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应用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)法和荧光素双标记法研究了家兔心俞穴和心脏的外周神经联系,结果显示,心俞穴与心脏的初级传入神经元及交感节后神经元分布节段部分重叠,特别是在胸5(T5)脊神经节有少量的荧光素双标记细胞,约占该节荧光素标记细胞总数的4%,表明T5脊神经节有一些初级传入神经元,其周围突分叉分布于心俞穴和心脏,提示心俞穴和心脏可通过这类神经元直接相联系,为穴位-内脏相关的机理提供了形态学证据。  相似文献   

艇HRP法对兔减压神经进行了研究,标记的传入神经元绝大多数位于迷走神经结状节尾侧半部偏一侧,少数见于颈静脉神经节,其中枢突标记终末见于延髓闩以上的孤束核内侧部,腹侧部以及迷背核内。在颈前节也出现标记细胞,表明减压神经中也含有起源于 前节的交感节后纤维成分。主动脉压力感受器有经减压神经来的感觉神经交感节后神经纤维支配。提示减压神经是含有一般内脏传入和一般内脏传出纤维的混合神经,为研究心血管生理提供了  相似文献   

用辣根过氧化物酶标记法对鸡盲肠传入神经元分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
用辣根过氧化物酶逆行法研究鸡盲肠感觉神经元的定位。结果表明,被标记的支配盲肠的初级传入神经元位于T2-LS1和LS8-LS12脊神经节,峰值位于T5,T6,LS9和LS10脊神经节;在颈静脉神经节,结状神经节和脊髓内未见到标记细胞。  相似文献   

家兔脾俞穴和肝俞穴的神经支配   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)法研究了家兔脾俞穴和肝俞穴的神经支配。结果表明,脾俞穴的标记细胞出现于T6-L1背根节、椎旁节和脊髓腹角,高峰节段为T8-T11;肝俞穴的标记细胞出现于T5-T12背根节、椎旁节和脊髓腹角,高峰节段为T7-T10;而相应非穴区的标记细胞仅分别出现于T7-T10和T8-T11节段,且数目明显少于穴区侧。表明穴区是神经末梢相对集中的部位,受初级传入、交感节后和躯体运动三种纤维成分的支配,且支配范围广泛,具有"既分散又集中"的分布模式。  相似文献   

母鸡输卵管子宫部副交感节后神经元支配的逆行追踪研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
将CB-HRP溶液注入鸡输卵管子宫部浆膜下,取泄殖腔神经节和双侧阻部内神经以及肠神经直肠段,制成50μm厚度的边疆冰冻切片,TMB反应,明视野观察。结果发现:鸡输卵管子宫部受泄殖腔神经节和双侧阻部内神经节的副交感节后神经元支配;双侧阴部内神经节的标记细胞无显著差异;说明尽管母鸡输卵管子宫部是单侧发育器官,但其受双侧阴部内神经的融交感节后神经元的支配。鸡输卵管子宫部还受肠神经的节后神经元的支配。另外本实验对汇殖腔神经节、阴部内神经及肠神经直肠段进行了大体解剖观察。  相似文献   

将CB-HRP注入鸡一侧胸腺内,通过逆行和跨神经节追踪鸡胸腺副交感传入神经元的定位及其初级传入纤维在中枢的投射,其结果如下:①在双侧迷走神经结状节内出现标记细胞,标记细胞以大型细胞为主,呈长椭圆形和梭形的双极神经元,亦发现少量假单极神经元,还发现两个多极神经元。②双侧颈静脉神经节和岩神经节内出现标记细胞,标记细胞以小型细胞为主,突起不明显。③在闩前、闩后双侧孤束核内发现传入纤维的标记终末,在闩后0  相似文献   

鸡盲肠传出神经元分布的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
将100~150mL/L HRP水溶液注入成年母鸡左侧盲肠的浆膜下,研究鸡盲肠传出神经元的分布。结果表明:支配盲肠的交感节后神经元位于T3-LS1交感干神经节(占64.7%),峰值位于T5-T6交感干神经节,少数位于肾上腺神经节(占17.8%)和内脏神经节(占17.5%);在肠神经内有大量标记细胞;在延脑迷走神经核中未出现标记的神经元;在盆神经内未看到被标记的支配盲肠的副交感节后神经元。  相似文献   

