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走进建材城,各式各样的龙头让人眼花缭乱,款式有手按的、提拉的、旋转的、脚踏的、混水的、自动感应的很多种,适用地点还各不相同,价格也参差不齐,要想从中选购一款合适自己的产品还真不容易,所以请看以下选购龙头的小指南,希望能给你一些帮助。  相似文献   

没有哪次巨大的灾难,不是以巨大的进步为补偿的。汶川大地震发生以后的一个月里,我耳闻目睹了今生以来最悲壮的一幕幕,总想起伟人恩格斯的一句名言:没有哪次巨大的灾难,不是以巨大的进步为补偿的。汶川大地震是一场空前的大灾难,但更是一次深刻的教育。本来一些抽象的、难以理解难以领悟的东西,在短暂的时间里,在特定的境况下,一下子都化为了具体的、非常清晰也非常深刻的理解。  相似文献   

白皙美丽的肌肤是所有女性梦寐已求的,只有保养好内层肌肤,表面的肌肤才能健康美丽。健康的内层肌肤对美化表面肌肤至关重要。随着冬季的来临,由于温度和湿度的变化,皮肤新陈代谢的速度减慢,使皮肤保留水份的能力降低,因此皮肤变得很干。而新陈代谢减慢,又会导致受伤的皮肤细  相似文献   

一、遗失的手套段小苏:初春的午后,我将满满两抽屉的手套整理出来,洗净,晾晒,那一排排粉红、浅蓝、鹅黄、草绿、雪白的手套吸引了对面楼里那个扎着好多辫子的小女孩,她趴在阳台上,用兴奋的语调问我:姐姐,你的那些漂亮手套为什么只有一只呢,它们的另一半呢?它们的另一半被我落在了夏宇的口袋里。以前,每次让他把手套还给我的时候,  相似文献   

近年来,绿色建筑成为国内乃至国际建筑界、房地产界的一个热点话题,绿色建筑的发展也越来越受到关注,许多国家都开展了绿色建筑的研究和实践,取得了很多的研究成果.尤其在去年经历了一场与"非典"的斗争之后,人类更加深刻地认识到绿色建筑在生活中的重要性,由此也引发了一场关于绿色建筑的革命,将绿色建筑向更深入、更科学的方向推进.  相似文献   

企业生产成本管理浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国经济飞速发展的今天,任何一个企业要想在竞争的浪潮中立于不败之地,获取高额的利润,对生产成本进行合理的控制,是非常重要的.而我国部分企业,特别是国有企业在长期的计划经济体制的运作下,形成了许多弊端,要改掉这些弊病,成为国有企业改革中的成功者,通过对生产成本的有效控制来提高自身的竞争力,是一个可以立竿见影的有效方法,而在企业中对生产成本的控制则是任何一个会计人员都必需具备的能力.  相似文献   

总是在初秋的时候,就充满了对十月的憧憬;总是在金秋的季节,就充满了对十月的渴望。穿过季节的群山,我们以热烈的心跳去拥抱十月旭日的第一缕曙光。越过岁月的河流,我们的心境犹如十月天空第一片柔美耀眼的云裳。  相似文献   

总政歌舞团著名青年歌唱演员、国家一级演员蔡国庆获奖感言:这样的时刻在我心中是充满真情和温暖的,因为我始终坚信绿色的中国才是一个更加和谐美丽的中国。我愿意作军中的一棵小白杨,我希望用我的爱心和歌声守护祖国每一片绿色的森林和我们心中绿色的家园。  相似文献   

金融的虚拟性伴随着与身俱来的脆弱性.本文分析了不同学者对金融脆弱性的理论探讨,包括明斯基的企业在经济繁荣期的风险聚集,克瑞格的安全边界的腐蚀,信息金融学中的信息不对称,金融资产的价格剧烈波动,最后简要分析了中国经济的现状,并提出了一些浅显的建议.  相似文献   

香水,这种神奇的化妆品,能带给女人自信和欣喜,它可以愉悦你的心情、平衡你的情绪、表达你的心意、体现你的气质、协调你与周围环境的关系。难怪有人说,一个真正懂得美的女人一定是一个选择和使用香水的高手。的确,香水是造就一个女人整体美的必备单品。本季,各大香水品牌又纷纷推出新品,给爱美的女人更多选择的机会。雅诗兰黛Sensuous系列  相似文献   

