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彩组织学与组织化学方法研究了双峰驼幽门腺区黏膜的微细胞结构作腺体细胞组成。双峰驼幽门腺也为高度蟠曲的分支管状腺,由柱状上皮构成,胞质中有细小的嗜伊红颗粒,主要分泌酸性糖共轭物,在腺体细胞间有分布密度大于贲门腺和胃底腺的亲银细胞(即分泌5-羟色胺的EC细胞);黏膜肌层进入固有层,使腺体间可看到丰富的平滑肌纤维;覆盖于幽门腺区的高柱状上皮分泌中性糖共轭物和酸性糖共轭物,以前者为主。双峰驼幽门腺区在皱胃中所占面积最小,黏膜皱襞不发达,但其胃沟多而密集并且很深,可达黏膜层的1/2或2/3,常有多条深的胃小凹开口于此,从而增加了幽门腺区的表面积。研究结果显示,双峰驼幽门腺区黏膜的基本结构与其他动物及人的相似。  相似文献   

应用光镜和电镜技术,系统观察雌性中华鳖输卵管精子储存情况,显示与精子储存有关组织结构与细胞形态。结果表明,精子储存在雌性中华鳖输卵管的蛋白分泌部后部至子宫部,但各段的组织结构及精子储存量存在一定差别。蛋白分泌部后部上皮较发达,由典型的高柱状纤毛细胞和分泌细胞构成,固有膜中腺体多为泡状腺。上皮和腺体中含有大量高密度的膜性分泌颗粒,此段只有少量的精子储存。峡部较窄且固有膜内无腺体,上皮排列紧密并呈迷路样迂回分布,上皮细胞内高电子密度分泌颗粒成团集中分布在核上方。峡部管腔中分布着大量的精子,靠近管腔的精子或精子头部嵌入上皮纤毛之间或顶端凹陷的胞质中,且精子嵌入部分的细胞结构保持完整。子宫前部形成垂直于管腔的储精小管(SST),子宫上皮及此段SST上皮的分泌颗粒电子密度不均,含高密度电子致密斑,腺体中的分泌颗粒也呈现不同的内部结构。子宫部及SST的管腔中储存有大量精子。这些区段复杂的细胞结构及分泌活动,可能在精子储存中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

为了进一步探讨犬的生殖生理学,试验以诱导发情后母犬生殖器官为试验材料,采用组织学和组织化学技术,观察了诱导发情后母犬卵巢、输卵管和子宫的形态学特点。结果表明:诱导发情后犬卵巢外观呈葡萄串状,镜下可见大量黄体、少量原始卵泡和初级卵泡;诱导发情后母犬输卵管壁由黏膜层、肌层和外膜构成,黏膜上皮主要是由纤毛上皮细胞、分泌细胞构成的单层柱状上皮,黏膜固有层可见由纤毛上皮和分泌细胞围绕形成的管状腺,PAS反应可见分泌细胞的游离面和管状腺内有少量的阳性物质;诱导发情后母犬子宫壁由黏膜、肌层和外膜构成,黏膜上皮是单层柱状上皮,黏膜固有层内可见由单层柱状上皮构成发达的管状腺,子宫黏膜上皮细胞内含有少量PAS阳性物质,表面覆盖一层PAS阳性物质,而腺腔内含大量PAS阳性物质。  相似文献   

为探讨棘胸蛙消化系统结构与食性功能的关系,采用解剖学、组织学、组织化学方法对其消化系统进行了宏观及显微结构观察。结果表明:棘胸蛙口咽腔含有纤毛柱状上皮、丰富的单细胞腺体和多细胞舌黏膜腺、颌间腺体,还有味蕾结构。食道具复层纤毛上皮,无味蕾,食道腺极发达。胃上皮黏膜层中有大量胃小凹和杯状细胞,具黏膜肌;胃腺发达,胃腺细胞胞质含嗜酸性颗粒,分泌黏液类型在贲门、胃体、幽门中主要呈Ⅲ-Ⅳ-Ⅲ型变化。十二指肠绒毛细长密集,回肠、直肠逐渐缩短,在黏膜层的固有膜中无小肠腺分布,肠壁较薄,杯状细胞在肠道各段较丰富,呈高—低—高变化。直肠黏膜上皮中含有巨型杯状细胞,固有膜有管状直肠腺散布。泄殖腔为复层立方上皮,具有泄殖腔腺。肝实质中肝小叶界限不明显,肝血窦丰富,肝内有大量色素细胞成团分布。胰脏独立存在,外分泌部胰腺组织发达,胰岛分散在其中。  相似文献   

