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一、“虚实并存”耕作技术该项技术是通过间隔深松,使土壤形成虚实并存的结构,达到抗旱保墒、用地养地的目的。实施要点:对平论密植作物(小麦),深松间隔为60~8cm,深度23~30cm。深松时节在播前整地时进行,也可在苗期结合早期中耕进行。苗期深松时注意,一是时间宜早,以免苗大伤根;二是松后及时镇压,防止跑墒。作业机具可选用河间市组合犁厂生产的多用组合犁。从试验结果看,玉米增产9.7%~18.2%,小麦增产12.7%~18%,棉花增产7.5%~18.8%。二、夏玉米免耕播种小麦收割后用免耕播种机将玉米直接插于麦茬地中,效率高…  相似文献   

深松处理对豫北农田土壤水分与作物耗水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索豫北潮土区冬小麦-夏玉米周年复种连作合理的深松技术指标,于2017—2018年在河南省获嘉县冬小麦播种前进行深松田间试验。采用2种深松机具(T,传统深松机; A,深松+施肥一体机),在传统深松机(T)上设置3个深松深度(D1,30 cm; D2,35 cm; D3,40 cm)和深松+施肥一体机(A)上设置1个深松深度(D2,35 cm),同时以常规旋耕(CK,平均耕作深度为15 cm)为对照,通过测定土壤容重、作物生育期内不同时间段的土壤含水率以及作物收获后的产量和产量性状,分析各深松处理对作物产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,深松方式能够改变土壤容重,显著降低豫北农田10~30 cm土层的土壤容重。不同深松处理可以显著影响土壤含水率,增加田间蓄水能力,周年0~100 cm土层贮水量两季作物不同处理由大到小依次为TD2、TD1、TD3、AD2、CK,且各处理较旋耕对照依次分别显著增加34. 9%、28. 9%、28. 5%、27. 0%(p 0. 05)。深松处理还可以显著增加作物的穗数和穗粒数,提高作物产量,各处理两季产量较旋耕对照平均增加8. 3%,且冬小麦的增产效应大于夏玉米。同时,深松还能较大幅度地提高冬小麦-夏玉米复种体系作物的水分利用效率,深松处理两季较旋耕对照平均提高12. 4%,并显著降低了作物的耗水量和耗水强度,其中以传统深松机深松40 cm处理的效果最优。因此,在冬小麦播种前深松,有利于土壤耕层合理构建,并提高作物产量和水分利用效率,对以旱作冬小麦-夏玉米复种体系为主的豫北地区有很高的推广价值。  相似文献   

耕作方式对豫东夏玉米产量和水分利用效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
豫东地区夏玉米生长季恰逢雨季,季节性强降水经常导致农田积水,使玉米生长受到涝渍灾害威胁,为探索当地夏玉米的适宜栽培管理模式,试验设置播前翻耕、深松和旋耕3种耕作处理,并以当地种植习惯的免耕贴茬播种为对照,通过田间小区试验重点研究了不同耕作方式对农田土壤水分、夏玉米农艺性状、籽粒产量及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,与免耕贴茬播种处理相比,翻耕和深松处理均能在强降雨后有效降低表层土壤含水率,增加夏玉米生长中后期的株高和叶面积;翻耕和深松处理籽粒产量分别提高了26.55%和19.67%;翻耕和深松处理水分利用效率分别提高了15.37%和9.69%,旋耕处理降低了3.45%。综合考虑夏玉米籽粒产量、水分利用效率等因素,翻耕和深松措施是适宜于豫东地区夏玉米高产的栽培模式。  相似文献   

以土壤容重、含水量和玉米产量为指标,研究耕作方式对土壤物理性状及玉米产量的影响。试验结果表明:与传统耕作相比,深松使0~40 cm耕层的土壤容重下降8.1%,且生物产量和经济产量均最高,增产7.11%。深松与传统耕作处理间差异显著。  相似文献   