Commercial farming of anuran species that are declining in the wild raises a need to discriminate wild from farmed frogs.We hypothesized wild frogs might have extended hindlimbs due to greater frequency or intensity of jumping relative to farmed frogs,highlighting a morphometric approach to discrimination of wild from farmed frogs using hindlimb length.In the present study,Dybowski’s frog(Rana dybowskii) was used to test this hypothesis.We measured body mass(Mb) and hindlimb length(Lh) of 2-year old farmed frogs and wild frogs aged 2 to 5 years.Dybowski’s frog demonstrated significant dimorphism in Mb and Lh.Mb was significantly greater among farmed 2-year old frogs in both sexes(p=0.000),while only among females was Lh significantly greater for wild frogs(p=0.000).Lh/Mb was used as an index for origin discrimination to eliminate the influence of Mb due to variation of husbandry conditions among farms.Mean Lh/Mb for farmed frogs was significantly lower than for wild frogs(p=0.000) in the 2-year old age class.Discrimination correctly classified 84.4% of farmed and 96.3% of wild male frogs.Among females,92.9% of farmed frogs and 90.1% wild frogs were correctly classified.The overall correctness of classification was 92.1% and 90.8% for males and females,respectively.However,Lh/Mb revealed variation with age,resulting in reduced discriminative power for frogs ≥3 years old.We introduced a coefficient Ce to adjust the Lh/Mb of frogs ≥3 years to the level equivalent to 2-year frogs.The adjustment achieved 89.5% for overall correctness of origin for wild males and 92.4% for wild females ≥3 years old.These results show that Lh/Mb is an effective index to discriminate wild from farmed Dybowski’s frog.Since the physical demands of jumping are common among anurans,this index is also potentially applicable to other anuran species.  相似文献   

目前麋鹿在迁地保护方面取得了很大成功,已在湖北石首麋鹿国家级保护区等全国50多处麋鹿饲养场所拥有圈养种群.但其种群的发展尚面临着许多挑战,如受到遗传多样性较低、目标种群数量过小、人类干扰、疾病风险、生存条件的局限、管理方式较传统等制约因素的影响,为此,提出加强种群的遗传多样性管理、强化栖息地保护管理、制定种群数量调控政策、加强安全监测、建立科学监测体系及网络、完善保护管理体系等圈养麋鹿种群的保护管理对策.  相似文献   

The shea tree, Vitellaria paradoxa, is a socio-economically important tree for the rural population in parts of West Africa. Our study assessed the current status of this native tree species with regard to increasing human pressure in northern Benin. We compared distribution of adult shea trees, seedlings and saplings in farmed lands with protected areas in the Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari (BRP). At our study site near BRP, agricultural activities foster recruitment of shea trees by regularly cropping of vegetation cover. Furthermore, traditional farming practices preserve adult individuals thus permitting regular fruit harvests. Consequently, most of the tallest and largest individuals of shea trees are found in framed lands. In contrast, the highest density of juvenile trees including seedlings (dbh <5 cm) and saplings (dbh 5–10 cm) occurred within BRP. Saplings were negatively affected by farming activities. Furthermore, spatial point pattern analysis revealed differences in the spatial structure of juveniles. Juveniles showed significant aggregations at small scale (<20 m) in BRP as well as significant and positive small-scale associations with adult trees. This contrasts with farmed lands where we did not find such spatial patterns at similar small scale but only a weak aggregation between juveniles and absence of association (attraction) of adults to juveniles. Although our analyses indicate that shea trees are rather well preserved, we conclude that the observed severe reduction of saplings in farmed lands is likely to negatively impact the long-term viability of the tree population. Therefore agroforestry practices must consider the preservation of sapling populations in farming areas for long-term conservation.  相似文献   

为调查马边大风顶自然保护区的鸟类资源及其时空分布特征,本研究于2016年10月至2017年7月,在马边大风顶保护区布设了78台红外相机。共拍摄到鸟类有效照片530张,鉴定鸟类34种,分属4目9科,包括1种国家Ⅰ级重点保护鸟类四川山鹧鸪(Arborophila rufipectus)和4种国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类白腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus amherstiae)、白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)、红腹角雉(Tragopan temminckii)、血雉(Ithaginis cruentus)。其中,物种相对丰富度(RAI)排名前五的鸟类分别是红腹角雉、白腹锦鸡、白鹇、长尾地鸫(Zoothera dixoni)、红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha);在季节上,秋季的鸟类相对丰富度最高,冬季次之,夏季最低;在空间上,大多数鸟类偏好活动于常绿落阔混交林以及海拔2200—2700 m的生境。部分珍稀保护鸟类(如四川山鹧鸪、血雉等)的物种丰富度相对较低。建议保护区针对这些鸟类活动频繁的区域开展更全面的保护工作(如栖息地适宜性调查和种群动态监测等)。  相似文献   

