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瘤胃酸中毒是集约化养殖反刍动物的重要营养代谢病,给反刍动物养殖业造成了巨大的经济损失。在临床诊断上应注意对瘤胃酸中毒与瘤胃积食、瘤胃臌胀进行症状鉴别诊断。防治瘤胃酸中毒的瘤胃微生物途径包括两个方面:一方面促进乳酸的利用,如添加电子受体、乳酸利用菌以及酵母和曲霉等真菌;另一方面减少乳酸的产生,如给反刍动物接种牛链球菌和乳酸菌疫苗。通过调控乳酸利用菌群和乳酸产生菌群之间的平衡,控制乳酸的利用和产生,阻止瘤胃酸中毒的发生。  相似文献   

乳酸是反刍动物瘤胃内重要的中间代谢产物,在饲喂高精料的反刍动物瘤胃内乳酸累积过多可能会加速瘤胃酸中毒的进程。本文综述了瘤胃内乳酸代谢机制和影响因素,以及提高乳酸利用和添加硫胺素等预防瘤胃酸中毒的几种方式,旨在系统地总结反刍动物瘤胃内乳酸代谢机制,为瘤胃酸中毒的调控提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

临床性瘤胃乳酸中毒是发生在奶牛饲养中的一种常见代谢性疾病。当奶牛产犊后或产奶高峰期采食精饲料过多时,瘤胃趋于乳酸发酵,乳酸的酸性较强,使瘤胃pH值降至6以下。在正常情况下,瘤胃中产生的乳酸会被立即转化为丙酸,因而瘤胃中无乳酸累积。但在精料饲喂量突然增加时,乳酸会在瘤胃中大量累积,通过瘤胃壁进入血液,故血液pH值也会随之降低(从7.4降至713),奶牛出现乳酸中毒,严重的乳酸中毒会造成奶牛死亡,  相似文献   

牛链球菌(S.bovis)是瘤胃主要的乳酸产生菌,在饲喂高精料饲粮导致瘤胃乳酸中毒进程中扮演重要角色。已有研究证实S.bovis利用碳水化合物代谢产酸主要受葡萄糖转运方式、酵解产酸途径中酶和中间代谢物调控。另外,研究也发现环境p H、增殖生长阶段及分解代谢控制蛋白(Ccp A)等对其产酸速率和模式也有显著影响。本文对近年来有关S.bovis利用饲料中碳水化合物发酵产酸代谢途径及影响因素研究加以综述,为从微生物代谢角度解析瘤胃乳酸中毒机制提供参考。  相似文献   

瘤胃酸中毒系瘤胃积食的一种特殊类型,又称急性碳水化合物过食、谷物过食、乳酸酸中毒、消化性酸中毒、酸性消化不良以及过食豆谷综合征等。是因过食了富含碳水化合物的谷物饲料,于瘤胃内发酵产生大量乳酸后引起的急性乳酸中毒病,在临床上以精神沉郁、瘤胃臌胀、脱水等为特征。  相似文献   

反刍动物瘤胃酸中毒机制解析及其营养调控措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反刍动物瘤胃亚急性酸中毒(SARA)是现代集约化生产中常见的营养代谢病.“反刍动物SARA的发生和调控机制”是重要的科学问题,对其的进一步深入研究不仅在学术上有重要意义,而且对降低经济损失具有重要的现实意义.本文分析了国际上反刍动物瘤胃中毒研究的最新成果和进展,对其产生原因和机制以及预防措施进行了系统的阐述.本文深入探讨了引起瘤胃酸中毒的3个学说,“有机酸中毒学说”、“乳酸中毒学说”和“内毒素和组织胺中毒学说”;较为深入地解析了饲粮中碳水化合物组成、瘤胃微生物菌群及其代谢变化对瘤胃酸中毒发生的影响.同时,也对SARA的预防及其营养调控措施进行了论述,并提出通过科学合理的饲养管理,合理设计饲粮的碳水化合物组成,使用益生菌、缓冲剂、有机酸、硫胺素,接种疫苗,调控瘤胃内有机酸的产生和利用的途径来预防反刍动物瘤胃酸中毒的发生,以期为今后我国在预防瘤胃酸中毒方面的研究和生产应用提供参考.  相似文献   

