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蛋鸡育成期好坏直接影响产蛋期生产性能的发挥,文章从育成舍的准备和转群、鸡只日常管理、光照管理、限饲、体重与均匀度控制等方面详细分析了蛋鸡育成期的管理要点,为生产中蛋鸡育成期的饲养管理提供参考。  相似文献   

蛋鸡只有从其出生后就开始进行精细化的饲养管理,才能够使鸡只的体成熟和性成熟发育一致。蛋鸡养殖通常会分为育雏期、育成期和产蛋期3个阶段,一旦其中某个阶段饲养管理出现问题,都会影响蛋鸡体重的增加和性器官的发育,进而降低产蛋鸡的产蛋性能。为此,本文分别介绍了蛋鸡在育雏期、育成期和产蛋期3个阶段的饲养管理措施,旨在为广大蛋鸡养殖者提供一些可用的参考。  相似文献   

蛋鸡的饲养主要分为三个阶段:雏鸡饲养、育成鸡饲养、产蛋鸡饲养.每个阶段的饲养各有不同.对饲养户来说,产蛋期的长短,产蛋率的高低,都直接关系到饲养户的效益.特别是从育成期到产蛋期的过渡管理(即产蛋初期管理)影响到产蛋期的整个水平,提高蛋鸡产蛋率是养鸡生产中的重要环节.  相似文献   

蛋鸡养殖是我国畜牧业的重要组成部分,我国蛋鸡存栏量巨大,每年为消费市场提供了充足的动物蛋白.育雏期和育成期是蛋鸡养殖的基础期,需要进行科学的饲养管理才能将鸡的生产性能充分发挥,疾病发生率也能降至最低,鸡群进入产蛋期后才能使效益最大化.  相似文献   

产蛋期的饲养管理产蛋期是指家禽的一个生产周期(21~76周龄)。蛋鸡在20~21周龄为开产期,24周龄产蛋可达50%,27周龄进入产蛋高峰期,达85%以上,加强鸡群前期的管理,是维持产蛋高峰期的前提。进入产蛋期后,要加强饲养管理。一、饲养方式有平养和笼养二种方式,大规模的集约化饲养一般都采用笼养,分阶梯式、重叠式和平笼式笼养。每只鸡应占有笼底面积475~500平方厘米,8~10厘米的饲料槽位,每笼应配有一个乳头饮水器或饮水槽。以上两种饲养方式以笼养为好。平养可分为垫料地面、网上和地网平养,每5只…  相似文献   

1.1.1 饲养的连续性较差。蛋鸡从育雏到产蛋,大致可分为育雏期、育成期和产蛋期3个阶段一某阶段饲养不当,就会影响鸡以后的生产性能。  相似文献   

产蛋期是指蛋鸡21~72周龄。此期饲养管理的好坏,直接关系到蛋鸡的产蛋率和产蛋高峰期持续的长短。通过多年的技术实践,认为营养、光照、空气质量、温度、湿度以及病原微生物控制是蛋鸡产蛋期管理的着眼点。产蛋期的鸡体内激素分泌旺盛,生殖系统代谢性增强,营养物质代谢率升高对光敏感,抗病能力降低。要采取一切措施满足蛋鸡生产需要,发挥最大生产性能。  相似文献   

蛋鸡转群,是指蛋鸡通过育成期(7~20周龄)的饲养,向产蛋期的转群。在生产中,产蛋鸡是在21周龄或提前转群,提前转群可让鸡只对新的环境有个习惯的过程,此期应注意做好以下工作。1在转群前要进行准备工作首先,要检查鸡群的整体情况,如鸡只发育不好或者体重达不到标准,应加强饲养管理,适当增加喂料量,对发育差的鸡要适当调整,给予必要的照顾,使其赶上群体的总水平。其次,淘汰有病的个体,对伤、残、弱的鸡只挑出单养,或加强护理,或淘汰掉。这种不合格的鸡将来转入产蛋鸡舍,也不会有好的产蛋性能。其三,从18周龄起,…  相似文献   

育成鸡饲养到18周龄左右即进人产蛋期,绝大多数商品蛋鸡采用笼养方式,这种方式是现代化集约管理方式,有利于防病和管理,从各方面来看,笼养蛋鸡是最佳的饲养方式,因此本文所叙述的是笼养蛋鸡的饲养管理技术。  相似文献   

