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The need to broaden research directed at answering fundamental questions in HIV vaccine discovery through laboratory, nonhuman primate (NHP), and clinical research has recently been emphasized. In addition, the importance of attracting and retaining young researchers, developing better NHP models, and more closely linking NHP and clinical research is being stressed. In an era of a level budget for biomedical research at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), HIV/AIDS vaccine research efforts will need to be carefully prioritized such that resources to energize HIV vaccine discovery can be identified. This article summarizes progress and challenges in HIV vaccine research, the priorities arising from a recent summit at NIAID, and the actions needed, some already under way, to address those priorities.  相似文献   

A few of the scientific challenges of polar research are reviewed, with stress on the work being done by U.S. investigators. The accomplishments that have been made are impressive, but much remains to be done. An evaluation of future research goals and priorities in science per se and in the national interest is not attempted, but a research strategy for the future, presently planned by the National Research Council's Polar Research Board, should contribute to this end.  相似文献   

Flores E 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1979,204(4399):1279-1282
In response to a request by President José López Portillo, the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) worked out a program of scientific research and development in Mexico in keeping with the economic and social priorities of his administration-food production, energy, public health, and employment. Representatives from public, private, and academic sectors participated in preparing an inventory of needs for the development of human, economic, and physical resources. The program includes 2,489 projects in basic and applied sciences at a cost of $260 million to 1982 and 17,000 scholarships at a cost of $130 million.  相似文献   

User participation is a critical ingredient for relevant technology development, whether in agriculture or industry. This has long been recognized in private sector R&D firms. In most public sector agricultural research organizations in developing countries, however, systematic involvement of farmers, especially poor farmers, in research has been weak. These farmers are rarely powerful or well organized enough to bring pressure to bear on government agencies to respond to their needs and priorities. Farmer-responsive research methods, such as on-farm research, farming systems research, and farmer participatory research, have been introduced into research organizations to compensate for the lack of mechanisms for bringing farmers' views into the formulation of research priorities and agendas. The impact of these approaches in achieving this objective, however, has been less than hoped for. Insufficient attention to the political and institutional dimensions of developing client-responsive research is a major reason for this lack of impact. To bring about permanent change, farmer-responsive research methods need to be reinforced by changes in the balance of power between research and its clients and in the constellation of decisionmakers responsible for formulating research agendas. Participatory planning methods applied at the level of research programs provide new opportunities for involving farmers in decision-making about program priorities and for systematically incorporating information about client's needs. Recent experiments with strengthening farmers' associations and linking them with research organizations suggest new opportunities for increasing farmers' ability to express demand, act as an external pressure group, and serve as viable partners with research organizations.  相似文献   

A policy framework for analyzing educational research and development has been proposed. The framework consists of five primary elements focusing on the contexts in which educational R & D operates, its goals, its characteristics, its manpower, and its decision structures. These five primary elements interact to produce two secondary elements concerned with priorities and objectives, and strategies and tactics. The framework was applied to three current policy proposals in educational R & D including directed R & D programming in the U.S. Office of Education, the request for funds for experimental schools, and the proposed National Institute of Education. Rigorous application of the framework to major policy questions such as these three can help us examine issues before they arise. It can help prevent errors. Its application can provide greater assurance that primary, secondary, and tertiary consequences-those that arise from the interaction of the consequences we most directly perceive-will receive examination. This kind of consideration can help produce the desirable and intended effects and avoid the detrimental consequences of unanticipated impacts in unintended areas.  相似文献   

Sustainable agriculture and ways to achieve it are important issues for agricultural policy. However, the concept of sustainability has yet to be made operational in many agricultural situations, and only a few studies so far have addressed the implementation process of sustainable agriculture. This paper provides an assessment of the Territorial Farming Contracts (TFC) – the French model for implementing sustainable agriculture – and aims to give some insights into the ways to facilitate the development of sustainable farming. Using a systems approach, the founding concept of the TFC model, an analysis has been made of the TFCs signed in the Midi-Pyrenees Region in south-western France. The results show that the first aspect of sustainability apparent in farmers’ projects referred to economic objectives. The environmental and social aspects were not foremost in the farming changes undertaken. In addition, the territorial dimension of the TFC was under-addressed. The majority of TFCs reveal a moderate or even low convergence with territorial priorities. These results are explained partly by the dominance of professional farming organizations in the implementation of TFC, and they imply that the organizational social dimensions of sustainability must not be neglected. Mohamed Gafsi is an assistant professor of farm management at the National School of Agronomic Training. He received his PhD in management science at the University of Bourgogne. His research interests include farm management and protection of natural resources, corporate environmental management, sustainable agriculture, and African family farms. Geneviève Nguyen is assistant professor in rural economics at the National Polytechnique Institute – National Superior School of Agronomy, in Toulouse. Her research interests include the dynamics of agrarian institutions in uncertain economies, the supply and organization of services in remote rural areas. Her research has been carried out in Europe, Africa, and Asia. She received her MA in Economics and her PhD in Agricultural Economics from the Ohio State University. Bruno Legagneux is assistant professor of farm management at the National Polytechnique Institute – National Superior School of Agronomy, in Toulouse. His research interests include farm management and the entry of young farmers into farming. Patrice Robin is an engineer agronomist. He received his diploma from the National Superior School of Agronomy, in Montpellier. He is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Toulouse. His research interests include agriculture and rural development, environmental issues, and food quality.  相似文献   

