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In face of rising flood losses globally, the approach of “living with floods,” rather than relying on structural measures for flood control and prevention, is acquiring greater resonance in diverse socioeconomic contexts. In the Lerma Valley in the state of Mexico, rapid industrialization, population growth, and the declining value of agricultural products are driving livelihood and land use change, exposing increasing numbers of people to flooding. However, data collected in two case studies of farm communities affected by flooding in 2003 illustrate that the concept of flood as agricultural “hazard” has been relatively recently constructed through public intervention in river management and disaster compensation. While farming still represents subsistence value to rural households, increasingly rural communities are relying on non-farm income and alternative livelihood strategies. In this context, defining flooding in rural areas as a private hazard for which individuals are entitled to public protection may be counterproductive. A different approach, in which farmers’ long acceptance of periodic flooding is combined with valuing agricultural land for ecoservices, may enable a more sustainable future for the region’s population.
Hallie EakinEmail:

Hallie Eakin   received her doctorate in Geography and Regional Development from the University of Arizona in 2002. She is currently an assistant professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. As a postdoctoral researcher at the Center of Atmospheric Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City, she continued to work on issues related to economic globalization, agricultural change, and rural vulnerability to climate in the context of several comparative international projects involving case studies in Mexico, Argentina, Guatemala, and Honduras. Her articles on this research have been published in World Development, the Journal of Environment and Development, Climatic Change, Global Environmental Change and Physical Geography. Her book Weathering Risk in Rural Mexico, based on her research on agricultural adaptation to neoliberal reforms and climatic variability in central Mexico, was released by the University of Arizona Press in 2006. Kirsten Appendini   has a doctorate in Agricultural Economics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She currently is a researcher and professor on the faculty of the Center for Economic Studies (Centro de Estudios Económicos) at the Colegio de México in Mexico City. She has published widely on issues of agrarian change, rural poverty, food security, and food policy in Mexico. Her book on Mexican maize policy, De la milpa a los tortibonos: La restructración de la política alimentaria en México (Colmex 2001) is now on its second edition. She has also served as a consultant to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and several bilateral development agencies.  相似文献   

粮食生产过程中的不协调性分析——以河南省为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析粮食生产过程中的不协调性,对促进主产区粮食生产和保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。利用粮食生产统计数据,对粮食生产的时序动态和空间变化进行的分析表明,粮食产量的大幅度增长主要依赖于粮食单产的提高,土地高产出(粮食单产)与资源低效率并存;粮食生产成本的增加与粮食价格不能同步提高,出现粮食主产区财政收入和农民纯收入的"双低"现象,成为影响粮食安全的障碍因素。粮食产量的波动与粮食政策关系密切,确保国家粮食安全,粮食政策具有发挥作用的空间。粮食主产区对保障国家粮食安全具有重要作用,制定有利于粮食主产区发展的财政、金融、价格等政策,探索一条粮食产量与农民收入同步提高、主产区与主销区利益协调和不以牺牲粮食主产区生态和环境为代价的粮食生产持续稳定和谐发展之路。  相似文献   

加强质量控制保证食品安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品的质量安全问题是关系到国计民生的大问题。本文通过论述食品源头性污染、生产加工环节污染和食品流通环节造成的污染等影响食品质量安全的重要因素,提出应从加快食品质量标准体系建设、加强食品质量监管力度和加强舆论信息工作等措施入手加强食品质量控制,保证食品质量安全。  相似文献   

Following the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexican farmers altered their livelihood strategies to respond to changing market incentives. While many commercial farmers responded to falling maize prices brought on by NAFTA by shifting into the production of vegetables for export, the coping strategies of low-income farmers have been varied, from diversifying income sources through off-farm employment, to migration, to searching for niche markets for new or added-value products. In the Totonocan region of the state of Veracruz, Mexico, many farmers who can no longer earn sufficient income from the sale of maize grain are turning to a byproduct of maize to generate income. The commercialization of totomoxtle, or maize husks, for domestic and international markets has not only enabled farmers to continue to profit from maize production, but it has also encouraged farmers to utilize and conserve criollo maize varieties that serve as important reservoirs of genetic diversity. Moreover, the growing importance of totomoxtle in livelihood strategies has caused some farmers to alter their maize management, selecting for better quality husks rather than for grain production. The purpose of this paper is to understand both the broad impact of NAFTA on the local agricultural economy and its more specific effects on the management of maize in the Zona Totonaca. Participation in international trade can lead to unexpected outcomes, in some cases creating new values for goods with a long history of local consumption. Commercialization of maize husks is likely to be only a temporary solution for the relief of rural poverty. Given the volatility of international markets, the long-term welfare of farmers may depend on the development of more diversified production strategies. Amanda King Amanda King holds an MSc from the University of California-Berkeley in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management. She was a Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellow based at the International Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT) in El Batán, Mexico in 2003 and at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington DC in 2004. She is currently conducting research in East Kalimantan, Indonesia on oil palm plantations and changes in local livelihoods.  相似文献   

