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二斑叶螨在山西的发生与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈红果 《植物保护》1999,25(6):29-30
二斑叶螨近年在山西严重危害苹果、梨、花卉等多种作物。该螨以雌成螨在树皮裂缝、杂草根际、枯枝落叶下吐丝结网越冬,6 月中旬~7 月中旬为猖獗危害期,世代重叠。花前花后是药剂防治该虫最佳时期,应采用综合防治措施,尽量减少药剂防治次数。  相似文献   

杨始叶螨以受精雌成螨在柳树的树干裂缝内、翘皮下、虫孔内越冬。翌年3月底日均温达7℃以上,柳树展叶盛期开始出蜇,4月上旬为出蜇盛期(占出蜇总量的86.9%)。全年发生盛期在5月中旬至7月上旬。该螨成螨喜在卷叶、叠叶、瘤瘿叶内群集、吐丝拉网。根据该螨的发育起点温度和有效积温,利用泰安市气象局温度资料,计算出该螨在泰安地区1a可发生11代,最少10代,最多12代  相似文献   

苹果园混合覆盖植物对害螨和东亚小花蝽的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苹果园种植紫花苜蓿,为捕食性天敌提供了适宜的生存环境和补充猎物,使苹果园天敌数量增加,叶螨种群下降。夏至草是苹果园杂草的优势种,该杂草可提供天敌生存所需的花粉、花蜜和猎物,使东亚小花蝽发生时间提早,发育速度加快。在6月中旬前,东亚小花蝽可在夏至草上完成2代,在紫花苜蓿上完成1代。夏至草与紫花苜蓿的比例变化影响苹果园节肢动物物种数量,当混合植被中夏至草的覆盖度大于25%时,对覆盖植物和苹果树冠捕食性天敌种群数量最为有利。夏至草与紫花苜蓿混合(1∶4),比单一紫花苜蓿上天敌的数量增加2~3倍,苹果树冠天敌数量增加70%,苹果叶螨种群数量降低30%  相似文献   

苹果园混合覆盖植物对害螨和东亚小花蝽的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
苹果园种植紫花苜蓿,为捕食性天敌提供了适宜的生存环境和补充猎物,使苹果园天敌数量增加,叶螨种群下降。夏至草是苹果园杂草的优势种,该杂草可提供天敌生存所需的花粉,花蜜和猎物,使东亚小花蝽发生时间提早,发育速度加快。在6月中旬关,东亚小花蝽可在夏至草上完成2,在紫花苜蓿丰完成1代。夏至草与紫花苜蓿的比例变化影响苹果无节肢支物种数,当混合植被中夏至草的覆盖度大于25%时,对覆盖植物和苹果树冠捕食性天敌种  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾在安阳县棉田暴发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甜菜夜蛾在安阳县棉田暴发甜菜夜蛾一般以为害十字花科蔬菜为主。1995年在我县棉田暴发,为历史罕见。其为害棉花,主要以取食叶片、苞叶为主,也可蛀蕾铃,将叶片食成孔洞,严重地块上部叶片食叶面积可达20%。在棉田可发生2代,7月下旬至8月中旬为第一代,8月...  相似文献   

苹果全爪螨是重要的蔷薇科果树害虫之一, 具有体型小、繁殖快、世代周期短等生物学特点。该螨以若螨和成螨取食苹果叶片和嫩芽, 影响果树生长发育, 造成果实品质和产量下降, 自20世纪60年代开始其在我国果园的发生逐年加重。国内外对苹果全爪螨的防治主要采用化学杀螨剂, 由于化学杀螨剂长期不规范的使用, 致使该螨对多种类型的化学杀螨剂产生了抗药性。本文总结了苹果全爪螨的发生、为害、抗药性现状及其抗性机理, 同时结合国内外苹果全爪螨抗药性和防治相关研究, 提出该螨抗药性治理策略, 以期为其防治提供参考。  相似文献   

