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梁曦亮  梁欣 《广东园林》2020,42(1):50-55
海珠湿地原是广州城市中央的万亩果林,是海珠生态城的核心。基于湿地一期风格过于"人工化",通过分析简单保留单纯果林的现状问题,海珠湿地二期提出尊重场地独特肌理,以"微改造、少干预"的生态修复理念,通过连通水系、调清活水、规划交通、修复生境、丰富植被等方式,为鸟类、鱼类、两栖类、昆虫等动植物营造良好的栖息地,提升生物多样性。此外,利用果园活化都市农业景观,利用湿地满足市民对科普、休闲的需求,适当配套观鸟屋、观鸟塔、园路、桥梁等设施。  相似文献   

张波 《广东园林》2015,(2):49-53
以广东海珠国家湿地公园一、二期为案例,阐述分析海珠湿地的背景、城市发展引起的退化以及近期的生态修复和保护利用实践。通过土地保护、湿地水系修复工程、植被复原及丰富、水体生态修复、生物多样性引鸟项目、入侵植物的管理举措以及湿地公园建设等七方面探析海珠湿地的修复和利用,对其持续发展提出四点建议。  相似文献   

广州海珠国家湿地公园植物资源研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过路线调查法对海珠国家湿地公园植物资源进行研究。结果显示:海珠国家湿地公园植物 资源较为丰富,共记录维管植物625 种,隶属130 科434 属。其中被子植物113 科414 属596 种,裸子 植物6 科9 属10 种,蕨类植物11 科11 属19 种。根据生境类型,可划分为湿地生境、园地生境和果园 生境,分别记录植物有107 种、362 种、156 种,占植物总种数的17.12%、57.92% 和24.96%。海珠湿地 乡土植物共记录268 种,占植物种数的42.88%,外来入侵植物37 种,占总植物种数的5.92%。该湿地公 园濒危保护植物共计8 种,占植物种数的1.28%。根据以上调查结果, 提出了需要对果林进行适度的人为 干预,提高物种多样性;控制外来湿地植物,充分利用乡土水生植物资源; 加强外来入侵植物的防治, 增 加乡土植物的培植等建议。  相似文献   

广州海珠湿地自然学校的建设与运营策略   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
海珠湿地是我国开展自然教育工作起步较早并且具有较大影响力的国家湿地公园,通过建设自然学校,整合社会各方资源,开发出别具特色的自然教育"海珠模式"。解读模式的运作机制,分别从场域设施、人才队伍、课程研发和运营管理4个方面介绍自然学校的重点建设内容,并列举了"进学校、进企业和进社区"的运营策略——联接学校教育、引导企业参与、携手社区共建,以期为我国自然保护地开展自然教育工作提供借鉴经验、开阔发展思路。  相似文献   

正广东海珠国家湿地公园的核心景观区,位于广州市城市中轴线核心城区,是目前全国特大城市中心区内面积最大的国家湿地公园,建设规模约40 000 m~2,工程总造价2500多万元,其中园建面积约26 000 m~2,绿化面积约13 900 m~2。工程通过连通水系,调清活水,植物配置等,重点突出生态、岭南、水乡、野趣,打造了亲水花溪、空中栈道、石榴湾湿地等生态湿地特色景观。在这里游客可零距离亲水、接触果林,领略"生态、岭南、水乡、野趣"的  相似文献   

文章说明海珠湿地一期南地块的建造理念和施工要领,并介绍改造河道生态水系及塑造景观的方法。通过丰富的水生植物配置和园林造景手法的运用营造人工果园湿地生态环境,使之形成自然、野趣的湿地景观体系,成为一道美丽的水乡生态景观长廊。  相似文献   

白衣庵溪湿地公园植被恢复规划探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以湖南津市毛里湖流域的白衣庵溪湿地公园的建设为例,立足湿地公园自然条件,提出湿地植被恢复应从湿地地形地貌改造、湿地植被群落修复、植物配置优化、植物种植管理、观赏性植物应用等方面入手,探讨在湿地公园建设中植被恢复的原则、有效措施和科学方法,为今后湿地修复建设,营造优美湿地环境提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

2014年10月18日上午,由广东省湿地保护协会主办,省野生动植物保护协会、广东园林学会、省风景园林协会、省生态学会、海珠湿地公园协办的“广东湿地万里行”活动启动仪式在广州市海珠国家湿地公园举行。广东省军区原政委蔡多文将军,国家林业局湿地保护管理中心巡视员程良,省人大环资委常委、副主任委员房庆方,省人大衣委副主任林进雄.省森林公安局政委陈伟坤、台湾湿地学会理事长郭一羽,  相似文献   

