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This communication describes the benefit of osmium tetroxide (OsO4) staining on the examination of the eye during the early stage of organogenesis of rat embryos. The embryos were obtained by laparotomy on embryonic day 12 (ED 12) and were stained with OsO4 for examination of the ocular tissues with a binocular stereo-microscope, light microscope and scanning electron microscope. At the binocular stereo-microscopic level, the invaginated lens placode, lens pit and optic cup were clearly distinguished. The osmium-stained lens placode and the optic cup were light brown and dark brown in color, respectively. Light microscopic examination revealed that OsO4 postfixation could provide superior paraffin-embedded embryonic sections. Scanning electron microscopic examination revealed the lens pit as a round opening between the lateral nasal prominence and maxillary prominence. Thus, a rapid technique by which the ocular tissues of rat embryos can be examined under a binocular stereo-microscope was developed. This OsO4 staining method will provide a useful tool for research on organogenesis and ocular development.  相似文献   

An 18-year-old male donkey was referred with a history of blindness. On ocular examination a complete bilateral typical colobomatous defect involving iris, ciliary body, lens, choroid, retina and optic nerve was observed. An optic pit was presented at the temporal side of the right optic head. Ophthalmoscopic and fluorangiographic characteristics are described.  相似文献   

Congenital ocular abnormalities of Rocky Mountain Horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective: To determine the incidence and describe ocular abnormalities in a cross-section of the population of Rocky Mountain Horses.
Design: Prospective study.
Animals: Five-hundred and fourteen Rocky Mountain Horses.
Procedure: Ophthalmic examinations were performed using a slit-lamp biomicroscope and an indirect ophthalmoscope. Intraocular pressures were measured by applanation tonometry. Eyes from six horses were obtained for histologic examination.
Results: Cysts of the posterior iris, ciliary body, and peripheral retina were detected most frequently (249 horses), and were always located temporally. Curvilinear streaks of retinal pigmented epithelium extending from the peripheral temporal retina marked the boundary of previous retinal detachment in 189 horses. Retinal dysplasia was detected in 125 horses. Multiple ocular anomalies were evident in 71 horses and were always bilateral and symmetrical. Affected eyes had a large, clear cornea that protruded excessively and had an apparent short radius of curvature, a deep anterior chamber, miotic and dyscoric pupil, and iris hypoplasia. Pupillary light responses were decreased or absent and pupils failed to dilate after repeated instillation of mydriatic drugs in horses with multiple ocular anomalies. Less frequently encountered abnormalities included peripheral iridocorneal adhesions and goniosynechiae. Congenital cataract was always present in eyes with multiple abnormalities. Intraocular pressures did not differ among horses with normal eyes and horses with multiple ocular abnormalities. Histologic examination of eyes corroborated the clinical appearance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To record the prevalence and document the types of eye disease in population of Thoroughbred racehorses in Victoria, Australia. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: Two hundred four Thoroughbred racehorses. PROCEDURE: All horses and both eyes were examined at four metropolitan and two country racing stable complexes. Ophthalmic exam was performed following dark adaptation with a transilluminator, biomicroscope, and direct ophthalmoscope. Intraocular pressures were measured when indicated. Both pupils were dilated with tropicamide when indicated. RESULTS: One hundred eighty-two (89.2%) flat-racing and 22 (10.8%) jump-racing (hurdle or steeple) horses were examined. Age range: 2-9 years (mean 3.7 years, median 3); 97 (47.5%) male-neuter, 74 (36. 3%) female, 33 (16.2%) male. Potential vision-threatening eye disease was present in 15 (7.4%) different horses: complete lenticular cataracts 3, posterior lens luxation and cataract 1, large peripapillary 'butterfly' inactive lesions 3, large peripapillary 'butterfly' active lesions 2, peripapillary focal inactive 'bullet hole' chorioretinal lesions (> 20) 5, optic nerve atrophy 1. Non-vision threatening eye disease was present in 117 (57.4%) different horses, involving one or more ocular structures: lower eyelid scars 3; periocular fibropapillomatous disease 1; third eyelid squamous cell carcinoma 1; corneal scars 6; corneal band opacity 2; anterior iris synechia 1; developmental cataracts 36 (17.2%); peripapillary focal inactive 'bullet hole' chorioretinal lesions (< 20) 103 (50.0%); linear peripapillary hyperpigmentation bands 16 (7.9%). Unusual variations of normal ocular anatomy and colobomata was recorded in 11 (5.4%) different horses: granular iridica hypoplasia 3, granular iridica hyperplasia 2, multilobular granular iridica cyst 1, microcornea 1, hyaloid remnant 1, rotated optic nerve head 1, coloboma of the lens 1, atypical coloboma of the retina 1. CONCLUSIONS: This survey demonstrates that the prevalence of vision-threatening eye disease in racing horses may be greater than previously perceived, and highlights the importance of ocular examination within any routine physical examination of horses.  相似文献   

