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African swine fever (ASF) is one of the most complex infectious swine diseases and the greatest concern to the pig industry owing to its high mortality and no effective vaccines available to prevent the disease. Since the first outbreak of ASF in pig farms, ASF has been identified in 14 pig farms in four cities/counties in South Korea. The outbreak was resolved in a short period because of the immediate control measures and cooperative efforts. This paper reviews the ASF outbreak and the experience of successfully stopping ASF in pig farms in South Korea through active responses to prevent the spread of ASF. In addition, suitable changes to build a sustainable pig production system and collaborative efforts to overcome the dangerous animal disease, such as ASF, are discussed.  相似文献   

An African swine fever (ASF) outbreak in wild boars was first reported on October 2, 2019, in South Korea. Since then, additional cases were reported in South Korea''s border areas. We here report the identification of ASF virus (ASFV) DNAs from two out of eight environmental abiotic matter samples collected from areas where ASF-positive wild boar carcasses were found. Comparative genomic investigations suggested that the contaminating ASFV DNAs originated from the wild boar whose carcass had been found near the positive sample sites. This is the first report on the identification of ASF viral material in wild boar habitats.  相似文献   

中小型猪场和散养户在我国生猪养殖行业占据重要地位。面对非洲猪瘟带来的猪肉市场严重失调的情况,中小型猪场和散养户生猪复养迫在眉睫。文章通过对中小型猪场和散养户目前的现状以及重要地位的简要分析,总结复养过程存在的雷区和难点,对其复养步骤做出指导性的建议。再通过分析非洲猪瘟防控案例,明确了非洲猪瘟的可防可控性。为中小型猪场和散养户提供了可行性的防控技巧,提高中小型猪场和散养户复养的成功率和积极性。  相似文献   

猪场生物安全系统要点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
建立生物安全体系是猪场防控疾病的前提,也是最经济有效的疫病防治措施。2018年我国发生非洲猪瘟以来,疫情对我国生猪养殖业带来深刻影响,在未来很长一段时间内该病都将是我国猪场的常态化疾病。非洲猪瘟疫情发生后,我国养猪业创新性地提出了系列生物安全防控技术,建立了能够有效应对疫情常态威胁的生物安全技术体系,两年多来的防控实践证明了这些生物安全防控手段的有效性。文章总结了猪场生物安全体系建设和管理中的关键环节及注意事项,希望可以为猪场非洲猪瘟防控提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,非洲猪瘟疫情对国内养猪业的冲击很大,严重影响了大中小型规模化猪场的发展和利润,也给养猪业造成了巨大的损失。然而,随着非洲猪瘟病毒自然和非自然变异株的大量出现,对ASFV传统采样和检测须得到一些新技术的支持,如“唾液/深咽拭子+血液”抗原抗体同步采样检测、多重PCR以及微滴数字PCR等。基于此,文章归纳总结了规模化猪场采样和检测的关键点和常见误区,以期为国内规模化猪场现场采样和检测方面提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

BackgroundAfrican swine fever (ASF) is a hemorrhagic fever occurring in wild boars (Sus scrofa) and domestic pigs. The epidemic situation of ASF in South Korean wild boars has increased the risk of ASF in domestic pig farms. Although basic reproduction number (R0) can be applied for control policies, it is challenging to estimate the R0 for ASF in wild boars due to surveillance bias, lack of wild boar population data, and the effect of ASF-positive wild boar carcass on disease dynamics.ObjectivesThis study was undertaken to estimate the R0 of ASF in wild boars in South Korea, and subsequently analyze the spatiotemporal heterogeneity.MethodsWe detected the local transmission clusters using the spatiotemporal clustering algorithm, which was modified to incorporate the effect of ASF-positive wild boar carcass. With the assumption of exponential growth, R0 was estimated for each cluster. The temporal change of the estimates and its association with the habitat suitability of wild boar were analyzed.ResultsTotally, 22 local transmission clusters were detected, showing seasonal patterns occurring in winter and spring. Mean value of R0 of each cluster was 1.54. The estimates showed a temporal increasing trend and positive association with habitat suitability of wild boar.ConclusionsThe disease dynamics among wild boars seems to have worsened over time. Thus, in areas with a high elevation and suitable for wild boars, practical methods need to be contrived to ratify the control policies for wild boars.  相似文献   