分析了毛里湖国家湿地公园的植物现状及问题,提出了植被恢复应遵循生态学原则、以自然为主、低碳可持续发展、统筹规划、分布实施、保护优先、科学修复、因地制宜、适地适树等原则,结合水源涵养林工程、退耕还林工程和湿地植被恢复工程,在实践中摸索和探讨植被恢复的方式,总结项目的经验和不足,为湿地公园植被恢复和发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

山东湿地植被组成规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东湿地共分布湿地高等维管植物70科277种、苔藓植物12科24种,在植物种类组成上以莎草科和禾本科等种最为丰富。植被类型分灌丛、灌草丛、草甸、盐生、沙生、沼生和水生植被等7种植被类型。湿地植被的分布既受地理位置、气候、海拔等影响,又受制于水分、土壤和土壤含盐量等因素。湿地演替可以表示为植物群落的演替过程,即随着湿地的发育,特别是土壤水分和营养的变化,导致植物种类和群落发生改变的过程。湿地植物群落演替是气候、水文以及地貌、土壤等自然要素综合作用的结果,客观反映了湿地的形成、发育与演替过程。  相似文献   

Plant-soil-water relations of a silvopastoral system composed of a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) timber crop, subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) as a nitrogen-fixing forage, and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) as a forage crop were investigated near Corvallis, Oregon, during 1983–1986. Treatments included all possible combinations of two tree-planting patterns (trees planted 2.4 m apart in a grid, and groups of five trees spaced 7.6 m between clusters) and two grazing/understory management systems (agroforests were seeded to subclover and grazed by sheep; forests were unseeded and ungrazed).Mean twig xylem water potential (XWP) for Douglas-fir trees ranged from –0.3 to –1.5 MPa on forest plots and from –0.3 to –1.2 MPa on agroforest sites. Pre-dawn and sunset XWP were more negative for forest than for agroforest plots during dry summer periods. Midday XWP was similar for both agroforest and forest plots on all dates. Soil water content at 50–100 cm depth was greater under agroforest plots as compared to forest plots in 1984, but not in 1985 (unusually dry spring). Average foliage nitrogen content of tree needles was 1.54% vs. 1.43% for agroforests vs. forests, respectively.Our data are consistent with the hypotheses that: (1) grazing of understory vegetation may reduce water stress of trees during dry periods by reducing transpirational water use by the forage plants; and (2) nitrogen-fixing vegetation combined with grazing increases nitrogen uptake of associated trees. However, neither mean foliar N nor average XWP differences experienced by trees in agroforest versus forest plantations were sufficient to have an effect on tree growth. Our data demonstrate that it is possible to produce a second crop (i.e. forage grazed by sheep) in timber plantations without reducing the growth of the main tree crop.Submitted as Oregon Agrocultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 10109.  相似文献   

The role of different agroforestry systems in the conservation of plant diversity and forest structure has not been directly compared in many agricultural dominated landscapes. In this study, we investigated tree diversity and forest structure in a complex agroforestry landscape traditionally grown for cocoa and mixed food crops and compared these to the natural forest in southeastern Ghana. The study was carried out using 36 25 m × 25 m plots. There was significant difference [95% Confidence Interval (95% CI)] in the native forest/non-crop tree species richness between the natural forest and the agroforest farmlands but species richness was similar between the cocoa and mixed food crops agroforests. The density of native forest/non-crop trees was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the natural forest but similar between cocoa and mixed food crops agroforest. Similarly, the basal area of native forest/non-crop trees was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the natural forest but comparable between cocoa and food crops agroforest. Of the 20 most abundant native forest/non-crop trees recorded, 12 of them showed significant responses (P < 0.05) to land use change with nine of the species significantly abundant in the natural forest relative to the agroforest systems. Eighteen native forest/non-crop trees species in the agroforestry systems were commonly recorded as being used; 100% of them being used as fuel wood with 83.3 and 77.8%, respectively, used as medicines and materials. The findings of this study suggests that although complex agroforestry systems are a poor substitute for the natural forest the heterogeneous mosaic landscape in which complex agroforestry forms part can be strategically managed to maximize the benefits of both sustainable agriculture production and conservation of plant diversity by acting as buffer between protected areas and intensively managed areas.  相似文献   

