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海水对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统模式分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对虾养殖由于受到水资源和虾病的困扰,工厂化循环水养殖已经成为今后对虾养殖的一个重要方向。对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统的结构包括了养虾池、水处理技术、消毒杀菌、增氧技术、水温调节装置等。目前,典型的养殖模式有美国德州跑道式对虾养殖系统、台南室内自动化循环水养虾系统、美国佛罗里达三阶段养殖系统和美国夏威夷基于微藻的循环水对虾养殖系统。文中对这4种典型的对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统的养殖试验情况进行分析比较。  相似文献   

对虾工厂化养殖与池塘养殖系统结构与效益比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖生物、水质因子4个方面对工厂化对虾养殖和池塘对虾养殖生态系统的差异进行了观察和分析。结果表明,工厂化对虾养殖系统中浮游植物、浮游动物及底栖生物的丰度均低于池塘对虾养殖系统(分别为22815个/ml<31590个/ml,490.5个/L<650.0个/L,4.5个/10cm2<267.5个/10cm2),而溶解氧(DO)含量、氨态氮(NH4-N)和无机磷(PO4-P)浓度均高于池塘养殖。工厂化养殖对虾的生长量、生长速度及存活率均低于池塘养殖,但其养殖密度高,能很好的弥补生长速度之不足,更好的利用水体获得更高的单位生产量。  相似文献   

正凡纳滨对虾作为对虾主养品种,近几年由于养殖环境变化、虾种质退化而病害频发,面临的养殖困难较大,开拓新品种养殖市场对品种轮养、结构调整很有必要。斑节对虾作为新一代的养殖品种,适应多种养殖模式,养殖产量正在稳步提升。随着工厂化高密度集约化对虾精养模式的快速发展,北方地区很多养鱼及海参育苗的工厂化车间转养对虾,尤其是冬季养殖对虾,收益巨大。5月中旬,工厂化车间养殖的凡纳滨对虾受外塘养殖的影响,市场价格走低,且工厂化养殖风险较高,使得很多工厂化养殖车间闲置,  相似文献   

简述了国内外工厂化循环水养殖系统,对比了传统养殖模式中高位池养殖与池塘养殖模式,指出了工厂化循环水养殖对虾模式存在的问题,探讨了工厂化循环水养殖模式的推广阻力。  相似文献   

工厂化养殖对虾近年来发展迅猛,养殖品种主要是南美白对虾。其操作方法与普通池或高位池有较大区别,具有高投入高产出的特点,正常养殖可收获对虾5~6千克/米2。政府部门把工厂化养殖对虾作为一种科技创新模式来大力推广,有人甚至宣称要掀起新的养殖革命。工厂化养殖对虾实行高密度精养,投资成本高,如果操作不当,会损失惨重,风险较大。工厂化养殖对虾放苗密度为普通池的十多倍或更高,水质调控要求高。养殖密度大,虾池的投饵量、残饵、排泄物等必然增加,水中有机物浓度高,水质易恶化。虾池设置有池底排污管、充氧管来调控水质…  相似文献   

正1天津地区海水工厂化养殖产业发展概况天津位于渤海之滨,天然养殖环境条件优越,水产养殖历史悠久,养殖技术水平居于全国先进行列,是北方地区重要的海水鱼苗种繁育生产基地和商品鱼养殖基地。上世纪70年代,随着中国对虾人工育苗技术的快速发展成熟,工厂化育苗得到快速发展,形成工厂化育苗产业,海水工厂化养殖进入起步阶段。  相似文献   

对虾工厂化养殖和土池养殖溶解氧消耗研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对工厂化养殖凡纳滨对虾和土池养殖中国对虾过程中的各耗氧因子进行了研究。结果表明,在中国对虾的土池养殖环境中,对虾耗氧量、水柱和底质耗氧量分别占总耗氧量的3.749/6、17.359/6和78.919/6;在凡纳滨对虾的工厂化养殖环境中,对虾耗氧量占总耗氧的72.679/6,水柱耗氧占27.339/6。在对虾的工厂化养殖中,对虾耗氧是最大的耗氧因子;而土池养殖后期,底质耗氧是主要耗氧因子。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提升,对优质蛋白质需求量大幅度增长,目前凡纳滨对虾养殖业迅速发展,在水产养殖业中地位显著提升。为进一步提高养殖效益,更好地满足公众需求,借助反季节工厂化养殖技术,不断提升工厂化养殖凡纳滨对虾的品质,确保产品质量,提升凡纳滨对虾工厂化养殖经济效益,推动对虾养殖业可持续发展。  相似文献   

