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中国水稻生产正处于重大转型的历史时期。通过对中国粮食的数量安全和质量安全、发展杂交稻的优势与不足进行分析,提出发展高档优质杂交稻是目前解决中国水稻产业面临困境的有效途径。并介绍了作者在高档优质杂交稻育种方面的研究进展。建议国家加大对高档优质杂交稻研究,特别是两系杂交水稻研究的支持力度,引导育种工作者重视高产广适与高档优质相结合,鼓励原始创新。  相似文献   

两系杂交水稻由于具有优质高产的特性,近几年在全省各地发展较为迅速。六合区为江苏省丘陵地区杂交水稻优势区域,随着水稻优质产业提档升级,至2010年两系杂交水稻种植面积已占全区杂交稻种植面积的80%以上。  相似文献   

我国杂交水稻的形势与战略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国杂交水稻从开始研究至今已有30年历史,已为我国粮食生产作出了巨大贡献。要进一步发展杂交水稻,必须通过育种方法和材料的改进来提高组合的多样化、产量潜力、品质、抗性和制种产量。两系杂交稻正在走向成功,三系杂交稻在本世纪仍将是主力。杂交水稻国际开发前景可观。  相似文献   

【目的】最近十余年,是我国杂交稻优质化从修订审定指标引导到全面推进的重要时期,回顾这一时期我国优质杂交稻的选育与推广进程,对于完善和指导未来的水稻育种具有重要的意义。【方法】试验材料与数据来自2009-2020年我国杂交水稻主要品种的推广面积统计汇总、品种审定试验结果及品种系谱资料。分析了各主要稻区优质杂交稻品种的推广应用总体情况,梳理了主要优质杂交稻品种利用的不育系、恢复系及各系列品种推广面积,还回顾了各稻区主栽品种更替历程。【结果】这一时期,我国优质杂交稻品种推广面积持续快速增长,各主要稻区品种优质率显著提升,但高档优质稻品种仍然缺乏。优质杂交稻品种的亲本来源比较单一,集中于15个骨干不育系和9个恢复系。此外,分析结果还显示我国各主要稻区主栽优质杂交稻品种总体上进行了1~2次大规模更替。【结论】过去12年来,得益于水稻科研育种技术创新驱动,我国杂交稻优质化育种进程明显加快,各稻区优质杂交水稻品种不断涌现,推广面积快速增加,生产主推优质品种比重显著提升。  相似文献   

中国水稻杂种优势利用现状   总被引:46,自引:6,他引:46  
分析了1996~1998年我国杂交水稻生产应用中主要品种的胞质类型及播种情况。现阶段,中国杂交水稻种植面积占水稻年播种面积的50%以上。生产上应用的三系杂交稻仍以野败胞质为主,其次为冈·D型和印尼水田谷型,后者的面积比重在逐年增加。两系杂交稻研究取得新突破,10余个组合通过了省级审定,培矮64S的广泛应用展示了两系杂交稻超三系杂交稻的诱人前景。我国业已育成超级杂交稻苗头组合,个别组合在部分百亩(6.67 hm2)连片示范点已经达到了日产稻谷100 kg/hm2的超级稻指标。  相似文献   

我国水稻杂种优势利用研究,相继取得籼、粳稻“三系”配套,至1976-1980年5年累计,全国种植杂交水稻面积达3亿5千多万亩,增产粮食130多亿公斤,平均每亩增产50公斤以上。杂交水稻的生产潜力与植株形态密切相关,为提高杂交水稻育种水平.尽快培育出生产潜力更大的杂交水稻新组合,总结本人多年育种经验,结合水稻形态学研究有关资料对杂交水稻高产形态进行探讨,望能对杂交水稻育种及栽培实践有所助益。1杂交稻根系发达,活力旺盛优良组合杂交水稻和常规水稻比较具有较为明显的根系生长优势。据营口县水稻三系育种组观察,杂交水稻黎化…  相似文献   

宜优673是福建省农科院水稻研究所育成的优质、丰产三系晚籼杂交水稻新品种,但该品种制种产量较低。通过调整栽培管理技术,探索“烟叶一宜优673制种”这一种新型耕作制度,不仅农民增加收入,提高农户单位面积土地年收益,而且杂交稻制种田抽穗扬花期能利用最佳时段,高产、稳产,杂交种子质量好。  相似文献   

杂交稻元优919是福建省农科院水稻研究所用福建省三明市农科所培育的不育系元丰A与自育恢复系福恢919配组而成的优质三系感光杂交水稻,具有优质、抗病、丰产、适应性广等特点。介绍元优919亲本的特征特性,并总结高产制种技术。  相似文献   

陈年镛  夏品蒲  高璐 《中国稻米》2014,(1):103-103,105
金农3优3号是福建农林大学作物科学学院用金农3A为母本、金恢3号为父本杂交组配而成的籼型三系杂交稻,是福建省2012年审定的杂交红米新品种。该品种糙米红褐色,具有优质、高产、生育期适中等优点。  相似文献   

