal that was moved, (2) the movements of all animals between two premises, (3) the specific premise network, and (4) the overall industry network. When contagious animals are moved from one premise to another, then to a third and so forth, these movements create a path for potential transfer of pathogens. The paths within which pathogens are present identify the transmission risks. A network of animal movements should provide information about pathogen transmission and disease spread. The network of the Danish cattle industry network was a directed scale-free graph (the direction of a movement was known), with an in-degree power of 2 an out-degree power of 1.46, consisted of 29,999 nodes, and 130,265 movements during a 6-month period. The in clustering coefficient was calculated to be 0.52 for the inward direction (movement to), while it was 0.02 for the outward direction (movement from). In Denmark, the cattle movements between premises demonstrated a large degree of heterogeneity. This heterogeneity in movements between farms should be used to evaluate the risk potential of disease transmission for each premise and must be considered when modelling disease spread between premises. The objective of this research was to describe the network of animal movements and not just the animal movements per se.  相似文献   

The measures used to control the epidemics of foot-and-mouth disease in Canada in 1951/52 (29 outbreaks) were compared with those used in the epidemic in Hampshire in 1967 (29 outbreaks). In both epidemics the disease spread more from premises where the disease was reported late and the imposition of quarantine or restrictions on infected premises was delayed. In Hampshire, area restrictions were imposed, susceptible livestock on infected premises and on premises in direct contact were slaughtered, and contacts were traced. In Canada, the initial diagnosis was vesicular stomatitis, no area restrictions were imposed, no tracing was carried out and the animals on infected premises were allowed to recover. However, apart from the disease's spread through infected meat and by unknown or airborne routes, it did not spread from infected premises once quarantine was imposed, partly owing to the low population density of livestock in the area. The effects of the slaughter of infected premises and direct contacts in the Fareham area of Hampshire in 1967 and in the Chathill area of Northumberland in 1966 were compared with what might have happened if, in addition, culling on contiguous premises or culling on premises within 3 km or emergency vaccination had been put into effect. The slaughter of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs on premises within 3 km two days after confirmation of the first outbreak would have resulted in fewer outbreaks and a shorter period to complete slaughter, but more animals would have been slaughtered. In the Chathill area, the slaughter of sheep, goats and pigs only on premises within 3 km two days after confirmation of the first outbreak would not have resulted in fewer outbreaks and more animals would have been slaughtered. Fewer premises and animals would have been slaughtered by a contiguous cull than by a 3 km cull but more than by the slaughter of infected premises and direct contacts. Emergency vaccination within 3 km, providing protection at four days (but not to animals already infected before the development of immunity), would have resulted in the fewest animals being slaughtered and could have reduced the number of outbreaks in the Fareham area by one and in the Chathill area by two or three. All the procedures would have had a greater effect the sooner they were introduced. However, with many foci of infection, priorities for action would have had to have been established. Earlier tracing of the last outbreak in the Fareham area could have shortened the Hampshire epidemic. Surveillance of a farm identified as at risk through animal movements and by the use of an airborne-prediction model could have eliminated the source of further outbreaks in the Chathill area.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify management factors affecting the risk of animals developing vesicular stomatitis (VS). DESIGN: Case-control study. ANIMALS: Horses, cattle, and sheep with suspected vesicular stomatitis on 395 premises in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona. PROCEDURE: Data were collected during the VS outbreak of 1997. Diagnosticians interviewed livestock owners and completed a supplemental questionnaire. Cases were defined as those premises that had a completed questionnaire and had > or = 1 animal positive for VS. Control premises were all premises investigated that had a completed questionnaire and on which the animals had been tested but VS was not detected. RESULTS: Animals that had access to a shelter or barn had a reduced risk of developing VS (OR, 0.6; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.35 to 0.99). This effect was more pronounced for equine premises (OR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.3 to 0.9). Conversely, during an adjusted analysis on equine premises, risk of developing disease was increased slightly where animals had access to pasture (OR, 2.01; 95% CI, 1.1 to 3.7). On all premises where owners reported insect populations were greater than normal, odds of developing disease were significantly increased (OR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.47 to 4.47). Premises with animals housed < 0.25 miles from running water were more than twice as likely to have clinical signs of VS (OR, 2.6; 95% CI, 1.32 to 5.0). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These results support reports of others that suggest biting insects are a vector in VS virus transmission. Management practices to reduce exposure to biting insects might reduce the risk of VS.  相似文献   