反刍动物瘤胃酸中毒的防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
瘤胃酸中毒是由于反刍动物突然超量采食谷粒等富含可溶性糖类物质,瘤胃内急剧产生、积聚并吸收大量乳酸等有毒物质所致的一种急性消化性酸中毒[1],以往均属于瘤胃积食的范畴。但从20世纪40年代开始,国外学者发现反刍动物过食谷物饲料(高碳水化合物饲料)后,可以导致瘤胃酸中毒。其后国内外许多学者先后对该病进行了研究,特别是20世纪70年代后,各国学者对该病的病因、发病机理和临床表现进行了更深入地探讨,把此病分别称为牛过食豆谷中毒、牛过食豆谷综合征、反刍动物过食症、乳酸中毒、右旋乳酸中毒等。根据酸中毒的临床表现,可分为急性酸中…  相似文献   

反刍动物瘤胃酸中毒发病机制及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
急性和慢性瘤胃酸中毒是限制反刍动物高精料饲养的关健问题,给反刍动物养殖业造成了巨大的经济损失。本文从瘤胃微生物的角度阐述了防治酸中毒的最新研究进展,包括2个方面,一方面促进乳酸的利用,如添加电子受体、乳酸利用菌以及酵母和曲霉等真菌;另一方面减少乳酸的产生,如给反刍动物接种牛链球菌和乳酸菌疫苗。通过调控乳酸利用菌群和乳酸产生菌群之间的平衡,控制乳酸的利用和产生,从而阻止瘤胃酸中毒的发生,从根本上解决问题。  相似文献   

当牛采食大量易发酵的饲料后容易在瘤胃中产生大量乳酸,引起乳酸中毒。瘤胃酸中毒既是乳酸中毒也是瘤胃积食,但发病剧烈,死亡率高,对牛只的影响较大。本文就瘤胃酸中毒的病因、临床症状、诊断方法和综合防治进行简要阐述,为在牛只养殖过程中预防瘤胃酸中毒提供理论基础。  相似文献   

维吉尼亚霉素作为常用饲用抗生素能够抑制瘤胃乳酸发酵菌,改善瘤胃内不良发酵,提高饲料利用率,在高精日粮条件下可对奶牛乳酸中毒起到一定预防作用。本文总结了国内外关于维吉尼亚霉素的相关试验与文献;从奶牛酸中毒机制着手,综述其对于酸中毒的调控;并总结与分析了维吉尼亚霉素对奶牛瘤胃发酵的影响。为今后在奶牛日粮中的合理使用,实现奶牛安全饲养提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the acid-tolerant engineered bacterial strain Megasphaera elsdenii H6F32 (M. elsdenii H6F32) on ruminal pH and the lactic acid concentrations in simulated rumen acidosis conditions in vitro. A mixed culture of ruminal bacteria, buffer, and primarily degradable substrates was inoculated with equal numbers of M. elsdenii H6 or M. elsdenii H6F32. The pH and lactic acid concentrations in the mixed culture were determined at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 h of incubation. Acid-tolerant M. elsdenii H6F32 reduced the accumulation of lactic acid and increased the pH value. These results indicate that acid-tolerant M. elsdenii H6F32 could be a potential candidate for preventing rumen acidosis.  相似文献   