Zaval.  D  杨贞耐 《中国畜牧兽医》1989,16(6):15-17
家禽输卵管为一弯曲长管,起端靠近卵巢的喇叭部与体腔相通,端口宽广,边缘不整齐。通常分为喇叭部、膨大部、峡部、子宫部和阴道部。分泌蛋白的膨大部呈弯曲状;峡部较短,蛋壳膜在此形成;阴道部开口于泄殖腔。精子贮藏在鸡输卵管中的特殊宿存腺体内,获得营养而保持受精力。这些腺体位于子宫和阴道交接处附近称为子宫-阴道接合部(UV)的区域内。排卵时,精子通过一种未知机理从贮藏细管中释放出来,被运送至喇叭部,使落下的卵子受精。精子贮藏腺体家禽UV精子贮藏腺体是带有盲端的管腺,外径约70微米,多数不分枝,起自粘膜小囊的基底部,由UV粘膜形成内折状态。管壁由一层平均高度为16微米的柱状细胞组成。粘膜和小囊有假复层纤毛柱状上皮。Van Krey(1964)首次描述了UV腺体边缘细胞顶端富  相似文献   

双峰驼胃底腺区黏膜组织学与组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用组织学和组织化学研究方法重点观察了双峰驼胃底腺的细胞组成、分布及其组织化学特性。结果表明,双峰驼胃底腺区有发达的黏膜皱襞和厚的黏膜层,固有层中充满长而直的分支管状腺,由颈黏液细胞、壁细胞、主细胞和亲银细胞组成。颈黏液细胞分布在腺颈部,为混合黏液细胞,以分泌酸性糖共轭物为主。壁细胞十分丰富,分布于整个腺体,以腺体体部最多,细胞内含有酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶以及活性较强的非特异性醋酶,糖共轭物呈色均为阴性。主细胞位于腺体体部和底部,胞质中有大量的嗜碱性颗粒,含非特异性醋酶,但无糖共轭物。在黏膜褶顶部腺体体部和底部常看到不成熟的主细胞,其形态同颈黏液细胞和主细胞相似,为矮柱状或立方状,胞质有大量细小的颗粒,糖共轭物呈色反应和颈黏液细胞相似。糖共轭物呈色结果还显示,胃底腺区黏膜表面上皮仅分泌中性糖共轭物,胃小凹上皮和颊部腺上皮可分泌混合糖共轭物,胃小凹浅层上皮以中性糖共轭物为主,而底部上皮和颊部腺上皮以酸性糖共轭物为主。此外,在网状纤维染色时我们发现颈黏液细胞有明显的嗜银现象,核上胞质可见大量的嗜银颗粒,不成熟的主细胞有类似表现,但较其弱,颊部腺上皮也有较弱的嗜银性,而成熟的主细胞则无此特点,建议将此法作为颈黏液细胞和主细胞的鉴别方法。虽然双峰驼胃底腺区黏膜的微观结构及组织化学特性同其他动物和人有差异。但基本结构相似。  相似文献   

猪雌性生殖道黏膜显微和超微结构观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用组织学方法和电镜技术研究了雌性成年猪生殖道黏膜显微和超微结构的特征。试验选用成年长白×大约克夏二元杂交母猪20头,通过光镜和透射电镜分别观察了母猪的输卵管、子宫和阴道的黏膜结构特征。结果显示成年母猪的生殖道黏膜由上皮、固有膜和黏膜肌层等构成,输卵管、子宫角、子宫体和子宫颈黏膜的上皮为单层柱状上皮,上皮的游离面含有纤毛和微绒毛,固有膜和上皮间含有丰富的淋巴细胞。淋巴细胞在上皮内移行过程中由胞质伸出许多伪足,淋巴细胞的胞质中主要含有线粒体和高尔基体。母猪生殖道黏膜内的淋巴细胞在某些部位聚集形成淋巴细胞群,特别是子宫角和子宫颈黏膜中较多,淋巴细胞向子宫腔内移行呈现“腔排”现象。结果显示猪雌性生殖道黏膜中含有较多的淋巴细胞,生殖道黏膜可能是黏膜免疫的诱导位点。  相似文献   

番鸭输卵管内贮精腺体的组织学及组织化学的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用微分干涉显微镜对番鸭输卵管内的贮精腺体进行活体观察,并结合组织学和组织化学方法较系统地研究了该腺体的分布、形态及组织化学等特征。结果显示,番鸭贮精腺体分布于子宫-阴道交接处约0.5cm范围内的固有膜内。腺体呈管状,少数具有分枝,由单层柱状上皮细胞构成,细胞顶部无纤毛,腺体开口呈圆形或狭缝状。腺腔内的精子常聚集于腺体的盲端。对贮精腺体的组织化学研究显示:酸性磷酸酶活性很高,含有脂类、胆固醇、缩醛  相似文献   

