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许多鸟类都是雌雄单态的。对于雌雄单态的鸟类,尤其是幼鸟,很难通过外观形态鉴定其性别。对雏鸟而言,通常不能用形态学方法来确定其性别。但鸟类性别的鉴定却是开展鸟类育种及进化研究的先决条件。通过充分运用性别决定基因的相关知识,家禽育种计划就有可能会取得更好的效果。对雌雄单态鸟类常用的性别鉴定方法有翻肛鉴别、腹腔镜检、粪便类固醇检测以及核型分析等。  相似文献   

鸟类性别鉴别方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
许多鸟类都是雌雄单态的,对于雌雄单态的鸟类,尤其是幼鸟,很难通过体型外貌鉴定其性别.对雏鸟而言,通常不能用形态学方法来确定其性别.但鸟类性别鉴定却是开展鸟类育种及进化研究的先决条件.通过充分利用决定性别基因的相关知识,家禽育种计划就有可能会取得更好的效果.对雌雄单态鸟类常用的性别鉴定方法有翻肛鉴别、腹腔镜检、粪便类固醇检测以及核型分析等.然而,这些方法不仅可靠性差、耗时、价格昂贵,并且有的方法会给鸟类带来一些疼痛,甚至危及生命.由于雌鸟带有一条Z性染色体和一条W性染色体,而雄鸟带有两条Z性染色体,因此个体的性别可以通过位于其性染色体上基因来确定.在众多的DNA分子技术中,使用P2-P8引物对扩增性别特异的CHD1基因进行性别鉴定的方法最为可靠.  相似文献   

鹦鹉是雌雄单态的鸟类之一,从外观上难以直接对它们的性别做出判断。鹦鹉以其靓丽的羽毛以及能够模仿人类语言等特点,被大多数人欣赏和爱护,因而经常被人们作为宠物饲养。鹦鹉性别鉴定,尤其是幼鸟时期的性别鉴定意义重大,是开展鹦鹉育种、濒危鹦鹉物种保护工作以及进化研究的基础。总结了目前鹦鹉性别鉴定的常用技术与方法,在立足于雌雄鸟类自身激素分泌不同的基础之上,为鹦鹉性别鉴定方法提出了新的构想,旨在为鹦鹉性别鉴定以及育种工作提供新的思路。  相似文献   

一种准确简便的东方白鹤性别分子鉴定方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东方白鹤为国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物,在自然条件下繁殖率很低,进行迁地保护及再引入措施对遗传多样性保护具有举足轻重的作用,成功地进行性别鉴定是其笼养人工繁殖的前提。本研究对4只东方白鹤,运用CHD基因的一对引物2550F/27181K进行了准确简便的性别鉴定,并对其序列结合其他5种远缘鸟类相应序列进行分析,证实了此种方法的科学性和可信度,分析了性别鉴定机理。这种安全、方便、准确的性别分子鉴定方法将有助于东方白鹤迁地保护及再引入措施的实施。通过分析可以看出,此种方法未来存在着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

本研究利用鸡W染色体中EE0.6序列上的Eco R片段为靶序列,进行引物设计,建立了基于LAMP法的快速鸟类性别鉴定方法。试验表明,该引物可用于多属种鸟类的性别鉴定,在64℃条件下,60 min即可完成检测。同时利用实时浊度法和荧光目视法两种LAMP检测法对体系进行了敏感性试验,并与PCR方法进行比较,实时浊度法与荧光目视法敏感性相近,是PCR方法的100倍。方法建立后,在大连老虎滩鸟语林进行了11目14科35种鸟类的性别鉴定临床试验,符合率为100%。  相似文献   

sex1/sex2是一对可以广泛应用于鸡形目鸟类分子性别鉴定的引物.本研究尝试采用此对引物对17种雀形目鸟类进行性别鉴定.然而在实验中,CHD-W片段常常出现优先扩增的现象,严重影响了性别鉴定结果的准确性.因此,本实验对sex1和sex2引物分别进行了修饰,获得了相对应的sex1'和sex-mix引物.同时,原有的引物与新获得的引物被重新组合并进行性别鉴定.经过对几种已知性别的雀形目鸟类进行性别鉴定,检测结果发现引物组合sex1'/sex2可以很好的抑制CHD-W片段的优先扩增现象,提高性别鉴定的准确性.由于此对引物正被广泛应用于红头长尾山雀(Aegithalos concinnus)的性别分配制度研究以及白腰文鸟(Lonchura striata)的鸣唱学习研究中,我们可以预期在未来的雀形目鸟类研究中,此优化的引物对将会有更广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