正目前,河北省沿海地区工厂化养殖南美白对虾发展迅速,该养殖模式是一种节水、对水环境污染小、饲料利用率高、渔药使用量少的一种新型水产养殖模式。但在实际养殖中仍存在诸多问题:工厂化养殖南美白对虾技术还不成熟,换水量大,热量损失大;对虾病害防控技术还不完善,病害频发,导致产量低,甚至绝产,经济损失巨大。2017年,唐山滦丰养殖有限公司与河北农大水产学院合作,进行了南美白对虾工厂化生态养  相似文献   

中国对虾高密度越冬试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亲虾越冬是对虾工厂化育苗的重要环节。必须拥有足够数量的优质亲虾,才能保证对虾苗种生产的顺利进行。越冬,还可以通过控制水温等条件使亲虾提前产卵,从而延长对虾的养殖时间,提高产量和质量。因此,积极开展对虾人工越冬工作,对提高生产效益有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

The present study identifies and quantifies appropriate sites for brackish water aquaculture development in southwestern Bangladesh using remote sensing, GPS and geographical information systems (GIS). A colour composite Landsat TM image from 1996 covering the southwestern part of Bangladesh was used to identify the extent of brackish water and to classify land use. The remotely sensed data were complemented by secondary data digitised from a range of sources, including hard copy maps, to create a spatial database that included environmental and infrastructural data. A series of GIS models were developed in order to identify and prioritise the most suitable areas for brackish water shrimp and crab farming. Using qualitative and quantitative output from the models, the benefits of shrimp and crab farming and alternative land uses in the Khulna region were compared, based on gross production, economic output and employment potential. Comparisons were made of brackish water shrimp and crab culture with moderately saline-tolerant tilapia and prawn culture, freshwater carp culture and traditional rice production systems. Shrimp was identified as the most capital intensive and risky production system. Earnings per hectare were a little higher for shrimp culture than for crab culture. The present study demonstrates the usefulness of GIS as an aquaculture planning tool in a region where natural resources are already under considerable pressure.  相似文献   

工厂化对虾养殖池管式射流集污水力特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工厂化养殖池内水体的流场分布特性直接决定了其对残饵、粪便等的排污性能。本实验研究了管式射流驱动模式下,射流角度与射流流速对养殖池内水体流场与污物聚集特性的影响。养殖池流场特性采用点式流速仪进行布点测量,利用MATLAB软件对流场特性进行分析。采用相机采集的养殖池集污效果图像,并利用Photoshop软件与自行开发的不规则图形面积分析软件对图像进行分析。研究表明,流速从池心向外呈"V"型变化,在射流角度固定的情况下,射流速度越大,池心低流速区域越小,污物向池心的聚集效果越好;在流速固定的情况下,存在一个最佳的射流角度,本实验在24 cm/s流速条件下,射流角度为40°时,池内污物聚集效果最优。结论认为在保证养殖对象生长的前提下,可尽量提高射流流速;在24 cm/s流速条件下,最佳射流角度在40°左右。本研究成果可为工厂化养鱼池、养虾池等管式射流水力驱动系统的优化设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   

文章综述了目前对虾内陆养殖的主要品种、养殖方式和发展现状,并对其优点和存在的问题进行了分析。内陆地下咸水的离子组成比例失调是目前对虾内陆养殖遇到的最大的障碍,文章详述了地下咸水的成因和分布,介绍了有关水体离子浓度和比值对对虾生理生态学影响的研究现状。最后讨论了克服内陆对虾养殖存在的问题并使之成为可持续发展的产业的途径。  相似文献   