本试验对存在于广东云浮市境内的棕果蝠雌性生殖器官进行了大体及组织学观察。棕果蝠雌性生殖系统由卵巢、输卵管、子宫、阴道、阴道前庭和阴门组成。卵巢一对,位于两侧肾的后方,包于输卵管系膜内,肉眼不易区分。输卵管很短,分为漏斗部、壶腹部和峡部,黏膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,黏膜形成纵向黏膜褶,并具有宽阔的输卵管腺。子宫为双子宫类型,根据子宫内膜上皮类型,每侧子宫分为子宫角和子宫颈,子宫角内膜具有高柱状上皮,并形成类似于输卵管腺的子宫腺。子宫角较粗,外径在1 000μm以上,比输卵管外径大1倍。子宫颈内膜上皮为单层高柱状分泌型细胞。子宫颈内膜形成发达的纵行黏膜皱褶,但不形成宫颈腺或腺样隐窝;两个子宫颈后半部共同形成一个圆锥状子宫颈阴道部,相当发达,顶端向后,其外表面也具有一层高柱状分泌型上皮细胞。两个子宫颈管未能抵达子宫颈后端,而是分别开口于子宫颈阴道部中间段(前后向上)的腹侧面上,分别开口于阴道。阴道穹窿长而深,其最前部形成一对盲管,分别位于左右两宫颈管的外侧。阴道长而宽阔。其前端形成阴道穹窿。阴道黏膜为厚而角化的复层扁平上皮。阴道后腹侧有雌性尿道的开口。阴门呈椭圆孔状,未形成左右两个阴唇。  相似文献   

为了探讨极北鲵消化道(食管、胃、小肠和大肠)组织学结构,试验采用苏木精-伊红(H.E.)染色法。结果表明:极北鲵的消化道各部分均由黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层和外膜构成;食管黏膜上皮为复层纤毛柱状上皮具杯状细胞,固有膜内具食道腺;胃部固有膜内具胃腺;小肠和大肠上皮内具杯状细胞,固有膜内未见肠腺。  相似文献   

Numbers of eosinophils in the bovine oviduct and uterus were determined during the oestrous cycle. The eosinophil numbers in the oviduct (ampulla and isthmus) and horn of the uterus during oestrus were significantly higher than during dioestrus. The number of eosinophils in the uterine cervix was lower than in the uterine horn for all stages of the oestrous cycle. In the oviduct, eosinophils accumulated in the lamina propria of the tunica mucosa, in the tunica muscularis and in the connective tissue of the tunica serosa. In the uterus, they were concentrated mainly in the upper parts of the stroma in the endometrium. Degranulation of eosinophils was observed during oestrus when they increased in number in the oviduct and uterus.  相似文献   

The present study examines anatomical and histological characteristics of tubular genital organs and its relationships with the reproductive state of 24 wild adult collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) females. The tunica mucosa of the uterine tube presents a pseudostratified, intermittently ciliated columnar epithelium. The epithelial secretory cells of pregnant females and females in the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle became taller than the ciliated cells and showed abundant apical secretory blebs, whereas secretory cells of females in the follicular phase showed abundant mucous secretory activity (periodic acid-Schiff positive cells). The uterus is composed of two narrow and convoluted uterine horns, separated by the velum uteri, a small uterine body and a long and muscular cervix. The endometrial lining of both uterine horns and body is a monostratified, columnar ciliated epithelium. Pregnant females and females in luteal phase showed a more developed hyperplasia of the endometrial simple tubular glands than females in the follicular phase. The cervix presents interdigitated rows of mucosal prominences that project into the lumen, structures similar to pulvini cervicali, occluding the cervical canal. In pregnant females, the endocervical canal was filled by a viscous cervical secretion. Females in follicular phase presented a thicker vaginal epithelium than pregnant females and females in luteal phase. The present study suggests that the collared peccary female showed different histological features of the uterine tubes, uterus and vagina in accordance with the reproductive state of the females.  相似文献   

Morphohistological features of the tubular organs of the Myocastor coypus (coypu) female reproductive tract were studied. Specimens came from breeding farms with yard breeding systems. The analysis of the organs was made by histological methods and by macro and microscopic measurement techniques. The animals showed oviducts with macro and microscopically differentiable regions. Their mucosa showed primary branched folds in the ampullar sector. In the rest of the oviduct tract these folds were only of the primary type. The double uterus showed regional variations in the lumen, endometrial glands along the whole surface and a wide fibromuscular cervix with pseudoglands. The endocervical mucosa made clear a complex system of folds covered by a mucus-secreting epithelium. In the long vagina of the coypu a folded, rugose and irregular mucosa was observed.  相似文献   

