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为了探索中越边境地区防控人感染猪链球菌的有效模式,试验选取3个猪场作为猪链球菌病免疫场和非免疫场,运用PCR和ELISA方法评估猪场免疫防控猪链球菌2型的效果,即选择边境地区东兴市、大新县和那坡县作为猪链球菌2型免疫示范区,对猪群接种猪链球菌2型疫苗后监测屠宰场和免疫场的猪链球菌2型抗体水平,以及通过培训等方式对普通群众和密切接触的相关人员普及猪链球菌病防控知识,并调查了免疫示范区人感染猪链球菌的情况。结果表明:免疫场猪群在免疫猪链球菌2型疫苗2次后产生较高的抗体水平,能极显著降低猪链球菌的感染率(P<0.01)。2016—2020年免疫示范区东兴市、大新县和那坡县猪链球菌2型疫苗免疫平均密度达到73.24%,免疫场猪链球菌2型抗体水平合格率为93.37%。3个县(市)实行免疫后,连续5年人感染猪链球菌数为0。说明在猪场进行猪链球菌2型疫苗免疫,能有效阻止猪群感染猪链球菌;在中越边境建设猪链球菌免疫示范区,通过加强疫苗免疫、抗体监测及防控培训切断了猪链球菌传人的途径,实现了人员零感染猪链球菌。  相似文献   

猪链球菌病是猪感染链球菌后表现出的一种急性细菌性败血症,在养殖场中比较常见,对猪场危害极大。猪鼻支原体是猪呼吸道分泌物中的常在菌,目前,养殖从业人员尚未对猪鼻支原体引起重视,但是猪鼻支原体感染会对猪场造成较大损失。文章从流行病学特点、临床鉴别诊断和病理鉴别诊断等方面对两种疫病总结出鉴别诊断要点,并对两种病原体的防控提出建议,期望能对猪场的疫病诊治防控工作有一定的指导和建议作用。  相似文献   

某小型猪场引进保育猪发病死亡,为了确诊对症防制,通过流行病学调查、病理剖检、细菌分离培养、PCR检测、动物致病性试验、药敏试验进行诊断。试验结果:发病猪确诊为猪链球菌感染,采取对症治疗措施有效控制了疫情,同时给出了猪链球菌病生物安全防范、药物预防保健、精细化饲养管理等综合防控措施。该临床案例对猪链球菌病综合防控具有重要实践意义。  相似文献   

2016年10月山东省潍坊市某猪场的产房仔猪出现疑似猪链球菌感染病例。为准确诊断和进一步防控猪链球菌病,对病例进行了细菌分离培养、革兰氏染色、生化试验、16S RNA基因鉴定和动物接种试验等,最终鉴定为猪链球菌2型感染;对该场的产房、保育猪舍、育肥猪舍、母猪舍进行鼻腔拭子采集,以特异性引物通过PCR检测16S RNA基因和猪链球菌2型荚膜多糖基因(cps2),结果分离到了猪链球菌。检测发现,该场除产房仔猪携带猪链球菌2型外,其他猪舍均没有猪链球菌2型被检出。  相似文献   

精辟剖析夏季猪链球菌病高发原因及临床特点,结合临床实践经验归纳出实用高效的综合防治方案,总体防控效果得以明显提升,为猪场兽医和管理人员提供了实用性参考.  相似文献   

近年猪群中经常出现病原的混合感染,严重影响了养猪业的健康发展。2018年10月,五河县某猪场的猪群大量发病,表现为高热、咳嗽、呼吸困难、皮肤发绀或苍白,部分母猪流产等临床症状。通过流行病学调查、剖检及PCR和RT-PCR等检测,最终确诊为高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒、猪圆环病毒2型和和猪链球菌的混合感染。针对该场的实际情况,笔者制定了一套综合防控方案,实施后取得了理想的防控效果,本方案亦可为其他猪场疫病防控提供参考。  相似文献   

对广西部分规模化猪场中以呼吸道症状为特征的病猪开展病原菌调查,对分离出的常见病原菌进行药敏试验,旨在指导猪场能及时正确选择药物,降低疾病传播风险和减少经济损失。调查表明,收集的病料中分离出的病原菌主要包括猪链球菌、副猪嗜血杆菌、猪传染性胸膜肺炎放线杆菌、巴氏杆菌、波氏杆菌和肺炎克雷伯杆菌,且呈现单一感染或混合感染,单一感染率为85.4%,其中猪链球菌感染的比例最大,达33.3.%,混合感染中,则以副猪嗜血杆菌和链球菌的混合感染率最高。同时分离出的4种常见细菌对22种猪场常用药物表现出不同程度的耐药性。  相似文献   

