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1临床表现1.1阴道炎母猪阴道有大量脓状分泌物,同时有干燥的分泌物附着于外阴,其外阴红肿,阴道膜显著充血。阴道炎严重时,母猪排尿量减少,阴道检查过程中母猪出现疼痛反应,若未得到及时治疗,其阴道膜区域会发生病变,进而影响生产。1.2子宫内膜炎母猪阴道出现大量红色液状分泌物,其味刺鼻,母猪卧地时阴道分泌物相对较多。病原微生物在母猪子宫中繁殖,产生大量毒素时,母猪会出现体温上升、厌食等症状,随后其会营养不良,乳汁质量下降,个别猪会发生乳房炎。  相似文献   

<正>猪链球菌病是猪一种常见的人畜共患传染病,能引起败血症、脑膜炎、心内膜炎、多发性关节炎、淋巴结炎、肺炎等病症。猪链球菌的自然感染部位是猪的上呼吸道(特别是扁桃体和鼻腔)、生殖道和消化道。链球菌的常在地区健康带菌猪并不发病,未曾感染过链球菌的猪进入到常在地区不久,链球菌病便在断奶仔猪和育肥猪群中暴发流行。母猪经呼吸道传染给哺乳仔猪。C群停乳链球菌常在鼻腔分泌物、扁桃体及阴道和包皮液中,产后母猪的阴道分  相似文献   

1母猪生殖道炎症1.1临床症状早期急性炎症时表现为食欲减退或废绝,阴道排出暗红色、腥臭的分泌物,转为慢性后外阴部常见灰白色或淡黄色脓样分泌物流出,尤其是在母猪侧卧爬起时腹压增加,分泌物易排出,有刺鼻的腥臭气味。外阴部及尾部常粘有污秽物。轻度的阴道炎症,用消毒液冲洗后配种仍可受孕;如发生子宫炎症会使母猪屡配不孕或早期妊娠中止。1.2发病原因母猪生殖道炎症的发病原因有以下几点:1.2.1母猪体质差或营养不良导致过于消瘦,抵抗力下降。  相似文献   

2003年11月,信阳市某养猪场,由于饲喂霉变玉米,导致300多头猪陆续发病,共死亡两头。其中断奶仔猪180多头,保育猪140多头,后备母猪36头。先用磺胺嘧啶治疗,后来用土霉素治疗均无效果。经诊断为赤霉菌毒素中毒,现将诊治情况报告如下:1临床症状病猪主要表现为食欲减退或废绝,体温正常或略微升高,部分猪皮肤广泛性潮红,少数猪腹泻。小母猪症状比较典型,乳腺增生,阴门肿胀、潮红、明显突出,严重者阴唇张开,阴道黏膜肿胀,流出混有血液的分泌物。但小母猪均无发情表现。去势公猪包皮水肿,乳腺肥大,有两头直肠脱出,肠黏膜严重水肿、出血。经产母猪、…  相似文献   

浦同灿 《猪业科学》2011,28(8):127-127
1病因 花溪区青岩镇某猪场一母猪在生产期间感染病原菌,畜主未及时请兽医对该猪进行处理,导致母猪产后第13天阴道还有脓性分泌物排出,并且带有淡淡的血色,经笔者初步判断,该母猪为慢性子宫内膜炎。  相似文献   

1病因 花溪区青岩镇某猪场一母猪在生产期间感染病原菌,畜主未及时请兽医对该猪进行处理,导致母猪产后第13天阴道还有脓性分泌物排出,并且带有淡淡的血色,经笔者初步判断,该母猪为慢性子宫内膜炎。  相似文献   

(接上期)诱发爬跨。用发情母猪的尿或阴道分泌物涂在假台猪上,同时模仿母猪叫声,也可以用其他公猪的尿或口水涂在假母猪上,目的都是诱发公猪的爬跨欲。  相似文献   

正猪气喘病又称猪霉形体肺炎,是一种慢性流行性的常见传染病,气候骤变或营养不良时多发,尤以断奶仔猪、妊娠母猪或初产母猪最易感。病原体为猪肺炎霉形体,存在于病猪体内或分泌物中。患猪感染后生长不良,逐渐消瘦,常因并发肺炎而死亡,对养猪生产危害极大。养猪场户必须做好严格防控,以防危害。1未发病猪群未发病猪场,应坚持自繁自养,严格免疫预防。  相似文献   

1引起母猪流产的疾病感染猪蓝耳病的母猪在妊娠中、后期出现流产,产下的胎儿为死胎、木乃伊胎、弱胎,即使是已到临产期产下的小猪,也往往出现站立不稳、哀鸣、腹泻、咳嗽等症状。小猪不吃奶或拱奶无力,几乎无法成活。少数母猪产后缺乳或无乳,发生胎衣不下及阴道分泌物增多的现象。  相似文献   

