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马鞍列岛人工鱼礁区海域底质特征及其承载力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人工鱼礁是海洋牧场建设的重要组成部分,科学的选址是人工鱼礁区建设的必要环节。通过对浙江嵊泗马鞍列岛人工鱼礁区备选海域附近采集的底质柱状样品的分析,测得了每个站点底质柱样的粒度、含水率、天然密度等物理性质,以及贯入强度、抗剪强度等力学性质。用谢帕德和福克沉积物分类法分析粒度结果,发现所研究海域的底质由砂、粉砂、黏土构成,粉砂含量最高,主要以砂质粉砂为主。不同区域的底质因其粒度组分、孔隙率、天然密度等不同,其含水率不同,造成底质的承载力也不同。对底质物理性质与力学性质间的相关性分析表明,底质的含水率与贯入强度、抗剪破坏强度均存在较强的线性负相关,相关系数分别为–0.67和–0.64,可作为人工鱼礁投放底质适宜性评估的重要依据。通过建立底泥含水率与粒度间的回归方程可为大面积的底质承载力研究提供科学依据,并大幅降低调查的工程量。  相似文献   

粤东柘林湾溜牛人工鱼礁建设选址生态基础评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用层次分析法,构建了基于生态系统效应的资源保护型人工鱼礁建设选址评价方法,通过选择水文、水质、底质和浮游生物、鱼卵仔鱼、大型底栖动物、游泳动物、初级生产力、潮间带大型底栖动物等30个海洋环境与海洋生物因子,建立了人工鱼礁建设选址生态评估模型;以柘林湾溜牛人工鱼礁区选址区域为例,对所选因子进行了春、夏、秋、冬4个季度的跟踪监测,探讨了该海区进行人工鱼礁建设的适宜性,根据该模型计算得出各季度人工鱼礁建设选址生态基础评价指数分别为0.65、0.71、0.63、0.64,平均为0.66,计算结果表明,该区域建礁生态基础良好,适宜选址开展人工鱼礁建设,其中生态基础最优的季节为夏季。  相似文献   

潮流作用下人工鱼礁山海域泥沙输运的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林军  吴星辰  杨伟 《水产学报》2020,44(12):2087-2099
为探究人工鱼礁投放后对海域底质的影响,实验基于海洋数值模型FVCOM (finite volume community ocean model)及其泥沙计算模块,对嵊泗马鞍列岛的人工鱼礁山的流场效应、悬沙和底床泥沙冲淤效果进行了数值模拟研究。数值模型中圆台型堆积人工鱼礁山设置为直径100 m、高度10 m,将人工鱼礁山部分简化为密闭空间并减去相应高度的水深,以体现潮流作用下鱼礁山周围的泥沙悬浮、底床冲淤效应。通过对大小潮期间涨急、落急时刻流场的分析,结果发现鱼礁山对流速的影响主要体现在鱼礁山附近,礁体上方及潮流主轴两侧的底层流速增加,背流面一侧流速大幅减弱。鱼礁山投放前后悬浮泥沙含量的差异与流场变化趋势比较接近,最大值不超过0.01 g/L。海床的泥沙冲淤结果在人工鱼礁山周围表现为沿涨、落潮主轴方向淤积,两侧冲刷,冲淤结果在±0.5 m左右,且水平影响范围在鱼礁山2倍直径,即约200 m以内,由人工鱼礁引起的泥沙输运过程是一个局部变化过程。研究表明,为避免局部过度冲刷,需对鱼礁山潮流椭圆短轴侧的附近海底使用特殊护底型礁体进行加固处理。潮流速度过大、且底质易严重冲淤的海域不适合建设人工鱼礁山。  相似文献   

关于人工鱼礁礁址选择的探讨   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
人工鱼礁的礁址选择在整个人工鱼礁建设项目中具有举足轻重的地位,它决定了人工鱼礁建设项目的成败。在投放人工鱼礁时,要受到海域的功能区划的限制,还有包括海域的底质类型、水流、水深、风浪等多种因康的影响,要充分发挥人工鱼礁修复海洋生态环境和增殖渔业资源等功能,必须综合考虑各种有关因素,采用科学的方法和步骤选定人工鱼礁的投放地点。  相似文献   

张海松 《齐鲁渔业》2013,(10):26-28
人工鱼礁礁体的选型需考虑拟投礁海域生物种类的习性,以适应不同生物的需要。礁体的高度必须考虑投礁区的水深、底质及船舶的航行安全。根据以往建造人工鱼礁的经验,选择普通花岗岩石材和钢筋混凝土结构的礁体比较合适,因为这2种鱼礁建造成本低,  相似文献   

