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广西右江河谷山羊圈养技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为充分利用广西农区丰富的秸秆、牧草、土地等资源,加快推进山羊业规模化、规范化和标准化生产,应用"一规范五推广"山羊圈养集成创新技术,引进隆林黑山羊和波尔山羊在右江河谷高热高湿地区圈养.建立了山羊圈养示范点43个,示范户203户,建设标准单舍10350m2,种植养羊牧草24.83 hm2.饲养基础母羊6012只,圈养经产母羊产羔率为199.05%.山羊人工授精冻精、鲜精配种受胎率为76.56和81.43%.波尔山羊与隆林山羊杂交一代羔羊初生体重2.56~2.98kg,比隆林山羊提高14.29~24.67%.制订了DB45/T244-2005山羊圈养技术规范.项目技术成果为实现广西山羊生产由传统山区向平原农区发展重心的战略性转移和山羊产业持续发展与资源永续利用提供了科学新方法和现实经验.  相似文献   

为进一步了解不同品种(品系)山羊对秸秆揉丝微贮舍饲圈养的效果,探索、完善右江河谷农区丰富秸秆资源的优化利用技术及经验,熟化南方高湿高热地区秸秆揉丝微贮技术要领及应用。本次试验采用出生、体重相近波尔隆林山羊杂种二代(简称波隆杂二代羊,下同)、隆林山羊和本地山羊等三个不同品种(品系)的山羊各20只,每个品种羊随机分成试验组和对照组,每组10只,试验组实行统一的秸秆揉丝微贮舍饲圈养管理技术,对照组饲喂经普通加工的青粗秸秆饲料且实行舍饲圈养。经90天的试验结果显示,波隆杂二代羊组平均增重比隆林山羊组、本地山羊组分别高44%、67.9%;三个品种(品系)试验组和对照组增重(㎏)分别为24.21和17.61、16.81和11.80、14.42和10.08;料重比分别为8.2∶1和11.3∶1、11.8∶1和16.8∶1、13.7∶1和19.6∶1。秸秆揉丝微贮技术在南方推进山羊规模化发展有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

提高农区养羊效益的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我县是农区,人口密集,可放牧的草场非常有限,现就农区如何提高养羊效益提出以下看法。1 利用杂交优势发展三元肉用山羊 利用世界著名肉用山羊波尔山羊的公羊和本地母羊杂交,产生杂交一代公羊全部育肥,杂交一代母羊和南江黄羊公羊杂交,后代全部用来育肥,以提高产肉性能。2 放牧+补饲养羊 2.1 夏秋牧草旺季,应根据可放牧草场的大小及草量,适当对全群羊进行补饲,要充分利用牧草,减少补饲量,抓夏膘。2.2 秋天枯草期前,牧草营养成分最高,应延长放牧时间,抓秋膘。并只对配种频繁的公羊、哺乳及怀孕后期3个月的母羊、发情配种母羊及育肥山羊…  相似文献   

兴义山羊属贵州西南山羊的一个支系,具有适应性强,繁殖快,肉质细嫩的特点,但由于种羊更换少,多属自繁自养,近亲繁殖严重,致使羊群个体小,生长速度慢,为改变这一状况,从2001年开始,兴义市引进了波尔山羊公羊及冻精对本地山羊进行杂交改良,取得良好效果。1材料与方法1.1资料来源选择本地经产母羊20只为核心试验群,引进晴隆种羊场波尔山羊种公羊4只,购进贵州省冻精站生产波尔山羊冻精2000粒,组成试验群体,定期观察统计。1.2分析方法在同等放牧与圈养结合的条件下,对改良前后20只经产母羊的生产指标进行统计测定,用成对资料比较法进行分析,主要…  相似文献   