<正>2014年7月和2014年11月,广安某香猪养殖场饲养的香猪两次发病。第1次为种母香猪发病,表现精神沉郁,呼吸急促,鼻孔流出大量泡沫样分泌物,皮肤发绀,体温40℃~42℃之间,母猪怀孕后期流产,近1个月内死亡23头种母猪,流产8胎。使用头孢噻呋、林可霉素、大观霉素、磺胺间甲氧嘧啶、双黄连注射液等治疗无  相似文献   

To test the role of sows in spreading transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE), 11 sows were intravenously, intranasally, or intramammarily inoculated with virulent virus within 5 days of farrowing. Six of the sows were separated from their offspring, and 5 were allowed to nurse their litters. All sows became clinically ill with sign of anorexia, depression, and fever that persisted until postinoculation day 4 or 5. They shed virus through milk, nasal secretions, and feces, with individual variations occurring in degree and duration of shedding in the 1st week after inoculation. Of 40 pigs separately fed milk samples from the 6 inoculated sows, 19 pigs (47.5%) became sick in 24 to 40 hours, and virus was isolated from them at necropsy. Of 43 pigs in the 5 litters that nursed exposed dams, all became sick with typical signs of TGE, and 29 (67.4%) died in 2 to 9 days. Sows given the single intramammary inoculation of virus developed statistically significant higher levels of TGE virus-neutralizing antibodies than did sows inoculated intravenously or intranasally.  相似文献   

藏猪在舍饲条件下的行为观察   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
对藏猪在舍饲条件下的行为特性进行了观察,结果表明:一天内母猪走动时间约占15%-25%,臣息时间占75%-85%,一天内妊娠母猪排粪5-6次,藏母猪性成熟早,发情特征明显,情期长,青年母猪70-85日龄出现性行为,母猪产前20h开始出现闹圈等一系列产前行为,产仔持续时间1.9-4.2h,母猪一天哺乳25次,仔猪拱乳时间52-57s,母猪持续放乳15-26s,藏猪调圈或合群后经咬斗过程,在一周内建立新的位次序列,藏猪耐粗食,抗逆性强,对高原恶劣的气候条件有独特的适应能力,并具有良好的定圈能力。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To document shedding of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus in mammary gland secretions of experimentally inoculated sows, to evaluate effects of vaccination during gestation on virus shedding during the subsequent lactation, and to evaluate shedding of PRRS virus in milk of sows in commercial herds. ANIMALS: 6 sows seronegative for PRRS virus were used for experiment 1, and 2 sows were retained for experiment 2. For experiment 3, 202 sows in commercial herds were used. PROCEDURE: In experiment 1, 2 sows were inoculated with PRRS virus, 2 sows were vaccinated with modified-live PRRS virus vaccine, and 2 sows served as control pigs. Mammary gland secretions were assayed for PRRS virus. In experiment 2, pregnant vaccinated sows from experiment 1 were vaccinated with another modified-live PRRS virus vaccine. Mammary gland secretions were assayed in the same manner as for experiment 1. For experiment 3, milk collected from 202 sows in commercial herds was assayed for PRRS virus. RESULTS: In experiment 1, PRRS virus was detected in mammary gland secretions of both vaccinated and 1 of 2 virus-inoculated sows. In experiment 2, virus was not detected in samples from either vaccinated sow. In experiment 3, all samples yielded negative results. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Na?ve sows inoculated late in gestation shed PRRS virus in mammary secretions. Previous vaccination appeared to prevent shedding during the subsequent lactation. Results for samples obtained from sows in commercial herds suggested that virus shedding in mammary gland secretions of such sows is uncommon.  相似文献   

观察舍饲条件下合作猪的行为特征,表明:在1d内,公猪走动时间占30%~40%,卧息时间占60%~70%,母猪走动时间占15%~25%,卧息时间占75%~85%,1d内采食时间占4%左右,排粪5~6次。合作母猪性成熟早,发情特征明显。青年公猪40~55日龄出现爬跨行为,80日龄可参加配种。母猪产前18h开始闹圈,产仔持续时间1.5~4.5h。母猪哺乳能力强。合作猪经调圈或合群后产生咬斗行为,以便建立新的位次序列。合作猪抗逆性强,耐粗饲,对高原环境有独特的适应能力。  相似文献   

The influence of weaning to oestrus interval, its interaction with parity and equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) on changes of vaginal impedance in sows after weaning was examined. The impedance measurements were carried out by a four‐terminal method. Sows were monitored for oestrus via exposure to a sexually mature boar. The interval from weaning to oestrus was longer in primiparous than multiparous sows (p < 0.01). A significant negative correlation was found between the interval from weaning to oestrus and parity. Repeated measures analysis showed that the interval from weaning to oestrus and parity and their interactions had a significant effect on the vaginal impedance in peri‐oestrus. The vaginal impedance during pro‐oestrus gradually decreased in all groups of sows with the weaning to oestrus interval from 4 to 8 days (p < 0.05). In the subsequent period, the vaginal impedance increased and was significantly lower from 1 to 3 days after oestrus onset in sows with the weaning to oestrus interval 7–8 days than 4–6 days. Similarly, the vaginal impedance during pro‐oestrus gradually decreased in all groups of sows with parity 1–5 (p < 0.01). In the next period, the vaginal impedance increased and was significantly lower from 2–3 days after oestrus onset in sows of parity 1 than parity 2–5. Repeated measures analysis showed that eCG treatment had a significant effect on the vaginal impedance in peri‐oestrus. Sows treated with eCG displayed the decrease and increase of vaginal impedance due to oestrus onset earlier than untreated sows. The results indicate that the weaning to oestrus interval, its interaction with parity and eCG markedly affect the vaginal impedance in sows during peri‐oestrus.  相似文献   