Microorganisms of the genus Mycobacterium cause tuberculosis in many animal species including humans. Generally, Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) infects cattle and cervids, but it has the potential to infect virtually all species of mammals. This study examined and analysed the data from the nine outbreaks of tuberculosis in Canadian cattle and cervids from 1985 to 1994. For the purposes of this study, a positive herd was one with at least one culture-positive animal. A reactor herd had at least one animal which was positive or suspicious on a mid-cervical, comparative cervical, or gross or histopathologic test for tuberculosis. Herd classification was either reactor/positive or negative. Data for the study were collected from the outbreak records in the Regional or District offices of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Logistic regression was used to study spread of tuberculosis between herds. Two risk factors were identified: increasing herd size; and, the reason why a herd was investigated as part of the outbreak. This latter factor was interpreted as a surrogate measure for the nature of contact between the study herd and other potentially infected herds in the outbreak. Increasing herd size was associated with an increased risk of being positive for tuberculosis with herds of 16-35, 36-80, and >80 animals having odds ratios of 2.9, 5.8, and 9.3, respectively, when compared to a herd size of <16 animals (p < 0.001). When compared to perimeter testing (i.e. testing herds within a specified radius of an infected herd), all other reasons for investigation had higher odds ratios (p < 0.001). These odds ratios were 57.8 for traceout herds (i.e. herds which had purchased animal(s) from a reactor/positive herd), 31.8 for herds with pasture or fence-line contact with a reactor/positive herd, and 14.9 for traceback herds (i.e. herds which had been a source of animals for reactor/positive herd(s)).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a selected set of 20 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers derived from beef cattle populations can be used to verify sample tracking in a commercial slaughter facility that processes primarily market (ie, culled) dairy cows. DESIGN: Prospective, blinded validation study. ANIMALS: 165 cows and 3 bulls from 18 states (82% Holstein, 8% other dairy breeds, and 10% beef breeds). PROCEDURE: Blood was collected by venipuncture from randomly chosen animals just prior to slaughter. The purported corresponding liver samples were collected during beef processing, and genotype profiles were obtained for each sample. RESULTS: On the basis of SNP allele frequencies in these cattle, the mean probability that 2 randomly selected individuals would possess identical genotypes at all 20 loci was 4.3 x 10(-8). Thus, the chance of a coincidental genotype match between 2 animals was 1 in 23 million. Genotype profiles confirmed appropriate matching for 152 of the 168 (90.5%) purported blood-liver sample pairs and revealed mismatching for 16 (9.5%) pairs. For the 16 mismatched sample pairs, 33% to 76% of the 20 SNP genotypes did not match (mean, 52%). Discordance that could be attributed to genotyping error was estimated to be < 1% on the basis of results for split samples. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that this selected set of 20 bovine SNP markers is sufficiently informative to verify accuracy of sample tracking in slaughter plants that process beef or dairy cattle. These or similar SNP markers may facilitate high-throughput, DNA-based, traceback programs designed to detect drug residues in tissues, control of animal diseases, and enhance food safety.  相似文献   