Unilateral degeneration of the retina and optic nerve was observed among Fischer-344 (F-344) rats fed a semi-purified synthetic feed. Further studies were conducted using standard cereal-based and synthetic diets. Beginning at 4 weeks of age, all experimental rats (169 F-344 rats) were fed various diets and were examined for morphologic and functional changes in the retina and optic nerve. No ocular lesions were observed in any F-344 rats prior to 21 weeks of age, whether fed a synthetic diet or a standard diet; however, approximately 16% (13/86) of the F-344 rats examined between 57 and 64 weeks of age developed unilateral degeneration of the retina and optic nerve. On the other hand, the F-344 rats fed the synthetic diet developed the degenerative lesions by 30 weeks of age, while the F-344 rats fed the standard diet did not develop lesions over this shorter time period. Degenerative changes of the affected retinas and optic nerves were closely related with functional abnormalities evaluated by electroretinogram and visual evoked potentials. In contrast with the F-344 rats, Long-Evans rats that were fed either the synthetic or standard diet up to the age of 68 weeks (77 rats) did not develop the ocular lesions. There was no apparent relationship of the development of the lesions with dietary modification, toxicity or trauma; thus, these observations appear to indicate that spontaneous unilateral degeneration of the retina and optic nerve occurs in F-344 rats and that these ocular lesions may be accelerated by the feeding of certain semi-purified synthetic diets.  相似文献   

Canine optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH) and aplasia (ONA) are significant neuro-ophthalmologic disorders that have been reported in several species. The purpose of this study was to describe the distinctive histopathologic features of ONH and ONA in canine patients identified from a collection of 20 000 ocular submissions at the comparative ocular pathology laboratory of Wisconsin from 1989 to 2006. The following information about ONH and ONA cases was collected: signalment, and clinical and gross findings, including unilateral vs. bilateral involvement. Microscopic evaluation was performed, with attention to optic nerve malformation, retinal ganglion cell (RGC) and nerve fiber layer (NFL) loss, and retinal disorganization. The distribution of retinal vasculature was recorded and a search for unusual findings of ONH and ONA was performed. Information and histologic documentation was available for 13 cases. Eight cases of ONH and five cases of ONA were identified. The average group age was 20.2 months and 16.1 months, respectively. The most common breed was the Shih Tzu (3/13). ONH usually presented bilaterally (7/8); all ONA cases presented as a unilateral disease (5/5). The morphologic findings in the optic nerve (ON) in ONH included variable degrees of ON hypoplasia and gliosis, as well as ectopic vestigial ON remnants within orbital nerves and connective tissues. The NFL was detected in the majority of the ONH cases; however, RGCs were rare or absent. Mild retinal disorganization was seen occasionally. Most cases of ONH were associated with regional peripheral retinal blood vessel extension into the vitreous, leaving the peripheral retina avascular. In ONA cases the retinal blood vessels, NFL and RGCs were totally absent and retinal disorganization was severe. Distinctive microscopic features encountered in ONA included anterior segment dysgenesis in some cases. The retina in these cases was stretched across the posterior lens capsule, never making contact with the posterior pole of the globe. The current study reviews the human and veterinary literature pertaining to ONH and ONA, compares ONH and ONA in dogs, and presents related ophthalmic histopathologic findings that have not been reported previously.  相似文献   

Unilateral optic nerve hypoplasia and hydrocephalus in a Pekingese   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 3-year-old, castrated male Pekingese was examined 2 days after automobile-induced trauma. Multiple pelvic injuries and visual deficits in the right eye were identified. During a subsequent postmortem examination, multiple pelvic fractures were confirmed; however, there was no evidence of head injury. Both globes were bilaterally symmetrical and grossly normal. The intraorbital and intracranial portions of the right optic nerve were threadlike and rudimentary in appearance, while the left optic nerve was grossly normal. Moderate dilatation of the left lateral ventricle was noted. Microscopically the right optic nerve and left nerve tract contained few identifiable nerve fibers. The right optic disc was depressed, and there was thinning of the optic nerve fiber and ganglion cell layers of the retina. No microscopic abnormalities were evident in the left optic nerve, optic disc, retina and right optic tract. The histologic changes in the right eye are consistent with optic nerve hypoplasia. The relationship between the optic nerve/optic tract lesions and the hydrocephalus is unknown.  相似文献   