产道作为母猪生殖系统的重要器官组织,与繁殖性能密切相关。本试验无菌采集江西省某养殖场窝产14头母猪产道中段阴道分泌物进行传统细菌分离培养,初步筛选出4株细菌,挑选其中一株通过生化反应和16S rDNA序列分析方法进行鉴定,同时进行抗生素抵抗能力试验和牛津杯法体外抑制试验。生化鉴定结果表明该菌可降解果糖、乳糖、半乳糖等,该菌代谢产物与葡萄糖酸盐无反应,葡萄糖产气试验说明该菌产酸不产气。分离菌株通过NCBI同源性比对为粪肠球菌(登录号EU794735.1)。分离菌对青霉素、头孢哌酮等高度敏感,对红霉素、庆大霉素等耐药。体外抑制试验中分离菌对大肠杆菌k88和变形杆菌具有良好的抑制效果,可以作为候选益生菌株进行深入研究。这为今后益生菌代替抗生素及产道菌群移植防治母猪产道炎症提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The aim of present study was to study the effect of post-ovulatory insemination on the subsequent embryonic loss, oestrous cycle length and vaginal discharge in sows. Ten Large White multiparous sows were divided into two groups. Group A sows were inseminated once at 15 h after ovulation. Thereafter, they were ovariohysterectomized on day 11 (n = 5, first day of standing oestrus = day 1) and flushed for recovery of embryos. Group B sows were also inseminated once at 15 h after ovulation. They were further observed for return to oestrus and vaginal discharge (n = 5) after insemination. The endometrium tissues were biopsied from sows with vaginal discharge, embedded with paraffin, stained with haematoxylin and eosin and examined under light microscope. Only two embryos were observed in one of four sows from group A. All embryos had a spherical shape but differed in size (range 1-2 mm). In group B, only one sow had a regular return to oestrus (i.e. on day 23) and another sow had an irregular return to oestrus (i.e. on day 27). The other two sows in this group had shown vaginal discharge on days 20 and 38 after standing oestrus. For the number of leucocytes in the endometrium of sows with vaginal discharge, a large number of lymphocytes and plasma cells were observed in the connective tissue of the subepithelial layer. In conclusion, post-ovulatory insemination resulted in early embryonic loss, a subsequent prolonged oestrus interval and also vaginal discharge (i.e. endometritis) in sows.  相似文献   

Two pregnancy diagnosis techniques, vaginal biopsy and ultrasonic detection, were applied to 190 sows following service. Of 172 sows diagnosed pregnant by vaginal biopsy, five did not farrow. Of 18 sows judged not pregnant, one produced a litter. With the ultrasound technique, 175 sows were diagnosed pregnant, but 11 did not farrow. Of the remaining 15 sows considered not pregnant by the 39th day after service, four farrowed. The biopsy result was usually available up to 48 hours earlier than the ultrasound result. It was concluded that where laboratory facilities are available, the biopsy technique is the method of choice.  相似文献   

Anti-adhesive activities of colostrum and milk from genetically susceptible sows, which protected their susceptible offspring in an outbreak of neonatal diarrhoea caused by K88-positive Escherichia coli, were compared with the activities in mammary secretions of resistant dams that did not protect their susceptible progeny. There was significantly more anti-adhesive antibody in the secretions of susceptible sows than in resistant sows, both during the disease period, and 1 year later. Fractionation of colostrum by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography led to identification of the anti-adhesive antibodies as including both IgA and IgM.  相似文献   

In the first-litter sows lower serum levels were found for all three Ig classes as compared to multiparous sows. The same was true for IgA in lacteal secretions and in piglet serum during the first days of life, while no differences were found for IgG levels. In contrast to these findings, IgM levels were found to be higher in lacteal secretions of first-litter sows and in piglet serum during the first days of life as compared to their counterparts. From three weeks after birth Igs found in piglet serum mainly originate from de novo synthesis. In this period piglets of first litter sows showed a higher IgA level up to the 6th week of life and higher IgG and IgM levels up to the end of the investigation period. Results are discussed in terms of maternal-neonatal immune regulation, focussing on the apparent suppressive role of maternally-derived IgG on total de novo Ig synthesis by suckling piglets.  相似文献   

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