<正>1人工鱼礁的选型人工鱼礁礁体的选型需考虑拟投礁海域生物种类的习性,以适应不同生物的需要。礁体的高度必须考虑投礁区的水深、底质及船舶的航行安全。根据以往建造人工鱼礁的经验,选择普通花岗岩石材和钢筋混凝土结构的礁体比较合适,因为这两种鱼礁建造成本低,取材容易,且在海水中性能稳定,具有很强的耐腐蚀功能,长期放置无有害物质扩散,对海域生态环境无污染。此外,石材和混凝土构件鱼礁易被生物附着,可使水域中生  相似文献   

以2010年在舟山中街山列岛黄兴岛西侧海域进行的人工鱼礁选址工作为例,介绍了SED型单波束测深仪海上数据采集流程和注意事项,详细探讨了数据校正的方法和效果。结果表明:(1)测深仪的数据经过奇异值校正和潮差校正数据更趋合理,校正后数据误差明显减低。(2)使用相对廉价的单波束测深仪,通过测线的加密以及连络线的合理布设,得到了较为理想的鱼礁靶区的水深资料,降低了选址初期的探测成本。  相似文献   

郭禹  章守宇  程晓鹏  林军 《水产学报》2020,44(10):1695-1706
为掌握马鞍列岛岛礁海域渔业资源时空分布特征及其与环境间的关系,于2016年12月、2017年3月与5月,使用BioSonics DT-X科学回声探测仪辅以拖网采样对该海域进行3次声学调查。调查结果显示,2016年12月、2017年3月与5月分别评估鱼类46、32、43种,3次声学调查评估鱼类平均丰度密度分别为2.7×104、1.98×104和1.45×104尾/km2,鱼类平均资源量密度分别为0.33、0.34和0.30 t/km2,海域内评估鱼类资源总量分别为132、141和126 t。结果显示,3次调查鱼类丰度密度逐渐递减,3月资源量密度和资源量最高,其次为12月和5月。海区底层资源密度最高,中层次之,表层最少,资源密度水平分布与水深之间无明显线性关系,底层资源丰度密度与底质中粉砂质含量呈显著正相关性(R20.75)。近礁区资源丰度密度远高于远礁区,近礁区各月资源丰度密度与温度、盐度无显著线性关系,与溶解氧之间呈一定线性关系(R2=0.72);远礁区各月资源丰度密度与温度呈显著线性关系(R2=0.91),与溶解氧间线性相关性较弱(R2=0.63),与盐度间无明显线性关系。研究证实声学方法在马鞍列岛岛礁海域渔业资源评估中具有良好的作用效果,为后续进一步开展岛礁海域以及人工鱼礁区渔业资源增殖效果评估研究提供了科学依据与现实基础。  相似文献   

浙江沿岸休闲生态型人工鱼礁初选点的环境适宜性分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据对浙江沿岸拟投放休闲生态型人工鱼礁的17个测站34个航次的环境本底调查结果,从水质、底质、生物环境等方面分析了投礁的可行性,并对浙江沿岸北部的绿华、朱家尖,中部的渔山、大陈和南部的虎头屿5个已经开始投礁的试放点的环境适宜性进行了论证,用水质、底质、生物三大类14个指标进行了分析评估和排序。结果表明,浙江沿岸除局部海域水色较浑、水流较急、易发赤潮外,大部分水质、底质和生物指标适合投放人工鱼礁。经分析评估和排序后,5个试放点的环境适宜性排序依次为渔山、虎头屿、绿华、朱家尖和大陈。  相似文献   

东海区资源保护型人工鱼礁生态效果评价体系的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学评价鱼礁生态效果对后续鱼礁建设具有重要现实意义。从鱼礁生态效果产生原理出发,以鱼礁的自然特征、流场效应、水质与底质、饵料生物、鱼类与大型无脊椎动物5方面作为评价准则,建立了2个评价层次共29个评价指标的指标体系。在查阅文献和分析调查资料基础上,确定了定量评价指标的模糊隶属函数和定性指标的评判依据以作为评价指标的评价标准。运用三标度层次分析法确定了评价指标的权重。对2个代表性资源保护型鱼礁的生态效果进行了评价。评价结果与实际调查情况基本吻合。评价方法可以作为有关鱼礁生态效果评价的依据。  相似文献   