农村山羊饲养实用配套技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1选择优良品种,开展优势杂交1.1二元杂交模式以金堂黑山羊为母本,波尔山羊为父本开展二元杂交,其杂交一代羊6月龄公羊体重28.5kg,比金堂黑山羊提高46.2%;母羊体重23.54kg,比金堂黑山羊提高了37.65%。1.2三元杂交模式金堂黑山羊×简阳大耳羊×波尔山羊。以金堂黑山羊为母本,简阳大耳羊为父本,进行杂交,生产的一代杂种公羊全部育肥上市,生产的一代杂种母羊为母本,波尔山羊为父本,进行杂交,其体重、体尺、产肉能力均比本地山羊有较大幅度提高。2利用退耕还林地种草养羊合理利用退耕还林地种植优质牧草,利用牧草饲养山羊获得经济效益,实现种草养…  相似文献   

隆林山羊是广西特有的山羊品种,具有生长发育快、产肉性能好、繁殖力高、适应性强等特点。我区未来山羊发展的重点将由山区转向农区,拓展发展新空间;养殖技术由传统放牧形式向舍饲圈养转变。舍饲圈养将是养羊方式和生产手段的革新,是加快畜牧业结构调整、实现山区生态重建与山羊规模化、集约化发展的重要措施。  相似文献   

波尔山羊种公羊的杂交利用   93 一只种公羊可以配多少只本地母羊 ?采用直接方式 ,一只波尔种公羊可以配 40~ 5 0只本地母羊。如采用鲜精稀释后人工授精则可配数百只本地母羊。94 用波尔山羊公羊直配本地母羊为什么要搭架 ?波尔山羊公羊体格大 ,体重重 ,本地山羊体格小 ,因此配种时应注意采用搭架等方式保护母羊。95 用波尔山羊与本地山羊杂交的效果怎样 ?  由于波尔山羊本身的优良特性高于本地山羊 ,在与本地山羊进行杂交时 ,据观察其杂交一代的初生重、日增重、屠宰重、屠宰率、净肉率都高于本地山羊 30 %~ 1 1 5 %。   96 为什…  相似文献   

波尔山羊泰勒虫病的发生与诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改良土种山羊,迭部县于2003年11月从陕西引进三代波尔山羊8只(公羊2只,母羊6只),饲养在县良种场,舍饲圈养,饲喂青干草、精料。2004年2月前后产羔3只,2004年4月底,因青干草喂完牧草已长高而采用放牧饲养,5月11日后陆续有8只波尔山羊发生泰勒虫病,经及时治疗,全部痊愈,现将发病及诊疗情况报告如下。  相似文献   

目前农区养羊生产水平仍相对较低。笔者根据几年来的养羊实践,认为农区充分利用当地的饲草、饲料资源,发展肉用山羊的较适宜模式为全舍饲圈养。1 圈养山羊的意义 1.1 有利于提高劳动生产效率,发展集约化、规模化经营 农区许多地区缺乏放牧饲养的条件,圈养山羊规模可大可小,解决了农区羊群放牧难及羊群规模较小而造成放牧时劳动力浪费的问题,同时也避免了放牧山羊损害庄稼、果树等所造成的农牧矛盾。据实践,饲养80只规模的羊群放牧时通常需2名牧工,而圈养山羊,在饲草料充足下,每人一般可管理120只左右,大大提高了劳动生产效率。1.2 有利…  相似文献   

应用波尔山羊冻配改良本地山羊的技术措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用波尔山羊冻精改良和提高本地肉山羊生产性能 ,是加快地方肉山羊生产发展的重要途径。1998年我县从山东省农科院引进波尔山羊细管冻精 ,在幸福乡开展冻配改良。 1998年冻配母羊 13只 ,准胎 10只 ,准胎率 77% ,其中情期准胎 9只 ,情期受胎率 69% ,产羔 2 1只 ,产羔率 2 10 %。 1999年冻配母羊 2 5只 ,准胎 2 1只、准胎率 84 % ,其中情期准胎 18只 ,情期受胎率 72 % ,产羔 4 3只 ,产羔率2 0 5 %。 2 0 0 0年冻配母羊 65只 ,准胎 63只 ,准胎率97% ,其中情期准胎 4 8只 ,情期受胎率 74 %。在相同饲养条件下 ,对 3月龄羔羊活体测重 (1999~ 2 …  相似文献   