Within Great Britain cattle are often traded at regional markets, of which there are approximately 200 located throughout England, Scotland and Wales. The movement of animals through markets was important in the spread of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus during the 2001 GB outbreak. Here, we describe the movements of cattle to and from markets for 2002-2004 and, using social network analysis, we construct networks based on these movements. In 2002, 56,227 animal holdings (AH) sent cattle to 222 cattle auction markets, compared to 58,476 AH and 187 auction markets in 2004. Auction markets vary considerably in their trading with AH. The majority of markets received animals from less than 50 AH, but one received animals from as many as 6155 AH during a year. The distances travelled between origin AH and destination AH when cattle move "directly" were found to be significantly shorter compared to distances between origin and destination AH where the movement occurred via a market. However, the vast majority of distances moved, for both types of movements, were less than 50 km. Some auction markets appear as highly connected premises within the contact network and are associated with high betweenness scores. However AH also occupy positions central to the contact network. The variation in the characteristics and role of individual markets within the contact network suggests important differences in risk of disease transmission associated with each market. Inclusion of network parameters, when considering the risk associated with moving cattle through auction markets may enhance the development of effective targeted disease control strategies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe animal production on small farms in the Kaski district of Nepal, with the goal of identifying areas where animal health and productivity could be improved. Eighty-five randomly selected farms from four different Village Development Committees were visited. Farmers were interviewed and premises and animals visually inspected on all farms. Feed samples were collected from a subset of farms. The most commonly kept species were water buffalo (used for milk and meat), cattle (used for milk and labor), and goats (used for meat). Average milk production levels were 4.7?kg/day for water buffalo and 1.9?kg/day for cattle. All animals were milked manually, no calves were weaned, and only one farm practiced artificial insemination. A majority of cattle and goats had access to pasture, and a majority of farms fed their working or producing animals concentrates; however, nutritional input was insufficient in terms of energy, protein, and micronutrient content to increase levels of production. Goat-raising was the most profitable endeavor, followed by water buffalo and cattle. We conclude that animals have the potential to contribute significantly to improved livelihoods of farmers in terms of both income generation and non-tangible benefits. However, we found that significant constraints on animal production exist, including insufficient nutritional levels and a lack of preventative care resulting in animal disease. Furthermore, cultural considerations reflecting attitudes toward cattle shape farming in ways that may limit production. Nevertheless, targeted interventions that improve animal health and productivity are possible without being cost prohibitive.  相似文献   

A behavioural study was conducted to assess the dominance structure of cattle and deer herds and to assess the possible relationship of dominance to the risk of becoming infected with bovine tuberculosis. Five groups of cattle containing newly identified intradermal tuberculin test reactors were evaluated to determine the dominance hierarchy, and then exposed to sedated possums to assess the response of reactors and non-reactors. Eighty-six percent of the tuberculin test-positive cattle were among the 20% most dominant animals in their herds. In four of the five herds, the dominant animals investigated the sedated possum most actively, and in three of these four the reactors were in the investigating group. Six deer were exposed to a naturally tuberculosis-infected possum population, and the four highest animals in the dominance hierarchy (which also showed strong investigative behaviour when exposed to simulated terminally ill tuberculous possums) all subsequently became infected with tuberculosis. The fifth animal in the hierarchy became test-positive for tuberculosis later than the first four, but was subsequently also shown to be culture-positive for M. bovis. The lowest animal in the hierarchy, which showed no active interest in simulated tuberculous possums, did not become infected. This study strongly suggests a central role for terminally ill tuberculous possums in the transmission of tuberculosis to cattle and farmed deer. Management techniques designed to reduce contact between these few possums and farmed livestock may be expected to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

National cattle evaluation programs for weaning weight in most beef breed associations involve implementation of the maternal animal model to predict direct and maternal EPD. With this model, direct breeding values are predicted for all animals with records or pedigree ties to animals with records, or both. Even though maternal genetic value is expressed only in animals that become dams, these effects are transmitted by all parents and inherited from parents by all animals, leading to maternal breeding values being predicted for all animals as well. A small example data set was simulated involving 12 parents, 8 nonparents, and 13 animals with weaning weight records. The pedigree was developed to include paternal and maternal half-sib families, full-sibs, and some inbreeding, similar to field populations of beef cattle. Assembly of the mixed model equations and solutions for the maternal animal model are illustrated explicitly to assist animal breeding students in their understanding of the properties of the maternal animal model and to explicitly implement the model. Model parameters and moments, fixed contemporary group solutions, adjustment of breeding values for merit of mates, interpretation of maternal permanent environmental effect solutions, and alternatives for the assembly of the equations are shown. This example should lead to increased student and producer understanding of genetic improvement programs for weaning weight in beef cattle.  相似文献   

In December 2012, an increase in human Salmonella Typhimurium cases was identified in the province of Ontario, Canada launching an outbreak investigation. The outbreak spanned 3 years (2012–2014), with 134 cases reported from five Canadian provinces. There was a substantial burden of illness among children: 45% of cases were children 12 years old or under, and 23% of cases were under 5 years old. Epidemiologic, traceback and laboratory findings linked this outbreak to feeder rodents (used to feed snakes) supplied by a network of rodent breeders in Ontario. Cases likely acquired their illness through either direct or indirect contact with feeder rodents. This investigation not only contributes to the weight of evidence on the risk that feeder rodents pose, but also underscores the importance of investigating indirect animal contact and associated risks, especially for high‐risk individuals.  相似文献   

Pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) is an indicator of resistance to blood flow through the lungs and when measured at high altitude is a reliable predictor of susceptibility of an animal to brisket disease, a noninfectious cardiac pulmonary condition. (Co)-variance components for PAP, birth weight, and adjusted 205-d weaning weight were estimated from 2,305 spring-born, registered Angus cattle from a Colorado ranch at an elevation of 1,981 m. A single measure of PAP was collected after weaning on animals born from 1984 to 2003. The same licensed veterinarian measured every animal. Multitrait animal models with and without PAP maternal effects were fitted for a pedigree including 132 sires and 793 dams. The interaction of year x sex was a significant fixed effect (P <0.05) for PAP, but age of dam was not. Age at PAP testing was a significant (P <0.1) linear covariate for PAP, and scores increased 0.012 +/- 0.007 mmHg X d(-1) of age. Heritability of PAP direct was 0.34 +/- 0.05. Maternal heritability converged to a boundary at 0.0, and the model with maternal genetic effects for PAP was not significantly better than a model with only direct effects. Phenotypically, PAP was uncorrelated with birth or weaning weights. Genetically, PAP appeared to have positive, unfavorable relationships with direct effects for birth (0.49 +/- 0.12) and weaning weight (0.50 +/- 0.18). Positive correlations imply sires whose offspring exhibited resistance to brisket disease had lower weights and gains. A model that evaluated PAP in females and males as different traits had heritability estimates for each sex of 0.38 +/- 0.07 and 0.46 +/- 0.09, respectively, with a genetic correlation of 0.64 +/- 0.12 between the sexes and was not significantly better than the model assuming homogeneity by sex and a unit genetic correlation between sexes. The results suggest that PAP is moderately heritable in spring-born Angus cattle acclimatized and tested at high altitude, and selection for low PAP scores would be effective. Selection for growth at low altitude will produce cattle less suited to high altitude.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the prevalence and animal level risk factors for bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in indigenous cattle of the livestock/wildlife interface areas in Zambia. A total of 944 cattle from 111 herds were investigated. The comparative intradermal tuberculin test (CIDT) was used to identify reactor animals for BTB. Animal level data on sex, age, parity and body condition score were registered. The overall animal prevalence of BTB as determined by the CIDT was 6.8% (95% CI: 4.2, 9.5%). In Lochinvar and Blue Lagoon areas, animal level prevalence were observed at 5.2% (95% CI: 2.2, 8.2%) and 9.6% (95% CI: 6.1, 13.2%), respectively. Kazungula, an area outside the livestock/wildlife interface, had a prevalence of only 0.8% (95% CI: 0.0, 2.3%). The age of the animal, its body condition score and the type of management system, were predictive of its BTB status. The study revealed that BTB was relatively high in the livestock/wildlife interface areas of Lochinvar and Blue Lagoon compared to Kazungula. These findings should raise a serious public health concern considering the extent to which the communities of the study areas are in contact with their animals and the levels at which they use untreated milk.  相似文献   

Infections with bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) are widespread throughout the world. Although the prevalence of infection varies among surveys, the infection tends to be endemic in many populations, reaching a maximum level of 1-2% of the cattle being persistently infected (PI) and 60-85% of the cattle being antibody positive. Persistently infected cattle are the main source for transmission of the virus. However, acutely infected cattle as well as other ruminants, either acutely or persistently infected, may transmit the virus. Transmission is most efficient by direct contact. However, as infections have been observed in closed, non-pasturing herds, other transmission routes seem likely to have some practical importance. Differences in BVDV prevalence among regions or introduction of virus in herds previously free of BVDV are often associated with particular epidemiological determinants such as cattle population density, animal trade and pasturing practices. However, on a few occasions there have been no obvious explanations for infection of individual herds. Estimates of economic losses due to BVDV infection vary depending on the immune status of the population and the pathogenicity of the infecting virus strains. Introduction of the infection into a totally susceptible population invariably causes extensive losses until a state of equilibrium is reached. Infection with highly virulent BVDV strains causing severe clinical signs and death after acute infection gives rise to substantial economical losses. At an estimated annual incidence of acute infections of 34%, the total annual losses were estimated as US$ 20 million per million calvings when modeling the losses due to a low-virulent BVDV strain. At the same incidence of infection, the losses due to a high-virulent BVDV strain were estimated as US$ 57 million per million calvings. Low-virulent BVDV infections caused maximum losses at an incidence of 45%, whereas high-virulent BVDV infections caused maximum losses at an incidence of 65%. Thus, cost-benefit analyses of control programs are highly dependent on the risks of new infections under different circumstances and on the strains of the virus involved.  相似文献   