秸秆残茬覆盖对土壤贮水量、地温及大豆产量的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验通过深松覆盖、浅松覆盖、玉米原垄留茬覆盖、玉米原垄留茬条带覆盖、玉米原垄留茬全覆盖与传统耕作对比,旨在得出各种耕作措施对土壤贮水量、地温的影响,并通过对大豆产量的对比分析,得出能够提高大豆产量的最佳秸秆残茬覆盖方式。试验结果表明,不同耕作处理模式对土壤贮水量影响不同,其中玉米原垄留茬全覆盖影响最大,浅松覆盖影响最小;5种秸秆残茬处理的地温均低于传统耕作,深松覆盖和浅松覆盖更接近于传统耕作。浅松覆盖和深松覆盖是有利于提高产量的耕作方式。  相似文献   

为推广保护性耕作技术,在法库地区3个乡镇进行深松技术应用试验。对深松地块和传统耕作地块各项指标进行测定,结果表明:深松地块比对比田土壤水分含量高、玉米长势好、产量高。证明应用深松技术可增强土壤蓄水保墒能力,有利于玉米生长发育,促进农民增收。  相似文献   

为精确研究不同耕作方式对夏玉米土壤水分变化的影响,选择常规耕作秸秆还田和深松秸秆还田两种耕作措施,通过对两种耕作方式下玉米全生育期土壤水分的实时监测,分析玉米土壤水分在不同时间尺度的动态变化规律。研究结果表明:(1)深松能提高10、30、70 cm土壤含水量,分别提高了7.66%、8.74%和6.37%,两种耕作方式下30 cm土层的土壤含水量变化呈现较大差异;(2)从小时尺度研究发现两种耕作方式下雨后各层土壤含水量的变化过程差异较大。雨后土壤水达到饱和后常规耕作时10 cm土壤水在晚上突降,而深松耕作在一天内逐渐下降;(3)除出苗期外,深松能显著提高其他生育期的土壤含水量,拔节期和灌浆期提升最多,分别提升5.00%和6.03%;(4)深松增产5.70%。  相似文献   

为推广保护性耕作技术,在法库地区3个乡镇进行深松技术应用试验.对深松地块和传统耕作地块各项指标进行测定,结果表明:深松地块比对比田土壤水分含量高、玉米长势好、产量高.证明应用深松技术可增强土壤蓄水保墒能力,有利于玉米生长发育,促进农民增收.  相似文献   

2002年,辽宁省农机局将昌图县列入施实保护性耕作示范县。到2008年底,全县已实施保护性耕作面积5.3hm^2,辐射面积12hm^2。用5种模式开展试验,最后确定了两种比较有效的方式作为昌图县的推广模式。其一是秸秆覆盖深松浅旋模式。工艺流程为:玉米收获→秸秆还田→垄沟深松→浅旋精量播种→药剂灭草。其二是高留茬深松模式。工艺流程为:秸秆收获运出→高留茬越冬→垄沟深松→旋耕灭茬→精量播种→药剂灭草。两种模式与传统耕作模式进行了对比试验,对土壤含水量、土壤容重、土壤风蚀、  相似文献   

秸秆覆盖对土壤水分及夏玉米产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
秸秆覆盖是减少棵间无效水分蒸发,提高根层土壤含水量及水分利用效率的有效途径,在北京大兴县的3年使用表明,覆盖秸秆3.0t/hm2,可有效保持表层土壤结构,使表层土壤含水量提高2%~11%,且越是干旱年份保水保墒效果越显著,夏玉米出苗率提高4%~13%;可使作物总干物质产量提高26%,籽粒产量提高20%。研究结果显示秸秆覆盖技术具有明显节水增产效果,在半干旱的夏玉米种植区,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

