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2007-2008年采用船基截线法每月在珠江西部河口进行海豚调查,以评估该水域中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)的分布、季节变化和群体组成。研究发现,珠江西部河口中华白海豚主要分布于从三灶岛南至大襟岛西侧水深10m的水域,20m等深线可能为该水域海豚离岸分布的界限,分布区在丰水期趋向河口北部浅水区,枯水期趋向离岸水域,季节性南北移动趋势与珠江东部河口相反;海豚目击率以丰水期较高,枯水期较低,本调查区与珠江东部河口伶仃洋周年各月目击率(头/100km)的相关分析结果呈显著的负相关(n=12,r=-0.65,P0.05),显示目击率的季节变化趋势也与珠江东部河口相反。据此推测,珠江东、西部河口种群之间可能存在海豚个体的交流。比较本调查区和以往珠江东部河口各调查区(包括伶仃洋及其邻近水域)的海豚目击率表明,西部河口也是珠江河口中华白海豚的重要栖息地之一。有必要进一步深入研究珠江西部河口中华白海豚种群的生物学及其与东部河口种群之间的关系,以便全面有效地保护珠江河口的中华白海豚。  相似文献   

正广东珠江口中华白海豚国家级自然保护区管理局在2018年总共出海监测海豚63天次,航时284小时,总航程4641公里。2018年监测过程中目击海豚244群,共864头。至2018年底累计识别中华白海豚数量2381头,相对2017年新增14头。至2018年底珠江口水域栖息的白海豚现已累积识别2367头,新增234头。  相似文献   

<正>中华白海豚在中国最早的发现记录是唐朝,到了清朝时期新安县,也就是我们现在深圳、香港一带,渔民常常能见到它的身影。近代是瑞典人Peter Osbeck乘船航行至广东珠江水域时,观察到一头雪白色海豚在船边出现,因其颜色特殊,将其命名为中华海豚(Delphinus Chinensis Osbeck1765)。1870年,英国皇家外科学院博物馆管理员William Henry Flower首次使用了中华白海豚(Chinese White Dolphin)这一名称。  相似文献   

中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis),又名印太驼海豚,属鲸目、齿鲸亚目、海豚科、海豚属,是生活于河口内湾的小型齿鲸类,我国厦门海域和珠江口是其主要栖息地,中华白海豚是厦门的唯一一种国家Ⅰ级保护动物,厦门人称其为“妈祖鱼”、“镇港鱼”。80年代以前,厦门海域经常可以见到中华白海豚在海上欢腾嬉戏的场景,后来由于海域开发利用和人类活动等因素,中华白海豚的数量锐减。根据国家海洋局第三海洋研究所和南京师范大学生命科学学院有关专家调查,目前厦门海域的中华白海豚在60-100头左右。  相似文献   

正碧空万里,海水湛蓝。珠江口伶仃洋上,海燕悠然翱翔,阳光照得海面波光粼粼,不远处,那些可爱的中华白海豚三五成群在海面跳跃、追逐、嬉戏……这是广东珠江口中华白海豚国家级自然保护区经常可以看到的景象。中华白海豚作为珍稀海洋哺乳类动物,有"海上大熊猫"、"海上国宝"的美誉,其进化史、生活史、生理和生态特征都具有很高的科学研究价值。在中国,珠江口伶仃洋是中华白海豚活动最密集的区域,最新数据显示,目前在该海域内发现的中华白海豚仅有2133头。  相似文献   

1000-1200头中华白海豚属于国家一级保护动物,在我国分布比较集中的区域有广东的珠江口和福建的九龙江口。目前,珠江口水域现存的中华白海豚仅有约1000-1200头。  相似文献   

<正>粤港澳大湾区所处的珠江口,是全球最大的中华白海豚栖息地。目前,这里的白海豚数量超过2000头,种群世代比较完整。总长约55公里的港珠澳大桥穿越广东珠江口中华白海豚国家级自然保护区。海豚的种类如此之多,那我们在经过港珠澳大桥时,怎么辨别出看到的海豚就是我们的国家一级保护动物、有  相似文献   

一、物种现状和保护的必要性 (一)物种现状 中华白海豚主要分布于西太平洋沿岸,从东印度洋、东南亚沿岸延伸一直向北到达中国的东南沿岸,据推测其总数在6000头左右,而我国是全球最重要的中华白海豚栖息地,种群数量大约为4000—5000头.在我国,中华白海豚主要栖息于长江口以南的河口海域,包括福建的三都澳、厦门湾、东山湾,台湾岛的西部海域,广东的韩江口、珠江口、漠阳江口、雷州半岛东部海域、海南三亚附近海域以及广西北部湾等,其中珠江口水域(包括香港澳门)数量最多,超过2000头.受多种因素影响,目前我国中华白海豚生存面临着严峻威胁.  相似文献   

