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水果成熟度无损检测技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
无损检测技术是近年来兴起的有别于有损检测手段的新兴高科技技术,得到了众多国内外研究人员的广泛关注,并且已经广泛应用于农业和工业,在水果成熟度检测方面,有较大的发展空间,现通过文献调查及统计分析的方法综述了目前对水果成熟度的几种无损检测技术方法的技术原理、研究现状及发展趋势,并对各种检测技术的应用前景进行了展望与预测。  相似文献   

Though most cities, particularly in the Global North, have been intensely modified by human activities certain locations still exist in varied forms of abandonment or disinvestment, often allowing for new species assemblages to flourish. These urban novel ecosystems or informal wild spaces are often perceived as in-between or overlooked, calling into question their value and social-ecological role, while also creating tensions amongst different groups and stakeholders who share different visions for their use and management. Within these tensions, issues of justice and equity can be more pronounced and surface historic legacies of environmental contamination, inequitable development, and extraction. Despite this, very little is known about the social-ecological role informal wild spaces play in urban areas, and how best to interrogate and understand the equity and justice dimensions they elicit. To fill this gap in knowledge, this paper critically examines the literature on urban novel ecosystems in relation to justice, with a particular interest in multispecies justice. Through this analysis, gaps in the literature are exposed, while also arguing the informality, neglect and contestation of wild urban spaces provides opportunities to explore issues of access, benefits and harms, particularly in light of global climate and ecological crises. A systematic approach is utilized to search the literature, identifying 45 papers which are thematically analyzed under a justice lens. The study identifies three themes that thread throughout the literature: distributional injustices relate to perceptions and attitudes, which give rise or arise from injustices; the regeneration discourse focuses on a ‘new nature’, which is based on social-ecological displacement and devaluation; and the potential of urban wild spaces to generate new multispecies sensibilities. The paper concludes by discussing trends, gaps, and emerging discourses, and proposing a multispecies justice approach for urban planning through the learnings and engagement with urban wild, novel ecosystems.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the use of healing gardens in healthcare settings to provide therapeutic benefits. However it is not yet well understood how people who spend time in these gardens use these spaces, and whether the intended benefits are experienced. This paper evaluates visitor feedback about healing gardens at the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, to gain insight into end-user experiences compared with existing literature about experiences of healing gardens and natural contexts. We have coded and analysed unsolicited comments left in visitors’ books over a period of four weeks immediately after the hospital was opened. Several themes have been identified relating to reasons for which people access the healing gardens; benefits they perceive from spending time in these spaces; and features and aspects of the gardens that are most appreciated. We conclude that the gardens at the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital provide emotional respite to visitors, through appreciation of the views, being able to have time out, being in nature, restorative experiences, and access to outdoor air. The visitor feedback suggests that the original intention of the garden design has been largely successful, and provides insight into particular aspects of the garden design that are critical to enhancing visitor benefits.  相似文献   

On the accuracy of landscape pattern analysis using remote sensing data   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Advances in remote sensing technologies have provided practical means for land use and land cover mapping which is critically important for landscape ecological studies. However, all classifications of remote sensing data are subject to different kinds of errors, and these errors can be carried over or propagated in subsequent landscape pattern analysis. When these uncertainties go unreported, as they do commonly in the literature, they become hidden errors. While this is apparently an important issue in the study of landscapes from either a biophysical or socioeconomic perspective, limited progress has been made in resolving this problem. Here we discuss how errors of mapped data can affect landscape metrics and possible strategies which can help improve the reliability of landscape pattern analysis.  相似文献   

陕西秦巴山区野生中华猕猴桃资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内查阅标本和文献并结合野外实地调查,对位于自然分布区最北端的陕西秦巴山区野生中华猕猴桃的资源和分布进行了调查研究.结果认为陕西秦巴山区野生中华猕猴桃资源相当丰富,分布十分广泛.  相似文献   