The article reviews the outbreaks and distribution of African swine fever (ASF) in South Africa since the first probable outbreak that occurred in the Koedoesrand Ward in 1926. Retrospective data on the ASF outbreaks in South Africa were obtained from the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) disease database and the South African veterinary services annual reports in addition to published articles and online sources. South Africa has experienced many outbreaks that can be divided into 2 time periods: the period before the development of the OIE diseases database (1993) and the period after. More than 141 outbreaks of ASF were reported during the first period. Since the development of OIE disease database, 72 outbreaks directly involving 2968 cases, 2187 dead and 2358 killed pigs mainly in smallholder pig farms were reported. The median number of cases for a given ASF outbreak is 17, but in 50% of outbreaks no pigs were killed for prevention. The most important ASF outbreak was reported in April 2014 in the Greater Zeerust district (North West province) involving 326 cases and 1462 killed pigs. However, the outbreak with highest mortality involving 250 pigs was reported in 2016 (Free State province). According to phylogenetic analysis, nine p72 genotypes (I, III, IV, VII, VIII, XIX, XX, XXI and XXII) have been identified in South Africa. Season-wise, more outbreaks were recorded during summer. It was also observed that the OIE disease database could contain errors that would have been introduced through compiled forms at country level. Spatiotemporal studies on ASF outbreaks in South Africa are therefore required in order to assess statistically and quantitatively the clustering of outbreaks over space and time.  相似文献   

生物安全是猪场生产管理的关键,也是猪场搞好生产的基本保障。猪场生物安全贯穿于生产管理的各个环节,包括人员、物资、猪只、饲料、粪污等流转运输等。近两年的非洲猪瘟疫情使得很多生物安全设施和管理不健全的养殖场遭受灭顶之灾。为协助众多在疫情中遭受打击的规模养殖企业恢复生产,文章从更严格的生物安全角度出发,在传统猪场工艺设计的基础上,对猪场功能区设置、人员物料流线规划、进出场洗消设施配置等提出了一套较为完整的工艺技术方案,供养猪从业者在新建和改造猪场复养过程中参考。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟传入我国以来,给我国养猪业造成了巨大的损失。非洲猪瘟可防可控,文章从消灭传染源、切断传播途径、保护易感猪群方面介绍了构建猪场生物安全体系的防控技术。  相似文献   

栗文文 《猪业科学》2020,37(10):105-106
非洲猪瘟是一种高度接触性的传染病,对养猪业造成了巨大的损失;随着人们对非洲猪瘟的认识逐步深化,猪场防控措施也逐步在完善;构建完善的生物安全体系是防控的核心,将病毒阻挡在猪场之外;对于有问题的猪场,全面排查和“精准拔牙”,结合抗体检测能够很好地控制住病毒的传播,使猪群稳定下来。  相似文献   

自2018年8月以来蔓延的非洲猪瘟疫情给我国养猪业造成了巨大损失,生猪供应缺口凸显,猪价整体高位运行。安全顺利复产是规模猪场的优先选择,但由于准备不足、匆忙复产而导致失败的案例甚多;在目前没有相关疫苗的情况下,完善生物安全体系、彻底清除猪场内外残余病毒是规模猪场非洲猪瘟背景下复产的先决条件。笔者团队通过制订复养程序,指导某猪场进行非洲猪瘟复养消毒,各区域检测、复检为阴性后引入180头保育猪作为哨兵猪饲养2个多月,病原学和血清学检测结果均为阴性,复养初步成功。  相似文献   

2018年8月,辽宁暴发国内首例非洲猪瘟(ASF)疫情,短短数月,疫情席卷全国,养猪业一片哀鸿。这注定了整个养猪业的未来是艰辛且坎坷的。笔者作为一名集团公司区域兽医负责人,负责40 000头自繁自养母猪群的健康管理,通过我们的不懈努力,2019年全年,4万头自繁自养母猪群、13个养殖场未发生一例疫情。在一年多的防控非洲猪瘟斗争中,笔者也总结了一套特色的非洲猪瘟防控的体系方案。  相似文献   