珠江口伶仃洋水域沉积物中多环芳烃及其生态风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究珠江口伶仃洋水域沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布特征、来源及评价PAHs对海洋生物的生态风险,于2010年6月采集珠江口伶仃洋水域20个站位的表层沉积物,采用GC-MS分析方法对沉积物中的16种PAHs含量进行分析测定。研究结果表明:珠江口伶仃洋水域沉积物中16种多环芳烃总含量范围是143.90~522.67 ng/g,平均含量287.05 ng/g,与国内外发达地区相比,该水域沉积物中PAHs污染处于中等水平。本实验采用目前较为常用的比值法(如荧蒽/芘、芘/苯并(a)芘)对调查区域沉积物中的PAHs来源进行分析研究,结果表明,大部分站位沉积物中的PAHs可能主要来源于石油污染,仅一小部分站位PAHs来源于煤等化石燃料的燃烧。利用效应区间低中值法评价珠江口伶仃洋水域沉积物中PAHs的生态风险,结果表明,在所设的20个站位中,有3个站位处的沉积物中的苊和芴对生物可能具有一定的生态风险,而其他站位沉积物中所有PAHs的含量均未达到生态风险评价标准,可以确定该水域沉积物中PAHs对生物具有潜在生态风险的可能性很小;有9个站位处的沉积物中的茚并(1,2,3-c,d)芘对生物可能存在生态风险;利用平均效应中值商法评价PAHs对珠江口伶仃洋水域的生态风险,认为所有站位处PAHs对生物体的潜在的综合生态风险的可能性较小。  相似文献   

<正>经过两个月的精心救治和护理,搁浅在江门台山沙滩上的糙齿海豚"江江"已康复。7月20日,在广东珠海万山海域被顺利放归大海。据专家反映,鲸豚类动物搁浅救护,治愈率普遍较低,"江江"的成功救治,成为广东首个糙齿海豚成功救治案例。保护区工作人员亲切的称呼它为"江江",寓意珠江口保护区和江门保护区联合救护成功,且从珠江口海域放归大海成为它新的成长起点。今年5月3日,广东珠江口中华白海豚国家级自然保护区管理局(以下简称  相似文献   

  1. The estuaries within the Pearl River Delta are sites for large-scale urban development and offshore construction. These projects have conservation stakeholders calling for more protection for the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins whose habitat overlaps with current and proposed construction sites.
  2. Efforts to improve impact assessments are hindered by the lack of baseline data and comprehensive understanding of how often the dolphins are present in areas near or within locations targeted for further development. The Modaomen Estuary within the Pearl River Delta is a good example of this, with little consideration for the dolphins as no data on their diurnal and seasonal occurrences within the estuary exist.
  3. A passive acoustic monitoring system was deployed over a calendar year from October 2016 to September 2017 to monitor the presence of humpback dolphins in the Modaomen Estuary.
  4. Results indicated that the estuary is an important area for humpback dolphins, with regular diel rhythms and seasonality in detection rates. For example, higher detections were seen during the wet season than during the dry season. However, there was no significant difference in detection rates between the flood and ebb tides, or between high and low tidal phases.
  5. Since the Modaomen Estuary is targeted for further development in the near future, these data provide the rationale for resource management and consent processes to consider potential impacts on the dolphins, as well as to aid marine spatial planning and conservation measures.

香港方面在外伶仃岛正北约 4.5公里处设立垃圾区,长期倾倒淤泥、垃圾。为查明倾倒活动与附近渔业环境的关系,在垃圾区附近海域进行了9个测站的表面沉积采样调查,每个样品测定沉积化学成分和粒级分类等13个项目。根据调查所得的第一手资料,应用模糊聚类分析方法,鉴别出香港垃圾的倾倒活动,使外伶仃岛北部区域复盖了新生沉积层,并证实位于外伶仃岛北海岸的石冲湾网箱养殖区处于较主要的受影响区域内。  相似文献   