Globally, rapid urbanisation has substantially reduced the amount of viable agricultural land – a food security issue. Food security is bringing a renewed scholarly interest in community gardens. This paper reviews the extent of English academic literature on community gardens, including: who has undertaken the research, where it has been published, the geographical location of the gardens studied, and the various methods used to undertake the research. The characteristics of the community gardens are summarised, including what types of plants are grown, who is involved in the gardens, and who owns the land. The motivations, benefits and limitations of community gardening are also examined. Finally, potential directions for research into community gardens are highlighted. Academic literature on community gardens is dominated by studies investigating gardens in low-income areas with diverse cultural backgrounds. Research based in cities in the USA also dominates the literature. Scholars from a wide diversity of disciplines have examined community gardens but research is mostly concentrated in the social sciences. The natural sciences are notably under-represented, yet they have much to offer including assessing gardening practices to better understand the agro-biodiversity conservation potential of community gardens.  相似文献   

果材兼用型核桃新品种—鲁核1号的选育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
鲁核1号核桃系从新疆核桃实生后代中选出,经过5年品种对比试验,该品种表现速生、早实、优质、抗逆性强;坚果美观,核仁饱满、色浅、味香不涩,品质优良。现巳引种推广到临沂、泰安、济宁、烟台等试栽,均表现良好。  相似文献   

The world literature on the resistance of cultivated varieties of apple to Eriosoma lanigerum is critically surveyed, and a list of 18 varieties found immune or highly resistant by at least three independent workers is provided. In addition, 19 varieties are tabulated that have been variously described as immune (or highly resistant) and susceptible in different localities. Well authenticated but conflicting reports on a further 43 varieties confirm that biologic races of the aphid must exist.

Despite this, Northern Spy has maintained an outstanding level of resistance wherever it has been tested. This resistance is shown to be controlled by a single dominant gene, Er, having little or no minor gene background. This gene appears to be closely linked with an incompatibility gene. The gene Er has considerable potential value in breeding for resistance in rootstock and scion apple varieties.  相似文献   

The understanding of cross-cultural upon park usage is vital to be enhanced among public since findings that been discovered in the Western context are not own any similarities with the Asian context. In fact, it has been in a long run for the Western nations to primarily contextualized and conceptualized much on the literature of park usage. This study aims to look at how the people use and perceive urban parks in their daily life in the Malaysian cultural context, and also highlights the constraints faced by Malaysians while using the urban parks in the city of Kuala Lumpur. A survey consisted of 669 urban park users as the sample of the study (365 men, 304 females) aged between 18 and 73 years (M = 34.85, SD = 11.46) were conducted in five urban parks in Kuala Lumpur. Respondents were recruited based on a random sampling method, which composed of three main ethnic groups in Malaysia. Malaysians wanted to use the urban parks for multiple purposes including active activities and others. Most of them would visit the parks and spend their time in a group consisting of family members or friends rather than alone. The percentage of respondent with 74.7% stated their reason of visiting the urban park in order “to get fresh air”, followed by the factor of reducing stress and relaxing with 69.7%; and the latter reason would be “to exercise, play games or keep in shape” with 61.4%. More than 80% of the respondents claimed the parks in Kuala Lumpur are safe to be visited. This is because, majority of the respondents tend to visit the parks in group of family or friends rather than alone. In addition, most of the respondents would run their activities in parks during the weekends, which simultaneously make them to enjoy their day in such comfortable and secure way. The findings of this survey would contribute to a better understanding of the present park usage of Kuala Lumpur residents. With a better understanding of current park-visiting habits, various constraints faced by the residents related to public security and safety, the Kuala Lumpur City Hall have been suggested to develop more comprehensive strategy in order to provide engagement and urban parks stimulation for its residents. In addition, this study is also fruitful for Kuala Lumpur future parks in terms of its development, design and management.  相似文献   