番茄病毒病是番茄上发生最普遍、为害最严重的病害之一,也是最难防治的病害。发病田块一般减产20%~30%,重者可减产50%以上。番茄病毒病还可使番茄品质下降,风味降低,严重影响经济效益,是番茄生产中的重大障碍。1田间主要症状1)花叶症状。叶片上出现黄绿相间或深浅相间的斑驳,明脉叶片略有皱缩,病株较健株略矮。露地番茄在5月中旬至6月中旬发生,春季温室里番茄发病以烟草花叶病毒(TMV)为主。2)条斑症状。在高温强光照条件下TMV与马铃薯X病毒混合侵染而产生。茎、果的病斑只发生在表皮组织上。3)蕨叶症状。由…  相似文献   

姜宏 《植物医生》2001,14(1):25
栗瘿蜂(DryocosmuskuriphilusY.) ,属膜翅目 ,瘿蜂科。主要危害板栗、栎。该虫是近年来随着我国大量引进板栗苗种植 ,逐步加重危害的 ,之前未见该虫在六枝特区危害的报道。2000年6月中旬调查 ,新建板栗园的龙场乡、平寨镇栗瘿蜂危害较重 ,已成为影响当地板栗生产的主要害虫之一。一、危害特点以幼虫危害板栗新芽 ,被害芽逐渐形成瘤状虫瘿 ,板栗不能抽新梢 ,叶片细小、发黄 ,甚至不能长出叶片 ,导致树势变弱 ,不能开花结实 ,严重的可引起枯死。二、发生规律该虫1年只发生1代 ,以幼虫在被害芽组织内越冬。春季…  相似文献   

绿翅蔗蝗的发生及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿翅蔗蝗在浙江省苍南县1a发生1代,以卵块在土下越冬。翌年5月中旬末至6月中旬为越冬卵孵化期,刚孵化的蝗蝻群集危害,3龄后则分散危害。主要危害毛竹、甘蔗、玉米、水稻等农作物。7~8月是危害高峰,成、若虫均取食叶片,轻者叶片残缺不全,重者叶片仅留中脉。利用冬季开荒造地,消灭草荒,破坏其产卵场所;于蝗蝻1、2龄期,采用50%倍硫磷、20%三唑磷等农药喷杀,将蝗蝻消灭在扩散之前,能有效控制蝗害  相似文献   

绿翅蔗蝗的发生及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿翅蔗蝗在浙江省苍南县1a发生1代,以卵块在土下越冬。翌年5月中旬末至6月中旬为越冬卵孵化期,刚孵化的蝗蝻群集危害,3龄后则分散危害。主要危害毛竹、甘蔗、玉米、水稻等农作物。7~8月是危害高峰,成、若虫均取食叶片,轻者叶片残缺不全,重者叶片仅留中脉。利用冬季开荒造地,消灭草荒,破坏其产卵场所;于蝗蝻1、2龄期,采用50%倍硫磷、20%三唑磷等农药喷杀,将蝗蝻消灭在扩散之前,能有效控制蝗害  相似文献   


The efficacy of pest control of three different oil formulations in multiple low-concentration spray programmes on sweet orange and pummelo were compared with unsprayed and normal farmer-treatments over three years. Phytotoxicity of sprays was assessed in terms of fruit and leafdrop, fruityield and external fruitquality. Trees sprayed with any type of oil had lower pest numbers than unsprayed trees. On sweet orange, the heaviest oil was better than the normal farm practice at controlling chaff scale on fruit and red mite and whitefly on leaves. On pummelo it provided the best control of red mite on leaves. All three oils were as effective as the normal farm practice in control of rust mite on sweet orange fruit and leaves and red mite, rust mite and red scale on pummelo fruit. On sweet orange trees there was no evidence of phytotoxicity, and the external quality of fruit generally improved over time. On pummelo trees, oil sprays were unable to improve the external fruitquality. The number of pummelo per tree was reduced in three of the oil spray schedules in 1995 and one in 1996, but the total weight of fruit harvested per tree was unaffected.  相似文献   

柑桔锈螨对柑桔的为害及防治指标的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就柑桔锈螨〔Phyllocoplruta oleivora(Ashm。)〕对柑桔的为害及经济损失进行研究。方差分析结果表明,不同受害面积和不同锈斑颜色的叶片叶绿素含量有显著或极显著差异。果实锈斑颜色级别与果重、果实大小及糖、酸、Vc、糖酸比等营养成分含量也存在显著或极显普差异。被害时间越早,锈螨发生量及叶、果受害面积越大,落果和裂果率越高,果实直径越小、果重越轻。应用该螨的种群动态及其为害引起的产量及经济损失资料,建立该螨的动态防治指标模型。并利用1986年四川开县调查数据,获得一组双因子防治指标系列。  相似文献   