  1. The paucity of baseline data on coastal cetaceans due to a lack of research in developing countries frequently precludes assessment of their status and informed management actions for conservation.
  2. This study provides the first abundance estimates of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, Irrawaddy dolphins, and Indo-Pacific finless porpoises in the coastal waters of Matang, Peninsular Malaysia.
  3. Boat-based surveys covering 1,152 km2 of coastal waters with 4,108 km of survey effort were conducted between 2013 and 2016 to collect data for line transect analysis of Irrawaddy dolphins and finless porpoises. Photo-identification data of humpback dolphins were concurrently collected for mark–recapture analysis.
  4. Estimates of abundance from four sampling strata totalled 763 Irrawaddy dolphins (CV = 13%, 95% confidence interval (CI) [588, 990]) and 600 Indo-Pacific finless porpoises (CV = 27%, 95% CI [354, 1,016]).
  5. The annual abundance estimates of humpback dolphins ranged between 171 (95% CI [148, 208]) in 2014–2015 and 81 (95% CI [67, 98]) in 2015–2016, likely due to the presence of offshore individuals that moved in and out of the study area. The estuarine strata were inhabited by 68 (95% CI [63, 73]) inshore humpback dolphins in 2013–2014 to 87 (95% CI [78, 97]) dolphins in 2014–2015.
  6. As an International Union for Conservation of Nature important marine mammal area, the productive coastal waters of Matang are shown to support a high density of small coastal cetaceans, and the results serve as an important baseline for future studies to identify population trends for conservation management plans.

  1. Freshwater pearl mussels (family Margaritiferidae) are sensitive to human impact and environmental changes. Large declines in their abundance have prompted studies of distribution and estimations of population densities.
  2. Iturup Island, a part of Kuril Islands, Russia, is considered to be within the distribution area of freshwater pearl mussels, but this information is based on only two specimens collected several decades ago. Detailed survey of the island is challenging as most of its territory is nearly impassable.
  3. A preliminary analysis of island rivers was carried out prior to the surveys to discover potential freshwater pearl mussel habitats. Based on previous experience from European Russia, freshwater pearl mussel habitat was expected to occur in rivers flowing out of lowland lakes.
  4. Live individuals of Margaritifera laevis were found during surveys in one river together with the unionid Beringiana beringiana, which were also found in two other rivers where the predicted habitat occurred. Based on prediction and surveys, the occurrence of freshwater pearl mussels in other rivers of Iturup Island is unlikely.
  5. Pearl mussels were concentrated in a small section of the Zmeika River with a population of about 100,000 mussels. Present threats to the population include overharvest of host fish masou salmon (Oncorhynchus masou).
  6. Surveys using similar methods can help to reveal unknown freshwater mussel populations on other Kuril Islands and on the mainland.

  1. Place‐based management can be an effective conservation tool to protect cetaceans from anthropogenic pressures. The spatial use of the world's second largest population of the threatened Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) is not well‐documented, which makes it challenging to designate protected areas for this population.
  2. To address this knowledge gap and to test the efficacy of an existing dolphin protected area (Zhanjiang Leizhou Bay Municipal Humpback Dolphin Nature Reserve, ZLBMHDNR), boat‐based surveys were conducted to document dolphin occurrence from 2015 to 2018, covering an area of 1221 km2 in the eastern waters off Zhanjiang, China. In total, 253 dolphin group sightings were obtained during 174 survey days.
  3. Spatial analysis showed that humpback dolphins aggregated in three core‐use areas with higher sighting density within the survey area. Furthermore, intermediate‐use and broad‐use areas were identified that could be essential for the movements of humpback dolphins among these core‐use areas.
  4. The spatial usage of humpback dolphins was compared inside and outside the ZLBMHDNR. Results suggest that the ZLBMHDNR is insufficient to encompass a significant portion of dolphin habitat. The ZLBMHDNR (21 km2) is not large enough, and thus it should be expanded for effective place‐based conservation management in this region.
  5. For developing a protected area network, important dolphin habitats identified in this study should be protected as a single management unit. Additionally, mitigation of anthropogenic pressures is needed to be taken into consideration as conservation initiatives in the study area.
  6. This study provides support for a more science‐informed protected area network, and highlights the necessity of implementing place‐based conservation and management for the world's second largest humpback dolphin population.

珠江口淇澳岛红树林湿地沉积物碳、氮分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对珠江口红树林湿地沉积物有机质有更为全面、深入的认识,以珠江口淇澳岛红树林湿地为对象,对其沉积物有机碳(TOC)和总氮(TN)的含量分布、储量及来源进行了研究.结果表明,淇澳岛7种主要红树[秋茄(Kandelia candel)、无瓣海桑(Sonneratia opetala)、桐花(Aegiceras corni...  相似文献   

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