藤稔’葡萄VvGAI基因的克隆、亚细胞定位及时空表达分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨光  曹雪  房经贵  宋长年  王晨  王西成 《园艺学报》2011,38(10):1883-1892
 以‘藤稔’葡萄(Vitis vinifera × V. labrusca‘Fujiminori’)的茎、叶、花和果为试材,采用RT-PCR结合RACE技术,克隆获得1个推测为葡萄赤霉素响应因子VvGAI基因的cDNA序列,全长2 295 bp,其编码590个氨基酸。该基因在GenBank基因数据库的登录号为HQ834311。序列分析表明:VvGAI与杨树、拟南芥、水稻的同源基因的氨基酸序列相似性分别为68.56%、62.79%和54.16%。半定量与定量PCR结果都表明,VvGAI在葡萄茎尖、叶、花和果等营养与生殖器官中均有表达,但在茎尖中的表达最高,是一个与快速生长和分裂关系密切的基因。50 mg · L-1赤霉素处理后,各阶段果实中VvGAI表达量趋势与对照基本一致,但水平低于对照,其中幼果中表达量最高。洋葱表皮细胞的瞬时表达显示,VvGAI蛋白定位于细胞核。  相似文献   

Systematic investigations on the forcing of tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, Easter lilies and Dutch iris have produced a fairly complete set of scientific principles. In this review, these principles have been classified into a 3-phase concept of forcing. These are: production, programming, and greenhouse. The production phase is defined as all processes which occur during bulb production and it terminates with the harvesting of the bulbs. The programming phase comprises all handling of the bulbs from harvesting until they are placed under greenhouse conditions. The greenhouse phase is the accelerated development of the bulbs until anthesis or marketing of the plants. These phases have been discussed relative to floral and root development and the basic environmental requirements of the bulb species.  相似文献   

鸟巢菌是一类重要的高等担子菌,具有重要的经济及应用价值,因其具有药用价值及其代谢产物能够抑制植物病害。近年来,国内外对其形态、生物学特性、生理、代谢产物、发酵工程、生物防治等方面开展了一些研究,目前,随着科学技术的不断发展,对鸟巢菌更加深入的研究却严重滞后,例如分子生物学的研究等,有待进一步加强且存在较大的发展空间。该研究通过国内外文献分析,综述了鸟巢菌相关方面的研究,在此基础上认为应从鸟巢菌生防菌筛选及开发、分泌蛋白功能以及关键代谢酶功能等方面开展深入研究,以期为进一步利用该菌奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This paper argues that research into the wellbeing and restorative effects of green spaces has been conducted in what might be described as a modal vacuum. Whilst it is commonly recognised that the outdoor world is one in which our visual, aural, haptic and olfactory senses are engaged, much environmental psychological research into this topic has been conducted using the visual sense only. We present a methodological overview of research that has been conducted either in situ or in conjunction with other modes (primarily aural), and highlight research findings from other disciplines that contributes to our understanding of greenspace wellbeing benefits. Lastly, we outline a research approach that we believe could uncover some of the underlying mechanisms of wellbeing benefits from greenspace. We contend that the use of eyetracking, in conjunction with the presentation of sound as well as visual stimuli, could help unpick the complexities of what exactly it is about certain environments that makes them restorative or not.  相似文献   

While the ecological mechanisms involved in biodiversity loss within urban environments are widely studied, the literature often overlooks its social-ecological drivers. One of these drivers is the relationship between perceptions and representations of ecosystems and species within specific residential contexts. This study therefore aims to address the following questions: how do residents perceive biodiversity in relation to their social representation of nature within specific residential environments? Are there differences in the social representation and perception of greenspace types and species based on residents' demographic attributes (gender and age) and characteristics of their place of residence (district and housing types)? Through a quantitative survey and the analysis of 148 responses from Lausanne residents using textometry, cartography, and inferential statistics, this research demonstrates two main findings. Firstly, it confirms that the perception of species remains limited, which aligns with previous scholarly work. Secondly, it reveals that the social representations of nature and biodiversity can either correlate with or be disconnected from the perceptual process at the ecosystem level, depending on the residents' living environments. The impact of residential environments on biodiversity perception and representations is discussed, along with the implications of iconic biodiversity traps for raising public awareness about biodiversity preservation in cities.  相似文献   

