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Pathogens that are transmitted between the environment, wildlife, livestock and humans represent major challenges for the protection of human and domestic animal health, the economic sustainability of agriculture, and the conservation of wildlife. Among such pathogens, the genus Mycobacterium is well represented by M. bovis, the etiological agent of bovine tuberculosis, M. avium ssp. paratuberculosis (Map) the etiological agent of Johne disease, M. avium ssp. avium (Maa) and in a few common cases by other emergent environmental mycobacteria. Epidemiologic surveys performed in Europe, North America and New Zealand have demonstrated the existence and importance of environmental and wildlife reservoirs of mycobacterial infections that limit the attempts of disease control programmes. The aim of this review is to examine the zoonotic aspects of mycobacteria transmitted from the environment and wildlife. This work is focused on the species of two main groups of mycobacteria classified as important pathogens for humans and animals: first, M. bovis, the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, which belongs to the M. tuberculosis complex and has a broad host range including wildlife, captive wildlife, domestic livestock, non-human primates and humans; the second group examined, is the M. avium-intracellulare complex (MAC) which includes M. avium ssp. avium causing major health problems in AIDS patients and M. avium ssp. paratuberculosis the etiological agent of Johne disease in cattle and identified in patients with Crohn disease. MAC agents, in addition to a broad host range, are environmental mycobacteria found in numerous biotopes including the soil, water, aerosols, protozoa, deep litter and fresh tropical vegetation. This review examines the possible reservoirs of these pathogens in the environment and in wildlife, their role as sources of infection in humans and animals and their health impact on humans. The possibilities of control and management programmes for these mycobacterial infections are examined with regards to the importance of their natural reservoirs.  相似文献   

在分析研究国际野生动物栖息地分类体系,归纳总结我国野生动物栖息地分类方法基础上,结合我国实际情况及适应野生动物栖息地保护管理及科学研究需求,提出了陆生野生动物栖息地分类体系。该系统分为三级,包括一级12个栖息地类,二级66个栖息地型,三级218个基本类型。构建野生动物栖息地分类体系,能够更好地从多层次、空间立体格局上实施野生动物及栖息地保护、恢复和改善野生动物生存环境,维系野生动物种群健康发展。该体系建立与实施对国家生态安全维护,实现全国野生动物保护多层次化和多元化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

野生动物旅游产品在总体的旅游产品中占有很大的市场份额,也有越来越多的旅游爱好者对此拥有购买动机与欲望。根据目前旅游市场现状,本文对野生动物旅游产品的种类进行了归类,提出了野生动物旅游产品可分为观赏型、参与型、工艺品型、食用型和药用型等5种表现形式。结合中国在野生动物旅游产品方面的开发现状,从生态保护、增强体验性与真实性、社区共管、科普教育、法制建设和科学投资方面提出了合理开发的建议。  相似文献   

Communication is an important part of wildlife management. Communication strategies based in knowledge of stakeholder understandings of key issues tend to be particularly effective. We conducted focus groups in five states across the United States to evaluate how laypersons conceptualize wildlife health and wildlife disease management. Based on insights from the focus groups, we identified building blocks of layperson mental models for wildlife health. From the layperson perspective, wildlife health was associated with absence of disease; balanced, sustainable populations; healthy animals; habitat quality; and ecosystem health. Wildlife disease was commonly viewed as a natural phenomenon. Factors influencing support for wildlife disease management included the specific methods used, cost, predicted consequences of management, level of uncertainty, and severity of the disease threat. Knowledge attained from these focus groups provides empirical evidence of beliefs and perceptions that influence public understanding and agreement with wildlife disease management.  相似文献   

