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口蹄疫是一种严重危害偶蹄兽的烈性传染病,世界各国无论是存在口蹄疫的国家,还是已经消灭口蹄疫的国家,都动用大量的科研和经济力量控制和防止口蹄疫的发生。由于口蹄疫的传播具有一定的季节性、周期性、传播多样性等流行病学特点,本文就下述几方面简述口蹄疫流行的风险和经济分析现状。1季节性和周期性在口蹄疫流行国家,研究口蹄疫传播特定的季节性和周期性,是控制口蹄疫发病,降低其流行风险的主要手段之一。而季节性规律的获得,主要依赖于各个国家各个地区的地理气候条件。因此根据相应的气象学条件计算的季节参数”’欺存在极大…  相似文献   

美国Los Alamos国家实验室的Luis Bettencourt和Ruy Ribeiro博士研制了一种新的数学模型,利用该模型,通过检查流行病学资料的细微变化,可以确定一种疾病是否可能导致全球性大流行。研究人员开发了一种延伸的标准流行病学模型来描述一种疾病在一个特定群体中传播的可能性。  相似文献   

1流行病学调查结果作为诊断依据的原因 流行病,即以群体发病形式表现的疾病,而并非以个体发病形式表现的疾病。流行病学,最早是人医领域中的一个概念,它是研究人群中疾病流行的学科。后来这个概念引入到兽医领域,由此才产生了兽医流行病学。半个世纪前,兽医流行病学仅限于传染病的研究。直到三十年前,人们才正式将兽医流行病学的研究范围由传染病扩大到包括非传染病,即研究所有疾病的流行问题。这是因为所有疾病都有群体发病的可能。  相似文献   

1综合诊断 流行病学诊断是针对患病动物群体与临床诊断联系在一起的诊断方法。某些家畜疾病的临床症状非常相似,但其流行特点和发病规律差别却很大。因此,流行病学诊断在传染病的诊断中具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

近几年,鸡传染性法氏囊病(IBD)在我国呈爆发流行趋势,给养鸡业造成了巨大的经济损失。为了控制本病,国内外学者致力于疫苗和免疫程序的研究,虽可提高IBD的免疫效果,但并未能从根本上扭转IBD流行日趋严重的状况。在IBD流行病学方面,目前认为IBD是高度接触性传染病,但还不清楚IBDV的感染是通过鸡蛋还是通过已康复的带毒者的存在完成的,因此,我们用IBDVSTCE;毒株对雏鸡进行了感染试验,以期选择适合于IBD流行病学研究的毒株并了解IBD病鸡的排毒规律,为进一步研究IBD的流行病学奠定基础。l材料与方法1.l病毒株STC…  相似文献   

为全面了解冠状病毒的流行病学研究进展及其造成的影响,本文综述了人与动物源冠状病毒的流行病学特征,冠状病毒的宿主特性、病毒变异和病毒的跨物种传播;阐述了多种禽源、猪源、犬源、牛源、马源及人源冠状病毒的流行状况、发病特点和流行过程,冠状病毒在流行过程中所出现的遗传变异特性;明确了这些人与动物源冠状病毒对于人类健康、公共卫生和畜牧业安全所造成的影响。研究表明,冠状病毒在感染动物间广泛存在,存在病毒变异引起的跨种属宿主感染,病毒变异致病毒多样性。研究结果对于深入开展冠状病毒的基础研究、应用研究和有效防控措施提供借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

犬瘟热是由犬瘟热病毒引起的可以感染多种属动物的急性致死性传染病,近年来犬瘟热在中国各地不断爆发。为阐明犬瘟热病毒在中国的空间流行病学规律及进化特征,采用系统发育地理学方法,利用BEAST1.10.4、MAFFT7.0等软件,对80条中国的犬瘟热H基因全长序列进行分析。结果显示,中国犬瘟热病毒流行株基因型主要为Ⅰ型,其在中国最早于1964年由贵州起源,传播至北京后开始了在全国范围内的大爆发。该流行毒株先经由北京传播至黑龙江、辽宁、山东、河北、甘肃、吉林、湖北、陕西、广西和新疆,而后完成了在全国范围内的覆盖。上述结果对于我国犬瘟热病毒溯源研究和免疫预防具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

1动物传染病的流行过程传染病在畜群中发生、传播及终止的过程称传染病的流行过程。动物传染病流行过程是由传染来源(简称传染源)、传播途径和易感动物群三个基本环节组成的,缺少其中任何环节,动物传染病就不可能在畜群中的流行。  相似文献   

1做好流行病学调查 寄生虫病的发生、发展都具有一定的流行规律,对寄生虫的流行病学进行研究,详细了解本地区寄生虫的地理分布情况和生活史,是驱除羊寄生虫病的基础工作和依据。有目的地对疑似患寄生虫的瘦羊进行解剖,查明本地和引进羊只体内外寄生虫种类,为防制工作提供指导和用药依据。  相似文献   