Petrarch's Principle, named here, is to know things unseen, yet to ignore things seen. We apply the principle to the debate over the appropriate role and utility of human-made reefs (HMRs) in fishery and ecosystem management by reviewing four linked issues that were discussed at the recent 7th International Conference on Artificial Reefs and Related Aquatic Habitats. First, deploying protected HMRs can help to mitigate the depletion of fishery stocks through overharvest and habitat degradation. Secondly, to achieve this objective effectively, it is essential that HMRs are protected as no-take areas, and that, thirdly, HMRs are large, well-planned, evaluated and monitored. Finally, ecosystem modelling and adaptive management responses are necessary to forecast and manage the benefits of HMRs. Moreover, uncertainty about the resolution of the well-rehearsed attraction/production debate may be resolved by ensuring that HMRs are managed as protected no-take areas. And to ensure an unbiased attitude that will aid the clarification of consequences, costs and benefits, we propose a change in terminology, from artificial reefs to human-made reefs.  相似文献   

Abstract  Artificial reefs have been deployed along the southern coast of Portugal (Algarve) since 1990 to enhance artisanal fisheries. The objectives of this study were to: (1) describe the colonisation process; (2) assess the role of the artificial reefs in terms of juvenile recruitment and growth and as mating/spawning areas and (3) evaluate the potential of artificial reefs as near shore artisanal fishing grounds for three economically important fish species, Diplodus bellottii (Steindachner), Diplodus sargus (L.) and Diplodus vulgaris (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire). The fish assemblages were monitored after the deployment of a large artificial reef (Faro/Ancão) in 2002. Colonisation rates for the three species were fast. Artificial reefs play a multiple role for Diplodus spp., acting as recruitment, growth and nursery areas for juveniles, and spawning/mating areas for adults, and can thus be considered essential fish habitat. Three months after deployment of the artificial reefs, exploitable biomass was 16, 29 and 8 kg per reef group, respectively, for D. bellotti , D. sargus and D. vulgaris . These results indicate that artificial reefs quickly become good fishing grounds, where suitable financial yields may be obtained by fisher. Moreover, the artificial reefs became new and alternative fishing grounds, allowing reduction of fishing effort over traditional rocky areas that are scarce along the Algarve coast. Management measures for artificial reefs, in terms of fishing strategies, are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract  Reef fishes were compared between artificial reefs with ( n  =   20) and without ( n  =   20) epibenthic communities in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Artificial reefs were built in June 2003; half were coated with copper-based paint to prevent epibenthic community development. Reefs were surveyed by SCUBA divers to estimate fish abundance in the autumn and winter 2003 and spring 2004. Total fish abundance and abundance of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus (Poey), and gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscus Gmelin, were significantly ( P  ≤   0.05) higher on reefs with epibenthic communities. In the spring 2004, the abundance of belted sandfish, Serranus subligarius (Cope), the size of red snapper and community measures of diversity and evenness were significantly ( P  ≤   0.05) greater on unpainted reefs. These significant differences provide evidence that reef fishes were positively affected by the presence of epibenthic organisms that probably provided increased food resources.  相似文献   

营养盐作为海水生物的基本生源要素,其含量与分布显著影响渔业资源分布与渔业活动。为了探究海洋牧场生态环境分布状况,并为海洋牧场的开发管理提供科学指导,于2017年12月—2018年9月对小竹山岛海洋牧场区进行4个航次的季度调查,分析并讨论了该海区营养盐分布特征,并针对虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)和深水网箱增养殖活动,选取海水营养水平指数、叶绿素a浓度、温度、盐度、水深和底质类型等指标,对增养殖适宜性进行了探究。结果显示,活性磷酸盐(DIP)浓度为冬季>夏季>秋季>春季,浓度值分别为0.032、0.021、0.017和0.015 mg/L。无机氮(DIN)浓度为秋季>冬季>夏季>春季,浓度值分别为0.26、0.21、0.20和0.18mg/L。DIP和DIN浓度在4个季节间差异明显,但季节内分布均匀。受到地形坡度和人工鱼礁投放的影响,在人工鱼礁投放区域的中下层水体有较高的营养盐浓度。增养殖适宜性结果显示,虾夷扇贝增养殖适宜性指数在冬季和夏季较高,适宜在海洋牧场西部区域进行增养殖活动。深水网箱增养殖适宜性指数在夏季和秋季较高,...  相似文献   