高陞  马建章  王慷林 《野生动物》2012,33(3):158-162
云南省西部的怒江州、保山市和德宏州1 121 km的边境地区,是重要的国际大通道"史迪威公路"的入境点,也是非法贸易野生动物及其制品的主要入境点之一,更是打击走私、非法收购、运输、出售野生动物及其制品的主战场之一。调查研究了该边境地区2005~2011年期间的涉案野生动物资源情况(不包含保密案件),共统计168起案例,涉及64个物种、累计野生动物资源犯罪案例382次。研究表明:(1)高消费的市场需求,刺激着破坏野生动物资源的犯罪活动;(2)营集群生活、逃跑缓慢的动物更容易受到大量的猎捕;(3)国家Ⅱ级保护野生动物的涉案频率高于其他物种。(4)滇西边境地区涉野生动物资源犯罪正向高利润、集团化、网络化发展,且具有隐蔽性、反侦查的梯队"接力"等规律特点。进而,提出了加强专业技术培训,增强森警战斗力,多警种联合作战,争取境外警方协作等保护对策。  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine livestock–wildlife interactions at the micro level and to quantify how resources are shared in joint land use by comparing the monitoring records collected on the Lolldaiga Hills ranch in Laikipia, Kenya from 1990s onwards. Livestock and wildlife distributions together with existing water points were geo‐referenced; by air and road census total animal biomass densities were estimated. Through 38‐h observation at a water point, livestock–wildlife interaction was recorded. During this period, water decline has been identified as an acute factor for farming and ranching. It was found that distributions of livestock and wildlife were related to water and pasture availability during the severe drought in 2009. Although there is seasonality in densities of both livestock and wildlife populations, results of air census indicated that the stable resident populations of wildlife have resided on the ranch. In this paper, we describe how livestock and wildlife interact at a water point and on pastures on the ranch in terms of biomass density. Such resources shared at different times need to be investigated further as a key factor to improve productivity of livestock–wildlife joint land use.  相似文献   

While there is an assumption that wildlife value orientations can be useful in strategic communication, few studies have empirically explored this topic. This article used the concept of wildlife value orientations to understand how to increase the motivation of people to process information about wildlife in the context of persuasive communication. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to identify mutualism and domination wildlife value orientations. From the wildlife value orientations, crosstabs were used to create a typology with four discreet segments: mutualists, pluralists, traditionalists, and distanced. A series of ANOVAs examined how important different messages about bear safety were to the typology segments. Results indicated that message relevancy differs among wildlife value orientations. Managers can use this information to help frame their communications about wildlife-related issues. Future research should continue to explore the impact of this value-framing approach to other persuasive communication concepts, like attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

王小伦 《野生动物》2007,28(6):41-44,50
征服自然的思想在美国一直占主流,自然资源的开发是美国繁荣的基础。野生动物的猎杀是美国历史中的重要一幕,并产生了深远的影响。19世纪末20世纪初出现的动物保护活动是对滥杀动物所造成的恶果的反省,此后,社会对野生动物的态度有所转变,但动物保护仍面临严峻挑战。本文介绍美国历史中野生动物被猎杀的过程,提出一些值得思考的问题,如美国野生动物保护的局限性、野生动物猎杀与工厂化动物饲养的关系,以及伦理学在动物保护中的重要性。  相似文献   

协调人与野生动物矛盾的法律探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄锡生  关慧 《野生动物》2006,27(1):35-37
野生动物保护意识的增强,生物多样性保护工作的推进,为野生动物的栖息繁衍提供了有利的条件。与此同时,野生动物肇事屡有发生,人与野生动物矛盾日益突出。确立有效协调人与野生动物的矛盾的新机制,在保护国家珍稀野生动物的同时保护群众合法利益,才是野生动物保护事业和可持续发展的长久之计。  相似文献   

由媒体对野生动物狩猎权拍卖批评引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窦宝艳 《野生动物》2007,28(5):44-46
中国首次对野生动物狩猎权进行拍卖引起了社会各界的强烈反响。就媒体的批评,提出一些观点,公众对狩猎权拍卖引发的争论确实体现了民众对野生动物保护意识的增强,这无疑会有利于我国今后野生动物保护事业的顺利发展。但从中也应看到,一些民众片面强调绝对保护的观点存在一定误区。事实上,合理、适度地利用野生动物资源,不仅不会破坏野生动物种群的增长,相反会有利于野生动物保护。  相似文献   

“中国野生动物之乡”命名活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梦梦  尹峰 《野生动物》2012,33(2):105-107
野生动物是自然生态系统的重要组成部分,在促进人与自然和谐发展、维护生态平衡等方面发挥着重要作用。为了加强野生动物资源的保护,调动野生动物栖息地地区公众保护鸟类的积极性,提高公众野生动物保护的意识,促进人口、资源、环境和经济的协调发展,中国野生动物保护协会自2004年起在全国组织开展了“中国野生动物之乡”命名活动,受到了社会各界的广泛欢迎。截止2011年8月,中国野生动物保护协会共在全国23个省(区、市)命名了50个“中国野生动物之乡”。作为野生动物保护宣传的新模式,“中国野生动物之乡”对于加大提高公众的保护意识,树立地方的生态品牌,调动社会各界的保护积极性起到了促进作用。  相似文献   