研究慢性瘤胃酸中毒(subacute rumen acidosis,SARA)状态下,相关瘤胃微生物数量的变化。将6只体重相近,体况良好,并安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的泌乳期关中奶山羊作为试验对象,以逐渐增加精料的方式诱导动物发生SARA。试验分4期进行,4期日粮的精粗比分别为5∶5、6∶4、7∶3和8∶2。分别采用16S rRNA 探针杂交法和传统培养法对SARA状态下瘤胃内微生物数量变化进行测定。随着日粮精料比例的增加,牛链球菌、乳酸杆菌、反刍兽新月单胞菌、埃氏巨型球菌和淀粉分解菌的数量出现不同程度的增加,而3种主要纤维分解菌的数量有所下降,其中淀粉分解菌的数量极显著增加(P<0.01)。在SARA状态下瘤胃细菌总数、乳酸产生菌和乳酸利用菌数量均有所增长,同时3种主要纤维分解菌的数量明显下降。  相似文献   

Highly fermentable diets are rapidly converted to organic acids [i.e., short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and lactic acid] within the rumen. The resulting release of protons can constitute a challenge to the ruminal ecosystem and animal health. Health disturbances, resulting from acidogenic diets, are classified as subacute and acute acidosis based on the degree of ruminal pH depression. Although increased acid production is a nutritionally desired effect of increased concentrate feeding, the accumulation of protons in the rumen is not. Consequently, mechanisms of proton removal and their quantitative importance are of major interest. Saliva buffers (i.e., bicarbonate, phosphate) have long been identified as important mechanisms for ruminal proton removal. An even larger proportion of protons appears to be removed from the rumen by SCFA absorption across the ruminal epithelium, making efficiency of SCFA absorption a key determinant for the individual susceptibility to subacute ruminal acidosis. Proceeding initially from a model of exclusively diffusional absorption of fermentation acids, several protein-dependent mechanisms have been discovered over the last 2 decades. Although the molecular identity of these proteins is mostly uncertain, apical acetate absorption is mediated, to a major degree, via acetate-bicarbonate exchange in addition to another nitrate-sensitive, bicarbonate-independent transport mechanism and lipophilic diffusion. Propionate and butyrate also show partially bicarbonate-dependent transport modes. Basolateral efflux of SCFA and their metabolites has to be mediated primarily by proteins and probably involves the monocarboxylate transporter (MCT1) and anion channels. Although the ruminal epithelium removes a large fraction of protons from the rumen, it also recycles protons to the rumen via apical sodium-proton exchanger, NHE. The latter is stimulated by ruminal SCFA absorption and salivary Na(+) secretion and protects epithelial integrity. Finally, SCFA absorption also accelerates urea transport into the rumen, which via ammonium recycling, may remove protons from rumen to the blood. Ammonium absorption into the blood is also stimulated by luminal SCFA. It is suggested that the interacting transport processes for SCFA, urea, and ammonia represent evolutionary adaptations of ruminants to actively coordinate energy fermentation, protein assimilation, and pH regulation in the rumen.  相似文献   