1. The distribution and abundance of reefs of Serpula vermicularis was examined in Loch Creran, the only known remaining site of reefs of this species in Scotland. In view of the decline in populations elsewhere, the aims included assessment of the importance of the Scottish population in terms of conservation of the reef habitat and the establishment of a baseline against which future changes could be gauged. A further objective was to determine appropriate conservation management of the reefs by examining the influence of both natural and anthropogenic factors. 2. Reefs were largely restricted to a depth range of 1–13 m. Factors controlling the depth distribution are discussed. 3. Serpula vermicularis reefs colonized a variety of substrata, but predominantly grew on lamellibranch shells on a seabed of muddy sand. There was some evidence that reef abundance was influenced by the availability of suitable substrata. 4. A belt of scattered reefs fringed much of the coastline of the loch with profuse reef development at two sites, where reef coverage exceeded 10% of the seabed. In terms of total abundance of Serpula vermicularis reefs, Loch Creran represents the major world site for reef development. It is concluded that the reefs of Loch Creran are of significant nature conservation importance and grounds for the establishment of conservation management are discussed. 5. Reef development is apparently curtailed in areas of strong currents and high flushing rate. There is evidence that human activity has adversely influenced reef growth through the discharge of organic factory effluent and the physical disturbance caused by mooring ground tackle. Scallop dredging also represents a significant threat to the persistence of serpulid reefs. Methods of minimising damage to this rare and fragile feature are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了研究长江三峡水库变动回水区人工鱼礁建设后的效果,分别于2019年8月和12月,采用渔业资源传统调查与水声学探测结合的方法,对铜锣峡江段开展了资源现状调查.结果显示:人工鱼礁区域鱼类组成共计70种,隶属于6目14科,其中长江上游特有鱼类10种;人工鱼礁区域鱼类分布以小个体为主,夏季和冬季体长超过6 cm的个体占比分别...  相似文献   

Land suitability analysis is a prerequisite for successful aquaculture, and site selection affects both the success and sustainability of any aquaculture development. There is an urgent need for appropriate methodology to assist planners for site selection in aquaculture development. Site selection can be viewed as a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is a proven, effective method used to solve problem of site selection. This paper applied geographic information systems (GIS), the AHP method, and MCDM to identify areas that are suitable for shrimp aquaculture development in coastal area of Hormozgan, Iran. To create models, combination of layers was carried out through Boolean operators and weighted linear combination (WLC) method. After performing the combination models, the results are presented and compared. Evaluation of the results shows that the most of the areas classified suitable in WLC model coincide with the existing shrimp farms and this indicates the validity of the GIS-based WLC model. The areas with the highest priorities are situated in eastern part of the study area. Since existing shrimp farms cover a small extent in the study area, further expansion of shrimp farming to other areas is possible.  相似文献   

Understanding succession of fish communities associated with artificial structures is required to assess the potential of these initiatives as part of fisheries enhancement strategies and determine possible impacts on the broader ecological community. Artificial reef systems constructed in three south‐eastern Australian estuaries were monitored over a four‐year period. Recruitment of fish to the artificial reefs was rapid, with significantly greater species richness observed on artificial reefs than on natural habitats for the majority of locations and times. The rate of community change varied between estuaries and appeared to be related to the quality and amount of existing habitat and the distance of the artificial reef from sources of recruitment. General patterns were also identified among estuaries driven by strong recruitment, followed by a rapid reduction in several mobile schooling species. By contrast, there was early and sustained recruitment of a variety of sparid species, which are of importance to recreational and commercial fisheries.  相似文献   

杨伟  林军  唐建江  杨冠林 《水产学报》2022,46(12):2366-2382
为在大尺度海洋模型中合理体现透水性人工鱼礁组合,基于海洋数值模式FVCOM(finite volume community ocean model)模拟了大陈岛拟建人工鱼礁区的水动力情况,比较了阻滞力法、实心礁法和附加底摩擦法在投礁前后的垂向流速、礁顶平面流速、水体向上输运通量和背涡流体积的差异,并根据投礁前后的流速差异,应用经验公式预测了投礁一年后底床泥沙冲淤情况。数值模拟结果表明,礁体组合迎流面产生上升流,礁体背流面流速减小,涨急时刻所形成缓流区长度在礁体组合长度20倍以上,年底床淤积厚度约0.05 m。阻滞力法以减少来流的动态功率密度来模拟礁体对水流的阻滞作用,可有效合理地实现对透水性人工鱼礁流场效应的模拟,避免了实心礁法在透水性鱼礁模拟中过高估计流场效应的问题,也没有附加底摩擦法只适用于低矮礁体的缺陷。阻滞力法可根据透水性礁体的造型、迎流面积、组合个数、布放方式和所处水层而设置各向和各水层的阻流参数,不仅适用于置底型透水性鱼礁,也适用于浮鱼礁。阻滞力法的建立、完善和应用对于今后的人工鱼礁水动力学和生态动力学研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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