The effects of a mesogenic strain of Newcastle disease virus on ocular and paraocular structures were studied in 10-to-12-week-old chickens inoculated conjunctivally, intraocularly, intracerebrally, or intravenously. Paraffin-embedded tissues were examined by light and fluorescent microscopy using conventional staining and immunohistochemistry. Lesions were most severe in intraocularly inoculated chickens, where a marked iridocyclochoroiditis was evident from 8-12 hours up to 21 days postinfection. Viral antigens were detected in the iris, ciliary body, Schlemm's canal, and occasionally the lens, choroid, and base of the pecten. Although optic neuritis and iridocyclochoroiditis were found in intracerebrally inoculated birds, no viral antigens were detected in the optic nerve.  相似文献   

Developmental anomalies and abnormalities of the equine iris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The iris is derived from interaction between neural crest tissue and the adjacent neuroectoderm of the optic cup. Developmental anomalies of the equine iris are common, and include congenital miosis, iris cysts, various manifestations of iris hypoplasia, heterochromia, and persistent pupillary membrane remnants. They may be found alone or in combination with other ocular defects.  相似文献   

Amarurosis occurred in sheep on various farms in the Republic of South Africa after treatment with rafoxamide. Histopathological examination revealed a status spongiosus of varying severity in the central nervous system in all the cases, having a predilection for certain areas such as the periventricular area of the lateral ventricles, optic tracts, lateral geniculates and optic fasiculi. The retina was the only ocular tissue affected and lesions observed in the retina included necrosis of nerve cells in the ganglionic layer. In chronic cases of amaurosis this layer showed a complete absence of nerve cells. The possible pathogenesis of the lesions and their differentiation from those found in certain plant toxicoses are discussed.  相似文献   

Purpose To define the indications for equine ocular ultrasonography and to provide representative ultrasonographic images of lens and posterior segment diseases. Methods Retrospective study. Equine medical records dating from January 1983 to March 2001 were reviewed. All cases that: (1) had a lens and/or posterior segment abnormality; and (2) received a complete ophthalmic examination and ocular ultrasonography were included. Results Forty‐three cases (n = 64 eyes) out of 112 total cases of equine lens and/or posterior segment abnormalities qualified. The following conditions were identified ultrasonographically in order of decreasing frequency: cataracts, vitreal opacities, retinal detachment, lens luxation, endophthalmitis, microphthalmos, choroiditis, lens rupture, lenticonus, buphthalmos and phthisis bulbi. Ultrasonography often enabled diagnoses to be made in the presence of anterior opacities in both surgical (pre and/or postoperatively) and nonsurgical cases. Additional ocular conditions were identified in adults with cataracts more frequently than in foals with cataracts. Conclusions Cataracts were the most common lens abnormality identified in horses that received ocular ultrasound examination. Cataracts were commonly found in association with other ocular abnormalities. Ultrasonography was a practical and effective method of evaluating the lens and posterior segment, particularly in cases with anterior opacities. Ultrasonography also provided critical information with regard to the potential for surgical removal of cataracts and was a valuable component of postsurgical follow‐up.  相似文献   

Newly hatched commercial turkey poults culled because of grossly visible cataracts were studied. A total of 43 affected and 23 unaffected control poults at various ages were necropsied, and the ocular changes in affected poults were compared with those of aged-matched controls. Affected poults had consistent cataracts coupled with a marked depletion in retinal inner plexiform, ganglion cell, and optic nerve fiber layers, with a resultant reduction in the size of the optic nerves. Lesions were seen in 1-day-old poults. Lens changes included microphakia and lens fiber degeneration throughout the lens, with nuclear liquefaction. The depletion in the numbers of retinal ganglion cells did not appear to progress over several weeks time. The ganglion cell depletion was not uniform within the retina. The cause for these ocular changes is unknown.  相似文献   