选用成年马5匹,用HRP法研究了马盲肠交感神经节后神经元的分布。结果:被标记的交感神经节后神经元胞体主要集中于腹腔肠系膜神经节内,同时马的后肠系膜神经节和T_(6~16)、L_(1~6)交感于上的椎旁神经节也都含有标记细胞,这与传统的观点不同,说明支配马盲肠交感神经的来源相当广泛。标记细胞的形态多种多样,以中、小型细胞为主。  相似文献   

采用霍乱毒素辣根过氧化物酶(CBHRP)标记法,逆行追踪鸡输卵管蛋白分泌部初级感觉神经元位置。结果显示,两侧颈静脉神经节、结状神经节以及颈12至腰荐12脊神经节出现标记细胞,左侧的标记细胞明显多于右侧。在脊神经节的分布区域内,有两个相对集中区,分别位于胸5至腰荐2和腰荐8至腰荐10。颈静脉节和结状节的标记细胞数量比脊神经节的少。表明,鸡输卵管虽属单侧发育器官,但其蛋白分泌部接受双侧感觉神经的分布,只是以同侧(左侧)神经支配为主;感觉神经既经脊神经途径传入,也由迷走途径传入,但以前者为主,文中还对交感与副交感传入途径的优势现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

将CB-HRP溶液注入环颈雉泄殖腔的一侧壁内,逆行追踪其初级传入神经元及跨节追踪其中枢突在脊髓内的投射。试验结果表明:①标记细胞出现于双侧T4-S9脊神经节内和双侧迷走神经结状节内,以注射侧为主。②注射侧标记的初级传入纤维比对侧的粗。  相似文献   

The neurons associated with the left first sacral sympathetic trunk ganglion (STG S1), an autonomic ganglion particularly concerned in the innervation of the smooth and striated musculature associated with pelvic organs, were identified in the pig, using the non-trans-synaptic fluorescent retrograde neuronal tracer Fast Blue. The labelled neurons were located mostly ipsilaterally, in the intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord segments T10-L5, in the sympathetic trunk ganglia L3-Co1, in the caudal mesenteric ganglia, in the pelvic ganglia, and in the spinal ganglia T13-S4. Our results could indicate the existence of visceral neuronal circuits concerning the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk and the caudal mesenteric, pelvic and spinal ganglia with or without the intervention of the central nervous system, whose identification and preservation during surgical treatments could be helpful in reducing the risk of subsequent urinary and sexual disfunctions.  相似文献   

交感神经是植物性神经系统的重要组成部分。人们采用不同的研究方法,如染质溶解法、HRP法,对交感神经低级中枢位置即交感节前神经元定位和交感神经的外周神经元即交感节后神经元定位进行了广泛和深入的研究。结果表明,交感节前神经元位于胸腰段脊髓中间带区的不同核团内,支配不同器管的交感节前神经元在脊髓内有一定的分布节段;交感节后神经元位于外周植物性神经节内,如交感干神经节、腹腔神经节、肠系膜前神经节、主动脉肾神经节,支配不同器官的交感节后神经元在不同交感干神经节内有一定的分布节段。  相似文献   

用霍乱毒素结合辣根过氧化物酶(CT—HRP)逆行追踪法对鸡胰腺的交感传入神经元的定位进行了研究。结果表明:支配鸡胰腺的交感传入神经元胞体分别位于T3-T7脊神经节,峰值位于T5、T6脊神经节。  相似文献   

Sympathetic, parasympathetic and sensory neurons were labeled by injections of horseradish peroxidase into various regions of the heart in 33 Beijing ducks. Sympathetic postganglionic neurons innervating the heart were located in the paravertebral ganglia C15 (C16 is the last cervical segment in the duck) to T3, especially in the ganglion T1. The coronary sulcus and ventricle were more abundantly innervated by sympathetic neurons than the atrium. The left side of the heart was preferentially innervated by sympathetic postganglionic neurons in the left side of paravertebral ganglia but the right side of the heart were equally supplied from the right and left ganglia. Within the medulla oblongata, the number of labeled vagal preganglionic neurons in the nucleus ambiguus was much greater than that in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. Labeled neurons of the nucleus ambiguus were found in many ducks injected into the coronary sulcus. Cardiac sensory neurons were observed in the dorsal root ganglia C15 to T2 (highest in the ganglion T1) and in the nodose and jugular ganglia of the vagus nerve. These labeled neurons probably form the afferent and efferent limbs of cardiac reflexes and control circulation in the Beijing duck.  相似文献   