本试验以优化PCR条件,建立快速性别鉴定方法为目的,从家鸡雏鸡血样、鸡胚羊水和尿囊液中获得DNA进行性别鉴定.通过对家鸡的两个性别鉴定候选基因CHD1和xho Ⅰ重复片段进行PCR扩增引物筛选和反应体系的优化.结果显示CHD1基因PCR法可稳定、准确地用于鉴定家鸡性别,该体系经改进和优化后,缩短了鉴定时间,提高了鉴定的稳定性和准确性.在此基础上利用12.5日龄鸡胚羊水和尿囊液建立了早期胚胎的性别鉴定体系.该方法为家鸡早期胚胎性别鉴定批量化的快速操作提供了可行的依据,同时也为鸟类性别决定机制的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

雌雄肉鸽的外貌差别甚微,繁殖方式是典型的“一夫一妻”制,如果性别比例不当,不但鸽舍不得安宁,而且还影响产蛋率;小群放养时,配不成对的鸽子就会飞到别的鸽群中寻找配偶而不回巢。目前,用于鉴定鸟类性别的方法主要有目测生殖器官、染色体分析、粪便中雌激素与睾酮比例的测定、体尺测量法等,但这些方法或费时费力或有较大伤害性,准确度不高,不适合对肉鸽这种繁殖量大的鸟类进行性别鉴定。  相似文献   

世界上过半数的鸟类为单态性,雌雄难以分辨,对人工饲养繁育造成困难,快速准确地性别鉴定对鸟类繁育研究尤为重要.本文根据已有研究,采用无侵入采样的方式,应用3对引物(2550F/2718R、P2/P8和K7/W1)分别对26种258只鸟类的羽毛样品进行了性别特异性PCR扩增,其中部分产物进一步酶切,经琼脂糖凝胶电泳.结果发...  相似文献   

哺乳动物胚胎性别鉴定技术的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
性别控制是通过人为方法使雌性成年动物按照人们的意愿生产特定性别后代的动物繁殖新技术。早期胚胎鉴定是性别控制的一条重要途径,近年来取得了长足进展,尤其是聚合酶链式反应技术。本文综述了胚胎性别鉴定的基本原理、鉴定方法以及研究概况,并阐述了该技术存在的问题及发展前景。  相似文献   

The Japanese crested ibis Nipponia nippon is a critically threatened bird. Accurate sexing is necessary to perform effective management of captive breeding toward a national project for a tentative release of the Japanese crested ibis on Sado Island. A PCR‐based sexing method targeting a 0.6 kb EcoRI fragment (EE0.6) sequence on W chromosome with AWS03 and USP3 primers has been developed for the Japanese crested ibis. However, the primers were selected from the EE0.6 sequences from bird species other than the Japanese crested ibis. In this study, we determined the W‐ and Z‐linked EE0.6 sequences in the Japanese crested ibis, and clarified Japanese crested ibis sequence mismatch in the binding sites of the primers. Further, we found no polymorphism in the primer binding sites among five founder birds for the Sado captive Japanese crested ibis population. These findings validated the PCR‐based sexing method with the AWS03 and USP3 as accurate molecular sexing methods of captive Japanese crested ibis on the Sado Island. Additionally, we designed a primer set for a novel PCR‐based sexing, based on the EE0.6 sequences obtained in this study. This novel sexing method may be useful for future ecological research following the release of Japanese crested ibis on Sado Island. This is the first report to show the EE0.6 sequences in Japanese crested ibis.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based sexing and effective semen collection methods for black‐headed and straw‐necked ibis species. However, most birds are not sexually dimorphic, that is, the sexes appear similar. Therefore, the gender should be determined before semen collection. DNA was extracted from the blood samples of 11 black‐headed and 4 straw‐necked ibis. The sex was determined after PCR amplification of the EE0.6 region of W‐chromosome. The PCR products were separated using gel electrophoresis. A single band indicated the presence of the EE0.6 region and that the individual was a female, while no band indicated that the individual was a male. Further, the single bands from seven specimens were amplified. Semen collection was performed by massage or a combination of massage with electro‐ejaculation and was attempted during all four seasons. The semen was successfully collected in March from male straw‐necked ibis using the massage method. Limited motility, viability and concentration of straw‐necked ibis sperm were observed. The sperm length was 180 μm and that of the nucleus was 30 μm with acrosome located at the tip of the nucleus. Thus, the PCR‐based sexing proved to be an accurate molecular sexing method for black‐headed and straw‐necked ibis. Furthermore, we successfully collected semen and observed the stained sperm nucleus and acrosome of the straw‐necked ibis sperm. We propose that the use of this PCR methodology can be applied as a routine method for sex determination and semen collection in ibis species for future ecological research. However, considering our limited success, further studies on semen collection method are required.  相似文献   

