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葵花秆积成材热压.工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对葵花秆材性的分析,探讨了制作板材的可行性;采用正交试验方法对葵花秆积成材生产工艺进行了研究;分析了施胶量、热压温度、热压压力及热压时间等工艺参数对产品性能的影响,提出了较佳的工艺参数。试验结果表明,采用文中提供的工艺参数,制成的积成板材可用作地板基材及家具用材等。  相似文献   

葵花秆制层压材的方法本发明专利属于木材加工领域,涉及一种葵花秆制层压材的方法。本层压材是由葵花秆、粘合剂及一些填充材料压制而成的。其各项性能指标均高于目前的人造板材,接近于木材。它可在许多领域取代木材,且造价较低。葵花秆制层压材的方法...  相似文献   

葵花秆胶合人造木材研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对葵花秆木质部分的分析,确定了以葵花秆木质部分改合制造人造木材的可能性。研究了用葵花秆制造人造木材的实验室工艺,研究结果表明。利用葵花秆生产人造木材是完全可行的。当产品密度为0.58g/cm3时,顺纹抗压强度为52.5N/mm2,静曲强度为60N/mm2,相当于中等强嵍饶静模梢月憬ㄖ媚静牡男枰  相似文献   

为了进一步拓展国内巨大的市场,杭州竹木地板企业将加大对国内市场的开发力度。由于国内人们对竹木地板的认知度不高,杭州竹木地板制造商一度把目光投向国外市场。地板业内人士认为,随着国家实施保护天然原始森林工程,木材总产量下降,且木材50年、100年的成长速度无法满足人类大量的、长期性的需求,而4年成材的毛竹,具有良好的物理力学性能,可与高密度的阔叶材相媲美。竹木地板也将是未来家庭装修的一个新的选择。  相似文献   

浙江升华云峰新材股份有限公司和浙江林学院联手,开展对杉木材的边角废料的回收利用研发.经过5年多的反复试验.终于成功开发生产出一种新型积成材,从而使此类木材的综合利用率从过去的65%提高到95%以上。这种积成材不仅能替代当前家装行业普遍使用的细木工板,  相似文献   

李康球 《木材工业》1990,4(3):38-40
一、概况利用非木材类植物纤维为原料生产人造板,以代替部分木材,对缓解木材供需矛盾具有重要的战略意义。迄今为止,已被利用的非木材纤维生产板材者,计有稻草、稻壳、棉秆、麦秸、油菜秆、烟秆、玉米芯、甘蔗渣、麻秆、剑麻根、葵花秆、花  相似文献   

为了探索较佳的木束条尺寸,以提高杉木积成材的质量,研究了不同尺寸的杉木木束条对杉木积成材性能的影响规律,结果表明:木束条的长度对杉木积成材的纵向静曲强度、弹性模量、24h吸水厚度膨胀率有较大的影响;木束条的厚度对杉木积成材纵向静曲强度、弹性模量的影响不大,但对24h吸水厚度膨胀率、内结合强度有较大的影响;木束条的宽度对杉木积成材的物理力学性能影响极小,不存在统计意义上的影响;木束条的较佳尺寸为:长度120 mm,宽度4mm,厚度2.5 mm.  相似文献   

葵花秆刨花板用改性脲醛树脂的研究王喜明(内蒙林学院呼和浩特010019)郭宝山(河套人造板工业总公司临河市015000)内蒙古西部地区是一个缺林的地区,随着我国重点建设的西移和西北煤矿基地的开发,木材及人造板的供需矛盾日益突出。为了尽快解决这一矛盾,...  相似文献   

木地板尺寸稳定化热处理的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对木材材性的分析,探讨了地板热处理的可行性;研究并分析了热处理工艺及不同处理方式对试验结果的影响及力学性能在处理前后的变化。结果表明:采用文中工艺参数真空热处理可从本质上解决地板尺寸不稳定的难题。  相似文献   

西北孢子植物种植方法,细木工板及制作方法,组合物、其制备方法及其在木材后置处理的应用,用葵花秆制小型木质条形材,在连续生产刨花板、纤维板等木质材料板的过程中压制和硬化压制料垫的方法。[编者按]  相似文献   

文章通过辽宁清河城红松种子园建设投资及生产效益调查,运用技术经济分析方法,对清河城红松种子园的费用、收益和经济效益进行了全面分析,结果表明,营建红松种子园经济效益巨大,每公顷种子园一个生产周期,可创利68965540.09元,是投资的160倍,投资收益率高达11.2%,1元投资可带来102.98元的直接收益。种子收益是营建红松种子园最直接的效益,可长期持续高效获得。  相似文献   