1更新传统观念育种技术的发展,使传统的蛋鸡饲养技术遇到了挑战,产蛋日龄的提前,迫使育雏、育成饲养阶段重新划分,迫使各饲养阶段营养供给重新调整,迫使管理措施必须改革。蛋鸡饲养管理技术的核心,是如何使后备母鸡体成熟和性成熟达到统一,以期在有限的时间里最大限度地发挥其生产性能,产出量大、质优,最终实现成本小、收入大的经济目标。传统的饲养方法,违反了现代品种育雏期要求体形、育成期要求体重、产蛋期要求体质的关键技术指标和生长规律,育雏、育成期实施粗放饲养,供给低营养饲料,让鸡只在漫长的时间里达到体成熟。结果是:饲养周期…  相似文献   

蛋鸡产蛋后期精准的营养调控可延缓蛋鸡的衰老,延长产蛋期,提高经济效益。本文从能量、蛋白质、维生素、矿物元素的营养需要等方面对蛋鸡产蛋后期的营养调控进行总结,以期能够对产蛋鸡后期的营养调控提供参考。 [关键词] 产蛋后期|营养|蛋壳质量|产蛋率  相似文献   

邳州市一蛋鸡专业户饲养4000只产蛋高峰期的蛋鸡于今年3月份发生了传染性喉气管炎,畜主认为是慢性呼吸道感染,用阿奇霉素进行治疗,连用4d不见效果,反而病情加重并出现死  相似文献   

为探讨热应激对蛋鸭产蛋性能、蛋品质的影响,试验选用健康状况良好、体重相近、食欲正常的360日龄金定鸭200羽,随机分为适温组(20~25℃)、热应激组(32~36℃),每组4个重复,每个重复25羽.试验预试期7d,正试期28 d.结果 表明:(1)试验28 d适温组产蛋率、总蛋重、平均蛋重显著升高(P<0.05);高温...  相似文献   

In an experiment using 2880 light hybrid pullets the effect of urea on laying performance has been assessed. Birds received one of three low‐protein rearing diets from 7–20 weeks of age. The control rearing diet, containing 11.5% crude protein, was compared with two diets containing 13.2% crude protein, one in which the protein was from conventional sources and the other containing 11.5% conventional protein and urea equivalent to 1.7% crude protein. At 20 weeks birds were allocated to one of two laying diets formulated to meet essential amino acid requirements. Half the birds from each rearing treatment received a low‐protein diet (14.7%) and the remaining birds received a 16.4% protein diet which included urea equivalent to 1.7% crude protein. Laying performance was recorded for the next 30 weeks.

Body weights of birds fed on the urea‐containing rearing diet were similar to those of birds fed on the control diet (1.22 kg) and less than those on the 13.2% protein diet (1.29 kg). Urea in the laying diet caused a 2% increase in egg production and tended to cause an improved food conversion efficiency. In contrast, a 3.5% less efficient food conversion was found during laying in birds which had received urea during rearing, compared with birds which had received the low‐protein rearing diet. Birds receiving the 13.2% protein diet, containing no urea, during rearing laid smaller eggs than birds fed on the 11.2% protein rearing diet. A high mortality rate occurred during laying due to lymphoid leucosis but no differences between treatments were found.  相似文献   

选用体重和产蛋率相近的39周龄海赛白壳蛋鸡240只,随机分4组,每组6个重复,每重复10只鸡,分别在玉米-豆粕饲粮基础上添加0%、0.02%、0.04%、0.06%槲皮素饲喂蛋鸡,研究槲皮素对蛋品质的影响。结果表明,与对照组相比,不同添加水平槲皮素对蛋形指数、蛋壳强度、蛋清中蛋白质含量、蛋黄中粗脂肪含量及血清中胆固醇和血磷含量均无显著影响(P>0.05);0.04%和0.06%槲皮素组蛋壳厚度(P<0.01)、哈氏单位(P<0.01)、蛋黄总磷脂(P<0.01)及血清中总蛋白(P<0.05)和血钙(P<0.05)含量均显著提高;不同添加水平槲皮素对蛋黄颜色影响均极显著(P<0.01);0.04%槲皮素组蛋黄中蛋白质含量显著提高(P<0.05);0.06%槲皮素组蛋黄中胆固醇含量极显著降低(P<0.01),但与其他两个添加水平组无显著差异(P>0.05);0.06%槲皮素组血清中尿素氮含量显著降低(P<0.05);0.04%槲皮素组血清中尿酸含量显著降低(P<0.05)。综上所述,槲皮素可有效改善蛋鸡产蛋后期的蛋品质,其最适添加水平为0.04%。  相似文献   

