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《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1989,244(4910):1244
In the report "Distribution and detection of positrons from an orbiting nuclear reactor" by E. W. Hones and P. R. Higbie (28 Apr., p. 448), the following corrections should be noted. The first sentence of the caption for figure 1 should have read, "Location of SMM (dots) and Cosmos 1176 (triangles) at the times of 21 of the most intense 511-keV gamma events recorded by SMM during the 29 April to 2 September 1980 operating period." The first sentence of the caption for figure 3 should have read, "Estimated differential energy spectrum positrons escaping from Cosmos 1176 per joule of fission energy." On page 450, the second sentence of the first full paragraph should have referred to event 5, not event 59.  相似文献   

In the caption of the cover photograph for 25 May 1973, the word "below" is misplaced; it should be deleted from the first sentence, and the second sentence should read: "(Below) Same view taken through a cylindrical lens . . ." Two errors occurred in the report by Freeman and Thibos in the same issue, p. 876: in column 2, line 4, "Freeman and co-workers" should be changed to "Freeman et al." in column 3, line 44, "the visual resolution" should be changed to "visual resolution"-Ed.  相似文献   

Due to a printer's error, the word "nitrite" was altered to "nitrate" in two instances in the article, "Ever so cautiously, the FDA moves to-ward a ban on nitrites," (8 September, p. 887). The lead sentence should read," The hazard to animals and man of eating excessive amounts of nitrates and nitrites...." The first sentence in the fourth paragraph should read," These circumstances ... the existent but unquantified hazard of adding nitrites to food." Nitrites-not nitrates-are deliberately added to foods.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1987,235(4796):1562c
In Bernard D. Davis' article "Bacterial domestication: Underlying assumptions" (Policy Forum, 13 Mar., p. 1329), the word "no" was erroneously omitted from the last sentence of the first full paragraph in column two on page 1334. The sentence should have read, "But this view builds on a parallel between genetic engineering and the physical technologies, rather than on a much closer model, with very different predictions: the domestication of wild organisms, resulting in enormous benefits and no catastrophes."  相似文献   

In This Week in Science for 12 June (p. 1495), the first sentence of the item "Uterine oxytocin" should have read, "Oxytocin is a peptide hormone secreted from the posterior pituitary that causes uterine contractions and is used to induce labor."  相似文献   

In "The sotuthern corn leaf blight epidemic" by L. A. Tatum (19 Mar., p. 1113), the first sentence of the third paragraph under the sidehead "History of southern corn leaf blight" on page 1114 should read "The loss in 1969 rather than "1968."  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1990,247(4948):1281
The first sentence of the caption for the figure on page 525 accompanying Marcia Barinaga's Research News artide "Neuroscience models the brain" (2 Feb., p. 524) should have read, "Computer simulation by Kenneth D. Miller models formation of ocular dominance columns." The photo credit fbr the figure should have been to Kenneth D. Miller.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1983,219(4587):909
In Arthur L. Robinson's article "CERN reports first vector boson evidence" (Research News, 4 Feb., p. 480). the fifth sentence in the fifth paragraph should have read, "The annihilation of a quark with charge +2/3 and an antiquark with charge +1/3 produces a W(+), for example.  相似文献   

从词性、句法功能、句中的位置、意义以及结构等方面对“用”与“w ith”进行比较,认为“用”与“w ith”在词性、句法功能、句中的位置上有同亦有异,在义项上,“w ith”远比“用”多得多。  相似文献   

In the report "Amino acid transport: evidence for genetic control of two types in human kidney" by C. R. Scriver and O. H. Wilson (17 Mar., p. 1428), the first sentence in the abstract should read "A mutation affecting renal transport of proline, hydroxyproline, and glycine occurs in man."  相似文献   

隐喻在汉语中经历了"字词——句子——篇章"的扩张过程,"隐喻对偶句"的形成至关重要。隐喻对偶句分"解释性隐喻对偶句"和"构成性隐喻对偶句"两类。想象图式的一致性与语言形式的一致性是隐喻对偶句形成的基础。隐喻对偶句有很强的再生性,其形成过程是一种"跨句子的语法化"。  相似文献   

In a news story on the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) (Science, 18 May, p. 717), in the sentence beginning "In the engineers' view, the March decision became inevitable after the NAE cotuncil for the third time rejected a formula on governance..." the first reference the "NAE council" should have read "NAS council."  相似文献   

In the article "Absorption and metabolism of iron" [Science 123, 87 (20 Jan. 1955)], the wavelength of maximum absorption of the iron-siderophilin complex was incorrectly given as 520 millimicrons. On page 89, the first sentence in the second paragraph under the heading "Iron transport" should read "The Fe+++-B(1)-globulin complex has a characteristic salmon-pink color with a maximum light absorption at 460 millimicrons...."  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1982,218(4575):842
An error appeared in the first sentence of the last paragraph of the report "Intracellular recordings from cochlear outer hair cells" by P. Dallos et al. (5 Nov., p. 584). The correct version is as follows. "Inner hair cells appear to operate at about one-half the membrane potential of outer hair cells. The latter resemble supporting cells in this respect."  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1986,234(4775):413
In the article by Jane Menken et al. "Age and infertility" (26 Sept., p. 1389), the first sentence under the sidehead "Diagnosus of infertility by failure to conceive within a year" (p. 1390, column two, paragraph two) should have read: "The historical evidence indicates that the proportion of women who were sterile increased rather slowly and almost linearly from the 20's until the early 40's.  相似文献   

In "Evaluation of instruction" by Peter K. Gessner [11 May 1973, p. 569], sentence 4, paragraph 2, column 1, should read as follows: "It would seem likely that such an evaluative device would not differentiate between students able to solve the first problem presented to them and those who, although they may have been able to solve the fifth problem variant presented to them, failed to solve the first four."  相似文献   

In the article "How shall we pay for research and education?" by Paul E. Klopsteg [Science 124, 965 (16 Nov. 1956)], the first sentence under the subhead "Income taxes and individual giving" on page 966 should read: "Notwithstanding the apparent unqualified approval by government of the taxpayer's charitable inclinations, expressed by its permission to him to deduct up to 30 percent of his adjusted gross income for legal charities, he failed in 1954 by about $20 billion to take advantage of this exemption." The printed version "$20 million" was a typographical error.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,213(4504):156
In William Shea's review of Maurice A. Finocchiaro's Galileo and the Art of Reasoning (15 May, p. 780), the third symbol in the passage quoted from the book should have been "A12." The first sentence of the passage quoted from Galileo's Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems should have read, "The art of demonstration is learned by reading works which contain demonstrations."  相似文献   

主题句是作者对段落主题的评价或总结。主题句的功用在于让读者对作者所要表达的观点有一个大概了解,用来表达段落的中心思想。主题句在段落的位置比较灵活,随意性较大。主题句所要陈述的内容包括:"为什么"和"怎么样"等问题。写作主题句应当做到句子完整,内容清晰、具体,措辞得当,所表达的论点能够统揽全段。  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1958,128(3331):1076
In the article "Pavlov and Lamarck," by G. Razran [Science 128, 758 (3 Oct. 1958)], the quotation given in the first sentence of the section "Oral comments" (p. 760) should have read: "Pavlov remarked to me that one of the biggest scientific errors of his life was his assertion that acquired habits could be inherited," instead of ". . . could not be inherited."  相似文献   

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