高农  秦瑜  冯磊  张志忠 《野生动物》2007,28(6):38-40
西北地区(陕、甘、宁、青四省区)野生动植物资源十分丰富,近年来随着改革开放的深入及西部大开发的实施,野生动植物进出口贸易发展迅速;贸易产品由最初以野禽野味、动物皮毛为主向观赏野生动物、中药材、生物提取物、木材、科研样品等商品种类转变,成为该地区重要的创汇来源。为处理好资源保护、履行国际义务和发展经济之间的矛盾,本文拟就野生动植物进出口贸易管理方面提出建议。  相似文献   

杨渝 《野生动物》2007,28(6):48-50
天然林资源有重要的生态效益,也是众多野生动物的生境。天然林保护与野生动物既相互促进又相互制约。不同的天然林保护方案对野生动物的影响不同,而野生动物对天然林保护有生态方面的作用和管理上的指导意义。天然林保护方案的制定要考虑野生动物的生境需求。  相似文献   

野生动物类型自然保护区是野生动物种质基因库。提升此类保护区能力建设,其主要目的是为了更科学、更合理、更有效地保护野生动物资源及其栖息地。从能力建设中存在的一些共性问题进行分析,对能力建设的主要内容进行阐述,建议从提升依法管理和科学研究能力、理顺自然保护区的管理体制和机制、做好本底调查和编制好总体规划、加大对野生动物类型自然保护区内部管理及资源监测和评估力度、努力扩大科普宣传覆盖面,以及强化人才队伍建设等方面着手,依法依规管护好野生动物及其栖息地,从而全方位地提升野生动物类型自然保护区能力建设。  相似文献   

Tourism companies that offer wildlife watching experiences share a unique property—they build their business on a promise they have no guarantee of fulfilling (showing wild animals). The factor of luck becomes important, as evident in the advertisement texts of wildlife watching tours. Understanding commercialization of uncontrollable natural phenomena (wild animals) in a similarly uncertain natural setting (wilderness) is the aim of our article. In this illustrative case study, we examine wildlife watching companies in Sweden, focusing on free ranging bear, moose, wolf, roe-deer, beaver, and seal. Through interviews and participant observations with eight wildlife watching entrepreneurs, we elaborate on the following major themes that help understand specific challenges associated with these businesses: lack of control as an inherent property of wildlife watching tourism, agency and continuous negotiation of uncertainties within the operational setting, importance of guide performances and “secondary” experiences, and using uncertainty as a way of enhancing authenticity.  相似文献   

Wildlife ranching is the fastest growing industry in South Africa, with most ranches having been converted from large-scale livestock farms. This article investigated perceptions and attitudes of rural communities located in wildlife-rich rural areas toward integrated wildlife/livestock land uses, and analyzed socio-demographic factors influencing household interest in these land uses. Data were collected from 130 households selected through stratified random sampling techniques from nine villages adjacent to the Kruger National Park. Results showed a general interest in pursuing wildlife land uses, but differences in attitudes toward wildlife between households with cattle and without. Multinomial regression results indicated that age, education level, monthly income, and cattle ownership significantly impacted the odds of a household being interested in participation or not. Addressing concerns about human–wildlife conflict and clarifying potential benefits to households and the community is necessary for increased interest in integrated land uses.  相似文献   

There are both positive and negative impacts on wildlife associated with wildlife tourism. In Sweden, the endangered Arctic fox is subject to a growing tourist interest. In the Helags mountain region there are guided Arctic fox safari tours that provide visitors with information about the Arctic fox. A survey of five separate groups of visitors in the region revealed that knowledge about the status of Arctic foxes and awareness of the behavioral guidelines for Arctic fox encounters improved after participation in a safari tour and with increasing Arctic fox interaction. We propose a schematic model summarizing the diverse ways in which wildlife tourism affects wildlife and their relative importance for conservation. The Arctic fox population in Sweden is small and sensitive to disturbance, but the positive impacts of Arctic fox tourism seem to compensate for the negative and contribute to their conservation under the current level of tourism pressure.  相似文献   

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