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随着“北参南移”养殖技术的突破,福建海参养殖业发展迅速.但由于福建市场的海参产品大多属于传统的粗加工产品,产品形式较单一、科技含量低、附加值不高.不仅无法实现海参产品的经济价值,而且严重阻碍了海参产业持续、稳定、健康的发展.本文通过对福建海参加工产业现状的深入分析,提出了加工产业存在的主要问题:缺少品牌意识、忽略地方特色和产品优势、深加工技术不足、加工流程不规范、企业市场竞争无序及产品质量良莠不齐等.在此基础上,综述了以整合海参产业、关注产业发展定位、增加产业附加值以及深入挖掘海参食文化内涵和外延等推进福建海参产业发展的具体措施.  相似文献   

海参产业是我国的重要渔业产业之一,跟踪和了解产业基本状况是多方面的需求.本文通过对近些年来我国海参的产量变化、价格变化、进出口情况及主产区经营特征等情况进行了梳理,明晰了我国海参产业的基本现状,指出了存在的问题,并对我国海参产业可持续发展提出了几点建议,以期为我国海参产业界及相关行政部门提供参考.  相似文献   

即食海参加工工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统工艺加工的海参干制品烹调时需要水发,本试验拟解决由于干制品给食用带来的不便,以冷鲜海参作为研发对象,从原料的特性和功能入手,利用海参特殊的营养结构和组分等特点,采用了科学合理的加工技术,对传统的海参加工方法进行了全面的技术改造,通过正交试验对焖煮、浸渍等关键技术的探讨,成功的研制出即食海参间断式加热焖制工艺,且焖制水温为90℃、焖制时间为4 h、循环次数为3次,加工的成品即食海参不但肉质富有弹性、色泽较好、风味独特,而且最大程度地减少了营养成分损失。  相似文献   

<正>1东营市海参产业发展现状东营市自2003年开始进行海参养殖试验。经过十年的快速发展,东营市海参产业初具规模,成为继辽东半岛、胶东半岛之后又一重要的海参养殖基地,受到国内业界的广泛关注。截至目前,东营市海参养殖开发面积达到1.73万hm2,养殖水面1.2万hm2,海参养殖及育苗单位170余家,育苗水体达57.8万m3,形成了海参育苗、养殖、加工及销售一体化的海参产业发展格局。  相似文献   

海参经过加工处理,可以提高海参产品利用率,扩展海参产品的用途。本文通过分析国内外海参加工处理专利申请情况,阐明了国内外专利申请的趋势,以及海参在食品、化妆品、药品等产品中的应用分布,重点梳理了以海参多糖为活性成分的专利技术发展路线。  相似文献   

海参加工业是我国北方重要的水产品加工行业之一。近年来,随着市场需求的不断增大,海参加工产品产量逐年增加,海参加工业面临的环境问题日益凸显。为了促进我国海参加工业的清洁生产,保证产业的可持续发展,本研究基于我国清洁生产技术体系及海参加工行业的特点,构建了由生产工艺及装备等6个一级指标和加工工艺等24个二级指标组成的海参加工业清洁生产评价指标体系,并选择两家案例企业进行清洁生产水平的评价。研究结果表明,案例企业的清洁生产水平均为Ⅱ级:国内清洁生产先进水平;通过案例分析结果与企业生产现状的对比,证明本指标体系具有一定的科学性、可操作性和适用性。根据评价结果对两家案例企业提出了改变能源类型、提高废弃物资源利用率的清洁生产改进措施,为我国水产品加工行业的清洁生产提供了借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

二、我国海参养殖业面临的问题随着海参产业的快速发展,其养殖规模和养殖产量不断扩大,在助推我国渔业经济发展方面发挥了重要作用。但当前海参养殖产业还存在很多亟待解决的问题,如产业无序发展、种苗参差不齐、疾病频发、产品质量安全问题等,养殖经济效益与生态效益的矛盾依然存在,这些问题与矛盾一方面直接影响养殖者的增产增收和产业效益,另一方面也关系到第五次海水养殖浪潮的可持续发展。综观产业现状,主要存在如下问题。  相似文献   

薛长湖  李兆杰 《水产学报》2023,47(11):119817-119817
水产品加工流通是实现渔业高质量发展的关键环节,对保障水产品常年优质安全供应、助推国家“食物安全战略”和“健康中国战略”实施发挥了重要作用。新中国成立后,通过自主创新、技术引进与消化吸收,水产品加工流通科技持续进步,产业快速发展。形成了冷冻冷藏水产品、鱼糜制品、休闲食品、干制品、罐藏食品、海藻食品、水产饲料、生物制品加工等全世界最完善的水产加工体系和以批发市场为主体、电商等新型物流模式快速发展的水产品流通体系。本文分析了水产品在提供优质蛋白质和ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸等必需营养素、平衡居民膳食结构、降低陆生动物性食物生产压力等方面的重要作用;系统总结了我国水产品加工流通产业科技发展现状、存在问题及发展方向;提出了“构建以消费引导加工、加工引领养殖的现代渔业产业体系,保障食物安全”、“构建水产品梯次加工利用技术体系,保障水产品安全优质供应”、“构建水产品功效成分的精准加工技术体系,助推建康中国战略实施”等保障我国水产品加工与流通产业高质量发展的新举措。  相似文献   