Orchestrating the Human Genome Project   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Human Genome Project is under way. The Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health are cooperating effectively to develop organizational structures and scientific priorities that should keep the project on schedule and within its budget.  相似文献   

In 1973, Jim Hightower and his associates at the Agribusiness Accountability Project dropped a bombshell – Hard Tomatoes, Hard Times – on the land-grant college and agricultural science establishments. From the early 1970s until roughly 1990, Hightower-style criticism of and activism toward the public agricultural research system focused on a set of closely interrelated themes: the tendencies for the publicly supported research enterprise to be an unwarranted taxpayer subsidy of agribusiness, for agricultural research and extension to favor large farmers and be disadvantageous for family farmers, for public research to stress mechanization while ignoring the concerns and interests of farm workers, and for the research and extension establishment to ignore rural poverty and other rural social problems. By 1990, however, there had been a quite fundamental restructuring of the agricultural technology opposition movement – one that is not often well recognized. Two overarching changes had occurred. First, agricultural-technology activism had shifted from contesting land-grant/public research priorities and practices to contesting private agribusiness technological priorities and practices. Second, the relatively integrated, overarching Hightower-type opposition had undergone bifurcation into two quite distinct social movements: the agricultural sustainability/local food systems movement on one hand, and the anti-GM food/crop and anti-food-system-globalization movement on the other. In this paper I explore the causes and consequences of these restructurings of the agricultural research and technology opposition movement. Chief among the major factors involved was the fact that “Hightowerism' involved an ineffectual representational politics. Hightowerist claims – especially the claim that land-grant research was detrimental to family farmers – generated little support among the groups it claimed to represent (particularly “small' or “family' farmers). The two successor movements, by contrast, have relatively clear and dependable constituents. Further, the progressive molecularization of agricultural research, which proved to be both an antecedent and consequence of corporate involvement in agricultural research in the US, has decisively changed the issues that are contested by technology activists. Since the age of Hightower, the agricultural technology activist movement has shifted its 1970s and early 1980s emphasis from contesting public sector/land-grant research priorities to contesting private sector activities, particularly genetic engineering, GM crops, and globalization of agricultural technologies and regulatory practices. Even the sustainability/localism wing of the new agricultural technology movement configuration has progressively backed away from contesting public research priorities. The efforts of the sustainable agricultural and localism movement have increasingly focused on quasi-private efforts such as community supported agriculture, green/“value-added' labeling and marketing strategies, and community food security. Some implications of this increasingly bifurcated, agricultural technology, activist movement configuration in which there is decreased interest in land-grant/public research priorities are discussed.  相似文献   

康永兴  陈伟忠  陈霞 《安徽农业科学》2014,(19):6468-6471,6475
在分析我国农业科研基础条件建设现状、存在问题及投入水平的基础上,以中国农业科学院为例,分析了我国农业科研基础条件建设的需求,提出了我国加强农业科研基础条件建设的基本思路、投入原则和重点任务.  相似文献   

为了解农业科研单位科学研究和技术革新状况、科研水平以及科技发展动向,为以后科学研究和项目制定提供有价值的参考,以福建省农业科学院1985-2013年全部专利为样本,从申请时期、申请主体、技术领域等不同角度,全面分析福建省农业科学院专利申请状况、特征和变化趋势,指出福建省农业科学院历年来专利技术创新的发展趋势和研究重点,并通过比对,提出仍存在的不足及未来需要加大研究力度的学科领域。  相似文献   

以中国知网数据库2004—2022年国内农村人居环境为主题的984篇期刊文献为研究样本,运用可视化分析软件CiteSpace 6.1.R6进行分析。研究结果表明,当前我国农村人居环境研究的系统性、深入性等略显薄弱,未来一段时期需要持续在经验总结、城乡融合、完善机制等方面进行更深层次的研究,力求在多学科交叉基础上有所创新与突破,以推动我国农村人居环境领域研究向纵深发展。  相似文献   

近年来中国产能过剩日益严重,化解该矛盾已成为十八大后中国推进经济体制改革、调整产业结构的重中之重.考虑中国国情,从微观层面出发,构建混合寡占竞争模型,能有效解决产能过剩.分析表明:①政府调整对国有企业的补贴以及国有企业国有化系数可以有效解决民营企业的产能过剩问题;②在中国的现状下,国有企业确实存在产能过剩,并且减少政府对国有企业的补贴以及调整国有企业国有化系数可以有效减少国有企业的产能过剩量.  相似文献   