我国水产养殖设施模式发展研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
徐皓  倪琦  刘晃 《渔业现代化》2007,34(6):1-6,10
作为世界水产养殖大国,我国的养殖设施模式要走上可持续发展的轨道,应该在为健康养殖提供进一步保障的前提下,更加注重系统在"节水、节地、节能、减排"方面的功效。养殖池塘、流水型养殖设施、循环水养殖设施和网箱养殖设施是我国集约化养殖的主要设施模式。这些设施在发挥巨大生产力的同时,在养殖水环境控制、水资源利用、生产系统效益、系统对环境的影响等方面,不同程度地存在着问题或矛盾,没能发挥出现代设施系统在健康养殖和产业可持续发展上应有的作用。本文在对以上4种主要养殖设施模式进行分析的基础上,结合养殖设施科技领域的研究成果,提出未来我国水产养殖设施模式的发展方向以及需要解决的重大科技问题,包括池塘工程化生态养殖设施、节水型养殖设施、经济型循环水养殖设施、系统化深水网箱养殖设施等4种发展模式。  相似文献   

This case study looks at changing livelihood strategies of the coastal population in Soc Trang Province in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, and their impacts on natural resources. It provides an opportunity not only to document the impact of shrimp farming on coastal livelihood but also to better understand the link between brackish water aquaculture development and natural resource use. The approach includes a socio‐economic survey in six villages of the province focusing on risk strategies and livelihood diversification. Shrimp farming was found to be less risky and more profitable for households and private companies with a higher investment capacity than for poorer households. Households facing a high risk in shrimp farming diversified their aquaculture production, with other high‐value species like mud crab and elongated goby as a coping mechanism. The use of natural resources' collection is shifting from home consumption towards market‐oriented sales of juvenile mud crabs, clams or fish (elongated goby) to supply seed for brackish water aquaculture developments.  相似文献   

Closed recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) offer advantages over traditional culture methods including enhanced biosecurity, the possibility of indoor, inland culture of marine species year‐round and potential marketing opportunities for fresh, never‐frozen seafood. Questions still remain regarding what type of aquaculture system may be best suited for the closed‐system culture of marine shrimp. In this study, shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) were grown in clear‐water RAS and in biofloc‐based systems. Comparisons were made between the system types with respect to water quality, shrimp production and stable isotope dynamics used to determine the biofloc contribution to shrimp nutrition. Ammonia and nitrite concentrations were higher, and shrimp survival was lower in the biofloc systems. Although stable isotope levels indicated that biofloc material may have contributed 28% of the carbon and 59% of the nitrogen in shrimp tissues, this did not correspond with improved shrimp production. Overall, the water column microbial communities in biofloc systems may be more difficult to manage than clear‐water RAS which have external filters to control water quality. Biofloc does seem to offer some nutritional contributions, but exactly how to take advantage of that and ensure improved production remains unclear.  相似文献   

Hydrology of inland brackishwater shrimp ponds in Chachoengsao, Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study focuses on a new trend in shrimp aquaculture, the development of brackishwater ponds for Penaeus monodon culture in inland freshwater areas of Thailand’s Central Plain. Water balances were calculated for ponds and reservoirs at an inland shrimp farm in Chachoengsao, Thailand, between May and July 1999. Regulated inflow and outflow were the largest water fluxes, averaging 0.94 and 0.70 cm/day. Other daily average water gains were rainfall (0.52 cm/day) and runoff (1.7 cm/day), and other water losses were evaporation (0.31 cm/day) and seepage (0.52 cm/day). Over an entire crop cycle, of average length 109 days, average water inputs were: initial pond filling (84 cm); regulated inflow (103 cm); rainfall (57 cm); and runoff (3 cm). Average outputs were: regulated outflow (76 cm); seepage (57 cm); evaporation (34 cm); and draining at harvest (87 cm). The main feature of note in the water balance is the large volume of regulated outflow. All regulated outflow and most (82%) of the pondwater drained at harvest went directly to the irrigation canal system. Such large volumes of discharge could have serious environmental implications because small inland waterways have low assimilative capacity and pond effluent is saline. Consumptive water use for 14 inland shrimp ponds and reservoirs averaged 0.83±0.14 cm/day. Consumptive water use was also measured for 11 nearby rice fields, the main land use in the regions where inland shrimp farming is proliferating. Rice paddy water use averaged 0.91±0.17 cm/day. There was no significant difference in the daily consumptive water use of shrimp ponds and rice fields, suggesting that conversion from rice farming to shrimp farming would have little net impact on water availability for irrigation.  相似文献   