旨在探究一株酿酒酵母和两株瘤胃源褶皱假丝酵母对亚急性瘤胃酸中毒(subacute ruminal acidosis,SARA)绵羊的缓解作用及其机制,为研制防治SARA微生态制剂提供优良菌株和理论依据。选取60只2月龄同期断奶的杜泊羊(♂)×湖羊(♀)F1代作为试验动物。通过逐步递增饲粮精粗比成功诱导40只绵羊发生SARA,将SARA绵羊随机分为4组,每组10只,分别为:SARA组、酿酒酵母组(Saccharomyces cerevisiae,SC)、褶皱假丝酵母一组(Diutina rugosa 1,DR1)、褶皱假丝酵母二组(Diutina rugosa 2,DR2),各组均饲喂精粗比为90∶10的日粮,酵母组于每天晨饲后分别灌服100 mL酿酒酵母ACCC 21162、褶皱假丝酵母N09、褶皱假丝酵母N07。对照组(Control,CON)饲喂50∶50饲粮。分别于第1、3、7、10天测定各组瘤胃液pH,第10天测定瘤胃与血液异常代谢产物、血气指标、瘤胃菌群。结果显示:1)灌服酵母组第3天后瘤胃液pH显著高于SARA组(P<0.05),灌服酵母可使SARA得有效缓解。2)瘤胃菌群相对丰度发生变化,SC组最优菌属为乳杆菌属,CON组最优菌属为普雷沃氏菌科未确定菌属,SARA、DR1、DR2组最优菌属为瘤胃菌科未确定属;灌服酵母组中,SC组丰富度指数最高,DR2组多样性指数最高。3)灌服酵母组瘤胃液和血液乳酸、瘤胃液组胺显著低于SARA组(P<0.05)。4)SC、DR2组血液pH、全血碱剩余极显著高于SARA组(P<0.01),灌服酵母组血液二氧化碳分压、二氧化碳总量、实际碳酸氢盐显著高于SARA组(P<0.05)。5)瘤胃液pH与血液实际碳酸氢盐呈现显著正相关(P<0.05),瘤胃液乳酸与瘤胃菌群Chao 1指标呈现显著负相关(P<0.05)。结果提示,3株酵母均可提升瘤胃菌群丰富度、降低瘤胃液和血液乳酸、减轻瘤胃炎症、缓解机体酸中毒。  相似文献   

本实验旨在分离筛选瘤胃源酵母,研究其对不同饲料底物的发酵特性。实验以山羊及奶牛瘤胃液为菌源,利用酵母选择性培养基,通过分离筛选、生长曲线测定和26S rDNA鉴定,获得1株生长速度较快的Meyerozyma属酵母菌株。在此基础上,采用体外发酵技术,分别以羊草与精料混合物、马铃薯淀粉和玉米淀粉为底物,以奶牛瘤胃液为接种物,研究该酵母菌株对瘤胃微生物体外发酵参数的影响。结果表明,在以羊草和精料混合物为底物时,添加瘤胃源酵母显著降低了发酵液pH和乳酸浓度(P<0.001),显著提高了丙酸浓度和干物质消失率(P<0.05);以玉米淀粉为底物时,添加该酵母菌显著降低了发酵液pH和乳酸浓度(P<0.001);以马铃薯淀粉为底物时,显著降低了pH(P<0.05),提高了丙酸浓度(P<0.05);但在上述3种底物条件下,添加酵母菌对发酵液中总产气量、氨态氮、乙酸、丁酸、异丁酸、戊酸和异戊酸浓度无显著影响(P>0.05)。采用Real-time PCR测定结果表明,添加该酵母菌可显著提高以羊草和马铃薯淀粉为底物时发酵液中总菌16S rDNA的挎贝数(P<0.05)。结果说明,本研究分离获取的瘤胃源酵母可提高瘤胃微生物对羊草精料混合物的降解能力,降低羊草精料混合物组和玉米淀粉组发酵液中乳酸浓度,提示该菌株可能具有提高日粮消化利用效率、促进丙酸生成和瘤胃细菌生长的作用。  相似文献   

Ruminal lactic acidosis in sheep and goats.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clinical findings in 37 sheep and goats with acute ruminal lactic acidosis included a disturbed general condition characterised by anorexia, apathy, teeth grinding and muscle twitching, ruminal stasis, and the excretion of soupy or watery faeces. The ruminal fluid of affected animals was milky, had a sour odour and a low pH. There was a predominance of Gram-positive bacteria in smears of ruminal fluid. In comparison with 10 control animals, the rumen fluid of 23 sheep with ruminal lactic acidosis had higher lactic acid and lower volatile fatty acid concentrations. In addition, the affected animals often had haemoconcentration and metabolic acidosis. Treatment included single or repeated transfer of ruminal fluid from healthy cows and, depending on the severity, the administration of antacids, yeast and chlortetracycline, and the intravenous infusion of isotonic sodium chloride and 5 per cent sodium bicarbonate solutions. Of the 37 treated sheep and goats, four died within 24 hours, and three others were euthanased after one, two and three days because their condition rapidly deteriorated. Thirty animals were discharged one to nine days after treatment. Twenty-nine of them (78.4 per cent) recovered completely but one was euthanased later.  相似文献   