Although our knowledge of ADRF (adipocyte-derived relaxing factor) is extremely limited,the little that is known has already revealed a promising future in this newly found factor.Firstly,it is secreted by adipose tissue,which is a abundantly and extensively distributed in human body and has become a hot spot for research work in recent years.Secondly,ADRF has shown a significant vasodilative action in a considerable number of experiments conducted on arteries of various sizes,from different body parts of different species of animals,including human.In this article,we introduce the development of ADRF research,sum up its known properties,including its Ca2+,protein tyrosine kinase,and protein kinase A dependent releasing,K+ channel mediated functioning,and interfered effect in different pathological models,and propose problems surrounding this factor and directions for future research work.  相似文献   

This paper is based on interviews with fifteen professionals within ecology, forestry and park and landscape architecture. The interviewees are believed to have had a large influence on woodland planning in Sweden between 1950 and 2000. They have won recognition because of their ability to transform theoretical knowledge into practical action. Their work is translating theory into practice and, as such, it may be regarded as art in its deepest sense. During a long period the educational system as well as the dominating research has been concentrating on providing better facts in a search for the best knowledge, high degrees of generality and objectivity. However, this may cause many disadvantages. It has lead to a standardisation and an oversimplification of knowledge and thereby also to an oversimplification of the landscape. This study is based on a humanistic approach, on theory of knowledge, of how facts coming from the world of natural sciences can be encapsulated in daily woodland management.  相似文献   


A biologically based phenology model is proposed to simulate the flowering of the female kiwifruit `Hayward'. The heart of the model is a phenological sub-model describing the distribution of buds and flowers between several phenological stages. It is based on the model of Dennis et al. (1986) with temperature as driving variable, assuming that the development of a flower bud is a stochastic process consisting in accumulated small increments of development time, expressed in degree-hours. Another sub-model integrates quantitative elementary components which allows the simulation of the number of flowers. The model parameters have been estimated for the female cv. Hayward and have been fitted on a data set from 1991. Validation has been done on data sets from 1990 and 1992. Under the climatic conditions of Corsica, this model gives a good representation of the variability of delay in and intensity of flowering, and it fits well to the distribution of canes for flower number.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, children have spent significantly less time actively engaged in nature-based outdoor activities compared to previous generations. This has corresponded with them increasingly suffering from a range of psychological problems. Studies have been undertaken to explore the notion that such problems can be mitigated to some extent through exposure to nature within the context of built environmental settings. While much of the literature in this area has focused on adult populations, this article provides a comprehensive review of recent studies addressing this topic targeting children aged 6–12 years old. From an initial search of the literature, a total of 1036 records were identified from which 40 studies addressing this topic were identified and analyzed. Our results show that most of these studies employed cross-sectional rather than longitudinal designs, and most identified positive psychological outcomes associated with children’s exposure to nature, with many yielding statistically significant yet weak to moderate outcomes. We further categorized studies into experimental or observational according to the research design. Observational studies primarily investigated the impact of the accessibility/quantity of natural environments within residential settings. Some experimental-based studies explored children’s active involvement in nature-based activities. In contrast, others investigated passive exposure to nature through views or visual stimuli used as surrogates of actual environments, many of which were conducted in school and public open-space settings. Most of the studies explored terrestrial, or green spaces, within the context of predominately built environments, with water-based settings (blue spaces) being underrepresented. Some differences in research focus and design were evident across different countries where the studies were undertaken. We conclude that further research is needed to unveil the associations between nature exposure and children’s psychological well-being to provide directions for future environmental design strategies, environmental education and policymaking.  相似文献   

对我国冬桃的历史记载进行整理与考证。冬桃是桃在古代驯化过程中最早形成的栽培类型,它的存在至少有3 000 年以上的历史。我国冬桃品种繁多,性状各异,但都不同程度地带有原始类型的属性,它们对于研究桃的进化和品种改良具有重要价值,是一类宝贵的遗传资源。  相似文献   

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