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对山东黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区hang形目鸟类的食性、觅食地质量、食物理与hang形目鸟类的关系及鸟类在不同觅食的分布等的研究表明:hang形目鸟类单位面积的数量与觅食地底栖生物的生物量呈正相关。并对hang形目鸟类的觅食地进行了评价。  相似文献   

对形目鸟类的伴生鸟类的种类组成、数量及其在食物、空间上与形目鸟类之间的竞争进行了研究 ,表明伴生鸟类在栖息地上取食分流了形目鸟类的食物资源 ,对形目鸟类形成了影响  相似文献   

对山东黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区形目鸟类的群落组成研究表明 :自然保护区内共有形目鸟类 7科 2 0属 48种 ,种群数量大 ,群落组成稳定 ,已经形成一种动态平衡  相似文献   

对黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区形目鸟类迁徙规律的研究发现 :目鸟类不同种的迁徒时间、顺序是较为固定的 ,并具有各自的高峰期 ;就其群落而言 ,也有迁徙高峰期出现 ,并且在其迁徙过程中 ,受各种自然条件的影响  相似文献   

对hang形目鸟类的伴生鸟类的种类组成,数量及其在食物、空间上与hang形目鸟类之间的竞争进行了研究,表明伴生乌类在栖息地上取食分流了hang形目鸟类的食物资源,对hang形目鸟类形成了影响。  相似文献   

隼形目和鸮形目的鸟类,在我国均属国家保护鸟类,其中有的为国家一类保护鸟类,有的为二类保护鸟类。近年来在泰山、徂徕山调查国家二类保护鸟类有16种和来各,隶属2目3科。隼形目鸟类占我国隼形目鸟类16%,鸮形目鸟类占我国鸮形目鸟类25%;是山东省隼形目鸟类的34%,鸮形目鸟类的88%。现将所获两目部分鸟类的生态习性及食性分析列下。  相似文献   

文章以了解分析内蒙古图牧吉国家级自然保护区雁形目鸟类种类及分布特征并更好地保护管理的目的,于2017年4月至2018年1月份春、夏、秋、冬四个季节,采用样线和样点统计法,对保护区图牧吉泡子和三道泡子两处湖泊湿地雁形目鸟类种类和数量进行调查统计。结果显示:共观察记录到雁形目鸟类22种,隶属于1科8属。图牧吉泡子和三道泡子分别观察到19种和14种。两处湖泊湿地之间距离虽然较近,但雁形目鸟类种类有较大的区别,其中图牧吉泡子不仅种类多,而且珍稀濒危物种的分布也较集中。保护区雁形目鸟类时空分布特征与两处湖泊湿地各自食物资源、隐蔽条件和人为干扰程度有关外也与鸟类本身的迁徙规律和种间竞争有着密切关系。  相似文献   

<正>冬季的鄱阳湖,常见数百只甚至数千只的白琵鹭在水中忙碌地觅食,场面壮观。鄱阳湖是白琵鹭重要的越冬地,越冬种群数量超过1万只。在江西,有一种常见而长相特殊的水鸟,特殊之处就是它的嘴形似琵琶,几乎全身洁白,因此得名白琵鹭。冬季的鄱阳湖,常见数百只甚至数千只的白琵鹭在水中忙碌地觅食,场面甚是壮观。白琵鹭属于鹳形目鹮科鸟类。鹮科鸟类全球纪录有33种,中国有6  相似文献   

简述安徽湿地水鸟及其保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、种类与组成湿地水鸟系指生态学上依赖于湿地的鸟类,包括鸊鷉目、鹈形目、鹳形目、雁形目、鹤形目、鸻形目、鸥形目等主要栖息和依赖于湖泊、水库、河流、沼泽、稻田等湿地生活的鸟类。安徽有湿地291.88万公顷,占全省国土面积的21%,主要包括湖泊、河流、沼泽和沼泽化草甸、  相似文献   

<正>大多数鸡形目鸟类无法进行长距离迁徙,属于留鸟。而鹌鹑和西鹌鹑在迁徙季节要飞行数千公里,绝对算得上鸡形目鸟类中的飞行冠军和亚军。鸡形目鸟类中,雉科鹑族的鹌鹑属是与众不同的一类。虽然它们在外形上不如家鸡、雉鸡以及锦鸡等中大型鸡形目鸟类醒目,却在飞行本领上独领风骚。根据《世界鸟类名录》和《世界鸟类  相似文献   

Key factors causing the difference of wildlife populations in natural and managed forests are an important field of ecosystem and biodiversity research. To explore the factors contributing to bird-community features in the poorly studied European natural hemiboreal forests, we carried out a comparative study in old-growth and mature stands of five site types in Estonia. The mature stands were of clear-cut origin and managed for timber production. Old-growth hosted both more diverse and more abundant bird communities than mature stands, which does not support the putative ‘old-growth syndrome’ (high diversity at a low density) described previously in temperate Europe. Site-type specificity of bird communities was also more pronounced in old-growth, indicating a timber-harvesting induced process of biotic homogenization. In particular, natural swamp forests had characteristic bird species and those communities may be additionally sensitive to artificial drainage. In terms of invertebrate food supply, the availability of snails, rather than of insects, was related to bird-community characteristics; however, the influence of snails was due to one snail-poor forest type (Vaccinium type pine stands), not management. The abundance of coarse woody debris was the main structural feature affecting bird communities; tree-size variation was additionally important for species richness. A significant unexplained ‘old-growth’ effect remained even after the variables describing food supply and stand structure were taken into account. Our results imply the distinct importance of old-growth of different site types for hemiboreal bird communities. However, we did not obtain any evidence of different key factors structuring the bird communities in old-growth and mature stands.  相似文献   