An observational study was conducted in six Danish dairy herds. A specially designed stomach tube was compared to the rumenocentesis technique as part of the monitoring of rumen pH. In contrast to a previous study, the use of the stomach tube appeared to reduce saliva contamination. However, correlation with the rumenocentesis technique was poor ( r = 0.33; p = 0.019) and a linear model could only partly explain variations between either results. The presence of subclinical rumen acidosis (SRA) was evidenced in one herd only, as judged by results obtained by the rumenocentesis technique. The present study revealed some limitations of the rumenocentesis technique in small or medium-sized herds due to difficulties in selecting sufficient numbers of cows in the respective groups at risk. The finding of two apparently clinical normal cows with rumen pH values below 5.0 leads to the consideration that such fluctuations may be temporary and at least does not give rise to clinical symptoms. However, the long-term effect of such fluctuations is not known. In general, primiparous cows seemed more prone to low ruminal pH values (< 6.0), higher ruminal concentrations of short-chain fatty acids, and possibly to metabolic acidosis, than were multiparous cows. Ruminal propionate was the most precise predictor of rumen pH, whereas milk fat percentage varied greatly between lactational groups. Blood lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and fructosamine as well as urine phosphorus excretion and renal net acid-base excretion (NABE) were related to ruminal acid load, but were not predictive of rumen pH. Monitoring of dairy herds for SRA should be performed routinely and employ several diagnostic tools (rumenocentesis, renal NABE determination) as well as specific knowledge of herd management and feeding routines.  相似文献   

瘤胃酸中毒是一种严重的消化系统紊乱,对动物的健康及生产性能危害极大,益生菌进入瘤胃后可以通过稳定瘤胃内微生物群落的平衡,进而维持瘤胃液pH值的稳定,达到缓解瘤胃酸中毒的作用。此外,益生菌还通过刺激机体,恢复其正常的免疫机能,缓解由于酸中毒带来的症状。本文就目前的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

The effects of anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antibody on rumen fermentation and LPS activity were investigated during subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) challenge. Eleven Holstein cattle (164 ± 14 kg) were used in a 3 × 3 Latin square design. Cattle were fed a roughage diet on days −11 to −1 (pre-challenge) and day 2 (post-challenge), and a high-grain diet on days 0 and 1 (SARA challenge). For 14 days, 0-, 2-, or 4-g of anti-LPS antibody was administered once daily through a rumen fistula. Ruminal pH was measured continuously, and rumen fluid and blood samples were collected on days −1, 0, 1, and 2. Significantly lower ruminal LPS activity on day 1 was observed in the 2- and 4-g groups than those in the 0-g group. In addition, significantly higher 1-hr mean ruminal pH on SARA challenge period (days 0 and 1) was identified in the 4-g group than in the 0-g group. However, rumen fermentation measurements (total volatile fatty acid [VFA], VFA components, NH3-N and lactic acid) and peripheral blood metabolites (glucose, free fatty acid, beta-hydroxybutyrate, total cholesterol, blood urea nitrogen, aspartate aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transferase) were not different among the groups during the experimental periods. Therefore, anti-LPS antibody administration mitigates LPS release and pH depression without the depression of rumen fermentation and peripheral blood metabolites during SARA challenge in Holstein cattle.  相似文献   

瘤胃酸中毒是由于反刍动物突然超量采食谷粒等富含可溶性糖类物质的饲料,瘤胃内急剧产生、积聚并吸收大量乳酸等物质所致的一种急性消化性酸中毒,并可继发蹄叶炎、瘤胃炎等一系列疾病,严重影响反刍动物生产。本文从其影响因素、发病机理、防治等方面进行了综述,以期为反刍动物瘤胃酸中毒的防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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