The immunoperoxidase technique was adapted for the identification of free immunoglobulin and immunoglobulin producing cells in equine tissues. Staining specific for free IgG, IgA and IgM was detected at all levels of the reproductive tract, and secretory component staining was present in the uterine epithelium but not in the oviduct, cervix or vagina. Immunoglobulin producing cells were present at all levels of the tract, with IgG and IgA cells at equivalent concentrations, but with fewer IgM cells. There was no cyclical trend in free immunoglobulin staining, or plasma cell numbers. IgG and IgM plasma cell numbers declined from uterus to vagina, as did epithelial staining, and the ratio of IgG:IgA cells declined from oviduct to vagina.  相似文献   

Little is known about the local cellular immune system of the equine cervix. In this study we characterize the distribution of eosinophilic granulocytes and mast cells in the cervical tissue of non-gravid mares during dioestrus. For this purpose cervices of 10 mares were histologically examined after Sirius red and Toluidine blue staining. Both cell types could be found in the lamina propria mucosae. In the tunica muscularis the two cell populations were only rarely detected. No cells could be found in the epithelium mucosae. There was a decreasing cell density from the vaginal to uterine side of the cervix (p < 0.01). Therefore, eosinophils might be a part of the local cellular immune system of the equine cervix during dioestrus, unlike in animals studied so far as cows and rats.  相似文献   

采用大体和显微解剖学方法,观察了20羽北京鸭输卵管壁内血管分布。结果表明,出入北京鸭输卵管的血管均是从系膜缘进入输卵管壁内、外肌层间,形成肌间血管层;黏膜固有层深层动脉形成弓形吻合动脉,吻合动脉分出分支分布于黏膜层;黏膜上皮下微血管层的厚度和密度在各段存在差异,蛋白分泌部最厚而密集,其次是峡部、子宫部,漏斗部和阴道部仅形成单层毛细血管层。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to histochemically determine the substrates which have a bearing on the carbohydrate metabolism of the vaginal mucosa. Ten multiparous sows of the German Landrace breed were used. Samples were taken from the vagina with a biopsy device throughout the estrus cycle. Increased concentrations of glycoproteins and glycogen occur between proestrus and metestrus. Glycogen in the pig does not reach to vaginal lumen. It is most likely used for the biosynthesis of glycoproteins in deeper layers of the epithelium. Consequently, the drop in pH observed in the vaginal lumen during estrus must result from secretion of acidic glycoproteins by epithelial cells, rather than from the breakdown of glycogen to lactic acid. During proestrus and estrus, the superficial cell-layer of the epithelium secretes mucus. Mucus secretion plays an important role during estrus by supporting phagocytic activity of the neutrophilic granulocytes, and therefore the self-cleaning effect of the vagina. The lamina propria demonstrates cyclical changes as well: fibrocytes in the lamina propria contain increased amounts of cytoplasmic RNA during proestrus and estrus, indicating increased protein synthesis. The protein involved here is most likely a compound of hyaluronic acid-containing proteolycans, which are deposited in the interfibrous substance. RNA determined histochemically in the fibrocytes of the lamina propria is a reliable criterion for diagnosis of proestrus and estrus.  相似文献   

Aggregated lymphoid nodules are an important part of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). They are mainly distributed in the ileum and appendix of animals and humans but their distribution in the cardiac glandular area has not been reported. A study of stomach histology in the Bactrian camel has revealed that the nodules are distributed as a band-like region along the ventral wall of the stomach neck, at the beginning of the cranial enlargement and on the lesser curvature. The mucous folds are thicker in these regions than where there are no aggregated lymphoid nodules. The nodules appeared similar to ileal aggregated lymphoid nodules found in other animals and consisted of typical polymorphological lymphatic nodules arranged in a single continuous row occupying the submucosa and forming mucosal folds together with the mucous membrane. The whole mucous membrane with cardiac glands, diffuse lymphatic tissue and solitary lymphoid nodules in the lamina propria were found to cover the aggregated lymphoid nodule regions, but some nodules with a typical corona extended into the lamina propria and were covered with follicle-associated epithelium devoid of cardiac glands. These findings indicate that the stomach of the Bactrian camel possesses not only a special structure of digestion but also has characteristic immunological morphology.  相似文献   

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