An approximately six‐month‐old wild American black bear (Ursus americanus) was found wandering in Saskatchewan and was presented to the Veterinary Medical Centre of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine for apparent blindness. Clinical examination confirmed an inability to navigate a photopic maze, bilateral tapetal hyper‐reflectivity, fundi devoid of retinal vessels, and small pale optic nerve papillae. Single‐flash electroretinography revealed A and B‐wave amplitudes of approximately 40 and 140 microvolts, respectively, in both eyes. Histologic abnormalities included bilateral optic papillary mineralization and bilateral segmental optic nerve degeneration, with occasional intralesional lymphocytes confirmed with immunohistochemistry for CD3+. There was also bilateral multifocal retinal dysplasia, gliosis, lymphocytic retinitis, a complete lack of retinal blood vessels, an intravitreal vascular membrane, and a mild lymphocytic–plasmacytic uveitis with small pre‐iridal cellular membranes. The presence of a positive ERG in a blind bear with numerous retinal ganglion cells and degenerative changes in the optic nerve are most consistent with vision loss due to optic nerve injury, which given the young age of the bear likely occurred during ocular development. The presence of ocular inflammation suggests this injury resulted from an inflammatory/infectious process. The etiology could not be determined. Hepatic concentrations of vitamin A were within the normal reference range for domestic species. Pan‐herpesvirus PCR and immunohistochemistry for canine distemper virus and Toxoplasma gondii were negative, although this does not rule out these or other infectious etiologies. This represents the first case report of neonatal or congenital ocular abnormalities in an ursid species.  相似文献   

A 3‐month wild rabbit was presented for examination of ocular opacities in the left eye. A complete bilateral ocular examination including slit‐lamp examination, indirect ophthalmoscopy, tonometry, and ultrasound biomicroscopy was performed. Biomicroscopy of the lens of the left eye showed a retrolental fibrovascular membrane causing leukocoria. The opacity prevented biomicroscopy of the vitreous and funduscopy OS. No other disorder was present in either eye. Ultrasound examination did not show any difference between the right and left eye. Histopathological examination showed a 50‐μm thick, preretinal, retrolental, nonpigmented, fibrovascular tissue. Posterior synechiae were present, but no other lesion of the posterior segment was found in this eye. These ocular abnormalities are consistent with a persistent hyperplastic tunica vasculosa lentis and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHTVL/PHPV), similar to those described in other species.  相似文献   

黄花棘豆生物碱对体外大鼠胚胎的发育毒性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用大鼠全胚胎培养(wholeembryoculture,WEC)方法,观察了黄花棘豆(Oxytropisochrocephala)主要有毒成分生物碱对体外胚胎生长发育、形态分化的影响。首先用醇类溶剂提取法从黄花棘豆中提取生物碱,薄板层析鉴定至少有4种生物碱成分。然后用体内同期胚胎对照及丝裂霉素C(MMC)阳性对照确证了所建立的WEC方法的可行性。在选定0.1%DMSO为该生物碱溶剂的基础上,分别在含有25、50、100、200mg/L生物碱的大鼠血清中培养9.5d胚胎48h,结果,在50mg/L以上可影响胚胎生长发育和器官分化,且呈剂量反应关系,主要表现为头长、颅臀长、体节数、蛋白质含量及17项形态学总记分低于溶剂对照组,而且随剂量增加,胚胎畸形也增多,200mg/L时畸形率为80%,主要表现为小头、后脑水肿、无听泡、无视泡、心包积液、肢芽缺失、尾异常、翻转异常等。生物碱还可影响脏壁卵黄囊(VYS)的血液循环,抑制其生长。结果提示,黄花棘豆生物碱对体外培养大鼠胚胎有直接发育毒性,VYS功能障碍也是引起胚胎发育毒性的重要机制。  相似文献   

Amiodarone-induced keratopathy in healthy dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amiodarone has a broad spectrum as an antiarrhythmic agent and is indicated for patients with atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. Amiodarone-induced corneal deposits are the most common reversible side effect (70-100%) in humans. Additional ocular effects in humans include deposits in the lens, retina and optic nerve. This study was conducted to determine ocular effects of chronic oral amiodarone in healthy dogs. Six chronically amiodarone-treated dogs and four controls were used for this study. Ophthalmic examination was performed using biomicroscopy and indirect ophthalmoscopy at the end of 4th, 7th and 11th weeks when dogs received amiodarone. Corneal microdeposits were observed at the end of the 7th week in one eye and at end of the 11th week in the other eye of one dog. Immediately following euthanasia, corneas and optic nerves were harvested for light and electron microscopic analysis. Light microscopic analysis showed corneal deposits in the basal epithelial cells of the cornea of the clinically affected dog. In addition, a significant increase in basal cell turnover as indicated by mitotic index was observed in the affected dog compared to both nondeposit amiodarone and control groups. All remaining animals were normal. One out of six dogs treated with amiodarone demonstrated corneal deposits (16%). This prevalence is low compared to humans. Explanations for this may include species variations particularly in volume of lacrimal secretion, or the need for longer administration. In addition, sunlight is believed to exacerbate the corneal deposits in humans and all dogs in this study were housed indoors.  相似文献   