Otoscopic surgical sexing and chromosome analysis through lymphocyte culture were undertaken in 22 psittacine birds of eight species for the purpose of establishing their sex. Comparison of the techniques involved considering success rate, quality of determination, cost, efficiency, and risk. Surgical endoscopy appears to be preferable to chromosome analysis in all categories except risk.  相似文献   

Production of sexed calves from frozen-thawed embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three experiments have been conducted with the aim of producing calves from frozen, sexed embryos by combining embryo splitting and cytogenetic methods. In the first experiment, the efficacy of the bisection technique was assessed by transcervical transfer of 10 monozygotic pairs of half embryos to 10 synchronised heifers. Thirteen calves were produced, including four sets of identical twins. In the second experiment, one of the halves of each of eight split embryos was transferred while the other was processed for sexing by identification of the sex chromosomes. In the third experiment, one of the halves from each of 28 embryos was frozen while the other half was used for sexing. Eleven of the 16 which were sexed have been transferred with the production of three calves of the predicted sex. The overall sexing rate was 60 per cent and the calving rate following transfer of sexed embryos was 60 per cent and 23 per cent for fresh and frozen halves respectively.  相似文献   

The Japanese cormorants used in traditional fishing in Japan are wild derived and their sex cannot be determined from their appearance. Applicability of molecular sex determination based on the size difference between CHD1Z and CHD1W introns was confirmed in male and female Japanese cormorants whose sexes had been ascertained by pathological autopsy. All of 21 birds of unknown sex reared by a cormorant fishing master were identified as males. The molecular sexing method will provide valuable information on sex differences of wild Japanese cormorants, including tameness, trainability, behavior and fishing capability, as well as for future trials involving artificial reproduction.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to establish a nonsurgical transfer method for elongating bovine conceptuses and to combine this method with biopsy and sexing. Bovine conceptuses were recovered from donor cows on days 13–14 of the estrus cycle. In experiment 1, day 13 conceptuses were transferred to recipient cows using a standard day 7 embryo transfer (ET) method. The pregnancy rate of day 13 conceptus transfer (CT) is comparable to that of day 7 ET. In experiment 2, day 14 conceptuses were transferred using modified methods (balloon catheters or ET guns with modified sheaths). Using the standard ET method, no pregnancies were obtained; however, when balloon catheters or ET guns with modified sheaths were used, the pregnancy rates after CT were 48.0% and 44.8%, respectively. In experiment 3, day 14 conceptuses were biopsied without a micromanipulator, sexed using the loop-mediated isothermal amplification method and transferred to recipient cows. The pregnancy rate of biopsied conceptuses was 46.2% and did not differ significantly from that of unbiopsied conceptuses. Moreover, all pregnant cows transferred conceptuses following biopsy and sexing delivered calves with the expected sexes. These results suggested that the nonsurgical bovine CT method was comparable to day 7 ET and that this technique enables biopsy and sexing without expensive equipment such as a micromanipulator or specialized skills.  相似文献   