鸡传染性喉气管炎(ILT)是由疙疹病毒引起的一种急性、接触性上部呼吸道传染病,发病率高、传播快,呈地区性流行,死亡率为15%~25%。本文综述了湘黄鸡传染性喉气管炎(ILT)流行病学、临床症状、病理变化、临床诊断、实验室诊断以及治疗试验等情况,探讨该病的诊治,具有一定的经济意义。  相似文献   

Epidemiologic methods are essential to understanding infectious diseases in aquaculture. Unfortunately, many of these methods are poorly understood or not utilized by fish-health scientists and aquaculturists — often because of the lack of contact with epidemiologists who are willing to investigate fish diseases. In this paper, we describe direct interactions between epidemiologists and fish-health specialists that have resulted in an improved understanding of the causes and management of infectious diseases in aquaculture. We focus on risk-factor studies, risk analysis and infectious-disease modeling, evaluation of diagnostic tests and experimental studies. We also describe characteristics of confined fish populations that make them ideal for developing and testing epidemiologic models and the theoretical and practical challenges of designing and conducting epidemiologic studies in fish farms. Throughout our presentation, emphasis is given to characteristics, opportunities and problems associated mainly with conducting epidemiologic studies to intensive aquaculture systems. We conclude that the development of increased cooperation among epidemiologists, fish-health scientists and aquaculturists will be mutually beneficial and, therefore, efforts for such collaboration should be initiated from all parties involved.  相似文献   

The causative agents of nearly all bacterial and viral infectious diseases are either directly excreted by the infected animals or they reach the floor via other ways and thus end-up also in the fecal and urinary excretions of the animals. Occasionally pathogens also can be found in slurries of clinically unsuspected livestock for a short period of time while they pass through the gut of individual animals without colonization or invasion of the tissues (e.g. salmonellas). Consequently the manures are a potential for spreading infectious diseases. But their real significance as a vector for infectious agents is to a large extent still unsolved, because in the literature only very few and sometimes doubtful cases are described. During storage of manures the numbers of pathogens are reduced. This effect can be intensified by prolongation of the storage time. To assess the real epidemiological significance of the animal manures as vectors for infectious diseases further research work is urgently needed. After disinfection of animal manures in accordance with the regulations during eradication of notifiable diseases no cases of spread of disease became known in the Federal Republic of Germany. The problems of agricultural utilization of manures in water protection areas are discussed from a microbiological point of view.  相似文献   

通过对包虫病流行现状和传播机理的分析,选择适当的参数,利用动力学方法构建包虫病在人畜之间传播的数学模型,分析影响疾病传播和控制的关键因素。结果得到了决定疾病传播与否的基本再生数,证明了当基本再生数小于1时疾病将会消除,当基本再生数大于1时疾病将变成一种地方病。利用收集和估计的参数对模型进行了数值仿真,分析比较了感染系数的敏感性,对两种不同的控制措施进行了比较,得到了将两者结合是更好的防控措施。本研究构建的模型能够很好的反映影响包虫病传播的关键因素,为进一步制定控制策略提供参考依据。  相似文献   

A more-closed farming system can be a good starting point for eradication of infectious diseases from within a herd. The economic implications of a more-closed farming system will not always be obvious to farmers. The management decisions are related to different parts of the farm and are farm-specific. To support these decisions, a model was developed of the economic consequences of a more-closed system (a simple static and deterministic design was used). The risk factors in the model were based solely on bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV1) but losses due to introduction of BVDV, L. hardjo, and S. dublin were added to the model. The model was verified and partly validated and a sensitivity analysis was done.

The cost to one 55-cow dairy farm that refrained from purchasing cattle, provided protective clothing to professional visitors and a temporary employee, and built and maintained a double fence around 6 ha of land to prevent over-the-fence contacts was Dfl. 4495 over 5 years. The probability of disease introduction was decreased by 74%. The prevented losses for disease introduction amounted to Dfl. 7033 over 5 years (net benefits of Dfl. 2538 over 5 years).

A more-closed system would be still beneficial when a sanitary barrier was used instead of just protective clothing, when the probability of introduction of infectious diseases was decreased, and when odds ratios in the model were replaced by more-conservative relative risks. The benefits became negative when a farm had to build and maintain a double fence around 12 ha instead of 6 ha, when the probability of introduction of all diseases was decreased by 50%, and when the estimations were based solely on BHV1.  相似文献   

Subsistence livestock herding is an important component of livestock production in Mongolia. However, pasture degradation, extreme weather, desertification, livestock overpopulation, infectious diseases and limited government support increasingly threaten this livelihood. To better assess these afflictions, understanding the population dynamics of livestock is critical. Towards this goal, we developed a model of Mongolian livestock populations. Using the Leslie–Gower difference equation competition model, a discrete analog of the continuous Lotka–Volterra 2-species model, Mongolian livestock population dynamics were simulated in MATLAB. The model encompasses four species and is stratified by age and sex. Calibration of parameters is accomplished using official population data from 1970 to 2010; a turbulent time period that includes the socialist to capitalist market transition and two growth periods both followed by two dzuds (severe winter storms). Herders were surveyed and herd structures were sampled for parameter and model initial value estimation. The current model simulates the Töv aimag (province) goat, sheep, cattle and horse populations. However, with more data collection, the intention would be to simulate all species populations in any aimag or soum (province subdivision). A ten-year simulation of future livestock populations predicts a more than two-fold increase in goat and sheep populations, a slight increase in cattle populations and a slight decline in horse populations. Preliminary validation with 2011 population data shows accurate estimation. Furthermore, a stable future livestock population was attained with the implementation of more than double the current culling rate. The model can be integrated in infectious disease transmission modeling, used as a tool for predicting the economic potential and support requirements of the livestock sector and used to illustrate the urgency of fostering sustainable management of livestock populations in Mongolia. This story of Mongolian pastoral life presents an excellent opportunity to study a social-ecological system as well as to contribute in creating a sustainable, healthy and efficient Mongolian livelihood.  相似文献   