A large-scale three-year study on apple orchards in Havelland uncovered key knowledge about the ecology and control of significant pests for 3 different varieties. Experiments included a range of different blocks and varieties and focussed on the apple blossom weevil (Anthonomus pomorum), the rose tortrix moth (Archips rosana), the reticulated tortrix moth (Adoxophyes reticulana) and the European red mite (Panonychus ulmi). The experiments were divided according to season, from budding through flowering and finally at harvest. Infestation by the apple blossom weevil depended on the timing of flowering for the variety. The “Breuhahn” variety was the most heavily infested. Later and more delayed flowering resulted in higher infestation rates. The attack by pests had a thinning effect with corresponding flower infestation rates. There was no effect on yield when flowering tendency was normal. The flower clusters and leaves of the early-harvest variety “James Grieve” was most heavily infested by the rose tortrix moth (Archips rosana). The extent of the damage from pests that attack leaves could be determined exactly using the drying method. The rose tortrix showed significant differences only in the number of leaves in infected and healthy plants. There were significant differences in leaf mass between untreated controls and fruit clusters infested by the reticulated tortrix (Adoxophyes reticulana) for all 3 varieties. The “James Grieve” variety was most heavily infested. The results of the experiments involving the European red mite (Panonychus ulmi) in healthy and infested leaves and leaf number revealed preferential infestation of the “Golden Delicious” and “James Grieve” varieties. Overall, the study provided key information for the prognosis and control of key pests in apple cultivation.  相似文献   

The apple rust mite Aculus schlechtendali (Nal.) (Acari: Eriophyidae), is a main pest in apple-growing areas in Ankara, Turkey, and chemical control applications have some limitations. Entomopathogenic fungi have a potential for biological control of mites. In this study, an entomopathogenic fungus, Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson (Deuteromycota: Hyphomycetes), was first isolated from the mite cadavers on Japanese crab apple leaves and pathogenicity of the fungus was observed in different inoculum densities and relative humidities. The pathogen caused up to 98.22% mortality of the mite population. The effects of some fungicides on the entomopathogenic fungus were determined in in vitro studies. Carbendazim, penconazole and tebuconazole were the most effective fungicides on mycelial growth of P. lilacinus, with EC50 values under 3 μg ml−1. In spore germination tests, captan, mancozeb, propineb were the most effective fungicides, followed by tebuconazole, penconazole, nuarimol and chlorothalonil. Sulphur could not inhibit the conidia germination totally at 5,000 μg ml−1. Copper oxychloride and fosetyl-al prevented conidia formation at concentrations above 1,000 μg ml−1.  相似文献   

通过室内个体饲养观察,明确西方盲走螨捕食山楂叶螨和李始叶螨生长发育情况良好。1983~1985年,兰州田间试验表明:5月下旬到6月中旬,根据苹果树的不同树龄和叶螨的虫口基数,以1:36~64的益、害比,每株释放西方盲走螨雌成螨350~2,750头,经过45~60天,释放树上山楂叶螨和李始叶螨的种群数量发展缓慢,渐趋衰亡,达到完全控制。释放西方盲走螨不仅当年控制李始叶螨为害,可减少用药3~4次;其效果可持续两年。  相似文献   

本文用室内光谱分析法找出了苹果害螨为害等级与680nm/800nm这一比值光谱指数的定量关系,并证明这种害虫在为害苹果树时对树冠没有方位性选择。这种病虫害为害与光谱相关关系的研究结果可使为害等级鉴别客观化和定量化,并为病虫害的遥感监测提供了依据。  相似文献   

During the winter of 1980/81 apple shoots from the preceding season's growth were collected from 19 orchards in Kent and East Sussex. Five buds from each of 10 shoots per orchard were dissected under a stereoscopic microscope at × 30 magnification and apple rust mites ( Aculus rchlechtendali ) were counted. These dissected buds were then used to test a more rapid method of extraction and counting. The buds were added to methanol and mixed with a vibrating machine, mites were then collected in sieves and counted. Counts of mites by this method were similar to those of the first method when there were fewer than 100 mites on 50 buds, but there was greater variation when mites were more numerous.
An even more rapid method using five other buds from the same 10 shoots was also tested; the buds were bisected, then vibrated in methanol, and the mites were collected in sieves and counted. Results were comparable with those obtained by the dissection/methanol method and can be used with similar confidence in advisory work on apple rust mite.  相似文献   