为了研究甪里艾叶粉对蛋鸡产蛋性能与蛋品质的影响,试验选用50周龄健康状况良好、生产性能相近的海兰褐蛋鸡288只,随机分为四组,一个对照组,三个试验组,各组甪里艾叶粉分别添加0、1%、2%、3%,每组6个重复,每个重复12只鸡,预试期为7 d,试验时间为42 d。结果显示:(1)甪里艾叶粉对产蛋性能的影响:试验各组的平均日产蛋重均高于对照组(P0.05),分别提高了2.62%、3.58%、2.41%;随着艾叶粉添加量的增加,平均日采食量显著减少(P0.05),分别减少了2.76%、3.29%、3.62%;试验各组料重比均显著低于对照组(P0.05),分别降低了5.10%、6.63%、5.61%;随着甪里艾叶粉添加量的增加,产蛋率分别提高了2.85%(P0.05)、3.99%(P0.01)、5.93%(P0.01)。试验各组的蛋重与对照组均无显著差异(P0.05)。(2)甪里艾叶粉对蛋品质的影响:甪里艾叶粉可显著提高蛋的比重(P0.05),其中添加量为2%时差异极显著(P0.01)。各组间的蛋形指数、哈氏单位、蛋黄颜色差异均不显著(P0.05)。但试验各组的蛋白高度分别提高了8.92%(P0.05)、11.29%(P0.05)、10.21%(P0.05),哈氏单位则相应提高了4.51%、5.67%、5.69%。各组间的蛋壳指标差异不显著(P0.05)。试验各组的蛋白比率、蛋黄比率差异不显著(P0.05),随着甪里艾叶粉添加量的增加,蛋壳比率逐渐降低,其中添加2%和3%的甪里艾叶粉可显著降低蛋壳比率(P0.05)。甪里艾叶粉可以改善海兰褐蛋鸡的产蛋性能,蛋的比重和蛋白高度显著提高,蛋壳比率呈降低的趋势。  相似文献   

目前处理慢性肠炎的方法,是在不知病因的情况下通过增强母鸡的抵抗力和提高其康复率来控制疾病.这是荷兰两位家禽疾病研究人员的结论.  相似文献   

1. Videotapes of hens under various conditions were used to measure the amount of space used by hens performing common behaviour patterns.

2. When turning, hens used 540 to 1006 cm2, when stretching wings 653 to 1118 cm2, when wing flapping 860 to 1980 cm2, when feather ruffling 676 to 1604 cm2, when preening 814 to 1270 cm2 and when ground scratching 540 to 1005 cm2.

3. All these measurements are above the 450 cm2 bird recommended as the minimum space allowance by current EC regulations, which therefore do not ensure adequate hen welfare.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation and laying pullets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1. Responses to ultraviolet (UV) radiation were studied in two trials. In one trial, sexually mature pullets, that had been maintained on an 8L:16D regimen from 2 d of age, were exposed sequentially, for periods of 9 to 12 d, to a further 8 h of very dim visible light (VDV), to 8 h of UV radiation and, finally, to an extra 8 h of normal light (conventional 16L:8D). Individual ovipositions were recorded during the last 48 h of each treatment. In the second trial, sexually mature pullets which had been allowed to 'free-run' for 14 d under continuous normal illumination (LL), were given, in addition to the normal light, a 12-h period of UV radiation commencing at midday or midnight for a further 15 d. During the final 48 h oviposition times were recorded and 4 food intakes for each 12-h period were determined. 2. In trial 1, mean oviposition time under VDV and UV supplementation was not significantly different from that under the 8L:16D regimen. Transfer to a 16L:8D regimen altered mean time of oviposition by about 4 h. In trial 2, eggs continued to be laid almost at random in all groups. 3. Food intake was suppressed during the 12-h period of UV supplementation compared with that when the birds were not receiving UV. 4. It is concluded that the addition of 8 h of UV radiation (at the intensity used in these studies) to 8 h of normal light does not cause a phase shift in the timing of the 'open-period' for pre-ovulatory luteinising hormone release which determines the time of oviposition. Furthermore, the insertion of 12-h periods of UV into continuous illumination does not entrain egg laying. 5. The suppressing effect of UV on food intake but lack of influence on the timing of the ovulatory cycle suggests that UV (at the intensity used in this study) acts principally at the retinal level and, as a result, stimulates only behavioural responses in laying birds.  相似文献   

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