鸡传染性贫血病毒的分子生物学及其核酸检测技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鸡传染性贫血 (CIA)是鸡的重要的免疫抑制性疾病之一 ,以引起雏鸡再生障碍性贫血和全身淋巴组织萎缩为主要特征。鸡传染性贫血病毒 (CIAV)主要引起鸡骨髓成红细胞和胸腺皮质的成淋巴细胞溶细胞感染 ,继而导致贫血和免疫抑制。该病毒在世界范围内广泛存在 ,是养鸡业潜藏的巨大威胁。文章从 CIA的危害、基本控制方法、病原的基因组及其所编码的蛋白质的功能、疾病的诊断等方面的最新进展进行了综述 ,重点介绍了病原的分子生物学研究进展及其核酸检测技术 ,并对 CIAV的研究前景进行了展望  相似文献   

细菌性传染病是生猪养殖业的严重威胁之一,近年来其发病情况呈现出新变化,对动物产品质量和公共卫生安全造成严重危害。对病原进行快速、准确的检测,是预防和控制猪病的有效手段,对养猪业发展和人畜健康具有重要意义。伴随生命科学技术的发展和学科间的交叉融合,传统的病原菌分离培养、普通PCR方法和早期免疫学等检测技术均朝着精确高效的方向不断发展革新,并以传统方法为基础建立了多种新型检测技术。文章重点介绍了猪细菌性传染病病原检测的几种新技术:以核酸分子生物学为基础的实时荧光定量PCR法(qPCR)、环介导等温扩增法(LAMP)、夹心DNA杂交(DNAH)等;以免疫学为基础的免疫胶体金标记技术、时间分辨荧光免疫分析法(TRFIA)、免疫磁珠分离法(IMS)等;以蛋白质分子生物学为基础的细菌质谱鉴定技术;以及适用于现场快速诊断的即时检测(POCT)技术,并分析了这几种新技术的优缺点,为不同条件的检测机构和研究部门在开展猪细菌性传染病检测和研究时选择相应的方法提供一定的参考,以期在猪病预防控制中发挥更加积极的作用。  相似文献   

青海肉羊业生产现状及发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨葆春 《青海草业》2008,17(1):19-23
针对国内外及青海省肉羊业生产现状和发展趋势,分析了青海省发展肉羊业的有利条件和存在的问题,并从加强对发展肉羊业的组织领导、建立肉羊良种繁育体系、大力开展经济杂交,实现商品肉羊杂交化、组织肥羔生产、加快畜群周转、加大草原建设和饲草料基地建设、培育“龙头企业”、注重肉羊生产加工环节的无公害化、落实疫病虫防治检疫制度等方面,对发展青海肉羊业生产提出了对策。  相似文献   

Serum samples from 1032 semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) from Finland were examined for the occurrence of Salmonella-antibodies by use of an indirect ELISA. The majority of samples originated from clinically healthy slaughter reindeer, kept extensively (n = 802; year of sampling: 1996). The remaining samples (n = 230) came from a research herd, permanently kept intensively, with repeated outbreaks of diarrhoea. In this study, 29 of the examined serum samples showed an OD above the determined cut-off. The prevalence in the clinically healthy slaughter reindeer was 0.9%, in the research herd 4.2% in 1996, 10.5% in 1997 and 12.9% in 1998. It must be assumed that the intensive husbandry in the corralled research herd may favour the spreading of infectious agents and eventually outbreaks of crowding diseases in the herd. This investigation is complemented by a review on the occurrence of Salmonella in wild and semi-domesticated cervids.  相似文献   

瘦肉型种公猪生长曲线分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着瘦肉型猪饲养量的不断增加,对瘦肉型猪生长发育规律的研究成为养猪业研究的重要方面之一。本研究采用Logistic方程与非线性混合效应模型方法,分析瘦肉型种公猪30 ̄100kg生长情况,结果表明:采用Logistic方程、非线性混合效应模型均能很好地拟合杜洛克、长白与大白种公猪的生长曲线,但非线性混合效应模型的拟合效果要优于Logistic方程,Logistic方程拟合低估了猪只的生长潜能。采用非线性混合效应模型拟合的结果还表明,瘦肉型长白种公猪的成熟体重要高于杜洛克、大白种公猪,表明目前长白种公猪选育更趋向于个体大型化,而大白种公猪趋向于个体小型化。  相似文献   

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