Depleting groundwater resources in Indian Punjab call for diversifying from rice to crops with low evapo-transpiration needs and adopting water-saving technologies. Soybean offers a diversification option in coarse- to medium-textured soils. However, its productivity in these soils is constrained by high soil mechanical resistance and high soil temperature during early part of the growing season. These constraints can be alleviated through irrigation, deep tillage and straw mulching. This 3-years field study examines the individual and combined effects of irrigation, deep tillage, and straw mulching regimes on soybean yield and water productivity (WP) in relation to soil texture. Combinations of two irrigation regimes viz., full irrigation (If), and partial irrigation (Ip) in the main plot; two tillage regimes viz., conventional-till (CT)-soil stirring to 0.10 m depth, and deep tillage (DT)-chiseling down to 0.35 m depth followed by CT in the subplot; and two mulch rates viz., 0 (M0) and 6 t ha−1 (M) in the sub-subplot on two soils differing in available water capacity were evaluated.Seed yield was greater in the sandy loam than in the loamy sand reflecting the effects of available water capacity. Irrigation effects were greater on loamy sand (40%) than on sandy loam (5%) soil. Deep tillage benefits were also more on loamy sand (14%) compared to sandy loam (5%) soil. Yield gains with mulching were comparable on the two soils (19%). An evaluation of interaction effects showed that mulching response was slightly more in Ip (20%) than in If regimes (17%) in the sandy loam; while in the loamy sand, mulching gains were comparable (18-19%) in both irrigation regimes. Benefits of deep tillage in the loamy sand soil were more in Ip (20%) than in If regimes (17%). Deep tillage and straw mulching enhanced WP (ratio of seed yield/water use) from 1.39 to 1.97 kg ha−1 mm−1 in Ip regime, and from 1.87 to 2.33 kg ha−1 mm−1 in If regime in the loamy sand soil. These effects on WP were less in the sandy loam soil with greater available water capacity. Yield and WP gains are ascribed to deeper and denser rooting due to moderation of soil temperature and water conservation with straw mulching and tillage-induced reduction in soil mechanical resistance. Root mass in CTM0, CTM, DTM0 and DTM was 2.79, 5.88, 5.34 and 5.58 mg cm−2 at pod-filling in the loamy sand soil. Comparable yield responses to deep tillage or mulching in the loamy sand soil suggest that either of the options, depending on their cost and availability considerations, can be employed for improving soybean yield and water productivity.  相似文献   

Kansas State University initiated studies in 1989 to develop the methodology for successful application of subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) for corn production on the deep silt loam soils of the Central Great Plains, USA. Irrigation water use for corn can be reduced by 35–55% when using SDI compared with more traditional forms of irrigation in the region. Irrigation frequency has not been a critical issue when SDI is used for corn production on the deep silt loam soils of the region. A dripline spacing of 1.5 m has been found to be most economical for corn grown in 0.76 m spaced rows. Nitrogen fertigation was a very effective management tool with SDI, helping to maximize corn grain yield, while obtaining high efficiencies of nitrogen and water use. The research SDI systems have been utilized since 1989 without replacement or major degradation. SDI systems lasting 10–20 years are cost competitive for corn production with the more traditional forms of irrigation in the Great Plains for certain field sizes.Communicated by P. Thorburn  相似文献   

为提高秸秆与沼肥同步翻埋还田的腐解效果,在室温条件下,秸秆中混施沼肥,采用网袋法模拟翻埋还田,在105 d的试验周期内,探讨在土壤中配施生物炭对秸秆与沼肥同步翻埋还田腐解的影响规律。结果表明,在土壤中配施生物炭能显著提高秸秆各指标的降解速度,且不同土壤之间玉米秸秆的降解率表现为砂土组大于壤土组,添加生物炭组大于未添加生物炭组,试验结束时,壤土组、壤土+生物炭组、砂土组、砂土+生物炭组的降解率分别为69.96%、74.63%、78.19%和79.14%;腐解前49 d为秸秆各组分的快速腐解期,后期腐解速率逐渐变慢;秸秆的降解率与纤维素降解率具有显著的相关性,添加生物炭对木质素的降解具有显著的促进作用,且木质素的降解与有机碳的降解呈正相关性。  相似文献   

2015年焦作广利灌区灌溉试验站设置了夏玉米不同水分处理的桶栽试验,定量研究了不同水分处理对夏玉米单株生物量、水分积累量及水分生理利用效率动态变化的影响,结果表明:夏玉米单株生物量和水分积累量随播种后天数的动态变化呈现S型曲线,土壤含水量维持在70%左右田间持水量下地上部生物量、水分积累量最高,其动态累积模型的特征参数值最为协调,产量最高。在拔节期之前,夏玉米水分生理利用效率在不同水分处理间保持在0.8~1之间,拔节之后迅速下降并维持在0.3左右,不容易受到外界环境影响,可以作为一个评价夏玉米品种水分利用效率高低的指标。  相似文献   