郭志清 《安徽农业科学》2013,(26):10814-10816
作为食品原料的供应基地,食品消费的大市场,农村的食品质量关系着千家万户的身体健康和生命安全.农村食品安全问题的频发是一个经济、道德、社会、立法和监管各种因素综合作用的结果.农村食品安全“质量大堤”的构建依赖于德法并济的约束、食品安全知识的宣传和有效监管制度的实施.  相似文献   

Smallholder producers are the collective most likely to be affected by the introduction of GMOs globally, yet the least included in public debates and consultation about the development, implementation or regulation of this agricultural biotechnology. Why are the voices and arguments of smallholder farmers being excluded from national and international GM debates and regulation? In this article, we identify barriers which prevent smallholder farmers in Mexico from having a voice in public political, economic, scientific and social fori regarding the GM maize controversy. Through the analysis of empirical data from a case study in Mexico, we identify political, institutional, economic and ontological reasons that lie behind that exclusion. We conclude with an appraisal of smallholder farmers’ perspectives on GM maize and their visions of Mexico’s rural future, within which they demand a meaningful and rightful space.  相似文献   

As demand for locally grown food increases there have been calls to ‘scale-up’ local food production to regionally distribute food and to sell into more mainstream grocery and retail venues where consumers are already shopping. Growing research and practice focusing on how to improve, expand and conceptualize regional distribution systems includes strategies such as value chain development using the Agriculture of the Middle (AOTM) framework. When the Ohio Food Policy Advisory Council asked how they could scale-up the distribution of Ohio fresh fruits and vegetables to Ohioans, we decided to use this practical opportunity to not only provide recommendations to this council, but to simultaneously contribute to the literature on AOTM, value-based and spatially–proximate relationships, and conceptualizations of food system hybridity. We do this while examining an entire sub-sector of the Ohio agricultural economy, namely fruit and vegetables and applying the AOTM framework beyond the farm, namely to distributors and retailers. Through interviews with Ohio retailers and a survey of all fresh fruit and vegetable distributors Ohio we: (1) Describe current distribution systems within the state; (2) Identify firms interested in scaling-up distribution, and; (3) Inform state-level policy efforts by identifying opportunities to better target any state-level policy and program efforts. We demonstrate support for the concept of AOTM applied beyond the farm, for value chain development strategies that can transmit ‘quality’ via spatially proximate supply chains, and support for considering hybrid solutions, such as piggybacking for scaling-up local food systems. This work highlights the role a statewide food policy council can have in facilitating market development and their unique position to provide public sector and institutional support to facilitate meaningful connections in the food system.  相似文献   

粮食安全问题关系着人民的生存和社会的安宁,对于人多地少粮缺的温州市尤其如此,只要树立科学发展观,统筹谋划粮食供求关系,提高粮食安全的宏观调控能力;统筹配置生产力各要素,提高粮食综合生产能力;统筹考虑各项扶持政策,切实保护粮食生产者利益;统筹考虑粮食流通和储备政策,提高体制的保障能力;统筹内外两个市场,发挥市场机制作用。一定能确保粮食安全。  相似文献   

采用静态多区域农业一般均衡模型,把A2气候变化情景和B2气候变化情景导致粮食产量变化作为政策模拟条件,本文研究了气候变化对我国粮食生产、消费及其经济增长的影响。模拟结果显示,无论是A2还是B2气候变化情景,我国玉米、小麦和水稻总体产出增加态势较为明显,中间投入需求和家庭消费需求明显增加,同时模拟结果还显示我国各地区玉米、小麦和水稻的出口将会随着产出的增长而大幅增加、进口随着产出的增加而大幅下降。在经济增长方面,绝大多数地区宏观经济呈增长态势,表现在实际GDP、实际投资、总进出口额的增加。基于研究结果本研究得出如下结论:气候变化会导致我国粮食总产量增加,我国经济增长得以保障。气候变化所引起的粮食产量变化地区间有所差异,总的来说粮食主产区增长幅度要高于非主产区增长幅度,其中东北三省粮食增幅最为明显;不同作物产量因时(时间)因景(气候变化情景)有较大差异;虽然气候变化导致我国各地区粮食产量总体呈增加态势,但未来不确定因素较多,我国粮食安全问题仍不可掉以轻心。  相似文献   