The Colorado beef cattle production model, a whole-herd, individual-animal, life-cycle simulation model, was used to determine if level of simulated variability affects simulation results. Beyond variability created by deterministic equations describing known biological relationships and direct input, the Colorado beef cattle production model can produce additional variation in a number of traits through its capacity to generate multinormal deviates for each animal. Runs simulating cow-calf production under ample and sparse levels of nutrition were performed with less than realistic and realistic levels of variability for mature weight, milk production, gestation length, maintenance requirements, appetite, and combinations thereof. Under poor nutrition, simulation with less than realistic variability altered means for pregnancy rate, postpartum interval, milk production, weaning weight, and mature weight by up to 14%, 8.6 d, 0.8 kg/d, 9.6 kg, and 19.1 kg, respectively, in addition to changing the output for numerous other variables. The level of simulated variability affected the means of output variables through 2 mechanisms: (1) change in potentials due to differential culling, which can only take place if potentials are allowed to vary; and (2) further interaction with the model's nonlinear, deterministic equations. Our findings indicate that by not simulating realistic levels of variability, models with nonlinear functions may yield misleading results.  相似文献   

Sera from 74,502 cattle from 3087 farms in England and Wales were tested for the presence of antibodies against Hypoderma bovis in the spring of 1988. Twenty-nine positive sera were identified on 18 premises and these animals were treated; an examination of 6030 sera taken from 108 neighbouring herds identified another 17 seropositive animals on 10 farms in Devon, Cornwall, Lancashire, Shropshire and Powys, indicating that these counties still harbour populations of warble fly.  相似文献   

Gastric Helicobacter spp. have been described in a wide range of animal species, including dogs, cats, primates, swine, cattle and rodents. However, in lagomorphs--more specifically rabbits--gastric Helicobacter infections have never been reported. Biopsy specimens were collected from different stomach regions of 23 rabbits, including 10 pet rabbits, 10 industrial animals and 3 research animals. These were subjected to a PCR assay for the detection of Helicobacter DNA. Identification up to the species level was based on 16S rRNA sequence analysis and a recently developed multiplex PCR. Seven rabbits (four pet, one research animal and two industrial animals) tested positive in the Helicobacter genus-specific PCR in the stomach, with the corpus being predominantly positive. H. felis and H. salomonis, hitherto presumed to be naturally hosted by cats and dogs, were detected in three animals and one animal, respectively. One of these animals had been completely devoid of any form of contact with cats or dogs. A H. pullorum/H. rappini-like organism (96% 16S rDNA sequence similarity) was found in an industrially held rabbit. The helicobacters of the two remaining rabbits could not be identified up to the species level. To conclude, this is the first report on the occurrence of Helicobacter spp. in the stomach of rabbits. In view of the fact that H. felis and H. salomonis are put forward as having zoonotic potential, further research is necessary to investigate the implications of these findings not only for the rabbit but also for human health.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the feasibility of using random regression-spline (RR-spline) models for fitting growth traits in a multibreed beef cattle population. To meet the objective, the results from the RR-spline model were compared with the widely used multitrait (MT) model when both were fit to a data set (1.8 million records and 1.1 million animals) provided by the American Gelbvieh Association. The effect of prior information on the EBV of sires was also investigated. In both RR-spline and MT models, the following effects were considered: individual direct and maternal additive genetic effects, contemporary group, age of the animal at measurement, direct and maternal heterosis, and direct and maternal additive genetic mean effect of the breed. Additionally, the RR-spline model included an individual direct permanent environmental effect. When both MT and RR-spline models were applied to a data set containing records for weaning weight (WWT) and yearling weight (YWT) within specified age ranges, the rankings of bulls' direct EBV (as measured via Pearson correlations) provided by both models were comparable, with slightly greater differences in the reranking of bulls observed for YWT evaluations (>or=0.99 for BWT and WWT and >or=0.98 for YWT); also, some bulls dropped from the top 100 list when these lists were compared across methods. For maternal effects, the estimated correlations were slightly smaller, particularly for YWT; again, some drops from the top 100 animals were observed. As in regular MT multibreed genetic evaluations, the heterosis effects and the additive genetic effects of the breed could not be estimated from field data, because there were not enough contemporary groups with the proper composition of purebred and crossbred animals; thus, prior information based on literature values had to be included. The inclusion of prior information had a negligible effect in the overall ranking for bulls with greater than 20 birth weight progeny records; however, the effect of prior information for breeds or groups poorly represented in the data was important. The Pearson correlations for direct and maternal WWT and YWT ranged from 0.95 to 0.98 when comparing evaluations of data sets for which the out-of-range age records were removed or retained. Random regression allows for avoiding the discarding of records that are outside the usual age ranges of measurement; thus, greater accuracies are achieved, and greater genetic progress could be expected.  相似文献   

The foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in Dumfries and Galloway in south-west Scotland comprised 177 infected premises (IPS) in 24 geographical clusters, and ran from March 1 until May 23, 2001. Initial seeding of infection was by livestock (predominantly sheep) that had passed through Longtown Market in adjacent Cumbria. Thereafter, spread within existing, and to new, clusters was associated with the movement of personnel and vehicles, with further transmission by Longtown Market contacts and across common boundaries. Sheep and cattle premises were equally affected. After the peak of the epidemic at the beginning of the third week of March, the upper possible limit of attack rates for premises contiguous to IPS, and premises within 3 km, remained around 10 per cent, with new clusters emerging more distantly. Control procedures included traditional methods of slaughter of all animals on IPS and, elsewhere, of animals considered by veterinary assessment to be Dangerous Contacts; movement restrictions; enhanced biosecurity; tracing of potential sources and spread of virus; and surveillance of premises subsequently considered at risk. These methods were supplemented by the novel pre-emptive slaughter, without veterinary assessment, of all susceptible livestock on all premises contiguous to IPS, and of small ruminants and pigs within a 3 km radius (known as the Protection Zone) around IPS. In total, approximately 80,000 cattle, 564,000 sheep, 2600 pigs and 500 goats were slaughtered, the novel methods accounting for 29 per cent of all cattle and 75 per cent of all sheep killed. Limitations of existing national databases necessitated the development of local databases to administer control procedures.  相似文献   

During the foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in the UK in 2001, two major control policies were the rapid identification of cases and the culling of animals on infected premises and on dangerous contact premises. Dangerous contact premises were divided into two groups, premises contiguous to an infected premises and non-contiguous premises. In England, the largest numbers of geographically clustered infected premises were in Cumbria, the South West (Somerset, Devon and Cornwall) and the Settle/Clitheroe area straddling the Yorkshire-Lancashire border. In each of these clusters, the rate of spread of the disease, the average time from the first lesion to slaughter on infected premises, and the intensity of culling of contiguous premises and non-contiguous premises were calculated for seven-day periods. Linear regression analysis was used to look for relationships between these factors and the rate of spread of the disease. The average time from the first lesion to slaughter had a statistically significant relationship in two of the three clusters and the intensity of culling of non-contiguous premises had a significant relationship in one. The intensity of culling of contiguous premises had no significant relationship in any of the three clusters.  相似文献   

Following reports of an increase in the number of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infections in horses in the western counties of Colorado in 1997, an epidemiological assessment of the problem was conducted using a survey of premises with affected horses. No gender, age or breed predilections were found. Most diagnoses of disease were made in the summer or fall of 1997. Abscesses were reported to occur in various locations with a mean healing time of 77 days. A majority of premises owners reported potential contact of horses with sheep or goats. The days of lost use and treatment costs per case had a mean of 13 days and $139, respectively.  相似文献   

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