简述了居住小区架空层的作用及景观特点,分析了其现状及存在问题,探讨了居住小区架空层绿化设计的原则、植物的选择、植物配置、绿化与其它景观要素的配置等。  相似文献   

The strategic production decisions to improve profits for sawmills can be described in three main dimensions. More value-added production increases unit revenues, larger volumes reduce fixed costs per produced unit, and improved productivity reduces unit costs. Using data about the Swedish sawmills and cluster analysis, six groups of sawmills were defined with these strategy dimensions. Characteristics of each strategy are presented concerning ownership, location, technology, and economic indicators. The results indicate that different groups of Swedish sawmills employ different production strategies, which are reflected both in the dimensions, value-added shares, size, productivity, and by other technical and economic characteristics of the sawmills. The relationships between production strategy and profitability is also analysed and discussed.  相似文献   

我国竹质人造板工业的近期发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹质人造板大量用来代替木质板料,有的已开始用作工程结构材料。目前我国得到开发应用的竹质人造板有:竹材胶合板、竹编胶合板、竹篾胶合板、复塑竹帘胶合板,竹材刨花板、竹材旋切片、强化竹材、竹地板、竹材纤维板九种。文章概述了上述诸板的加工工艺、物理力学性质以及应用情况。  相似文献   

阐述了强化木地板出口美国、加拿大所面对的337调查、反倾销和反补贴的情况,对强化木地板出口美国、加拿大遭遇贸易壁垒的原因进行分析,并提出解决对策。  相似文献   

针对我国竹地板销售价格连年走低、环保要求日益严格的现状,提出了将无毒、高效、低成本、生产和使用方便的BL-甲醛消纳剂应用于竹地板生产的设想.作者使用BL-甲醛消纳剂分别在竹地板上进行了小试和中试,并分析了BL-甲醛消纳剂在竹地板上的应用前景.结果表明,使用BL-甲醛消纳剂完全可以生产出高强度、低成本、环保的竹地板;BL-甲醛消纳剂和芬兰太尔化工有限公司生产的Aerolite UP4116胶配制使用时,较佳的添加量为20%~30%;BL-甲醛消纳剂在竹地板行业应用前景广阔.  相似文献   

As an emerging industry,China's wood floor industry dates back to the early 1980s. Despite a late start,it has developed rapidly during the last 20 years.The past decades have witnessed great changes in China's wood floor industry.With high quality,many products"made in China"are available widely abroad nowadays.Current global economic shocks,however,affect China's domestic real estate sector;hence the falling domestic sales of wood floor.The paper aims to identify the current situation of floor industry...  相似文献   

Growing interest in the use of planted forests for bioenergy production could lead to an increase in the quantities of harvest residues extracted. We analysed the change in C and N stocks in the forest floor (LFH horizon) and C and N concentrations in the mineral soil (to a depth of 0.3 m) between pre-harvest and mid-rotation (stand age 15 years) measurements at a trial site situated in a Pinus radiata plantation forest in the central North Island, New Zealand. The impacts of three harvest residue management treatments: residue plus forest floor removal (FF), residue removal (whole-tree harvesting; WT), and residue retention (stem-only harvesting; SO) were investigated with and without the mean annual application of 190 kg N ha−1 year−1 of urea-N fertiliser (plus minor additions of P, B and Mg). Stocks of C and N in the forest floor were significantly decreased under FF and WT treatments whereas C stocks and mass of the forest floor were significantly increased under the SO treatment over the 15-year period. Averaged across all harvesting treatments, fertilisation prevented the significant declines in mass and C and N stocks of the forest floor which occurred in unfertilised plots. The C:N ratio of the top 0.1 m of mineral soil was significantly increased under the FF treatment corresponding to a significant reduction in N concentration over the period. However, averaged across all harvesting treatments, fertilisation prevented the significant increase in C:N ratio of the top 0.1 m of mineral soil and significantly decreased the C:N ratio of the 0-0.3 m depth range. Results indicate that residue extraction for bioenergy production is likely to reduce C and N stocks in the forest floor through to mid-rotation and possibly beyond unless fertiliser is applied. Forest floors should be retained to avoid adverse impacts on topsoil fertility (i.e., increased C:N ratio). Based on the rate of recovery of the forest floor under the FF treatment, stocks of C and N in the forest floor were projected to reach pre-harvest levels at stand age 18-20. While adverse effects of residue extraction may be mitigated by the application of urea-N fertiliser, it should be noted that, in this experiment, fertiliser was applied at a high rate. Assessment of the sustainability of harvest residue extraction over multiple rotations will require long-term monitoring.  相似文献   

刘红 《林产工业》2020,57(4):90-92,96
经过多年发展,我国正逐步实现由木地板生产大国向强国转变。目前木地板产业正在朝着集群化发展模式转变,这种转型所需的资金投入较大,基于木地板产业可持续且健康发展的需求,必须要从源头做好融资的有效风险管控。论述了我国木地板产业融资规模、融资特点,分析了我国木地板产业融资对出口贸易产生的影响,提出了强化我国木地板产业融资对策,以期为木地板产业融资提供参考。  相似文献   

根据力学原理,分析讨论了钢筋混凝土筒式结构定向倾倒的切口高度和切口角度.  相似文献   

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