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退耕还林还草实行“三补两免两落实”的政策,解决了当前退耕后农民在一个时期内的生计问题,同时缓解了农民在农业税、生活需要上的经济负担,一定程度地解决了造林种草种苗费用。但通过两年来退耕还林还草工程的实施,我们认为退耕还林还草工程的相关政策在以下几个方面应进一步完善。 一、退耕坯林还草面积应以实际水平面积为准  相似文献   

关于现有退耕还林还草政策的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周华  胡玉平 《中国林业》2001,(22):22-23
退耕还林还草实行“三补两免两落实”政策,解决了当前退耕后农民在一个时期内的生计问题,同时缓解了农民在农业税、生活需要上的经济负担,一定程度地解决了造林种草种苗的费用。总的来讲,退耕还林还草政策较优惠,农民普遍欢迎,有利于退耕还林还草工程的实施。但通过两年来退耕还林还草工程的实施,笔者认为退耕还林还草工程的相关政策在以下几个方面值得完善:一、退耕还林还草面积应以实际水平面积为准实施退耕还林还草工程,要求以实际的水平面积为准,但目前农户的承包面积并非是实际水平面积,而是传统的承包面积,是以指手为界或…  相似文献   

关于大方县退耕还林工程的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贵州省大方县的主要做法 大方县 2000年 3月被列入贵州省 14个退耕还林还草试点县后,工程实施进展顺利。到 2000年 11月底,全县 0.1万公顷退耕还林还草任务已全部落实,涉及 29个村 3483户,已退耕造林面积 82公顷,成活率 90%以上。退耕还林还草的粮食和现金补助已全部兑现,退耕未还林还草的粮食、现金补助已兑现 50%。农民群众退耕还林还草的积极性空前高涨,冬季造林种草整地等准备工作已全面展开。 为走出一条“退得下、还得上、稳得住、能致富、不反弹”的退耕还林还草之路,县委、县政府在规划布局上,突出重点,集中连片,坚…  相似文献   

日前国务院决定今年将扩大退耕还林还草试点范围 ,由 2 0 0 0年的17省扩大到 2 0省 ,其中新增试点县 36个。任务为退耕地造林种草 33.3万 hm2 ,宜林荒山荒地造林种草 4 9.3万 hm2。今年中央投资 36亿多元 ,补贴粮食 38亿多斤。实行“以粮代赈、个体承包”的扶持政策 ,对退耕农民按经济林、生态林分别给予 5a和 8a粮食、现金补助 ,对退耕地还林还草和宜林荒山造林种草给予一次性种苗补助今年退耕还林扩大到江西省鄱阳湖流域@陈永伶  相似文献   

“十五”以来,辽宁省阜新市生态建设和林业产业都实现了历史性的突破。全市新增退耕还林还草面积211.8万亩,三北四期工程及其它造林面积新增100万亩,是“九五”期间造林面积的3.6倍。近三年林地开发面积累计达到200万亩,产值实现10亿元。五年来,全市退耕还林已兑现的补贴资金达到了38113.5万元,与之相关联的是退耕还林后续产业暨林地经济的崛起。通过在退耕还林地及其它新植幼林地套种粮油作物、黄烟、药材、牧草及林下养殖等,增加了农民收入。2001-2002年因政策不允许退耕还林地未搞开发,林地产值几乎为零;2003年允许开发后,当年产值实现2…  相似文献   

根据国家林业局的要求,四川省林业厅下发了《关于组织退耕还林后续政策调研工作的通知》,对各地组织开展退耕还林后续政策调研工作进行了部署。通知指出:按现行政策规定,退耕还经济林和退耕还草部分已陆续停止补助,从2008年开始,退耕还生态林也将开始陆续停止补助,国家停止补助后对退耕农户有什么影响,退耕还林成果能否稳得住、不反弹,是事关退耕还林工程健康发展和国家投资效益的重大问题。要通过广泛的调查研究,用数据回答上述问题,并对停止补助后巩固成果存在问题的地区分类提出解决办法。  相似文献   

1.要认真落实“退耕还林(草),封山绿化,以粮代赈,个体承包”的措施,切实把国家无偿向退耕户提供粮食、现金、种苗的补助政策落实到户。国家每年根据退耕面积核定各省(自治区、直辖市)退耕还林还草所需粮食和现金补助总量。粮食和现金的补助年限,先按经济林补助5年,生态林补助8年计算,到期后可根据农民实际收入情况,需要补助多少年再继续补助多少年。要坚持以营造生态林为主,而且不许自行砍伐。各部门、各地区要抓紧进行调查研究,对生态林和经济林的比例做出科学的规定,生态林一般应占80%左右。对超过规定比例多种的经济林,…  相似文献   