 用葡酒锈生座孢(Tuberculina vinosa)的孢子悬浮液,在贴梗海棠、木瓜、苹果和垂丝海棠锈病发生期,喷雾接种于叶面锈菌性子器处,7-12 d出现重寄生现象。表明葡酒锈生座孢除能在自然条件下寄生梨锈病菌外,在人为接种条件下,其寄主范围包括贴梗海棠锈病菌、木瓜锈病菌(Gymnosporangium asiaticum)、苹果锈病菌和垂丝海棠锈病菌(G.yamadai)。用葡酒锈生座孢和白蜡锈生座孢(T.fraxinis)在梨锈病菌和大叶白蜡锈病菌(Aecidium fraxinibungeanae)上交互接种,结果表明,两者不能交互寄生。研究T.vinosaT.fraxinis的寄生专化性,对2种重寄生菌的应用及锈生座孢属(Tuberculina)种的鉴定具有意义。  相似文献   

茶树对茶橙瘿螨抗性机制的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
作者分析了对茶橙瘿螨抗性和感性的两组无性系茶树新梢叶片下表面形态特征、叶片组织结构和新梢内含物含量。结果表明,抗性品种的叶片下表面茸毛密度、新梢咖啡碱和氨基酸的含量显著高于感性品种;叶片下表面气孔密度和新梢还原糖含量则相反。叶片组织结构、新梢茶多酚和可溶蛋白的含量抗、感品种间无显著差异。在氨基酸的组份中,以茶树特有氨基酸茶氨酸的含量差异最显著,其次是谷氨酸、丙氨酸、甘氨酸、天门冬氨酸、缬氨酸和丝氨酸。采用反渗叶盘法测定了多种氨基酸、咖啡碱、葡萄糖对该螨生物学的影响,明确了咖啡碱和多种氨基酸具有增加该螨活动时间、抑制其取食,从而影响其生长、繁殖的生理效应;葡萄糖有助于该螨的取食和繁殖。据此表明,茶树新梢叶片下表面多茸毛、低气孔密度的形态学抗螨机制和新梢高氨基酸、咖啡碱含量和低还原糖含量的生化抗螨机制。  相似文献   

Data from nine trials conducted from 1990 to 1998 in apple orchards in Nova Scotia and Quebec, Canada, were used to estimate the predator-prey selectivity of miticides and their potential compatibility with biological control of mites. The European red mite Panonychus ulmi (Koch) was the dominant and more harmful phytophagous species, followed by the apple rust mite, Aculus schlechtendali (Nalepa). Two predacious mites, the phytoseiid, Typhlodromus pyri Sheuten, and the stigmaeid, Zetzellia mali (Ewing), were often found in the orchards. We used one minus the ratio of mite-days in treated plots to those in the control plots as an index of population suppression and toxicity of the miticides. Miticides were then categorized into classes similar to those employed by the International Organization for Biological Control to rate pesticide toxicity to natural enemies of insect and mite pests. Selectivity of miticides was mostly based on toxicity to P ulmi, the major pest, versus toxicity to T pyri, the major predator, with some consideration of the two lesser species, A schlechtendali and Z mali. In most cases, our findings were in accord with other studies. Abamectin and clofentezine had favourable selectivity (more toxic to the two phytophagous mites than to T pyri). The higher recommended rate of pyridaben (450 g ha(-1)) and two rates of spirodiclofen (180 and 240 g ha(-1)) were neutral (equally toxic to pests and predators). The lower rate of pyridaben (216 g ha(-1)), dicofol, formetanate hydrochloride and propargite were unfavourably selective (more toxic to T pyri). A higher than recommended rate of pyridaben (2160 g ha(-1)) applied before bloom was disruptive--P ulmi-days after treatment were actually greater than with the untreated control. P ulmi resistance to dicofol and propargite were probable complicating factors in some of the orchard trials.  相似文献   

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