开放获取运动产生丰富的开放资源,为图书馆资源建设提供新机遇。在多个科研主体推动下,开放资源发展态势依然迅猛,形成数量多、类型多、开放度高等特征。在图书馆的开放资源建设探索中,建设策略与再利用模式是研究重点。中国科学院文献情报中心的开放资源建设工作立足建设框架、建设方式、再利用等研究,分阶段构建开放知识资源中心体系的分布式系统GoOA与集成式系统OAinONE,形成科研嵌入特色。打造创新的资源建设模式与再利用服务,依然是开放资源建设的未来发展思路。  相似文献   

The Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident has resulted in redirection of reactor safety research priorities. The small release to the environment of radioactive iodine-13 to 17 curies in a total radioactivity release of 2.4 million to 13 million curies-has led to a new emphasis on the physical chemistry of fission product behavior in accidents; the fact that the nuclear core was severely damaged but did not melt down has opened a new accident regime-that of the degraded core; the role of the operators in the progression and severity of the accident has shifted emphasis from equipment reliability to human reliability. As research progresses in these areas, the technical base for regulation and risk analysis will change substantially.  相似文献   

重庆酉水河国家湿地公园效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地公园是具有湿地保护与利用、科普教育、湿地研究、生态观光、休闲娱乐等多种功能的社会公益性生态公园。笔者就重庆酉水河国家湿地公园的生态效益、社会效益、经济效益进行了分析总结。  相似文献   

The budget picture for the NCI is presented for your information and evaluation-evaluation in the sense that I need and would appreciate your comments. A major issue of course is balance, in terms of clinic versus laboratory; short-term versus long-term; academic versus commercial; targeted versus nontargeted; grants versus contracts versus intramural; national versus international, and the like. It must be recognized that within a program of this emotion, visibility, and importance scientific findings and other considerations will dictate changes on at least a monthly basis. Things other than science contribute to this balance. On any given day we live within the impact of at least three budget years (what we received and did last year, what we will receive and do this year, and what this will allow us to receive and do next year). The federal budgetary process as well as the priority-setting processes of science are such that new directions cannot be taken as qulickly as woLld be optimal. Priorities muLst be set in cancer at least in their broad sense; for in addition to other areas of biomedical research, there are other compelling demands for the limited federal dollar. There will never be enouLgh resources to do all that can be done or needs to be done in cancer research. That probably is as it should be. In this regard it is heartening that operating funds for the institutes at NIH other than NCI will increase by $264 million in 1974. It is as true that information from research in other disciplines and categorical diseases will provide leads to cancer, as well as the reverse. And certainly, virtually no one wants to see resources for cancer increased at the expense of other important tasks and opportunities. This article is not an attempt to justify or to defend the spending plan of the National Cancer Program. It is to let youL know what's going on and to seek further advice on how to do it better. Articles on other aspects of the program will be published in journals including Science, Cancer Research, and the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Ling JG  Hand MA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1980,209(4462):1203-1207
The performance of the 20 materials research laboratories (MRL's) at universities funded with institutional grants by the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration is evaluated in comparison with 15 other universities (non-MRL's) receiving individually funded projects for materials research. Performance is measured by peer review and citation frequency analysis of publications, subjective evaluation of research achievements and researcher reputation by a panel of experts, review of equipment purchases and utilization, and analysis of administrative costs. The study concludes that there are no significant differences between the MRL's and non-MRL's with respect to innovation, interdisciplinarity, utilization of specialized equipment, concentration of funding, rate of tumover, duration of research areas, and level of effort per research paper. The MRL's have a greater number of major achievements and attract researchers with higher reputations. The MRL's tend to emphasize experimental work, and in about 70 percent of the materials research areas sponsored by the National Science Foundation there is no overlap between the two groups. Institutional grants involve much less total (federal plus university) administrative cost per grant dollar than project grants.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]生态敏感性分析对于生态建设规划有着重要的意义,在综合分析福州国家森林公园生态敏感性的基础上,针对不同敏感区提出相应优化建议策略,为福州国家森林公园今后生态规划建设提供参考.[方法/过程]以福州国家森林公园为研究区域,根据福州国家森林公园的特征,选取坡度、高程、坡向、土地利用类型、植被覆盖度、水域缓冲6个因...  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1948,107(2779):343
It has been called to our attention that the item on National Institute of Health Fellowships for training research personnel in tissue culture (Science, February 20, p. 185) should be clarified with respect to the following two points: (1) Eligibility for these fellowships is not limited to individuals connected with the Tissue Culture Commission but may apply to any properly qualified research worker. (2) Tissue culture research in the field of cancer is especially welcome, but the projects offered need not be limited to this area.  相似文献   

At a recent workshop, experts discussed the benefits, risks, and research priorities associated with using genetically manipulated insects in the control of vector-borne diseases.  相似文献   

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