Long-term studies in relatively undisturbed forest ecosystems, such as occur in many of the USFS’ Experimental Forests, provide valuable insight into bird population and community processes, information pertinent to forest management and bird conservation. Major findings from 40 years of research in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in north-central New Hampshire reviewed here show that the distributions and abundances of bird species are dynamic, even within well-developed and mature forests, and that species respond differently to habitat (vegetation) structure, food availability, and other features of the forest environment. At the local scale, bird population demography is most affected by factors that influence fecundity and recruitment, mainly food availability, weather, nest predators, and density dependent processes. Fecundity is strongly correlated with subsequent recruitment and is critical for maintaining breeding population size. Events in the non-breeding season, however, also influence the abundance and demography of breeding populations, indicating the need to assess factors operating throughout the species’ annual cycle. At the landscape scale, populations in temperate forests are spatially structured by each species’ response to habitat and environmental patterns, but also by social interactions such as competition and conspecific attraction. Settlement patterns and ultimately reproductive performance depend on habitat quality, based on vegetation structure, food availability and nest predator effects that vary across the landscape. Results from these long-term studies centered at Hubbard Brook provide a mechanistic understanding of avian population dynamics and community responses. The results provide a framework for predicting how future changes in habitat quality, climate, and other environmental threats may influence bird populations and communities in north-temperate forests.  相似文献   

福建将石自然保护区冬季鸟类多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将石自然保护区冬季鸟类共 1 0 1种 ,隶属 1 3目 31科 4亚科 ,其中留鸟占 76 2 % ,冬候鸟占 2 3 8%。该区东洋界鸟类占 5 1 5 % ,古北界鸟类占 2 4 7% ,广布种鸟类占 2 3 8%。将石自然保护区冬季鸟类多样性Shannon -Wiener指数为5 82 ,均匀度Pielou指数为 2 90。影响冬季鸟类多样性的主要因素是食物丰盛度和安全栖息场所  相似文献   

笔者在山西省关帝山国有林管理局二道川林场选取典型样带,通过实地调查的方法对夜行性鸟类短耳鸮的迁徙特性和种群数量进行了调查.结果表明:短耳鸮在山西省为冬候鸟,其北徙时持续时间短(32 d~43 d),间隔期长(156 d~162 d),种群数量为0.073只/km.南徒时持续时间长(56 d~71 d),间隔期短(100 d~112 d),种群数量为0.094只/km.其食物组成为鼠类、鸟类和昆虫类,是农林益鸟,应加以保护.  相似文献   

园林中的引鸟设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
园林设计中鸟声是园林虚景的重要方面,同时也是生态园林的具体体现。本文通过对园林植物和鸟类生活习性的考察研究,提出在园林中吸引鸟类的设计措施,即从为鸟类提供生存小环境、食物、栖息地等几方面入手,论述了园林中引鸟的具体方法和鸟类对园林景观的提升作用。扩展人们的欣赏视野和提高人们的环境意识。  相似文献   

CADMAN  W. A. 《Forestry》1965,38(2):168-172
A short paper which defines four periods in the developing forestfrom the formation years to the fellings and outlines the mainchanges in animal and bird life which may then take place withchanges in food supplies, shelter, and living conditions. Thepaper ends with a brief note on the conservation of wild life.  相似文献   

翟硕莉 《绿色科技》2020,(5):235-236
指出了食品化学是食品类专业的一门重要的专业基础课,基于课程特点,结合课程思政的教育理念,探索了食品化学课程中思想政治教育的设计,将爱国情怀、自豪情怀、食品安全和社会责任意识、科研精神、不屈的创新意识、辩证唯物主义思想、就业观念等融入教学过程中,以促进学生思想政治素质和专业知识同时提升。  相似文献   

湖北省水鸟的多样性及其保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖北省位于长江中游,地处我国南北过渡地带。境内河流纵横、湖泊众多,湿地资源丰富,享有“千湖之省”、“鱼米之乡”的美誉。湿地类型既有平原湿地,又有亚高山湿地,湿地总面积在161.7万hm2以上。复杂的湿地环境和丰富的湿地生物资源,使湖北成为水鸟重要的繁殖地、迁徙停歇地和越冬地。在我国的231种水鸟中,湖北省有126种,隶属7目19科58属。其中,属于国家重点保护的有20种,属于湖北省省级重点保护的有18种。笔者对湖北省水鸟的物种多样性、种群数量、生态分布规律进行阐述,并提出了相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

在对伊春市带岭区永翠河流域溪流生态系统的鸟类进行系统调查的同时,对列为国家保护的珍稀濒危鸟类的生境、数量及侯鸟迁来和迁离的日期进行了较详细的研究。并找出了生境的破坏、渔猎的压力、吃野味、制标本、旅游业的干扰等促成珍稀鸟类濒危的机制。提出了加强宣传教育、提高认识、提高管理干部素质、加强行政干预、加强管理机构的建设、保护好野生动物的生境等保护和管理措施。  相似文献   

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