为了对某规模猪场保育猪发生的关节肿胀、跛行临床病例进行确诊,试验采用临床观察、病理剖检、细菌分离培养、PCR检测相结合的方法进行诊断。结果表明,病猪为猪链球菌感染,进一步开展了动物致病性试验、药敏试验,采取对症治疗,结合免疫接种、生物安全防范、精细化饲养管理等综合防控措施,有效控制了猪链球菌病。  相似文献   

猪链球菌病是由多种致病性猪链球菌感染引起的一种人畜共患病,在我国被列为二类疫病,病猪表现为发热和严重的毒血症状,早期发现治疗后大部分能治愈,但严重病例治疗不及时会有较高的致死率,影响猪场效益和食品安全。因此,要重视对该病的防控。  相似文献   

正本文对湖南某猪场仔猪咳嗽、呼吸困难、渐进性消瘦病例进行了一系列分析,结果表明该猪场仔猪存在肺炎支原体、猪副嗜血杆菌、猪链球菌和巴氏杆菌4种病原混合感染。根据实验室检测结果采取综合性措施有效的控制了疾病的发展,并就外购仔猪疾病的防控进行了分析和思考。  相似文献   

本文将危害分析(HA)和关键控制点(CCP)体系应用于搅拌型酸牛奶的生产中,对其生产的全过程进行危害分析,确定关键控制点,并制定相应的解决措施和途径,以实现危害的有效控制,确保搅拌型酸奶的质量安全。  相似文献   

采用鲜血压片镜检、姬姆萨染色镜捡与基于16SrRNA—PCR检测方法,对重庆市荣昌县部分农户散养和规模养猪场进行猪附红细胞体感染的调查,并进行不同养殖规模下猪附红细胞体感染的危险度分析。结果发现,鲜血压片镜检、姬姆萨染色镜检和PCR法检测猪的附红细胞体感染率分别为61%、67%和76%;农户散养猪附红细胞体感染率(83%)显著高于规模化养猪场(68%)。危险度分析表明,农户散养猪感染附红细胞体的危险度明显高于规模养猪场,养殖规模的差异与猪附红细胞体的感染具有中等的联系强度(OR=2.32;95CI=1.99~2.69)。  相似文献   

Control of Streptococcus suis infections and associated disease have proven to be a difficult challenge under most farm conditions. The objective of this study was to experimentally expose young pigs with a pathogenic strain of S. suis serotype 2 as a means of controlling the disease in a commercial swine farm. Prior to the start of the study, the pathogenic S. suis strain responsible for mortality in the farm was identified and used to experimentally inoculate baby piglets. Over a 3-week period, groups of pigs were selected (100 pigs/wk) and divided into 2 groups: control (50 pigs/week) and experimentally exposed (50 pigs/week). Pigs in the experimentally exposed group were inoculated at 5 d old by tonsillar swabbing with the pathogenic S. suis farm isolate. The effect of exposure with this pathogenic strain was evaluated during the nursery and finishing stages and was based on: morbidity (pigs with central nervous signs (CNS) and/or lameness), mortality and number of treatments required by pigs that had either CNS or lameness. The relative risk (RR) of acquiring disease due to S. suis infection was also calculated. Results showed that morbidity in the experimentally exposed groups was lower than in the control group and these results were statistically different (P = 0.006). Experimentally exposed pigs also showed a statistically significant reduction in lameness problems (P = 0.012), but not in CNS (P = 0.20) or mortality (P = 0.59). Pigs in the control group had an increased RR of 4.76, 8.77 and 2.7 for morbidity, to have lameness or to have CNS signs, respectively. In conclusion, experimental exposure of young pigs with the farm's pathogenic S. suis strain at a young age, had a positive effect in reducing clinical signs characteristics of S. suis infection. This method constitutes a novel approach to the control of S. suis infections in swine farms.  相似文献   