The shortened fallow period in traditional slash and burn agriculture of the Maya of Quintana Roo, Mexico, has reduced soil fertility, crop yields, biodiversity, and mature forest vegetation. Studies have shown that agroforests that mimic local ecosystem processes can be used to provide for the farmers' well-being while protecting and preserving forest resources and biodiversity. The objective of this investigation was to identify, describe, and evaluate Mayan crop plants that could be used as analog species in agroforest design. We used participant observation, interviews with farmers, and field measurements to collect information on the social, agricultural, and ecological aspects of the plants. We identified five horizontal and one vertical strata in mature homegardens: the herbaceous stratum, the low shrub stratum, the tall shrub stratum, the fruit tree stratum, the timber tree stratum, and the viny stratum. We categorized 77 forbes, shrubs, and vines identified for their temporal and spatial placement in an agroforest. The plants evaluated can be placed in one of the four developmental stages of an agroforest: the herbaceous stage, and the shrub stage, the fruit tree stage, and the timber tree stage. By using the identified plants and the analog hypothesis, we can design an agroecological system that provides for the farmers' needs, and efficiently utilizes the resources on-site for the production of food, timber, medicinal plants, and nontimber products in a manner that protects the natural resource base of the region. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

江苏虞山国家森林公园的森林覆盖率达96%以上.根据样地调查研究,将虞山国家森林公园约占山地面积为74.8%的天然林依群落优势种划分14类群系,为7类植被型.虞山天然林以马尾松林和马尾松、阔叶树混交林为主,山麓有落叶阔叶林和小面积的常绿、落叶阔叶林.论述虞山天然植被的组成、结构、演替和多样性指数,分析虞山天然林顺向演替的稳定性群落.结果表明:依立地环境可分3种不同类型.从演替规律来研究分析虞山植被,从而提出保护和可持续发展该森林公园植被的建议,并从旅游观光角度提出虞山部分森林类型改造的原则和方法.  相似文献   

The agroforestry garden system in Maninjau in West Sumatra is characterized by an intensive integration of forest species and commercial crops, forming a forest-like system. The intimate association of different species provides both subsistence and commercial products which supplement rice production. This complex agroforest is managed by the combination between cultural practices and respect of natural processes of vegetation production and reproduction. It represents a profitable production system and constitutes an efficient buffer between villages and protected forest. It is a good model of association between integration of forest resources and cultivation of cash crops in the form of a sustainable and flexible system.  相似文献   

绥宁花园阁国家湿地公园植物资源现状与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绥宁花园阁国家湿地公园植被丰富,为保护湿地生物资源,采用样方调查与样线调查相结合方法,开展植物资源调查。结果表明:湿地公园有维管束野生植物153科,336属,807种;主要森林类型可分常绿落叶阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、针叶林、竹林、灌草果群系、古树及珍贵树木;其中温带成分最多,植物区系成分以温带性质为主,热带成分也有较高的比例,区系成分出现较强的热带亚热带至温带的过渡性质。  相似文献   

Cropland agroforest is an important production system in the southwest region of Bangladesh. This study focused on the floristic composition and management of existing cropland agroforests. A total of 313 cropland agroforests were surveyed and 83%respondents practiced pure agroforestry while the remaining 17% practiced agroforestry with fisheries. A total of 18 forest trees and 2 shrubs were recorded from 11 families and 59 species of agricultural crops were from 28 families. A higher proportion (79%) of cropland agroforests were occupied small land areas (0.12-0.80 ha). About 63% of respondents planted trees for fruit production and 47%for timber production, and 35%of respondents engaged in commercial production (35%). Swietenia macrophylla was the most prevalent species (relative prevalence 20.83) followed by Man-gifera indica (relative prevalence 15.57) and Cocos nucifera (relative prevalence 7.08). Shorter spacing was used for timber and fuel wood species and wider spacing for fruit trees. A wide range of rotation periods, from 5 to 25 years, was observed for both cases. The use of chemical fertilizer was highest followed by cow dung and compost in cropland agroforests. Overall management practices of cropland agroforest in southwest Bangladesh were determined by the end product and local demand.  相似文献   

Resource sharing between tree and forage plant components in silvopastoral systems includes a complex set of facilitative and competitive interactions. To the extent that facilitation exceeds competition, agroforests are expected to outyield monocultures of their components. Pasture and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) tree production of young agroforests was compared to pasture and forest monocultures under both grid and cluster patterns of tree planting near Corvallis, Oregon, USA, during 1983–1987. The height and diameter growth of forest and agroforest trees was similar, regardless of tree planting pattern. Five-year average annual forage production was 6500, 5800, and 2800 kg ha–1 on pasture, agroforest, and forest plots, respectively. The total cumulative 1982–1987 above-ground phytomass yield of forage plus trees was similar for pasture and conventional grid forest monocultures. The total productivity of agroforests, however, was over 30% greater than either pasture or forest components grown in monoculture. Approximately 1.6 ha (0.96 ha forest + 0.64 ha pasture) of monocultures would be needed to equal the productivity of 1 ha of agroforest.Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 10, 825.  相似文献   

秦淮河湿地公园植被恢复建设的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对秦淮河湿地公园现有植被以草本为主,乔、灌木较少的特点,提出因地制宜,适当发展乔、灌木,以丰富公园植被景观的恢复方法。  相似文献   

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