To determine whether kids born on open range (subjected to stress due to management practices) had lower IgG concentrations and a higher mortality risk than kids born in a pen, serum IgG concentrations in 63 one-day-old kids were determined. Median Serum IgG concentrations one day after birth tended to be lower (p=0.09) in surviving kids born in the open than that of surviving kids delivered in pen (115 vs. 1119 mg dl−1). However, survival risk (71 and 82% for kids born on the open range and pen, respectively; n=79) were not significantly affected by site of kidding. Median IgG concentration of surviving kids born on a pen was not significantly different (p=0.13) compared to non-surviving kids (1118 vs. 115 mg dl−1). No differences were detected in either median serum IgG levels or death rates between male and female kids. Kids with IgG concentrations <800 mg dl−1 showed lower survival risks than those with higher concentrations. We concluded that typical management practices of kids delivered on open range at a goat operation under extensive conditions in northern Mexico tended to reduced colostrally acquired serum immunoglobulin levels, but had no effect directly on mortality.  相似文献   

Brucellosis is a major constraint for small-scale goat farming systems in Mexico. This study estimated the prevalence of testing positive to brucellosis and identified and quantified risk factors in goats from small-scale farms of Michoacán that had participated in a brucellosis campaign (i.e. vaccination, serological testing, culling and awareness) and of Jalisco that had negligible brucellosis campaign participation. A cross-sectional serological survey was conducted among 1,713 goats of 83 flocks. The prevalence of testing positive to brucellosis was higher (38 %) in Jalisco than in Michoacán (11 %). Logistic regression analysis indicated that goats from Michoacán had lower odds to test positive for brucellosis (odds ratio (OR)?=?0.32, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.21–0.48) compared to goats from Jalisco. Goats in zero-grazing systems had lower odds than goats in grazing systems (OR?=?0.22, 95 % CI 0.09–0.57). When goats were kept in pens with low density (0.002 to 0.22 goat/m2), odds was lower (OR?=?0.44, 95 % CI 0.28–0.67) compared to goats kept in pens with higher density (0.23 to 1 goat/m2). Odds was higher for testing positive when farmers bought goats from goat traders (OR?=?1.82, 95 % CI 1.15–2.87) compared to farmers who did not. If scavenger poultry had access to goat pens, the odds was half (OR?=?0.52, 95 % CI 0.33–0.83) of those where poultry had no access. Regular disinfection of the pen reduced the odds (OR?=?0.66, 95 % CI 0.44–0.99) compared to where disinfection was not regular. The brucellosis control campaign was effective in reducing brucellosis seropositivity.  相似文献   

选择福建福州饲养的布尔山羊,对公母羊在不同饲养方式条件下和几年来适应饲养过程中的繁殖性能进行分析。结果 表明半舍饲半放牧的方式是维持和提高布尔山羊繁殖性能最佳方式;四年的适应饲养过程中,种公羊的精液品质基本维持在正常水平,母羊的生产性能也没有变化;表明布尔山羊可适应南方亚热带环境条件,可以进行大规膜饲养推广。  相似文献   

Routine and emergency vaccination of small ruminants against foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is mandatory in many endemic countries, yet data on the field effectiveness of the vaccines used is scarce. We conducted an investigation of a serotype O FMD outbreak that took place in a sheep and goat pen, and estimated the effectiveness of various routine vaccination statuses. We also evaluated the protection provided by colostrum administration and emergency vaccination. Animals which were routinely vaccinated twice were not clinically affected while disease incidence was observed among animals routinely vaccinated only once (p = 0.004 according to a two-sided Fisher''s exact test). In groups vaccinated only once, there was a significant association between the average time that elapsed since last vaccination and the disease incidence (n = 5; Spearman correlation coefficient: rs = 1.0, p < 0.01). In addition, non-vaccinated lambs fed colostrum from dams vaccinated more than 2 months before parturition had a mortality rate of 33%. Administration of emergency vaccination 2 days after the occurrence of the index case was the probable reason for the rapid blocking of the FMD spread within 6 days from its onset in the pen.  相似文献   