海参饲料研究的现状与发展方向   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
袁成玉 《水产科学》2005,24(12):54-56
自20世纪80年代以来,随着海参人工育苗与养殖产业的迅速发展,海参用饲料研究越来越受到业内人士的关注。海参用饲料的好坏,直接影响海参育苗与养殖生产的成败。特别在目前,苗种生产与成参养殖迅速发展,海参用饲料需求量不断增加,而原料又十分短缺、饲料市场比较混乱,海参饲料开始成为限制海参苗种与养殖生产业发展的潜在因素。为此,笔者将综合叙述海参用饲料研究的发展过程、现状,并探讨其存在的问题以及今后发展的方向,供广大从事海参研究、教学、生产者参考。1海参用饲料的发展过程1.1国外海参饲料的研究工作始于刺参人工育苗方面的研究,…  相似文献   

正海参从育种到投入市场,至少要经过育种、育苗、保苗、养殖、加工、流通6个环节,目前一些海参企业只做其中单个环节,各环节分散独立经营,全产业链一体化发展程度不高,产品可追溯体系不健全,这样就产生了产品来源不清、信息不畅、竞争无序的情况,终端产品质量出现问题无法追踪,消费者的合法权益难以保障,消费信任危机又反过来影响了海参产业的可持续发展。三、我国海参产业可持续发展的对策海参产业的可持续发展需要充分发挥政府、科技、企业与市场多方面的作用。在政府层面,  相似文献   

Abstract Fouling debris composed of fish feces, excess fish food, algae, and other particulate organic matter can create environmental problems for aquaculture facilities that rear fish in ocean net pens. Accumulations of organic debris can clog the nets and restrict water circulation which in turn can stress fish. Experiments in which red sea cucumbers Parastichopus californicus were allowed to feed inside floating net pens at a salmon rearing facility in Southeast Alaska showed that sea cucumbers consumed fouling debris and cleared a significant amount of surface area on the nets (P < 0.0001). Sea cucumbers assimilated amino acids and other organic matter from fouling debris two to three times more efficiently than from their natural sediment diet. Muscle development of sea cucumbers consuming fouling debris inside the net pens was also significantly greater than that of sea cucumbers feeding in their natural environment (P < 0.0003). This work suggests that polyculture operations in which commercially important detritivores, like the red sea cucumber, are grown in net pens along with salmon could possibly convert the net from self-fouling to self-cleaning and could turn fouling debris into a marketable product (sea cucumber biomass).  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C/δ15N) were assessed as a means to ascertain the recent in situ feeding history of the common New Zealand sea cucumber Australostichopus mollis in relation to nutrient enrichment from a longline green‐lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) farm in Northern New Zealand. δ13C and δ15N isotopic signatures and the ratios of sea cucumbers sampled from within the impact footprint of the mussel farm were compared with those of sea cucumbers residing on adjacent natural reefs. Sea cucumbers from beneath mussel farming longlines had significantly different δ13C stable isotope signatures in comparison with sea cucumbers collected from neighbouring natural reef habitats. This difference supports the hypothesis that sea cucumbers in the same bay maintain distinctly different feeding histories, with those residing beneath mussel farming longlines deriving tissue carbon from sediment impacted by farming activities. This hypothesis is further supported by the finding that the isotope signature of sediment collected from beneath the mussel farm is consistent with the expectation that sea cucumbers were feeding on and consuming sediment enriched with bivalve waste (faeces and pseudo‐faeces). In contrast, the nitrogen stable isotope signature (δ15N) was found to be similar between sites for both sea cucumbers and assumed food sources. Both findings lend support to the viability of future sea cucumber/green‐lipped mussel farm polyculture systems. Sea cucumbers in different locations (mussel farm, natural reef) possessed distinctly different isotope signatures, suggesting that mixing of sea ranched sea cucumbers with natural reef populations would be negligible or non‐existent. Similarities between the isotope signatures in low metabolic tissue of sea cucumbers residing at the mussel farm site to that of mussel farm‐impacted sediment suggest that cucumbers beneath mussel farms appear to have high rates of retention at the farm site.  相似文献   

刺参机械去脏工艺的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
刺参(Stichopus aponicus)去脏是刺参前处理加工的重要环节.目前刺参去脏加工多采用手工开腔去脏的方式.为提高刺参前处理加工效率,实现机械化加工,以辽宁大连、浙江嵊泗出产的刺参为试验对象,利用刺参特有的排脏生理特性,设计机械模拟装置(滚筒机构和振动机构)对刺参进行刺激.试验结果显示,滚动和振动刺激都能使刺参排脏,排脏率达到90%.刺激强度是刺参机械去脏的重要工艺指标,直接影响刺参机械去脏的效率.  相似文献   