This paper explores the interrelationship between maize farming, the discourse of modernity, and the performance of a modern farmer in southern Zambia. The post-colonial Zambian government discursively constructed maize as a vehicle for expanding economic modernization into rural Zambia and undoing the colonial government’s urban modernization bias. The pressures of neo-liberal reform have changed this discursive construction in ways that constitute maize as an obstacle to sustained food security in southern Zambia. Despite this discursive change, maize continues to occupy a central position in the farming systems of the region. I argue that the continued prevalence of maize in southern Zambia can be understood as a performance that allows farmers to maintain their identities as modern rural subjects. The paper concludes with the policy implications of the field of performance on two contemporary debates in Zambian food security: the use of GMO crops and the promotion of cassava as a drought tolerant alternative to maize. Nicholas Sitko is a doctoral student in the geography department at the University of Colorado. His research interests include multi-disciplinary approaches to food studies, critical development, and Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper presents initial findings from field work conducted in Zambia in 2006. His dissertation research will further develop the relationship between neo-liberalism, food security, and agricultural production by employing analytical concepts derived from political-economic and cultural studies.  相似文献   

Whether promoting cash crop production can increase household welfare has long been the focus of the food policy debate. This study first investigated the determinants of household behavior in commercial pulse farming. It then examined how households’ commercial pulse production improves their economic welfare. We used a dataset of 848 households collected from 2018 to 2019 to estimate the determinants of household behavior in commercial pulse farming by the Heckman two-step model. The endogenous treatment regression (ETR) method was employed to examine the impact of commercial pulse farming on household economic welfare. The results showed that factors such as market purchase prices, agricultural technology services, farmers’ access to loans, and government subsidies promoted smallholders’ commercial pulse farming; production costs and perceptions of climate change risks constrained smallholders’ commercial pulse production. Overall, commercial pulse production has increased household farm income but there was a limited impact on household off-farm income. Our findings suggest that policies aiming to increase households’ cash crop production and market access could significantly improve the economic welfare of pulse farmers.  相似文献   

保障粮食安全始终是农业发展的首要任务.湖北省粮食生产在国家粮食安全体系中占有重要的位置,其发展有潜力也有隐患,无论从国家整体的角度还是从湖北自身发展需求的角度来考察,湖北省都需要积极发展粮食生产,有效的增产粮食.在当前仍然依靠千家万户小规模分散经营粮食生产,难以实现粮食增产和农民增收的双赢,进而影响国家粮食安全.提出推进粮食生产大户经营,促进湖北粮食生产发展的思路,并对粮食大户经营的效益和优势及存在的问题进行了分析,提出了促进粮食生产大户经营发展的系列对策建议.  相似文献   

Structural changes in the agriculture and food system have resulted in larger but fewer farms, while increasing populations in urban areas have pushed development into rural areas. Despite these changes, little research has examined the concern of individuals with regards to loss of farmland and how this may vary based on geography. Building on Bell’s argument that the rural–urban continuum still exists and remains an important part of rural residents’ identity, in this article we examine residents’ concern over loss of farmland as a result of urban growth. We pay particularly close attention to urban–rural differences over concern with loss of farmland. Utilizing survey data collected from over 400 households in the Treasure Valley, a region of the western United States, our results indicate that rural residents show greater levels of concern with farmland loss when compared to their urban counterparts.  相似文献   

农户玉米品种技术需求及信息获取渠道分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国玉米自给压力不断增加,但单产增长却比较缓慢。深入研究农户对玉米新品种技术的需求偏好和农户获取新品种技术信息的渠道,对引导农户科学选种、改善品种技术推广模式、促进新品种培育,提升我国玉米生产水平具有重要意义。为了系统认识我国农户对玉米这一杂交种的品种技术需求和购买行为及存在问题,基于对黑龙江、吉林、河南和山东四省640农户的实地调查数据,系统分析了我国农户对玉米品种技术的需求、农户获取技术信息的来源渠道以及农户在购买玉米种子时面临的主要问题,为今后玉米新品种培育及技术推广等提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