我国对非洲猪瘟(ASF)的防控工作取得了阶段性成果,但疫情依然严峻,生猪稳产保供仍面临较大压力。文章通过了解非洲猪瘟防控现状和兽医队伍体系现状以及机构改革后非洲猪瘟防控工作存在的不足,分析了非洲猪瘟防控工作存在的问题,提出如下建议:1)重点加强中小规模养殖场(户)疫情防控工作;2)加强生猪调运监管;3)加强生猪屠宰监管。  相似文献   

浅谈非洲猪瘟背景下的后备母猪初配标准和改善措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲猪瘟进入我国已2年有余,目前全国生猪产能已经恢复到非瘟发生前的88%以上.但是,猪场在快速恢复产能过程中诸多问题会对猪场生产成绩造成持续影响,例如如何确立后备母猪初配标准,亟待建立和规范.文章从后备母猪初配标准的重要性、关键指标和改善措施3个方面进行深入剖析和探讨,旨在为猪场建立最佳的后备母猪初配条件提供参考.  相似文献   

We explored observed risk factors and drivers of infection possibly associated with African swine fever (ASF) epidemiology in Uganda. Representative sub-populations of pig farms and statistics were used in a case-control model. Indiscriminate disposal of pig viscera and waste materials after slaughter, including on open refuse dumps, farm-gate buyers collecting pigs and pig products from within a farm, and retention of survivor pigs were plausible risk factors. Wire mesh-protected windows in pig houses were found to be protective against ASF infection. Sighting engorged ticks on pigs, the presence of a lock for each pig pen and/or a gate at the farm entrance were significantly associated with infection/non-infection; possible explanations were offered. Strict adherence to planned within-farm and community-based biosecurity, and avoidance of identified risk factors is recommended to reduce infection. Training for small-scale and emerging farmers should involve multidimensional and multidisciplinary approaches to reduce human-related risky behaviours driving infection.  相似文献   

猪场实行批次化生产可以有效提高内部生物安全,有利于防控非洲猪瘟疫情。文章主要介绍四周批次生产的导入方法以及导入效果,并针对导入过程中遇到的问题进行了讨论,为今后规模猪场做好批次化生产调整提供参考经验和数据支撑。  相似文献   

“非洲猪瘟和饲料禁抗”后,猪场对生物安全、猪只免疫营养、肠道健康等的需求进一步加强。文章从猪场需求转变着手,着重从配方设计理念、添加剂筛选、发酵饲料的应用、饲料加工体系和猪场饲喂体系等方面系统阐述对行业变化的应对思考,以期为生猪高效养殖提供实践依据。  相似文献   

阳忠清  李梦雨 《猪业科学》2020,37(1):132-134
当前对非洲猪瘟的防控已经进入基本成熟阶段,疫情基本稳定,但疫情隐患仍然存在,各养殖场对非洲猪瘟的防控在意识和措施上出现了松懈,防控设施配置严重滞后,监督部门人员无法进场监督。为了更好地做好对非洲猪瘟防控工作,大力促进生猪生产,保障猪肉市场的供应稳定,保护群众利益,维护社会稳定,巩固脱贫攻坚的成果,经过长时间的调查分析,拟在各养殖场推行安装高清联网动态监控设备,下面具体分析猪场安装监控设备的可行性、必要性,以期对养殖业和动物防疫工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟在我国流行已有两年多的时间,尽管很多科研团队都在致力于非洲猪瘟疫苗的研发,但尚未有治疗措施和有效的疫苗来控制该病。因此现阶段“生物安全”是控制非洲猪瘟最为有效,也是唯一的方法。文章总结出目前规模化猪场常见的感染风险有“人员流动、物品流动、车辆流动、水源流动、猪群流动”(即“五流”),并提出严格控制“五流”的生物安全防控措施(即“五流”生物安全防控),以减少外界病原与猪只的接触,稀释病原浓度,降低病原载量,最大程度地降低规模化养猪场感染疾病的风险。为当前规模化猪场建立有效的生物安全措施提供参考。  相似文献   

猪伪狂犬病是由伪狂犬病毒引起的一种以母猪繁殖障碍和仔猪高死亡率为主要特征的急性、热性高度接触性传染病。2011年以来猪伪狂犬病毒变异株导致了免疫猪群暴发该病,对养猪业造成较大的经济损失。因此,种猪场应抓住严防非洲猪瘟的有利契机,同时做好猪伪狂犬病的净化非常重要。文章简要综述了国内外常用的净化方案、净化措施,为养猪场实施净化提供参考。  相似文献   

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