几种饲料原料对刺参幼参生长和体成分的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究了不同饲料原料对刺参Apostichopus japonicus(Selenka)幼参生长和体成分的影响.实验采用鱼粉、鼠尾藻Sargassum thunbergii Kuntze、浒苔Enteromorpha prolifera、海带Laminaria japonica和海泥5种主要原料配制的饲料投喂体长为4.18±0.23cm、体重为5.99±0.26g的刺参幼参,进行了为期80d的养殖实验.实验结束时,投喂鼠尾藻饲料、浒苔饲料和动物性饲料的刺参特定生长率(SGR)分别为95.36%/d、92.29%/d和84.87%/d.这三者之间无显著差异,但生长效果要好于投喂海带饲料和海泥饲料的刺参.实验结果表明,在特定的室内养殖条件下,虽然刺参能够更好地利用植物性蛋白,但是可以将动物性蛋白作为刺参的辅助性饲料成分,配制出营养更全面的配合饲料;浒苔作为刺参幼参的养殖饲料原料是完全可行的;海带粗加工产品不适于用做刺参饲料的主要成分.  相似文献   

国内外海参养殖技术研究概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沈辉  陈静  李华  刘亚军  何晓明 《河北渔业》2007,(6):3-5,13,20
由于海参具有很高的营养价值和药用价值,被人们视为重要的海珍品,因而具有较高的经济价值。近年来,海参消费需求量的逐年增加导致了世界范围内海参自然资源的过度开发和种群数量的急剧下降,因此,海参的人工养殖也随之发展起来。本文对现阶段国内外海参养殖技术的研究现状进行介绍,以期为海参养殖提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The effects of four modes of diel temperature-fluctuation with two designated fluctuating temperatures (15 ± 3°C and 18 ± 3°C) on the growth and energy budget of young sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus Selenka, were studied to develop a highly efficient temperature-control scheme for aquaculture of the species. Sea cucumbers with a mean wet body weight of 8.0 ± 1.2 g (mean ± SD) were allocated to each treatment randomly with five replicates. After a 38-day trial, specific growth rate (SGR) and food conversion efficiency (FCE) decreased with increasing temperature in constant-temperature treatments. Among the four modes of temperature fluctuation, SGR of sea cucumbers reared under a mode which simulated the natural fluctuation of the temperature (mode C) of seawater was significantly higher than that of sea cucumbers reared at the corresponding constant temperatures. This enhancement of growth rate by use of mode C was attributed to higher FCE and lower energy allocated to respiration and feces. In large-scale culture, a temperature-control mode designed based on mode C could enhance not only growth but also efficiency of food utilization by the young sea cucumber.  相似文献   

国内外海参自然资源、养殖状况及存在问题   总被引:49,自引:6,他引:43  
海参含有丰富的蛋白质和黏多糖,营养和药用价值极高。自20世纪80年代以来,海参的几种重要商业品种的苗种培育在日本、中国和印度等国家相继获得成功。近年来,海参消费需求的逐步扩大导致世界范围内海参自然资源的过度开发和种群数量的急剧下降,海参的人工养殖随之兴起。目前,国内海参养殖规模不断扩大,养殖方式多种多样。然而养殖的过速发展和不规范运作也造成了如生态环境恶化、病害等诸多问题。本文综述了国内外海参的自然资源、种群分布,以及目前海参主要养殖品种的苗种培育和增养殖技术要点,就海参养殖中存在的主要问题进行了探讨并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

The feasibility of co‐culturing the sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota Brandt in a subtropical fish farm was investigated in a field study. Sea cucumbers were cultured in the fish farm in cages suspended at 4 m deep (suspended culture) and directly on the seafloor (bottom culture). The survival and growth of the sea cucumbers were monitored twice during the 3‐month, summer experimental period (May 26–August 14, 2010). Results showed that the suspension‐cultured sea cucumbers exhibited excellent survival rate (100%) during the whole study period. There also occurred no mortality in the bottom‐cultured sea cucumbers during the first culture period (May 26–July 13); but all these died from anoxia caused by water column stratification during the second culture period (July 14–August 14). The specific growth rate of the bottom‐cultured sea cucumbers (1.05 ± 0.21 % day?1) was nearly double that of the suspended culture animals (0.57 ± 0.21 % day?1) during the first culture period, and the growth rates of the suspended culture sea cucumbers in the second culture periods (0.46 ± 0.24 % day?1) was only a little lower than that of the first period. The sea cucumbers H. leucospilota could ingest and assimilate sediment with high organic matter content with an average assimilation efficiency of 14.9 ± 3.9%. This study indicated that fish farm detritus can be effectively used as a food source for the sea cucumber and that it can be turned into a valuable secondary crop in the form of the sea cucumber biomass.  相似文献   

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