为了提高牛体外受精效果,试验从性控冷冻精液体外获能方法及抗氧化剂的添加、体外成熟24h后卵母细胞是否部分脱除卵丘细胞3个方面,研究了影响牛性控精液体外受精效率的关键技术。结果表明,一次离心体外获能法体外受精卵裂率[(68.3±3.7)%]、囊胚率[(30.9±2.3)%]与精子上浮获能法体外受精卵裂率[(67.8±2.6)%]、囊胚率[(29.7±3.7)%]无显著差异(P>0.05),但显著高于二次离心体外获能法体外受精卵裂率[(56.1±4.1)%]、囊胚率[(21.6±4.6)%](P<0.05);获能液和体外受精液添加1.0%抗坏血酸组体外受精卵裂率[(70.2±3.2)%]、囊胚率[(35.0±4.7)%]显著高于不添加组体外受精卵裂率[(60.0±4.5)%]、囊胚率[(28.3±3.6)%](P<0.05);在体外受精前,成熟卵母细胞周围的卵丘细胞脱除情况为部分脱除组体外受精卵裂率[(70.1±4.6)%]、囊胚率[(35.5±3.7)%]显著高于不脱除组体外受精卵裂率[(52.9±4.1)%]、囊胚率[(26.1±3.6)%](P<0.05)。由此可见,性控精液体外受精时,获能方法宜采用一次离心体外获能法或上浮获能法,且精子获能液和体外受精液中宜添加抗坏血酸;体外受精前,成熟卵母细胞部分脱除卵丘细胞对于提高性控精液体外受精胚胎发育率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Molecular sexing is a rapid and safe procedure for bird sex determination. Two universal methods based on the amplification of a chromo‐helicase‐DNA‐Binding 1 (CHD) gene region, located in both sexual chromosomes (Z and W), have been established. We found that molecular sexing of Oreophasis derbianus failed by using these two procedures. One of them is based on a restriction site located in CHD1W gene but absent in CHD1Z. The DdeI restriction site, used successfully to determine gender in several bird species, was found to be lost because of nucleotide change in O. derbianus. This change created a new restriction site, NlaIII, that was successfully applied for sexing this endangered bird.  相似文献   

非电泳法PCR牛早期胚胎性别鉴定研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为选出更高效、实用的牛胚胎性别鉴定方法,分别用成年牛血样提取的基因组DNA和冷冻的牛早期胚胎细胞DNA为样本,以电泳法和非电泳法用相应的性染色体DNA引物做胚胎PCR性别鉴定实验,以相对比。血液模板DNA结果与胚胎样本结果都表明,使用DYZ-1引物的非电泳法在比使用SE引物的电泳节约1h以上时间的同时,具有比SE更高的灵敏度。这次研究在我国首次成功地把非电泳PCR法应用到牛胚胎性别鉴定之中,减少了胚胎性别鉴定的操作步骤,并大大缩短了性别鉴定所需要的时间,从而使胚胎移植现场性别鉴定更加可行。  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism is a key evolutionary feature that can lead to important biological insights. To improve methods of sexing live birds in the field, we assessed sexual size dimorphism in Nigerian local turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) using multivariate techniques. Measurements were taken on 125 twenty-week-old birds reared under the intensive management system. The body parameters measured were body weight, body length, breast girth, thigh length, shank length, keel length, wing length and wing span. Univariate analysis revealed that toms (males) had significantly (P < 0.05) higher mean values than hens (females) in all the measured traits. Positive phenotypic correlations between body weight and body measurements ranged from 0.445 to 0.821 in toms and 0.053–0.660 in hens, respectively. Three principal components (PC1, PC2 and PC3) were extracted in toms, each accounting for 63.70%, 19.42% and 5.72% of the total variance, respectively. However, four principal components (PC1, PC2, PC3 and PC4) were extracted in hens, which explained 54.03%, 15.29%, 11.68% and 6.95%, respectively of the generalised variance. A stepwise discriminant function analysis of the eight morphological traits indicated that body weight, body length, tail length and wing span were the most discriminating variables in separating the sexes. The single discriminant function obtained was able to correctly classify 100% of the birds into their source population. The results obtained from the present study could aid future management decisions, ecological studies and conservation of local turkeys in a developing economy.  相似文献   

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