To provide useful information on how to moderate posthandling stress, the attractiveness of different conditions to beef cattle just after release from restraint was determined. Angus heifers were individually allowed to enter a choice area after 2 min of restraint in a squeeze chute and to choose between 2 pens. After the heifer had chosen a pen, it could freely access both test pens and the choice area for a further 5 min. In Exp. 1, each heifer was given 1 of the following choices: a pen with 3 familiar heifers (PEERS) vs. a pen with a pile of hay on a metal rack (FOOD; n = 34); PEERS vs. the bare pen (BARE; n = 34); and FOOD vs. BARE (n = 35). When the choice combination was PEERS vs. BARE, more heifers chose PEERS (P < 0.05). When the choice combination was PEERS vs. FOOD, more heifers than expected tended to choose PEERS (P < 0.10), whereas FOOD and BARE did not differ. The latency to choose either pen was shorter if PEERS was 1 of the 2 choices (P < 0.01). After choosing, more heifers entered the PEERS pen than the FOOD (P < 0.05) or BARE (P < 0.01) pens. In Exp. 2, another 86 heifers were given 1 of the following choices: a pen with a familiar handler standing inside (STI) vs. a pen with a novel object (NO; n = 29); a pen with the handler standing outside the pen (STO) vs. NO (n = 29); a pen in which the handler was sitting inside (SI) vs. NO (n = 28). Fewer heifers chose the pen with the human (STI, STO, and SI; all P < 0.01). Except for the choice of STO vs. NO, the number of heifers that had voluntarily chosen either pen was larger than expected (STI and SI; both P < 0.01). The number of times in which the NO pen was entered was greater than the STI and STO (P < 0.01), although the number of times in which the SI and NO pens were entered was not different. More heifers avoided the human, particularly a standing human. In conclusion, just after handling with restraint, returning cattle to the group of peers and not approaching the cattle needlessly should moderate their stress.  相似文献   

Sixty-one pigs were housed in an isolation unit with three compartments and five pens. Each compartment had its own ventilation system resulting in air currents flowing from compartment A (pens 1 to 3) towards compartment B (pen 4), but not towards compartment C (pen 5). Classical swine fever virus was introduced by the experimental inoculation of one pig in the middle pen (pen 2) of compartment A. The virus infected the pigs in pen 4, following the prevalent air currents, and the compartmentalisation had only a retarding effect on the transmission of the virus. The absence of infection in the pigs in pen 5, which was not different from pen 4 except for the ventilation system, indicates that the spread of virus was affected by the air currents.  相似文献   

To provide useful information on how to moderate post‐handling stress, Angus heifers (n = 157) were individually allowed to enter a choice area after 2 min of restraint in a crush and to choose between two pens. After the animal had chosen a pen, free access was given to both test pens and the choice area for a further 5 min. The behaviors during choice and after the first choosing were observed. In experiment 1, each heifer was given one of the following choices: pen with three familiar heifers (peers) versus pen with six sheep (sheep; n = 30); peers versus the bare pen (bare; n = 30); sheep versus bare (n = 30). When the choice combination was peers versus bare, more heifers than expected by chance chose the peers pen (χ2 = 4.80; P < 0.05). However, when one of the other choice combinations was given, there was no significant difference between the number choosing a pen and the expected value. After the first choice, more heifers entered the peers pen than the bare pen (P < 0.05) or the sheep pen (P < 0.10). In experiment 2, another 67 heifers were given one of the following choices: peers versus pen with a novel object (NO; n = 19); sheep versus NO (n = 22); bare versus NO (n = 26). There was no significant difference between the number of heifers choosing a pen and the expected value in any choice combination. However, more heifers entered the peers pen than the NO pen (P < 0.01). It is concluded that sheep were not as attractive as peers, but sheep were not fearful animals for cattle.  相似文献   