应用CB-HRP溶液注入母鸡输卵管子宫部浆膜下,四甲基联苯胺(TMB)组织化学呈色,以探察母鸡输卵管子宫部初级感觉神经元的定位。结果表明:母鸡输卵管子宫部的初级感觉神经元位于双侧T1-LS13脊神经节、颈静脉神经节和结状神经节。标记细胞数分布不均,在体左侧多于体右侧,在脊神经节多于颈静脉神经节和结状神经节。在脊神经节内标记细胞有T5-LS1和LS8-LS11前后两个相对集中区,峰值分别在T7和LS11。说明尽管母鸡输卵管子宫部是单侧发育成熟脏器,但其感觉沿双侧脊神经和迷走神经传人中枢,以体左侧传入为主;且感觉经脊神经传入较迷走神经传入中枢优势明显。  相似文献   

将WGA-HRP注入75~90日龄鸡肾上腺内,追踪支配鸡肾上腺传出神经元的胞体。结果显示,鸡肾上腺接受交感性节前和节后神经元的支配,以节后神经元支配占主导;迷走神经的传出神经元也支配鸡肾上腺,但处于次要地位  相似文献   

The study aimed at establishing the distribution of primary sensory neurons by means of retrograde tracers Diamidino Yellow (DY) and Fast Blue (FB) injected into both the sheep duodenum and ileum, respectively. Many DY-labelled cells were found in both the distal vagal ganglia (DVG) and the spinal ganglia (SG) from T9–L3; on the contrary, the majority of the FB-labelled cells were found in the SG. In the SG, a double immunofluorescence stain was used to reveal Nitric Oxide Synthase-Immunoreactivity (NOS-IR) in association with: substance P (SP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), neurofilament 200 kDa (NF) and isolectin B4 (IB4). The labelled neurons, both DY and FB generally ranged in size from medium to large. The majority of the SG duodenal projections were NOS negative; the majority of the SG ileal afferent neurons expressed NOS-IR. Both DY and FB NOS-IR neurons often co-localized IB4, CGRP and SP, but rarely NF.  相似文献   

兔颈动脉窦和颈动脉体的神经支配   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用HRP法对兔颈动脉窦和颈动脉体的神经支配进行了分析,表明,支配颈动脉窦和颈动脉体的标记细胞均出现于舌咽神经远节和颈上节。颈动脉体感觉传入中枢突终未见于延髓闩部邻近极后区的腹外侧,颈上节的标记细胞分布于尾侧半部。提示颈动脉窦和颈动脉体对心血在管活动的调节存在着经舌咽神经将感觉传入中枢的通路和经颈上节进行交感神经活动支配的传出通路。为研究心和管生理提供了形态学资料。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the location, morphology, and neurochemical code of spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion neurons that innervate the gastrocnemius muscle (GM) and superficial digital flexor muscle (FDSM) in cattle. ANIMALS: 5 healthy Friesian male calves. Procedure: 2 different types of neuronalretrograde fluorescent tracers (fast blue and diamidino yellow) were injected into the GM and FDSM, respectively. The neurochemical code (substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide, galanin, and neuronal nuclear protein) of labeled neurons was investigated by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Neurons innervating the GM and FDSM were located along the L6-S2 spinal cord segments and ganglionic levels. A cranial-to-caudal topographic distribution for each muscle was found, indicating that the motor nuclei of the 2 muscles are organized by a somatotopic pattern. The GM and FDSM motoneurons were immunoreactive only for calcitonin gene-related peptide, whereas the afferent neurons were immunoreactive for all of the neurochemical markers considered. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In our study, location and the extent of neurons that supply the GM and FDSM of cattle were characterized completely. Because the GM and FDSM are involved in spastic paresis of calves and it is thought that spastic paresis results from an excessive activity of the neuromuscular spindle reflex arc, findings in our study may be useful for further electrophysiologic and clinical studies. Knowledge of the neurochemical code of neurons that supply the GM and FDSM in healthy calves could be used to compare chemical alterations in the same neuronal population of affected calves.  相似文献   

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