Streptococcus Suis: Past and Present   总被引:109,自引:0,他引:109  
Staats, J.J., Feder, I., Okwumabua, O. and Chengappa, M.M., 1997. Streptococcus suis: past and present. Veterinary Research Communications, 21 (6), 381-407Steptococcus suis is a Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic coccus that has been implicated as the cause of a wide range of clinical disease syndromes in swine and other domestic animals. In swine, the disease has spread worldwide but is more prevalent in countries with intensive swine management practices. The disease syndromes caused by S. suis in swine include arthritis, meningitis, pneumonia, septicaemia, endocarditis, polyserositis, abortions and abscesses. S. suis has also been implicated in disease in humans, especially among abattoir workers and swine and pork handlers. In humans, S. suis type 2 can cause meningitis, which may result in permanent hearing loss, septicaemia, endocarditis and death. The pathogenic mechanism of S. suis is not well defined. Several virulence factors have been identified, but their roles in pathogenesis and disease have not been well elucidated. Much work is in progress on characterization of virulence factors and mechanisms, with emphasis on the control of the disease. Because of the non-availability of suitable immunoprophylaxis, control of S. suis infection has depended mainly on the use of antimicrobials.  相似文献   

Infections caused by Streptococcus suis are considered a global problem in the swine industry. In this animal species, S. suis is associated with septicemia, meningitis, endocarditis, arthritis and, occasionally, other infections. Moreover, it is an agent of zoonosis that afflicts people in close contact with infected pigs or pork-derived products. Although sporadic cases of S. suis infection in humans have been reported, a large outbreak due to S. suis serotype 2 emerged in the summer of 2005 in Sichuan, China. A similar outbreak was observed in another Chinese province in 1998. Symptoms reported in these two outbreaks include high fever, malaise, nausea and vomiting, followed by nervous symptoms, subcutaneous hemorrhage, septic shock and coma in severe cases. The increased severity of S. suis infections in humans, such as a shorter incubation time, more rapid disease progression and higher rate of mortality, underscores the critical need to better understand the factors associated with pathogenesis of S. suis infection. From the 35 capsular serotypes currently known, serotype 2 is considered the most virulent and frequently isolated in both swine and humans. Here, we review the epidemiological, clinical and immunopathological features of S. suis infection in humans.  相似文献   

HACCP是一种预防性控制管理体系,通过运用HACCP原理对冰鲜猪肉的各个生产环节进行分析,确定了5个关键控制点:活猪验收、屠宰分割、宰后检验、金属探测、冷却排酸;并制定相应的控制和纠偏措施,最终确定并建立了行之有效的HACCP计划。主要探讨了HACCP体系在供港澳冰鲜猪肉生产过程中的应用,以期通过应用HACCP体系,能够更好地控制供港澳冰鲜猪肉的生产,确保食品安全。  相似文献   

将危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)体系应用于乳酸菌饮料生产中,对其生产的全过程进行危害分析,确定关键控制点,并制定相应的解决方法和途径。通过在生产过程中对危害的有效控制,确保乳酸菌饮料的质量安全。  相似文献   

希腊式酸奶加工中HACCP体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据HACCP体系的基本原则,对希腊式酸奶加工过程进行危害分析(HA),并确定了加工中的关键控制点(CCP),同时制定了相应的控制限值和监控措施,以期通过这些措施提高希腊式酸奶生产管理水平和产品的质量水平。  相似文献   

为了解猪链球菌在新疆南疆地区正常猪群中的流行情况,对库尔勒地区、阿克苏地区、喀什地区无菌采集的286头份健康屠宰猪的扁桃体进行猪链球菌种的鉴定;采用猪链球菌谷氨酸脱氢酶(gdh)基因设计引物,建立PCR方法。结果表明,南疆地区猪链球菌的携带率达到了17.13%;对携带猪链球菌的扁桃体进行细菌的分离鉴定,荻得47株猪源性链球菌;采用多重PCR对分离的47株猪链球菌进行主要致病血清学的检测,未见主要致病血清型。  相似文献   

食品污染所引起的食品安全事件在世界上不断发生,食源性疾病已成为威胁人类健康的主要原因。根据学生食堂餐饮食品加工的特点,运用危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)原理,确定原料采购、熟制、出售和复热作为学生食堂餐饮食品加工的关键控制点,建立危害控制措施,确保食堂餐饮食品安全。  相似文献   

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