兆优5455是优质三系杂交中稻,2016年通过湖南省品种审定,是"湘米优化工程"主推品种。汨罗试种示范推广3 a,表现优质多抗、高产高效,实现了杂交水稻高产与优质的有机结合。  相似文献   

发展高品质棉是江苏省“十五”优质粮棉油五大主导产业之一,是提高棉花竞争力的一个重要举措。本文从生产实际的角度,对高品质高产栽培、加工、纺纱等技术方面进行了研究,并提出了切实可行的措施。  相似文献   

茶叶质量安全   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
鲁成银 《茶叶》2004,30(2):67-69
对茶叶质量安全进行了探讨。茶叶质量安全包含了茶叶质量与茶叶安全,茶叶质量是指“茶叶的特性及其满足消费要求的程度”,茶叶安全是指“长期正常饮用茶叶对人体不会带来危害”。在阐述茶叶质量安全内涵的基础上,对影响茶叶安全性的主要因素进行了探讨。介绍了茶叶质量安全评价及质量安全标准。  相似文献   

The present study focused on the quality traits of durum wheat grains (protein and content, gluten content, yellow pigment content), semolina (gluten index and yellow index) and pasta (firmness, yellow index, cooking time) obtained from 12 durum wheat genotypes grown under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration in an open field Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment. The aims were to evaluate the impact of elevated CO2 on durum wheat pasta making related traits as well as investigate genetic differences existing in a panel of old and modern cultivars. The protein content showed a not significant decrease (7%), the GC decreased significantly (13.3%), while the GI showed an increasing significant tendency (14%). The overall pasta quality (firmness and weight) worsened in ELE. Correlation between all traits and pasta firmness demonstrated that the decrease in pasta firmness under ELE was correlated with GPC and GC while it was not with the GI. All varieties, although to different extent, showed lower pasta firmness values compared to the ambient condition. Among the varieties tested, some were more sensitive than others to the increased atmospheric CO2 concentration, a finding that can be exploited by breeding for designing novel genotypes with lower sensitivity to increased atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

实施质量管理体系、测量管理体系,加强白砂糖产品包装质量的管理和控制,避免不必要的损失,促进企业经济效益的提高,使管理体系工作落到实处。  相似文献   

本文对江苏省农业科学经济作物研究所研制的高品质棉JS系列品质的农艺性状、经济性状、产量性状和品质性状开展了研究。研究结果表明高品质棉JS系列品系农艺性状和经济性状优良,皮棉产量中等偏上,纤维品质得到了明显的改良,显著的优于常规棉泗棉3号,在生产上有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

Correlation was found between several methods which were used to evaluate the relative effectiveness of surfactants in potato flakes. Notably, Amylograph rate of rétrogradation and Amylograph temperature at peak viscosity correlated very well with the level of free starch (Blue Value Index). Overall, calcium and sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate did not perform well in complexing free starch to improve rheological properties unless accompanied by low alpha monoglycerides or distilled monoglycerides.  相似文献   

盐粳水稻是辽宁省盐碱地所以盐丰47为母本,辽粳207为父本进行有性杂交,后代按系谱法进行选择,育成的高产、优质、多抗水稻新品种。一般产量650-700kg/667m^2。该品种于2010年通过辽宁省品种审定委员会审定。全生育期163d,株高103.9cm,穗粒数123.2粒/穗,结实率92.1%,干粒重26g,主茎16片叶,茎叶夹角小。  相似文献   

Mature seeds of four Lupinus species,L. albus, L. angustifolius, L. luteus andL. mutabilis, have been analysed comprehensively to evaluate their potential for nutrition. Particular interest attaches to the comparison betweenlupinus species and soyabeans. All species are rich in high-quality protein, as judged from amino-acid profiles,In vitro studies indicate high levels of digestibility and imply the presence of few interfering factors. In contrast to many other legumes, lupinseeds are free of both protease inhibitors and haemagglutinins. Only one factor, a C-glycosyl poly-hydroxy flavone, which could conceivably interfere with protein absorption, has been identified. Lupinseed could possibly be developed as an oilseed crop, though oil contents are currently somewhat lower than those of soyabeans. The composition of lupinseed oil is similar to that of soyabean oil, both being limited in quality by the presence of linolenic acid. The bright yellow colour of the partially refined oil is due to the presence of the two carotenoids, β-carotene and zeaxanthin. Lupinseed is well-known to contain toxic alkaloids of the quinolizidine group. However, intensive breeding programmes involving all four named species have been in progress for many years. At least in the cases of the first three species, cultivars have been developed that are virtually alkaloid-free. Alkaloid profiles are of interest in being decisive chemotaxonomic indicators of species. The pyrimidine bases responsible for inducing favism through the consumption ofVicia faba are absent from lupinseed. Like soyabeans, lupinseed invariably contains a range of chemically complex saponins. Concentrations in the seed are of a similar order, but it is doubtful whether these should be considered significant anti-nutritional factors for Man. Lupinseeds contain a range of oligosaccharides—raffinose, stachyose and verbascose —which correspond with the flatus factors present in soyabeans and many other legumes. Levels, however, are no higher than those found in soyabeans.  相似文献   

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