为搞好退耕补助粮食供应,满足退耕区人民群众生活的基本需要,确保“以粮代赈、退耕还林还草”工程顺利实施,国家发展计划委员会、国家粮食储备局、国家林业局、财政部、农业部、中国农业发展银行联合出台了退耕还林还草的粮食供应的暂行办法。  相似文献   

退耕还林政策近期完善10月10日,国家林业局召开退耕还林专题新闻发布会,对《国务院关于完善退耕还林政策的通知》做了更进一步的部署和落实。要点有五条:一是原先退耕还林补助政策再延长一个周期,还生态林8年、还经济林5年、还草两年。二是在延长期内,从粮食补助资金中拿出一半对退耕农户进行直接补助,长江流域及南方地区每亩退耕地每年补助现金105元,黄河流域及北方地区每亩退耕地每年补助现金70元。三是从粮食补助资金中拿出另一半作为巩固退耕还  相似文献   

退耕还林还草工程实施三年来,武川县14万农民在县委、政府的带领下,共退耕15.3万亩,还林  相似文献   

中国林业碳汇管理现状与展望   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
气候变化是当前全球面临的共同挑战,《京都议定书》规定了三种灵活机制,以促进发达国家在2008~2012年的第一承诺期内率先采取行动来缓解气候变暖趋势。其中,实施清洁发展机制(CDM)下的造林再造林碳汇项目是发达国家和发展中国家共同应对气候变化的一种选择。文章介绍了造林再造林碳汇项目产生的背景,阐述了我国森林碳汇的重要贡献,分析了在我国实施造林再造林碳汇项目的利弊,提出了我国林业碳汇管理的初步设想。  相似文献   

This paper investigates forest ownership objectives and the need for information among Estonian and Finnish private forest owners based on two surveys. The motivation for the analysis is the fragmenting private forest ownership in Europe. The broad lines of ownership objectives are found to be similar in both countries, and can be described under the dimensions of economic objectives, intangible values, and products and activities provided by forests. In both countries, economic and intangible objectives are considered important at the same time. Thus forest owners can be described as multi-objective. The economic objectives are ranked as somewhat more important than non-economic objectives in Estonia, but not in Finland. Estonian forest owners most strongly emphasise information about legal and economic matters, including forest taxation and forest health issues, while Finnish forest owners emphasise information about wood markets and forest taxation. Differences between the two countries may be related to private ownership being relatively new in Estonia. Some generalisations may be drawn for European forest policy. Overall, private forest owners need both information about economic issues and personal advice on how to manage forests with regard to their individual and multiple objectives. Generally, personal advice may be concentrated on the complicated and most important themes, while information can mostly be provided via written or electronic channels. Particularly in countries where private forestry is new, there is a need for personal advice on legislative and economic matters. As a conclusion, it is suggested that efficient allocation of resources and development of information services require regular analysis of private forest ownership, and segmenting private forest owners according to their objectives and information needs.  相似文献   

邵丹 《吉林林业科技》2010,39(4):37-39,48
对辽宁省集体林林权改革中林农行为进行了调查与分析,结果表明:有82.00%的林农在林权改革中获得了林地,86.76%的林农对林权改革满意,84.84%的农户有投资的意愿,进行林下多种经营的林农户数有了显著提高,增长了2倍。影响林农进行林业生产投资的主要因素是:缺乏资金,担心政策变化,采伐限额限制木材生产。筹措资金、保持政策的连续性、科学经营森林(合理分配采伐指标)是巩固集体林权改革成果的基本保障。  相似文献   

西部大开发退耕还林(草)的政策有效性评析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
退耕还林 (草 )是一项复杂的社会经济生态系统工程 ,它直接涉及到粮食产量、技术、资金、劳动力等方方面面的问题。本文在分析西部地区退耕还林 (草 )的必要性和矛盾性的基础上 ,对退耕还林 (草 )政策从外部经济性、效益的阶段性、退耕还林 (草 )后农业的发展等方面做了评析。指出目前我国西部退耕还林 (草 )试点工程出现了经济林比例过大、行政手段干预为主、退耕还林树种单一等一系列问题 ,并针对这些问题 ,提出了一些建议。最后 ,本文认为尽快建立健全生态补偿机制是保证退耕还林 (草 )政策能够持续实施的关键之所在。  相似文献   