为探讨不同养殖模式对暗纹东方鲀生长及水质的影响,选取无损伤、健康的暗纹东方鲀7000尾,随机分成3种养殖模式:立体种养模式(模式Ⅰ)、单养模式(模式Ⅱ)和混养模式(模式Ⅲ),进行了为期56 d的养殖试验,比较3种养殖模式下暗纹东方鲀的生长速度、成活率以及养殖水质指标的变化。试验结果:模式Ⅰ暗纹东方鲀的成活率(97.10%)高于模式Ⅱ(92.35%)和模式Ⅲ(89.37%),特定生长率[(1.83±0.12)%/d]显著高于模式Ⅲ(P<0.05),饲料系数(2.20)则低于其他2种模式;模式Ⅱ下养殖水体的三态氮(TAN、NO2^--N和NO3^--N)无明显变化,其质量浓度略低于模式Ⅰ和模式Ⅲ,模式Ⅲ下三态氮的质量浓度有所升高,而模式Ⅰ下TAN和NO2^--N质量浓度有降低的趋势;3种养殖模式下,池塘水体的化学需氧量(COD)呈现先升后降再升的变化趋势,总悬浮物(TSS)呈现先升高后降低的趋势,其中模式Ⅰ的COD和TSS质量浓度均低于模式Ⅱ和模式Ⅲ;模式Ⅱ和模式Ⅲ下总氮(TN)质量浓度先降后升,而模式Ⅰ的TN质量浓度则是先降后升再降,且在14 d后均显著低于其他2种模式(P<0.05);模式Ⅱ和模式Ⅲ下总磷(TP)质量浓度无明显变化,模式Ⅰ下TP质量浓度在养殖初期有所升高,呈现先升后降的变化趋势,并在56 d时降至最低,显著低于模式Ⅱ和模式Ⅲ(P<0.05)。结果表明,在立体种养模式下,暗纹东方鲀不仅生长快,成活率高,而且栽种蕹菜对池塘养殖水体具有较好的净化作用,能减少池塘养殖水体富营养化,立体种养模式较单养和混养模式更适合暗纹东方鲀养殖。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A pelagic bacterial community structure was examined in experimental intensive shrimp culture ponds that have a shrimp–mangrove complex aquaculture system, an extensive shrimp culture pond and a mangrove area in Thailand by denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of polymerase chain reaction amplified partial 16S rRNA genes. Bacterial community structure in the intensive shrimp culture ponds was distinguishable from that of the mangrove area. In the extensive shrimp culture pond, the bacterial community structure resembled that in the mangrove area, but bacterial abundance was as great as that in the intensive shrimp culture ponds. Among the intensive shrimp culture ponds, the bacterial community structure was different between a closed culture system and a shrimp–mangrove complex culture system. Moreover, the bacterial community structure in mangrove planted ponds was close to those in the intensive shrimp culture ponds when shrimp culture was conducted, but it was close to those in the mangrove areas without shrimp culture. These results suggest that intensive shrimp culture with shrimp feed input affects the bacterial community structures in pond water.  相似文献   


Apart from penaeid shrimp culture, crab farming and fattening and other several diversified aquaculture practices are now emerging as viable ventures in India. About 11 types of crab products are being exported from India with an average unit value realization of US$ 3.73 kg?1, pinpointing its importance in the foreign exchange earnings. An economic evaluation of mud crab culture, fattening and fattening with composite culture of shrimp/finfish has been attempted in this paper. The major operating cost was that of seed and it was higher for crab fattening (87% of the total operating cost). Feed costs were very low compared to that of shrimp farming. Annual profit obtained was US$ 22812.5 ha?1 year?1 for culture and US$ 30820.8 ha?1 year?1 for fattening. Economic indicators such as net profit, rate of return, pay back period and breakeven price indicate that crab fattening/culture is much more profitable than any other coastal aquaculture operations currently in practice, provided hatchery production is established in the country to ensure adequate supply of mud crab seeds.  相似文献   

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