随着机械化耕整地设备的快速普及,在生产效率提升的同时,也因连年重复性的耕整地和轮式机具对土壤产生的压实造成土壤退化和犁底层深厚问题.为有效改善传统耕整地作业造成的耕地土壤退化问题,打破耕地犁底层的不良影响,深松整地作业近年来得到了快速推广与应用.在玉米生产过程中,应用深松整地技术能有效改善玉米生长环境并提高玉米产量.从...  相似文献   

Mechanisms of crop root water uptake play an important role in agricultural water management. In this study, stable isotopes were used to understand root water uptake patterns for the main crops (summer corn and cotton) in Shanxi Province, China. Precipitation, irrigation water, soil water, groundwater and stem water were sampled for stable isotopes analyses, and supported by hydrological observations. Both direct inference of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes between stem water and the soil water profile, and multiple-source mass balance assessment were applied to estimate the main depths of root water uptake of crops in different growing seasons. The results show that summer corn and cotton have different root water uptake patterns: summer corn mainly uses the shallow soil water from 0 to 20 cm layer (96-99%) in jointing stage and extending to 20-50 cm (58-85%) in flowering stage, then 0-20 cm (69-76%) again in full ripe stage. In contrast, the main depth of root water uptake of cotton gradually increases during the whole growth stage: from 0 to 20 cm (27-49%) in seedling stage, 20-50 cm (79-84%) in bud stage, 50-90 cm (30-92%) in blooming stage and >90 cm (69-92%) in boll open stage.  相似文献   

保水剂对土壤持水性影响及在不同土壤中效果比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为分析保水剂对土壤持水性的影响以及对不同土壤持水效果进行比较,按保水剂质量占土壤质量百分比设计0.10%、0.30%、0.50%、1.00%、以及对照(土壤不加保水剂)5个处理进行室内试验。结果表明:保水剂可提高土壤的持水性,土壤保水率随保水剂用量增加而增大,3种土壤施用比例为0.10%~1.00%的保水剂,经过7h恒温蒸发后土壤平均保水率较对照提高103%~187%。但是,当保水剂达到一定用量后,保水率增幅效果不显著。综合3种土壤平均保水率,保水剂比例为0.10%时,恒温蒸发7h后与对照差异显著,当比例增大至0.30%时,虽然与对照相比存在显著差异,但与比例为0.10%时相比无显著差异,当比例逐渐增大至0.50%和1.00%时,与比例为0.30%时相比,相互间也无显著差异。保水剂对提高不同土壤持水性方面的功效存在差异,且差异的大小与水分蒸发时间及保水剂用量有关。土壤水分蒸发初期(1~2h),不同保水剂用量,3种土壤的保水率无明显差异;土壤水分蒸发后期(2h后),保水剂对提高不同土壤持水效果的差异逐渐显现,总体上在黏粒含量较低的壤沙土中的应用效果要好于黏粒含量较高的沙黏壤土和壤土。3种土壤施用比例为0.10%~1.00%,经过7h恒温蒸发后保水率较对照提高分别为:壤沙土293.08%~591.29%,沙黏壤土181.85%~249.78%,壤土29.53%~73.03%。针对本试验所测试的壤沙土、沙黏壤土和壤土3种土壤,保水剂更适宜在黏粒含量较低的壤沙土中使用,用量以保水剂占土壤质量百分比为0.10%为宜。  相似文献   

【目的】更加有效地控制土壤含水率,指导节水灌溉。【方法】采用负水头土壤水分湿润锋运移试验和Hydrus-3D三维土壤水分运移数值模型,研究了山西榆次砂土、壤土在负水头高度(0、-0.5、-1.0m)时的土壤水分湿润锋运移规律和模型的有效性。【结果】水分累积入渗量随着时间的增加逐渐增大,与时间呈良好的幂函数关系;湿润锋随着时间的增加逐渐向水平、垂直方向扩大,曲线呈1/4椭囿状,最大湿润距离与时间的平方根呈良好的线性关系;湿润锋入渗速度随着负水头高度的增加逐渐减小,与时间呈良好的幂函数关系。实测湿润锋包络面积与模型计算值的偏差,砂土为0.51%~7.21%,壤土为0.22%~16.03%。【结论】所建三维模型可以用于描述负水头环境下土壤水分湿润锋的运移特征,并用于预测各种条件改变下的湿润锋运移和含水率分布。  相似文献   