实现"碳达峰、碳中和"是我国积极应对全球气候变化的庄严承诺,也是统筹经济社会发展与生态文明建设的重大战略。"十四五"时期,有效发挥森林、草原、湿地、海洋、土壤、冻土的固碳作用,提升生态系统碳汇增量,提高优质生态产品的供给能力非常关键。目前,迫切需要开展以科技创新为动力的林草碳汇培训,建设一支林草碳汇领域懂政策、会技术、善管理的人才队伍,推动林草业高质量发展。文中总结新时期林草碳汇工作的背景,分析开展林草碳汇培训工作的意义,提出开展林草碳汇培训工作的主要任务,以确保"双碳"目标如期实现。  相似文献   

我国退耕还林工程建设成效问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统地总结了我国退耕还林工程在改善生态环境、增加农民收入、调整农村产业结构、提高农业综合生产能力、促进农民思想观念转变等方面取得的成效,分析了退耕还林工程建设中存在的突出矛盾和问题,根据“完善政策,巩固成果,稳步推进,确保质量”的要求,提出了进一步搞好退耕还林工程建设的对策和建议。  相似文献   

定西市退耕还林(草)工程建设回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以干旱半干旱地区特定自然条件为背景,系统回顾与总结了定西市退耕还林(草)工程在政策管理、技采设计、建管机制等方面的成功经验,并对巩固退耕还林(草)工程成果,充分提高退耕还林(草)工程效益提出了建议。  相似文献   

Participation is about finding consensus in diversity and reflects a normative shift towards multiple-use values that recognise that forest management should blend multiple management objectives into a coherent set of practices. A framework to incorporate interest groups’ values and needs into functional forest management systems has yet to be institutionalised in contemporary forest policy and management. Participation is not just a means but also a model for involving those concerned. It should be understood as a pro-active approach for creating an enhanced understanding of objectives, problems and their solution. Optimally any participative process will help to create more informed operative decisions, and thus provide a more solid base for policy outputs, increasing the chance of reaching ‘sustainable’ decisions that consider long-term effects. The analytical framework of this paper draws on theoretical traditions within the sociology of law and legal theory, and analyses some recent national legislation and international law with respect to participation. It proposes a set of guidelines that aim to facilitate participation (as opposed to merely pro forma consultation) with particular reference to the formulation and implementation of National Forest Programmes (NFPs).  相似文献   

More than half of the forest land in Bavaria belongs to private forest owners, who contribute a large amount of the industrial timber supply. The level of information about private forests is in comparison to the communal forests inadequate. The increasing demand for data about the forest sector in Bavaria can be partially covered by regular inventories but requires supplementary monitoring activities. Regular surveys based on voluntary participation deliver data, but often do not fulfil statistical requirements due to low response rates of 15–20% to postal surveys. The Bavarian annual postal cutting survey has been built up over 5 years using a roster of voluntary participants. This pragmatic and cost-effective approach provides reliable data for statistical purposes and gives insight in the forest management activities of small-scale forest owners. Recent technical developments, in particular the availability of grids and digital land-use maps, facilitate the random sampling of forest owners. This approach has been applied in a climate change project, but the results did not meet the expectations because of low response rates. The rather labour- and cost-intensive census of forest owners as applied in the project in Eastern Bavaria cannot be recommended except in exceptional circumstances. In the described project a qualitative approach with four distinct questionnaires has been adopted in order to identify ways to reach forest owners that are either not interested in their forests or do not respond to requests. Due to low response rates the objectives of the study could only be partially achieved.  相似文献   

This study employs survey and ground truthing methodologies for determining individuals' concerns for forest loss and its environmental impacts in Cameroon. The aim of this practical modelling exercise is to acquire information from people experiencing actual conditions of forest loss on the ground. The information acquired through the modelling exercise is used to conceptualise people's concerns about the problem of forest loss in Cameroon. These concerns are aggregated into groups and qualitative public policy analysis methods (Benefit/Cost Analysis, Cost Effectiveness Analysis, and Multi-Goal Analysis) are used to facilitate the identification of goals, constraints and objectives. Based on identified goals, constrains and objectives, seven policy options are proposed to mitigate the problem of forest loss in Cameroon. The analysis in this study show that market failure, policy failure, institutional weakness, debt crises, and population growth are issues that intricately work together to produce the negative outcome that is being witnessed in the forest sector of Cameroon.  相似文献   

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