There is much debate about the way conservation and development are best integrated to reduce the encroachment pressures of poor rural communities on the biodiversity resources of protected areas in the tropics. One frequently recommended instrument is to intensify farming systems in the adjacent areas, so as to decrease the need to harvest resources from national parks. This study examined this issue by analyzing the effects of different household land uses in villages near a national park on their propensity to harvest resources from the park. In the northern part of the Kerinci Seblat National Park (Sumatra Island, Indonesia) the park buffer zone is comprised largely of community or village forests and human settlements. The village forests were formerly managed as production forests and provided significant cash income to the village. They were converted into farmland, particularly to mixed-tree gardens or agroforests. Natural forest coverage has now declined to 10% of the former area within village forest land. We analyzed the characteristics of the mixed gardens and village forests, and their practical contribution to reducing farmers' dependence on the adjacent national park resources. Households with farms that were more diversified were found to have much less dependency on the national park resources. Households that farmed only wetland rice fields registered the highest value of forest products obtained from inside the park. Households that farmed only mixed gardens had an intermediate level of park resource extraction, while those that had farms composed of both components (i.e. wetland rice fields and mixed gardens) had a dramatically lower level of economic dependency on park resources than households in either of the other two categories.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Sheanut tree (Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn.), a multi-purpose species highly valued for the oil obtained from its seeds, is commonly maintained in the semi-arid parklands of sub-Saharan West Africa. An inventory in the West Gonja District, Northern Region, Ghana, revealed that on intensively farmed land this species constituted 79.7 ± 7.2% (Basal area = 2.19 ± 0.64 m2 ha−1) of the woody biomass, on low intensity farmland 84.2 ± 10.0% (2.16 ± 0.57 m2 ha−1) and only 10.2 ± 3.3% (0.92 ± 0.23 m2 ha−1) in unmanaged woodland, with similar environmental characteristics. No significant differences were found between total Sheanut tree densities on different land use intensities, although as a proportion of all trees surveyed, large trees were more common on farmed land. Participatory surveys revealed that these populations are a direct result of anthropic selection as local farmers eliminate unwanted woody species on farmland, leaving only those Sheanut trees that meet criteria based on spacing, size, growth, health, age and yield. Characteristics that could affect population dynamics during traditional management and harvesting including short viability seeds and cryptogeal germination are also discussed with reference to unconscious selection. Tree improvement is currently constrained, as true to type varieties are difficult to propagate. It is proposed that Sheanut trees on farmland are semi-domesticated having been subject to long-term anthropic selection during cycles of traditional fallow and crop cultivation. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

文章采用社会调查方法,对清流县集体林权制度改革的问题与对策进行调查分析。通过回顾清流县集体林权制度改革的历史沿革,在阐述清流县集体林权制度改革现状的基础上,分析了改革存在的自留山、林权证、权属界定等方面问题,并提出依法使用所有权、经营权、收益权,依法调解和处理山林纠纷,正确处理好集体利益和个人利益的关系等对此次林权制度改革的对策,为进一步完善集体林权制度提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

锥栗为福建中北部山区重要的特色经济林干果树种,人工栽培历史之悠久,面积和产量约占全国的90%。从20世纪80年代初至今,随着农村改革开放的深入,从林业“三定”、划分自留山、落实林业生产责任制到全面实施集体林权制度改革,福建锥栗产业的发展经历了1980年代的“恢复与缓慢增长”、1990年代的“规模快速扩张”和21世纪来的“逐步产业化”3个阶段,全省面积和产量由4 000 hm^2、1 000 t左右增加到2010年的7.2万hm^2、6.3万t左右,2011年起栽植面积开始出现萎缩,产量徘徊在6.5万t左右,笔者从了解掌握锥栗产业发展概况的基础上,分析锥栗产业可持续发展存在的主要问题,提出促进锥栗产业可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

In the água de Gato Watershed on the island of Santiago (Cape Verde Islands), 51 farmers were surveyed for their willingness to plant trees on their farms for various purposes. Farmer and farm demographic data were also collected to determine those characteristics associated with willingness to plant. Ninety-two percent of the farmers surveyed expressed a willingness to incorporate more trees into their farming practices, and the remainder indicated they were unsure. Linear discriminant analysis was used to relate the demographic variables to willingness groups to plant trees for fruit, fuelwood and shade. Discriminating variables were found to include farmer age, gender, marital status, family size, and farm area (owned, rented or farmed in partnership). Interactions were also observed between the various use categories. For example, farmers who were willing to plant trees for fuel were also more willing to plant trees for shade, and farmers who were willing to plant trees for fruit were unwilling to plant trees for shade. Discriminant analysis models were developed that accounted for correct classifications ranging from 63% to 88%, and averaging 75%.  相似文献   

For centuries, the Lacandon Maya have farmed the forest while also preserving and regenerating it. The Lacandon manage their fallow by planting certain tree species, and removing volunteer trees that are not optimal for soil fertility. This study focused on tao (Belotia mexicana), one of the Lacandon tree fallow species, and its impact on the soil as it matures in the secondary forest. The effect of tao on soil fertility was evaluated using the following soil fertility parameters: phosphorus, carbon, nitrogen, earthworm density, pH, and soil moisture. Results were compared using a split-plot analysis. Soil C:N ratios decreased with age of tao, indicating an improvement of litter quality over time. Soil extractable phosphorus decreased with age of tao and increased with distance from tao, which suggests that tao is depleting phosphorus. These results provide an introduction for further analysis into how native trees enhance soil fertility in the Lacandon system.  相似文献   

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