Spate irrigation is a method of flood water harvesting, practiced in Dera Ismael Khan (D.I. Khan), Pakistan for agricultural production for the last several hundred years in which during monsoon period flood water is used for irrigation before wheat sowing. A field study on the effect of different pre-sowing water application depths on the yield of wheat was conducted during 2006-2007. The spate irrigation command areas normally receive the flood water as a result of rainfall on the mountains during the months of July to September, which also carries a significant amount of sediment load. The flood water flows in different torrents and is diverted through earthen bunds to the fields for irrigation with depth of water application ranging from 21 to 73 cm and resulted in sediment deposition of 1.8-3.6 cm per irrigation. In this study, the effect on wheat yield of three different pre-sowing water application depths (D1 < 30 cm, D2 = 30-45 cm and D3 > 45 cm) were studied under field conditions. Fifteen fields with field sizes of about 2-3 ha were randomly selected, in each field five samples were collected for analysis of soil physical properties, yield and yield components. Five major soil texture classes (silty clay, clay loam, silty clay loam, silt loam and loam) were found in the area with water-holding capacity ranging from 23% to 36.3% (on a volume basis) and bulk density varied from 1.35 to 1.42 g cm−3. About 36% more grain yield was obtained from loam soil fields, followed by silt loam (24%) as compared to wheat grown on silty clay soil condition. The maximum wheat grain yield of 3448 kg ha−1 was obtained from fields with water application depths of 30-45 cm and the lowest wheat yield was recorded in fields with water application depths greater than 45 cm. On-farm application efficiencies ranged from 22% to 93% with an overall average of about 49%. Due to large and uneven fields, a lot of water is lost. In general, the application efficiency decreased with increasing water application depth. Based on the results of this research, in arid to semi-arid environments, for optimum wheat yield under spate irrigation, the pre-sowing water application depth may be about 30-45 cm (September to July) and under or over irrigation should be avoided.  相似文献   

This work describes the influence of the application of sugar foam (an organic residue from sugar beet industry) on water retention properties, over an extended period of time (>25 years), in two red soils in the La Mancha region of Spain. The properties of gravimetric moisture at field capacity, gravimetric moisture in the permanent wilting point and available water retention capacity both in the original soil - without the addition of sugar foam - and in the soil affected by the addition of sugar foam are compared. For this purpose, the profiles are characterised macro morphologically. Chemical, physical-chemical and mineralogical parameters are determined, in addition to determining the water retention curves of each soil with tensiometers and Richards pressure plates.The sugar foam applied to the soil altered its physical and chemical properties. An increase in contents of organic matter (3.5% versus 1.4%), calcium carbonate (40.8% versus 0%) and pH (8.2 versus 6.3) are observed in the superficial horizon of the studied soils, although there is no such significant increase in electrical conductivity (0.33 dS/m versus 0.25 dS/m). With regard to the physical properties, the depth of horizon A increases (32 cm versus 12 cm), the stoniness reduces (5% versus 25%), the structure is well developed, due to the texture becomes finer (silty versus sandy clay loam), and, finally, the bulk density reduces (0.79 g cm−3 versus 1.19 g cm−3).The gravimetric moisture at field capacity was 49% in the soil altered with sugar foam, versus 12% in the non-altered soil; the gravimetric moisture in the permanent wilting point was 14.5% versus 8% and the available water retention capacity was 34.5% and 4%, respectively. It can be concluded that the increase of calcium carbonate, organic matter and the reduction of bulk density are the most influential factors in this process. The scientific novelty of this work is that the hydro-behaviour of the soil due to the addition of sugar foam improves the characteristic values of moisture and, therefore, the agronomical qualities of the soil.  相似文献   

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