Prevalence of ocular abnormalities in cats with hyperthyroidism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of ocular abnormalities in hyperthyroid cats. One hundred hyperthyroid cats and 30 clinically normal, geriatric cats were studied. In both groups, ophthalmic examination was performed by use of slit-lamp biomicroscopy and indirect ophthalmoscopy after application of 1% tropicamide to dilate the pupil. Ocular abnormalities were common in both the hyperthyroid and euthyroid cats. Approximately 75% of all eyes were affected with 1 or more abnormalities, and the range of abnormalities involved all structures of the eye. Significant differences between the euthyroid and hyperthyroid cats were found in the prevalence of prominent suture lines, nonpigmented deposits on the posterior lens capsule, hyperreflective ring around the optic nerve, and hyperpigmentation of the area centralis, but all of these abnormalities were more common in the euthyroid cats than in the cats with hyperthyroidism. Active retinal lesions were only observed in 3 hyperthyroid cats (3%). The results of this study indicate that hyperthyroidism does not seem to be a frequent cause of abnormalities in the eyes of cats.  相似文献   

Objective Anecdotal evidence has suggested that guinea pigs have a high prevalence of ocular lesions. Here we undertook a survey of 1000 guinea pigs from populations of animals kept as laboratory animals, breeding show cavies, animals kept as pets and those from rescue and rehoming centers. Each animal was examined to assess for ocular abnormalities. Procedures A full ophthalmic examination was performed on each animal with direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy and with slit lamp biomicroscopy. Measurement of tear production using the Schirmer tear test 1 and intraocular pressure using the Tonopen applanation tonometer after topical anesthesia was undertaken in selected animals. Results Forty‐five percent of animals examined had some ocular abnormality. The majority were lens lesions including 17% with cataract and 21% with subclinical lens abnormalities such as nuclear sclerosis. Other abnormalities included conjunctivitis in 4.7% and keratitis in 3.6%. Lipid deposition in conjunctiva was observed in 2.3% of guinea pigs and ciliary body heterotopic bone formation in 0.8% of animals. Conclusions This study shows a high proportion of eyes with some degree of abnormality in animals otherwise considered healthy. Information on diseases of the guinea pig eye is important given the use of the species as a laboratory rodent and also the number kept as pets and show animals.  相似文献   

Objective To develop fast and reliable testing routines for diagnosing retina and optic nerve diseases in canine cataract patients based on chromatic properties of the pupillary light reflex response. Procedures Seventy‐seven canine patients with a history of cataract and decreased vision (43 patients with cataracts and no evidence of retina or optic nerve disease, 21 patients with cataracts and retinal degeneration [RD], 13 patients with cataracts and retinal detachment [RDT]), 11 canine patients with optic neuritis (ON) and 23 healthy dogs were examined using chromatic pupillary light reflex (cPLR) analysis with red and blue light and electroretinography. Results Electroretinography analysis showed statistically significant deficits in a‐ and b‐wave amplitudes in dogs with cataracts and RD, or cataracts and RDT, when compared to dogs with cataracts without evidence of retinal abnormalities. Evaluation of b‐wave amplitudes showed that presence of 78.5‐μV (or lower) amplitudes had high sensitivity of 100% (95% CI: 87.2–100%) and high specificity of 96.7% (95% CI: 88.4–100%) in RD and RDT. Evaluation of cPLR responses using red light showed that presence of the pupil end constriction diameter of 5.5 mm (or higher) had moderately high sensitivity of 76.5% (95% CI: 50.1–93.2%) and high specificity of 100% (95% CI: 91.2–100%) in detecting RD and RDT. Optic neuritis patients had absent cPLR responses, regardless of the visual status. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance Chromatic evaluation of the pupillary light reflex is a rapid and accurate test for diagnosing retina and optic nerve diseases in canine patients.  相似文献   

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