消费是推动国家经济发展的三驾马车之一,而食品消费则是消费问题中最基本同时也是最重要的问题。基于实地调研,分析城镇和农村地区家庭食品需求和外出就餐情况,采用QUAIDS模型,探讨家庭食品需求的异质性。结果表明,东南地区家庭食品支出金额最高,为2 469.62元/月,江南地区次之,西北地区最低,为1 588.95元/月;其外出就餐支出与在家就餐支出之比分别为0.35、0.42和0.78。人均外出就餐已经占到全部就餐次数的1/5-1/4,并且每增加1次中式快餐消费,肉食类食品支出份额将增加0.19%,蔬果类食品支出份额将减少0.14%。各个地区横向比较结果表明,随着地理位置的南移,肉食类食品支出份额逐渐增加,蔬果类支出份额则减少:东南地区肉食类支出份额最高,为0.58,蔬果类支出份额最低,仅0.21;西北地区的肉食类支出份额最低,为0.36,蔬果类支出份额最高,为0.37。支出和价格变动对于各类食品需求的影响也存在和地理位置一致的趋势性,因此在决定生产和制定政策时应该考虑到地区差异性。  相似文献   

农户是农村经济的微观基础,其生产和消费活动会对生态系统和自然资源产生重要的影响。以西辽河流域为案例区,基于参与式结构访谈工具等方法,对农牧户进行了系统调查,分析西辽河流域不同生计方式农牧户的基本特征,在此基础上,运用生态足迹方法,计算不同农牧户类型的生产与消费特征,探讨农牧户生产与消费足迹的影响因素。结果表明,1)西辽河流域不同类型农牧户在家庭规模、劳动力配置、年龄结构、教育水平、收入结构和土地利用特征等方面存在差别。2)西辽河流域不同类型农牧户生产和消费足迹存在显著差异性。就生产特征而言,农业户以人均谷物和蔬菜生产最多,牧业户以人均肉类和奶类产量最多,半农半牧户以人均薯类生产最多。从消费状况来看,农业户以人均谷物消费量最多,半农半牧户以人均蔬菜消费量最多,牧业户以人均肉类和奶制品消费量最多。3)西辽河流域农牧户人均生产足迹为4.301 7 hm2,人均消费足迹为0.613 5 hm2,生产足迹远高于消费足迹。其中牧业户的生产足迹和消费足迹远远高于农业户和半农半牧户。4)农牧户生产足迹和消费足迹与人口特征、经济特征和资源禀赋特征显著相关,并具有差异性。研究表明,草地生态足迹在西辽河流域牧业户生态足迹中起决定作用。  相似文献   

黑龙江省是全国重要的商品粮生产基地,黑龙江省粮食生产直接关系国家粮食储备及战略安全。农机购置补贴政策可以推进黑龙江省农业机械化、现代化,进而有效地增加粮食生产、农民收入。为研究黑龙江农机购置补贴政策的实施效果,基于面板数据,借助Eviews 7.0计量软件,对农机购置补贴政策拉动黑龙江省农业经济发展的影响程度进行了定量分析。结果表明:农机购置补贴政策对黑龙江省农户购机投入、粮食产量、农民收入均具有积极的正向影响,从而带动了全省农机总动力的提升、促进了农村劳动力的有效转移、刺激了农业生产消费。  相似文献   

食品安全是关系人民健康与国计民生的重大问题,已经越来越多的被人们所关注.总结了影响食品质量安全的主要因素,提出了提高食品安全的措施.  相似文献   

改革开放 2 0多年来,京郊农村发生了翻天覆地的变化,农村居民的收入水平大幅度提高。与此同时,农村居民用于食品方面的支出占其纯收入的比重显著下降,食品需求结构也发生明显改变,表现在:粮食的消费支出在食品消费支出中所占比重下降,肉、蛋、奶及各种加工食品的消费支出增加。需求结构的变化对食品的生产和供应提出新的要求,从而带动农业结构的调整  相似文献   

"民以食为天",粮食安全是国家经济安全和社会稳定的基础,保障粮食安全已经成为中国重要的国家发展战略。通过对当前中国粮食生产现状与特征进行深入分析,剖析了中国粮食增产背后农业科技的重要支撑作用,明确了未来发展阶段保障中国粮食安全的总体目标,并从大力提升粮食科技创新能力、加快农业经营体制机制创新和不断完善粮食政策等方面提出了保障中国粮食安全的对策建议。  相似文献   

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