Using preference testing, we investigated the effect of a brush and a peer's face picture on the welfare of breeding beef cows. Four cows were used in experiment 1 and another four cows were used in experiment 2. An experimental barn consisted of two 3.5 square-meter pens, and a corridor measuring 1.6 m wide and 1.3 m long. During the experiment, either side of the pens were treated. In experiment 1, straw bedding was placed in a treated pen (condition B) in the first two trials, a brush was added in the treated pen (condition BB) in the next two trials, and a peer's face picture was displayed in the treated pen (condition BBF) in the last two trials. In experiment 2, condition B was applied for the first two trials, a peer's face picture was displayed in the treated pen (condition BF) in the next two trials, and condition BBF was applied for the last two trials. Each cow was housed alone from 09.00 hour to 15.00 h in the experimental barn during the six trials. The cows stayed in the treatment pen longer than in the non-treatment pen under all conditions in experiments 1 and 2. In experiment 1, the mean total time spent in the treatment pen was longer under condition BBF than under conditions B and BB. In experiment 2, the mean total time spent in the treatment pen was shorter under condition B than under conditions BF and BBF. The mean percentage of time spent ruminating was greater under condition BBF than under condition B. It is concluded that the cows preferred the peer's face picture in the isolated condition of preference testing in this study.  相似文献   

This study examined competition effects on ADG in the feedlot of 1,882 Hereford bulls representing 8 birth years from a selection experiment. Each year, 8 feedlot pens were used to feed bulls in groups, with 2 pens nested within each of the 4 selection lines. Gains were recorded for up to 8 periods of 28 d. Models for analyses included pen effects (fixed or random), fixed effects such as year and line, and random direct genetic, competition genetic (and in some analyses competition environmental), and environmental effects. Each pen mate as a competitor affected the records of all others in the pen. All lines traced to common foundation animals, so the numerator relationships among and within pens were the bases for separating direct and competition genetic effects and pen effects. For this population and pen conditions (average of 30 bulls per pen), the major results were 1) competition genetic effects seemed present for the first 28-d period but not for the following 7 periods; 2) models with pens considered as fixed effects could not separate variances and covariance due to direct and competition genetic effects; 3) models without competition effects had large estimates of the variance component due to pen effects for gain through 8 periods; and 4) models with genetic and environmental competition effects accounted for nearly all of the variance traditionally attributed to pen effects (even though estimates of the competition variance component were small, the estimates of pen variance were near zero).  相似文献   

四川9个黑山羊品种(群体)微卫星DNA多态性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以10个微卫星标记,PCR扩增,12%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、Sanguinetti银染法显色,对四川建昌、金堂、乐至、合江、江安、自贡、嘉陵、营山、白玉9个黑山羊品种(群体),进行微卫星DNA遗传多态性研究。结果表明,10个微卫星座位在9个黑山羊品种(群体)中均为高度多态座位,建昌、金堂、乐至、合江、江安、自贡、嘉陵、营山和白玉黑山羊的平均PIC、H和Ne分别为:0.7352/0.7739/5.0176、0.7244/0.7632/4.4838、0.7503/0.7827/4.8782、0.7702/0.8007/5.2861、0.7402/0.7771/4.5768、0.7465/0.7846/4.8556、0.7511/o.7889/4.9591、0.7604/0.7905/4.8869和0.6970/0.7417/4.2728。嘉陵与营山黑山羊在D=0.386处聚为1类;自贡与江安黑山羊在D=0.428处聚在一起后,在D=0.456处再与合江黑山羊聚为1类;金堂与乐至黑山羊在D=0.437处聚为1类;白玉与建昌黑山羊在D=0.489处聚为1类。最后4种聚为1大类。  相似文献   

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